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Girl Next Door

Page 11

by Erik Schubach

  I started breathing faster, but she hugged me again, calming me. “Shhhhh. Sorry, didn't mean to start getting heavy. Come on...” She tilted her head toward the door. “...rumor has it we have a wedding to attend.”

  I took a deep calming breath and nodded and smiled and we pushed our way out the door. I had to grin again, she really did look spectacular in the flowing white satin dress.

  Grandpa Callahan was waiting outside. He wore an all black suit with a charcoal grey shirt. As always, it must have cost thousands for that suit. He towered over both of us. He was a huge man and he had the same piercing blue eyes that mom had and that pale complexion and light hair that looked so good on Mom, but not so much on him. The scar on his face gave him a rugged look.

  He spoke with his deep baritone, “You two look amazing, and Lessa, I'm so proud.” He bent down to give each of us a hug.

  Then I hugged Lessa quickly again and said, “Good luck sis.” Then dashed off to take my place with the wedding party. The red carpet rolled out in the field with the rows of black chairs filled with people on both the bride and groom's sides.

  I took Tay's offered arm and marched down the aisle to the black arbor that framed the breathtaking mountain valley below and soaring peaks on either side. Tay certainly cleaned up nice I shared a grin with him. Maybe I should take Lessa's advice. No... that would feel like cheating on Robin. But... we aren't together.

  The crowd went silent, our march was the cue that the bride would be coming soon. I looked at the arbor where the preacher, a nervous looking Devon, Rose, and Robin. Gawd Goldilocks looked sexy with her blonde hair a counterpoint to the sophisticated black lace dress that almost melted down her form.

  I released Tay's arm and he stood beside Devon and I stood beside Robin, just like in the rehearsal. I bumped Robin's shoulder lightly and she rewarded me with a huge grin. I could smell lavender, which made me sigh.

  The the violin started playing and everyone stood as all eyes swept to the back to where Lessa was standing at the end of the carpet, dwarfed by grandpa Callahan. I grinned over to Sarah Kreitz-Qualls, who was playing a traditional violin for once instead of her electric violin. The wedding march sounded so beautiful, almost haunting. The sky was no longer clear as storm clouds gathered. I sent a warning to the heavens, they better not ruin my sisters big day!

  I looked back at my sister and couldn't stop smiling as she gracefully walked down the aisle on grandpa's arm. My heart was actually hurting I was so happy for her. Grandpa handed her off to Devon, then took a seat with grandma as everyone sat. The preacher gave a beautiful speech and the vows that Lessa and Devon exchanged were heartfelt.

  I feel like a terrible sister because I was too distracted by Robin and her lavender scent to focus on their words. There was a moment of panic that flowed through the crowd when Tay was frantically patting his pockets for the rings before remembering and pulling them out of his breast pocket.

  I was crying happy tears when they kissed. Oh god, my sister is married now! Robin had the same waterworks problem I had. We clasped hands as we stood, bearing witness to love realized. Then they started walking back down the aisle toward the big tent as everyone started throwing birdseed instead of rice.

  The first raindrops started to fall. Everyone rushed into the tent for the reception. I saw mom make a beeline to the dogs to get them into the tent. Robin almost yanked me back to walk slower. “I love the rain,” she whispered. She was looking up into the sky as more and more raindrops fell.

  I had to smile and whispered, “I know you do.” She has mesmerized me on may occasions over the weeks, going out into the rain to revel in it. She looked so... so beautiful just now in her brides maid's dress and that look of joy and wonder on her face.

  I couldn't help it. I pulled her into a hug, gathering her hair in my hands behind her and innocently kissed her jawbone where it met her tempting neck. I whispered again, “I know you do Goldilocks.”

  Lightning struck and I pulled away from her. We were the only ones outside. The lightly sprinkling rain became a torrential downpour as Robin grabbed my hand and I guided her giggling self into the tent. We must have looked a sight, soaked to the bone now. She looked like she was blushing, but it must have been the cold from the rain and wind that was kicking up.

