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Bears of Burden: THORN

Page 11

by Candace Ayers

  But, I had to eventually put on my big girl panties, and tonight was the night. I was giving in— at least to sex with him. I’d made sure to dress in a tiny skirt and a tank top that dipped low. I slipped away from the bar during a lull and carried a beer to his table.

  Thorn was sitting in his normal seat, with Hutch, Sam, Sterling, and Wyatt beside him. I smiled at the rest of the guys and then leaned down in front of Thorn. The position gave him an eyeful of cleavage and he didn’t miss the chance to look at it.

  “I was hoping that maybe you could show me around your place tonight.” I put the beer down in front of him and stood back up.

  Before I could even turn away, he’d grabbed my arm. He easily picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder. “Abram, cover for us,” he shouted across the room.

  I felt my face burning as the bar erupted in cheers. “Thorn!”

  He slapped my ass hard enough to sting and rushed out of the bar. “Say no and I’ll carry you back inside right now, Allie.”

  I remained silent and held on as he straightened me and put me in the cab of his truck. Instead of rushing around to the driver’s side, though, he captured my lips in a kiss, demanding and hot, and I moaned as he slipped his tongue into my mouth and his hands into my hair.

  Just as quickly, he was gone. He slammed the door closed and was getting in behind the wheel in a flash. He looked at me with enough heat to light the world on fire, and then started the truck.

  I held my breath as he pedal-to-the-metaled it towards his place. I’d planned on at least looking around his place for a few minutes, but his urgency told me that that might have to wait. I felt the same sense of urgency. As soon as he touched me, the need had increased to a nearly painful level. I wanted him. Now.

  “You want to be with me forever?” I swore after I asked it. Why had I opened my mouth? Crazy things were bound to come out. I wasn’t in control enough to make sure they didn’t.

  Thorn swung a sharp left and then glanced at me after he straightened the truck. “Yes. I want forever. Do you?”

  “You really do?”

  He slid to a stop in front of a log cabin style house. “Yes. I really do. That’s what I’ve been trying to show you. I messed up at first. I was too scared to accept what this was. I’m nothing without you, Allie. You’re my other half. I would let you go if you wanted me to, but that will never be what I want. I want to claim you and mark you as my own so you know and so every fucker in this town knows that I would die for you. I’m in. I’m in this with everything I have.”

  I threw myself into his arms, across the console, and wrapped myself around him. It was exactly what I needed to hear. I kissed him with everything I had in me, letting him know how happy he made me.

  Thorn pulled me out of the truck, stumbling as I made the job harder by kissing his neck and face. He grabbed my ass and lifted it and held me to him so I could wrap my legs around him. We made it to the door and then fell to the floor in the entryway.

  It didn’t matter to either of us. Thorn kissed my skin as he exposed it, pulling the tank top down and then ripping it over my head. His hands were everywhere, teasing me.

  “I want you to mark me. I want to do this.” I said it while gripping his hair and pulling his face up to mine.

  Thorn kissed me senseless and yanked my skirt up to my waist. My panties were ripped off and his pants were undone. When he pulled back, his eyes were burning bright. “Forever?”

  I tugged at his pants and nodded. “Forever. Do you-?”

  He cut me off by rolling us and suddenly brushing the tip of his shaft against my slick folds. He held my gaze as he slowly pushed into me. “Completely.”

  I wrapped myself around him and buried my face in his neck, feeling entirely overwhelmed with delirious pleasure. This felt different. Knowing he was my mate and that this was going to be forever took it to a whole different intensity than the first time. I could already feel my body tensing for a release.

  Thorn thrust himself back and forth inside of me, slow and deep, taking me to levels that I didn’t know existed. He braced himself on his elbows on either side of my head, and when I tilted my head back, and our eyes met, I could see that he was just as affected as I was. My world rocked.

  “Claim me, Thorn.”

  He nudged my head to the side and lowered his mouth to my neck. I held my breath as his tongue teased me and licked the sensitive skin. Then he kissed me there. “Relax, Allie. I would never hurt you.”

