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Bears of Burden: THORN

Page 110

by Candace Ayers

  His finger moved slowly, grinding deep within and sliding back out slowly, and then he added a second finger, filling her completely. Her insides clenched snugly at his digits. She was practically purring, lost in the blinding pleasure of his touch. When his thumb brushed against her clit, her eyes widened at the shocks of pleasure that shot through her body. His thumb massaged circles around her sensitive nub as his fingers thrust into and back out of her pussy, making her toes curl from the pleasure. She could feel the warm tingle building and building, her eyes watering from her body’s hyper-arousal. She felt light-headed from the overwhelming sensations. Mira struggled to speak, to warn him, but he kept his mouth bearing down on hers. A firm bite of her lower lip made her fall apart.

  Her scream was muffled by his mouth, her body arched and her hands clutched at his forearm tightly. She felt herself reflexively tremble. A searing pleasure that started in her core shot through her to every nerve ending in her body. Cade was aware of each tiny reaction, and the hand that had been stroking her breast was quickly rerouted. He curled his arm around her tightly, holding her securely as he continued to pump and flick her pussy, making damn sure that she was spent.

  Mira’s thrashing eventually stopped and she collapsed back against the arm that held her. Her breathing was shallow, her body still a spasmodic delight of sensations. Cade reveled in the look on her face—a hint of a smile bathed in the warm afterglow of intense release. He would love nothing more than to be the man who put that look on her face every day for the rest of her life.

  “That was amazing. I didn't know it could be that powerful.” Her cheeks had a pinkish tint, a sex-glow.

  Cade beamed with pride. “You need some rest; it’s off to bed with you,” he said. Unbeknownst to him, his eyes glowed a beautiful golden color. Mira smiled as she recognized the color. He lifted her out of the tub and wrapped her in a fluffy terry towel.

  She relaxed against her wolf, her fierce protector.

  Chapter 10

  She looks like an angel Cade thought as he watched her lying on his bed sleeping heavily. Her face was softer than before. It made his inner wolf even more protective of her, and he was finally ready to face the reason why. He had to shake his head at the unlikelihood of it, but even out here in the mountains surrounded by thousands of acres of wilderness, fate had delivered to him his mate.

  His astonishment was short-lived as icy fingers of fear suddenly snaked down his spine. He began pacing the room. What would happen when the storm died down, and her leg healed sufficiently? Cade smothered a growl. What, exactly, did he wish to gain from this? A lover, a beloved, a play toy? Certainly not just a play toy, his feelings for her were far too strong. Mira shifted on the bed and let out a contented little sigh. His shaft was rock-hard at this point, the desire to bed her was overwhelming. He didn’t trust himself to lie beside her.

  He thought about how open she’d been to his touches, smiling at him and granting him permission. His cock throbbed at the thought and he realized that he hadn’t relieved himself in so long, he was afraid that he might just cum as soon as his cock touched her. He desperately wanted to wake her and caress her, pleasure her, fill her. He wanted to hear her scream out his name, though now he was certain that he desired more than a simple rutting.

  He wanted to make love to her. He wanted her to feel cherished and loved. Actually, if he were to be honest with himself, he wanted her to feel like the only place she belonged was with him. His wolf was determined to make that happen. For once, he was inclined to agree with his wolf, but how? He would have to win her over fully before she would agree to stay here as his mate. He would have to confess to her that the large, black wolf that she claimed to have seen wasn’t a wolf in the traditional sense. Yes, he had a lot of work to do with his little mate, and for that, he needed time. How much, though?

  Forcing himself to be still, he sat on a chair by the window staring through the slight separation in the draperies and watching the storm. Wind angrily hurled and whipped snow through the air. He let himself close his eyes and rest for a short time.

  His lovely goddess was awake, wide awake, and so was his cock. In fact, it was free from the confines of his pants and standing boldly at attention, mere inches from her flirtatiously brazen grin. His look of surprise earned him a small giggle from her. A sudden dart of her tongue along his shaft, made him grip the chair’s arms tightly and that’s when he noticed he was unable to move his arms freely. Each arm had a length of rope expertly tied around it, binding it to the chair.