  She held onto my hand for dear life after that, and I didn't want her to let go. After the toasts and the cake, the live music started. It was comprised of a lot of the guests. I know I'm used to hanging around in famous crowds, but I still get a fangirl excitement when I hear my mother and her friends sing.

  Skylar and Kimi Roth... Satin Thunder, started us out with Mirrored Souls. After Devon and Less started to dance then others joined in. A hot breath on my ear and a whispered, “Dance with me.” That was all it took get me onto the dance-floor with my golden haired neighbor. We were inseparable the whole reception with the one exception of Tay getting his promised dance with me. Robin seemed distant after that.

  On the final dance, a slow dance, Burgundy Dreams being sung acapella by Kylee's wife, Amber LaLaine. I started idle chit chat with Goldilocks as we danced. This seemed to break her out of that distance again. She whispered to me, “Tell me about purple.” I smiled fondly at her then started to describe my personal favorite color.

  After that dance, we stood in the rain with a few brave souls to watch Devon and Lessa drive off to the airport for their honeymoon in London.

  We collected Daisy and made a run for the trailer for our stuff, then another run for the car. Robin was laughing the whole time which just made me giggle and her smile bigger, warming my heart.

  Once we got into the car, Robin opened the flap on my bag and Daisy hopped out, barely wet. She barked once, wagging her tail and getting us laughing again. God we were soaked. The summer storm had passed by the time we got home. Of course, we wound up at her place. After drying off and her giving me a change of clothes, we were in our familiar places on the couch. With her head in my lap as she listened to her books. I was just happy to listen and run my fingers through her damp hair... this is how it should be.

  Chapter 10 – Muse

  I awoke on the couch with one of Brandye's hands in mine and the other tangled in my hair. How I loved the way she teased my hair. I could feel the warm weight of Daisy curled in on my stomach. I snuggled into Brandye. I could stay like this forever, with her heat at my back. I've really never needed anyone in my life before. I've always fought to prove I could do things myself, because of my, I hate the word... disability. I wanted to show that blindness didn't define me. Maybe that's why I've never taken the time for a relationship. But this woman... this woman stole my heart when I wasn't looking. I just wish I had the guts to do something about it. To... tell her.

  I took in the sound of her breathing, thinking about the first time I heard her giggle on the day she moved in next door. It was like silver bells tinkling with the promise of joy to come. I live for that giggle. It inspires me.

  I snuggled in.

  I just sat there basking in the moment when her breathing altered a little. I grinned and just sat still. She started running her fingers through my hair again. If I were a cat, I'd be purring. She whispered in a giggle, “I know you're awake Goldilocks.” I chuckled. I love it when she calls me that. I tilted my head back and gave her what I hoped was a cute grin with my eyes closed.

  I sighed and said, “Just give me a minute. I'm enjoying this.” A gentle squeeze of my hand told me she was too. I just lazily stroked Daisy's soft fur, I loved sinking my fingers into her downy soft undercoat. I grinned at that. I had never had an animal growing up. Now I'm sorry I never took my parents up on the offer to get me a dog. I can't imagine a time without little Daisy here, she loves everything and everyone. I swear I love her like a little fuzzy daughter.

  It took just a few short months and these two have turned my entire world upside down. Now I can't imagine going a day without seeing them. There is something about the tone of Brandye's voice that set
s off a tuning fork inside me. It resonates like no other, it is unique and does things to me I'd be too embarrassed to share. I know her and Less are supposed to be identical twins, but their tones and cadence are decidedly individual, and Lessa's voice doesn't effect me in the same way as Bran's does.

  We sat there a minute just enjoying the moment, then she let go of my hand and started tickling me gently. “Up and at em Robin. Time waits for no woman. I'm in desperate need of a bathroom.”

  I squirmed and chuckled as Daisy hopped off my belly. “Ok, ok...” I sat up. “And thanks for sharing.” I rolled my eyes and she giggled a little as she slid out from behind me to begin her quest for the porcelain throne. I sat up and stretched. I always had the most restful nights when she stayed over. I'm convinced she is my favorite pillow.