  I tilted my hips and he hit an even deeper spot, spurring the first ripples of my orgasm. I cried out and then felt it. Hot pleasure radiated from my neck as I felt his teeth sink in. My orgasm doubled, tripled as I felt Thorn give himself to me completely. A second passed and Thorns body spasmed as he climaxed with me.

  Our bodies writhed together until we were both wiped out, exhausting everything in our mating. We were tangled together, our clothes pushed and pulled in ways that made it hard to move, but everything was perfect. I’d never felt so at peace as I did in that moment.

  I kept my body wrapped around Thorn’s, even as he rolled to his side to hold me. I kept my body wrapped around his, even as I drifted into a blissful sleep.

  CHAPTER 26: Hawthorne

  I watched my mate sleeping in my arms, both of us still on the floor. I glanced up at the door, unsure if we’d even closed it. It was pushed most of the way shut, so I ignored it and turned my attentions back to Allie. Her hair was rumpled and a piece clung to her lips as she made a gentle whistling sound. Her body was molded against mine so closely that I couldn’t see much but the curve of her waist. Even just that glimpse had me hard again.

  Somehow, I hadn’t managed to fuck everything up. She still wanted me. After the way I’d been such a jackass to her, I couldn’t imagine why. I was grateful, though. She was everything.

  After I’d moved past my own fear, it hadn’t taken long to realize that she was nothing like my father or my mother. I was nothing like my father or mother. I didn’t have to worry about their past becoming my present. I knew Allie, even from just watching her the past week. I was safe with her. And she was safe with me.

  Talking to Abram, and some of the other mated guys in town, I’d come to realize that I hadn’t understood the mate bond at all. I was fucking lucky I’d found my mate.

  She stirred in her sleep and I smiled like an grinnin’ fool down at her. Her skirt was still on and the boots she wore hadn’t been taken off, either. My pants were still caught around my legs and I’d somehow managed to keep my hat on. I should’ve felt ashamed for not making the claiming more special for her. But, I couldn’t feel anything but happy as a pig in mud that it’d happened. I had a lifetime to make things special. And I’d spend every day of it trying.

  Allie stirred again and I pressed my lips to her forehead. When she opened her eyes, they were full of happiness. I grinned back at her. “Hi.”

  She stretched, exposing the curve of her breast to me. “Hi, yourself.”

  I rolled us over so she was on top of me and I caught one of her nipples in my mouth. I nipped it gently and then fell back with a groan as she lifted her hips and took me in her hot body again. “Jesus, woman.”

  She braced herself on my chest and rolled her hips. “Eventually, we should talk more.”

  I bucked my hips up to meet her. “We’ll have plenty of time to talk more once you move in here.”

  She started to argue but I rolled us over and thrust into her again. “We’ll talk later”

  With a wicked grin, she raked her nails down my back. “Later, then.”

  I had a feeling she could talk me into anything. If she didn’t want to move in, I’d be staying in the too-small bed of a trailer with newly warped floors. It didn’t matter, though. Especially when she licked her lips and rolled us over so she was on top again. I was so lost in euphoria, I had no interest in being found.


  Thank you for purchasing this book. I hope you enjoyed it.

nbsp; I have included several BONUS STORIES that I hope you’ll enjoy! But first, please enjoy an excerpt from Book 1 of my Kodiak Island Shifters series entitled Billionaire’s Bride. If you like the sample, you can download the full book by using the link provided at the end of the sample.


  (This book is a standalone with a Happily Ever After ending. It is the first book in a series you’re going to love about the Sterling Brothers, Grizzly Bear Shifters.)



  By Candace Ayers

  Chapter one

  “Take a seat Doctor Cooper.” Hannah’s lawyer proffered a chair opposite his paper-strewn desk. He adjusted his spectacles before continuing, “It’s all fairly straight forward—all monetary assets are to be transferred from your uncle’s estate at your earliest convenience.”