  “What are you up to, sweetheart?” Cade questioned. Before answering, she took a slow, leisurely lick from the base of his cock to the tip, suckling on the delicate underside, enticing the groan that escaped his lips.

  “Well, Cade, I’m squeezing you for information. That’s what I’m up to. I want the truth, and I doubt you’d hand it over easily, but... I need to know. You were the one that saved me, weren't you? You were the wolf.” Mira's eyes bore into him. She gently kissed the tip of his swollen cock, never breaking eye contact.

  A heated look passed over his features, a mixture of anger, fear, and confusion. He had no right to be angry with her, but how had she figured it out? His body jolted as her lips opened, slipping onto his dick and sliding all the way down, taking it all in her mouth, constricting her throat around the delicate muscle as she nuzzled the fuzz at its base with her nose.

  Cade let out a ragged sound—a mix of a growl and moan. His hips lifted off of the chair and his pelvis ground against her face. After a few seconds, she slid her mouth slowly back up. His eyes were riveted to the sight of her saliva along his dick, a string of it dangling from her lips to the tip. His goddess was a vixen. A lovely little vixen.

  Mira smiled at that look in his eyes, “Answer me, Cade.” Her hand gently stroked his shaft while the other fondled his balls. His head tilted back in bliss. She knew how to both torture and pleasure him, it seemed. Her touch was skilled, teasing him and leaving him breathless. Finally, he couldn't take anymore.

  “F-Fuck, Mir... yes! Dammit, it was me, I'm... augh, no, don't squeeze so much, I'll-,” Cade started, and then groaned as the tip of his cock found the back of her throat again as a reward for his honesty. His hands gripped the armrests of the chair tightly, so tightly that the wood creak dangerously under his hold.

  “You answered truthfully. Thank you, Cade.” She flashed him a radiant smile, full of adoration, before hungrily devouring his cock once more. Her head bobbed up and down, the suction so hard that it made Cade jerk his hips. One of her hands pressed against his stomach to still him, the other held her hair back from her face so he could get a good view of his cock as it slid in and out of her mouth. She watched his elation as she sucked on him, skillfully manipulating him towards a release in her throat.

  A sharp growl left Cade’s throat and he jerked, powerless to stop his climax. His member throbbed and his seed suddenly exploded from him in a series of pulsing spurts as he continued to thrust against her lips as best he could. Her mouth milked his length for all it was worth, every last drop. He moaned out loudly, again and again, feeling the beast inside of him rear up, demanding he claim her. He barely had the will to resist. He couldn’t live with himself if he hurt her, or scared her, though in the next moment, his bindings fell away and Mira stood smiling in front of him—bare naked as a babe.

  A single thought filled her mind, as she stood offering herself to him, her injured leg shaking. Did he know? Did he know that he more than saved her life from a pack of wolves; he saved her from herself. He saved her from her own fears and anxieties. He allowed her to feel safe again. This man, in less than a day, captured her heart and soul. She needed to be with him.

  Cade understood the look in her eyes and expression on her face. She needed him as much as he needed her. He stood, kicked off his pants and boxers that had fallen down around his ankles, and tugged off his shirt tossing it to the floor. His fast movement caused her to stumble backwards slightly, but Cad
e caught her in his arms and lifted her from the ground, cupping her rear, encouraging her to wrap her good leg around him.

  He could smell her arousal. In fact, she had been dripping wet from the moment she tied him up and took his manhood in her mouth. Mira’s good leg was curled around his waist and his lips descended over hers fiercely. He walked with her as their tongues intertwined passionately and his erection poked between her thighs, teasing her.

  He carried her into the living room and carefully placed her on the bearskin rug that covered the floor in front of a huge fireplace lit with a roaring fire. The werewolf and his goddess.