  I made my way over to my desk, three steps past the end of the couch and two steps left, and took a seat and pulled up the news. Reading the stories on my refreshable braille display. On a whim, I looked up Tim Phearson, the guy who is helping Brandye with her descriptive art catalog. I furrowed my brow at what I read. I checked the search results, there were lots of results for people with his name, but only one in the Seattle area. The owner of Phearson Prosthetics and Robotics.

  I've had heard of that company, they are huge! What does he have to do with art? I'd have to ask her later.

  Bran came walking in accompanied by the smell of freshly brewed coffee. I grinned as she put one on the desk to my right. She was a machine. She always put it in the exact same spot, I never had to quest with my fingers to find it. I heard her blowing in her cup a bit and sipping. Her voice was full of curiosity, “Whatcha doin?”

  I shrugged and grabbed my coffee... yeeeees caffeine! Mmmmmm. “Just reading the news.”

  She gave a tiny snort and I heard the TV switch on. “That's why I bought you this.” Then the news was playing. I often wonder, what she saw with her eyes, to me it was just another radio though I knew it was more, just like the movies. I have no real frame of reference.

  I shrugged. “Since it doesn't have a descriptive track, I don't get as much out of it as you. It isn't really geared toward the visually impaired. I prefer to read it or listen to news radio.” A warm arm crossed over my shoulders from behind and she gave me a little hug, resting her chin on the top of my head for a second before retreating back to the couch.

  I heard Daisy jump up with her as she asked, “So what's the plan today? I wanted to hit the Second Street shelter to man the breakfast soup line.” I started to open my mouth, but she cut me off, “I know I know, I work too much and need to make some Brandye time. But it is just the breakfast line, we'll be done by ten then I'm all yours.” I grinned that she always included me.

  I seriously worry about her. She does so much and spreads herself so thin trying to make others happy. It really can't be healthy that with all she does, none of it is for her. I try to get her to take more time out just to relax and just be Brandye Franklin-Callahan. I know she does get a measure of joy and self worth volunteering for her mother's foundation but when I first met her, she devoted every waking minute she was not in class or at work to it. I'm not sure she even knew who she was beyond that.

  I scolded her with my best Penny Callahan voice, “Ok, but don't push yourself.” This got me the giggle from her that I savored like ambrosia. I smiled and crinkled my nose toward her.

  She stood and headed toward the back door. “You're almost out of coffee, we should go shopping today and stock our kitchens. I'm heading home for a shower, I smell like a bantha, and not in a good way. Thirty minutes?” I squished up my face, is there a good way to smell like a bantha?

  I nodded and pushed myself up and started toward my bedroom. “I'll be ready, wear long sleeves, the sun is going to be harsh today and you burn easily... and don't forget your meds!” God, we do sound like an old married couple! I heard Daisy skitter after her as she left.

  Five steps and I placed my hand on the corner of the hallway, then six steps and to the right into my room. I stripped and threw my clothes in the hamper, it was getting full, I'll have to get off my lazy ass and do a load or two of laundry. I hopped in the shower and cleaned the previous day's adventure off of me. Yesterday was so moving, I cried when Lessa said her vows.

  As I scrubbed with my lavender body wash, I ran my hands along my body, feeling my curves, I tried to feel my face, wondering if I am pretty. My parents always say I am but that doesn't count, they are obligated to, you know, the parental contract and all. I think it is in like subsection three. No, I corrected myself, I didn't wonder if I were pretty, I wondered if Bran thought I were pretty.

  I can get a general feel for a person's looks if they allow me to run my fingers along their face, to take in every curve and crevice. I find symmetry to be the most pleasing to me, but people say that is what defines classical beauty. I can never tell when I examine myself.

  I longed to feel Brandye's face, but I was so afraid to for some reason. Her whole family has let me “see” them in that way, but I don't know why I resist with her and Lessa. Well, I understand Lessa, sine it would be too close to seeing Bran.

  I shook my head and finished my shower and dried off and dried my hair, combing it straight and applied a little lip gloss. I went into my room, seven steps and reached left to the chest of drawers and put on a clean set of undergarments and reached into the second drawer and ran my fingers along the pants until I found the pair I was looking for with its little braille tag with the “W." Bran liked it when I wore white.