  Hannah smiled tightly, not really knowing what to say. It had been an overwhelming week. It began with her uncle’s funeral, a man she hadn’t spoken to in years and only vaguely recollected. It was now ending, on a warm Friday afternoon, in her lawyer’s office, discussing the deposit of a large inheritance into her bank account.

  “I have to say,” the lawyer continued, “it’s a rare pleasure allocating such large funds to someone so risk-adverse. You have a very healthy credit record, Doctor Cooper.”

  “Well. I don’t come from a wealthy background, Mr. Moore. I think that helps.”

  “Indeed.” He nodded, “There is, however, another matter I wanted to discuss with you today.” He cleared his throat before continuing, “Your marriage to a Mr…” He peered down at the document in his hand, “Bradley…”

  “Brad Crawford,” Hannah interrupted him. “Yes. We’re not actually married. I mean, we’re married, technically, but… well, haven’t been together for many years now. We just never got around to a divorce.”

  “I suggest that you do. You understand, of course, that he could cause,” he hesitated, looking for the right word, “issues as your legal husband if you were to receive the inheritance and then opt for a divorce. My suggestion to you would be to obtain signed divorce papers before the transfer proceeds.”

  Hannah nodded, “I don’t think that will be a problem… once I track him down.”

  “You don’t know Mr. Crawford’s location?”

  “No. I haven’t seen him in ten years.” Hannah shrugged, she really hadn’t thought about him for an entire decade. They broke up a month before she left for medical school, and neither of them had been in contact with one another since.

  “Well, I suggest you locate him. My understanding is that these funds will enable you to start your own medical practice?”

  Hannah nodded, “Yes… and pay off my student loans.”

  “Admirable. I hope it proves a fruitful endeavor. I will have the divorce papers drawn up for you by next week. Once you have the co-signature, we can reconvene and transfer the funds.

  “Okay. Well, great.” Hannah rose from her chair, and shook her lawyers hand. “Thank you for your help, Mr. Moore.”

  “It’s a pleasure, Dr. Cooper.”

  Riding the elevator down from Delaney, Smith and Wexler LLP, Hannah felt dizzy. She had hoped that one day she’d have the financial means to open her own practice specializing in family medicine, but never in her wildest dreams did she imagine that day would come so soon. Thank you, Uncle Henry. May you rest in peace.

  All she had to do now was get a divorce. She slipped on her RayBans as she stepped out of the office building and into the bright Chicago sunshine, heading towards a Starbucks across the street. Hannah wasn’t on call, so this was only the second cup of the day. If she was going to start trying to locate Brad Crawford, she reasoned, she’d need all the help she could get.

  As the barista smiled at her mechanically from behind the counter, Hannah contemplated her options. She knew that neither of her parents had heard from Brad in years, and she wasn’t really in touch with anyone from High School. That was one of the drawbacks of medical school; you could forget about maintaining old friendships during the four years of intensive study, as lab partners and classmates became the only faces you ever saw. The four years of residency that followed had been no easier, but at least Hannah had shared an apartment with two other young doctors who understood the need to get shit-faced drunk the first day you lost a patient, that black-out conditions were mandatory during the day if you were on night shifts, and that the fridge needed to be stocked with Diet Coke twenty-four seven.

  Hannah figured her best bet for tracking Brad would be to start with his sister. A few months ago, Hannah was sure she’d seen a new baby announcement on Facebook with Brad’s sister tagged in the group. Lila, that was her name. Lila Crawford. As far as Hannah could recall, she still lived back in Montana, so maybe Brand was near that area too. It would be nice to visit. Maybe she could pop by and see her parents.

  With renewed vigor and a tall steaming black Columbian coffee, Hannah set off back home to her apartment.

  “Lila?” Hannah asked when she heard a confused ‘hello’ at the other end of the line.

  “Speaking. Who’s this?” Lila’s voice sounded sleep heavy.

  “It’s Hannah Cooper. We went to High School together.” Hannah prompted.

  “Oh, yeah. Brad’s wife.”