  Chapter 11

  “Cade, are you alright?” She stared with concern at the man above her whose golden eyes were glassy. Cade let out a small chuckle, nodding once.

  “There’s something else I need to tell you.” The flames flickered, bathing him in a soft warm glow. “What I am, it’s called a shifter, a wolf shifter. My kind, werewolves, only ever have one true mate. Only one woman that we can bond completely with. Most of us never find our mate. As a wolf shifter, I’ve always known this. Well, today, I found her.” He paused as Mira let his words sink in. He lowered his cheek to hers and his lips brushed against her earlobe. His voice was a raspy whisper. “You are mine, Mira. Stay with me; marry me. Be my mate… Please.”

  “Cade, I…” she began.

  “Wait, ummm… there’s more.” He sounded slightly panicked. “I will always protect you, look after you and keep you safe.”

  Her lips curled in a radiant smile. “I…” she resumed.

  “Wait… and I will always love you. Always. This I promise you with my whole heart.”

  “Done now?” she asked, her choked voice barely above a whisper. He nodded. “Then, yes. Yes… to everything.”

  In one smooth movement, Cade caught her neck in his mouth and thrust his hips forward, burying his length deep inside her. A choked whimper came from her throat and rolled over her tongue as she felt his girth filling her. His hips pulled back slowly before thrusting forward again, the whole time he made love marks along the flesh of her neck, bruising and marking her as his own. He nearly laughed as her nails dug into his back. Her soft whimpers caused him to gently raise her injured leg from the path of pressure and shift his thrusts slightly, each one grinding into her. He kept her leg raised and out of the way, and her whimpers became cries of ecstasy, the tip of his cock hitting the deepest part of her channel.

  He brought his hand to her breast, cradling it, cupping it and teasing her nipple gently. He flicked his tongue over her nipple, before sucking and then raking his teeth over it. She felt a tingling, like an electric current run from her nipple down to her pussy.

  Mira felt the beginnings of the coming climax in her core, and as her cries and moans became a bit higher-pitched, Cade’s thrusts quickened. She cried out urgently before she fell apart, screaming out Cade’s name in pure blissful pleasure as her orgasm rocked through her. Sharp, animalistic sounds left Cade's throat, grunts and growls, before Mira felt the warm jets of his seed deep within her. She writhed in abandon, moaning out deeper still as she felt pulse after pulse of his cum filling her until it was overflowing onto her thighs.

  The two were lying naked on the warm, thick rug, wrapped up in one another’s post-love making embrace, completely sated.

  “You've made me the happiest wolf in the world, Mira,” Cade muttered.

  Mira, eyes were closed and she was teetering on the edge of sleep. She heard him, though. He was amazing. He saved her life, in every way that she needed saving, and now he tells her how happy she’s made him?

  Mira looked up at him in awe. She could feel the sting of joyful tears at the back of her eyes. “Cade,” she mumbled drowsily, “I love you, too.”




  When the power goes out in the middle of a snowstorm, Alex takes in a huge stray dog that’s been hanging outside around her apartment building. The next morning, she wakes up to find a naked man in her bed.

  The thing is, he’s not just any run-of-the-mill random crazy lunatic, this one is gorgeous. He claims that she brought him in the night before as a wolf, and sometime during the night he became a man. Yep, cuckoo.

  There’s something about him though, something that makes her knees weak and sets off butterflies in her stomach when she looks into his crystal blue eyes. Before Alex can allow him to leave, maybe she really ought to get to know him a little better…


  It was just Alex's luck that the power would go out on one of the coldest days of the year when the weather was threatening to drop another foot of snow on top of the layer that already coated everything. Even worse was that it was so late at night and the temperature in her apartment had already dropped, and she couldn't find any flashlight other than the one on her phone, which while bright wasn't particularly long-lasting if she wanted her phone to stay alive overnight. It was late, and normally Alex would be asleep, but she'd had a terrible day at work and at least it was a Friday and she could excuse vegging out in front of the TV until she felt better. Her plan had been going swimmingly until the familiar pop of the electricity dying had ruined it all.