  Then I opened the next drawer and sifted through my t-shirts and tank-tees. I found a green one I was looking for and checked the tag, then headed to the closet, just a step over and half step forward. I sifted through my blouses and found a white one that was half length with long tails to tie in front of me. I tied it up and rolled the cuffs of the long sleeves up one fold. I wanted to look cute for her today.

  I grabbed my white sneakers and put on some ankle socks. Daisy came running in and was weaving in and out by my feet with her cute little whimper. I hadn't heard the door so Daisy had just come over herself. I scooped her up. “Come on stinker. Let's go wait for mama.”

  Just then, I heard a car pull up outside. “Speak of the devil.” I grinned and grabbed the spare leash off the coat hook by the front door and clipped it onto Daisy's collar. I collected my purse and keys off the side table beside the door and stepped out onto the porch with the fuzzy minion in tow and locked up.

  Just as I flicked out my cane, I heard that rich voice call out, “Come on slackers, the soup line awaits.” I swear she suppressed a giggle on purpose. Dammit, I want that giggle woman!

  We listened to some music on the radio on the way to the homeless shelter, and I turned to Brandye as she grabbed my hand like she always did when she drove, then asked, “What exactly is Tim doing for you for your project? Isn't he like a tech guru ore something like that?”

  There was a pause then she lied, I can always tell when she is lying, she gets this tiny quaver in her voice. “He's just helping me with some technical aspects of getting good pictures for the catalog and coordinating for braille equivalents to my descriptions.”

  Why the hell was she lying to me about it. She is always evasive whenever I bring up her project. Starting next week she is going to be gone on most weekends, flying around to museums all over the world. This confused me as well, why couldn't they just send stock photos of the pieces of art she wanted to include? She would say, “I need higher resolution scans than anyone has ever done for my project, I want the highest quality.” At least that much was true, her voice was always full of pride on that point.

  I wonder, did she had something going on with this Tim guy? That thought caused a knot to form in the pit of my stomach. I had no right to feel jealous, I know, I can't even tell her how I feel so shouldn’t be entitled to feel this way. But this guy is... old... I mean, he's in his forties, she doesn't go for guys like that does she? The guys she used to d
ate were all her age from what I gather from our conversations. I'm probably just seeing things that aren't there. Isn't there an old saying about borrowing trouble or something like that?

  My mouth, as always, had a mind of its own and I asked, “But he's the head of a multi-million dollar company, why does he need to be involved, can't he just assign a lackey to it?”

  I felt her hand tensing up and her breathing was speeding up and getting ragged. Shit! I had triggered one of her mini panic attacks. Way to go Hartford! God dammit! I hated seeing her like this, the anxiety just rolled off of her in waves. It tore at my heart when I could feel her emotions slipping out of her control. Just what happened in the divorce that scarred her so deeply, so emotionally? “Nevermind, I shouldn't pry. Curiosity gets the better of me sometimes.”

  I started stroking the back of her hand with my thumb and laid my head on her shoulder as she drove. My broken angel seemed to relax and let all the poison leave her body. Her breathing returned to normal and she leaned her head slightly onto the top of mine.

  Then she turned up the music when a Miranda Keys number came on. I sat back up with a smile for her and we sat in a comfortable silence, just feeling the music until we pulled in at the shelter. The car came to a stop and she turned off the motor. I took a deep breath, inhaling her clean scent. She always smelled like springtime to me. It brought a smile to my lips as we got out.

  I flicked out my cane and Bran took Daisy so I could put my hand in the crook of her arm. God I loved it. It is where my hand should always be, it was so warm and made me feel... I don't know, safe? Happy?

  Of course Sandra was already there, I've started seeing her as a surrogate mother. She is so kind and gentle to everyone. She has this really offbeat way of looking at everything that gives her a unique perspective on things. Some may call it scatterbrained, I see it as some thing more, something beautiful. She has a fierce intelligence that manifests itself in unexpected and unorthodox ways.


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