  “Yeah,” Hannah paused. She hadn’t exactly expected a warm reception, but Lila’s tone was particularly cold. “I was actually looking for Brad. Do you know where he lives now?”

  “Not really. I haven’t heard from him in over a year. No surprise there.”

  Hannah made a sympathetic noise, “Any idea where I might find out?”

  “Why are you looking for him anyways? You two haven’t seen each other in years.”

  “I just wanted to catch up with him, see how he’s doing…” Hannah trailed off. “I also need him to sign some divorce papers. We never really got around to it, before, you know?”

  “You getting hitched again?” Lila asked.

  “No, no, just getting my paperwork in order.”

  There was a long silence on the other end of the phone. Eventually Lila sighed.

  “Well, last I heard, he was in Alaska.”


  “Yeah. He was doing odd jobs here and there. No idea where he’s at now though.”

  “Okay, thanks Lila. Do you know what area?”

  “Port Ursa.”

  Hannah had never heard of it. So much for her trip to Montana.

  “Great. Thanks, Lila, you’ve been really helpful.”


  The phone went dead before Hannah had a chance to say goodbye. Hannah stared bemusedly at it. Lila had always been a bit of an oddball, and as far back as Hannah could remember, she’d never gotten along with her own brother.

  The Crawford siblings hadn’t exactly had the Leave it to Beaver upbringing, though. Brad may have been the all-star favorite on the school basketball team, but he had also been a wild card–constantly in trouble, forever in detention, and he often missed long periods of the school semester. It was that wildness that had attracted her to Brad in the first place. Hannah smiled to herself, remembering her days as a straight-laced high school student. She had been forever studying, positively obsessed with getting straight ‘A’s. Brad had caught her attention during senior year, and they had started dating casually.

  When High School came to an end, they and a group of their friends decided to celebrate their freedom with a cross-country road trip. Predicated by a night of free drinking at a casino, and Hannah’s first actual falling-down drunk, Brad and Hannah had found themselves in an Elvis Chapel in Vegas, pledging their future to one another.

  Hannah went into her bedroom, and dug out a shoebox from beneath her bed. It was full of old photos and mementos. She searched through the piles, till she came to the cheaply framed picture of her wedding day. Brad had insisted on dressing up in a Rhinestone body suit.
It still made Hannah laugh. He looked ridiculous, but she didn’t look any better. Having drunkenly decided to go “full Vegas,” she’d found the tightest, shortest mini dress she could find and the highest stilettos. In the picture they were surrounded by their friends—people Hannah hadn’t seen in years. She looked at the picture fondly. Brad had been troubled, no doubt about that, but he had been fun. The foolish marriage aside, she would never regret that vacation. Her last hurrah, a taste of much needed freedom before she buckled down to carving out her career.

  She was intrigued to see what had become of Brad. She was actually surprised that this much time had passed without him contacting her to get the marriage annulled. Hannah’s dating landscape had been pretty barren, solely due to her working hours and somewhat narrow-minded focus on her job, but she would have thought Brad would have found a nice girl to settle down with by now.

  “Do we have any ice-cream?” her roommate, Laura, stood in the doorway looking utterly miserable.

  “No, honey, we don’t. Are you okay?”

  “No,” she pouted, “Long shift working with Grayson. It was horrible. He yelled for hours, and I was so tired I didn’t even know what he was yelling about.”

  “Yuck. I’m sorry, that sounds rough.” Grayson was the Chief of Staff at the general hospital where Hannah and Laura where finishing off their residency. He was an acidic demon, and getting on the wrong side of him would lead to shifts ending in tears. For Laura, it always necessitated buckets of ice cream.

  “Come on,” Hannah ushered her into the living room, and wrapped her up in a blanket on the sofa. “I’ll go out and get some.”

  “Really?” Laura’s eyes lit up, “Thank you, thank you. I’ll do your laundry duty next week.”

  Hannah laughed, “No you won’t–you never have time to follow through on that promise, but I appreciate the sentiment.”


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