  And no sign of a flashlight. Alex turned off the light on her phone and checked the time instead. It was almost ten, but the 24-hour corner store would still be open. They'd likely be swamped though. Last time there had been a major storm they had been one of the few businesses still in operation thanks to the generator they had stowed in the basement, but it was either brave the crowd or spend the rest of the blackout in complete darkness. What had happened to her flashlight anyway? She could have sworn she had one...

  The question still befuddled her as she bundled herself up, reluctantly changing her PJ bottoms for jeans, though she went braless and stayed in her oversized, faded t-shirt. It was way too thin for the weather, but her jacket was thick and fluffy, and the walk wasn't too long. Hopefully she hadn't wasted too much time in her pointless search and wouldn't end up being stuck in the bulk of desperate last minute oh no the power's out traffic. The whole building was dark. Alex was forced to use her phone again to keep from falling down the stairs. She heard mumbling behind closed doors but no one else had emerged from their apartments. Alone, Alex ventured out into the cold night.

  The cold air slammed into her, finding all the gaps in her clothing and worming its way down to her skin. Even huddled up as she was she was still cold. At least she didn't have to go far before she discovered that she was definitely not the first person to run to the corner store in search of emergency supplies. The building had power, and Alex could easily see the crowd inside, though the people that lingered just outside the door were indication enough that Alex wouldn't have any luck getting what she needed there. Alex sighed. She'd have to try again come morning, if the power wasn't back by then. There was no sense in her wandering around in the middle of the night trying to find an open store that had power.

  She turned on her heel and retraced her snowy footprints back to her apartment. She stamped her feet to keep warm waiting for a line of cars to pass, then jogged across the road and nearly tripped over a massively large dog sitting by the steps of her apartment building. Alex's first reaction was to scream, which she barely managed to contain. She loved dogs, but this one was huge. When she recovered, she crouched down to let the dog sniff her hand. A warm tongue licked her fingers. On closer inspection, it looked more like a wolf than a dog, with its massive frame and shaggy grey coat. Probably one of those mixes that were growing so popular. Its tail thumped gently, throwing up little puffs of snow, when Alex scratched behind its ears. Her other hand searched for a collar.

  “Well, I'm not gonna let you sit out here in the snow all night,” she said. “You'll freeze to death. Come on, puppy, come on!” She patted her thigh once and the dog rose, shaking coat off its fur and letting its tongue loll out at her. “Not allowed to have dogs, but... well, wha
t the manager doesn't know won't hurt him. Could use the company anyway, and who knows how long the heat will be out, I might need you to keep me warm tonight” The dog could see far easier than Alex could in the darkness. It padded ahead of her, weaving in and out of the beam her phone light provided but never moving too far. Alex squinted into the dark and fumbled with her keys, her cold hands slow to respond. The dog slipped in as soon as the door was open enough, followed by Alex herself. Nothing to do really but go to sleep she didn’t’ want to keep her phone light on too long and risk using up all the battery life.. Alex pulled out extra blankets from the hall closet and went back into her bedroom to change.

  The space between her shoulder blades itched. Alex rolled them and flashed her light around the room, but the only other living thing in there with her was the dog, sitting by the foot of the bed. She finished changing, arranged the blankets on the bed as best she could and clambered into them, shivering. The sheets would warm quickly at least. A few quick pats on the bed had the dog jumping up and stretching out next to her. Her mother would have a fit if she knew, but Alex had always liked having the family dog sleep next to her. As her body warmed the fabric around her she yawned.

  “Tomorrow we'll see about finding out who you belong to, okay?” she mumbled, and ruffled the thick fur on the dog's shoulders. It snuffled at her wrist then laid its heavy head down on its paws. Alex curled up to retain as much warm as she could, huddled beneath her blanket, and tried to sleep.


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