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Finding Infinity (Infinity Series)

Page 7

by Layne Harper

  My mom and sisters all rush to hug me and wish me happy birthday. Chelsea grabs my left hand and asks, “Where’s the ring?”

  She’s so tactful. “Still being made, but if you want to see Colin get crazy mad, ask if it means that we aren’t engaged.” I reply conspiratorially. “It’s taking longer than he hoped, and he’s less than pleased.”

  “So any players coming tonight?” she asks.

  Fortunately, I don’t have a chance to answer, because I’m bombarded by Brad and his date, Carter. Hmm…interesting. I’ll have to get my best assistant in the world alone for a little gossip time. Carter looks at me a little sheepishly. I’m guessing that he’s wondering if I care that he’s here with my assistant when he’s off the clock. I give him a warm hug and maybe feel his back muscles also. “It’s a pleasure seeing you here. I’m glad that you came.” I still feel guilty for that long run.

  Brad gives me a wink over Carter’s shoulder and mouths a “thank you.”

  Next, I’m greeted by Colin’s parents. This is the first time that I’ve seen them since Colin and I have gotten back together. They are definitely a little stand-offish, aloof, cold…pick the adjective. They give me an obligatory hug, but it could keep a six-pack of beer cold in August.

  I look over as they greet Colin, and he gets a much sweeter reception. I get it. His parents probably feel about me the same way that my dad feels about Colin. We hurt each other deeply. I hope that they’ll come around. Colin adores them, and I’d never want to interfere in their relationship.

  Then Colin’s friends come over to say hello. Janis gives me a warm hug, and Clay, not to be outdone, hugs me and pretends to grab my behind. Colin doesn’t look pleased and shoots Mr. South a very ugly look. So, Clay must continue to annoy Colin by laying me back in a deep dip, and pretending to kiss me. “That’s it South. Hands off my fiancée,” Colin growls.

  Clay sets me back on my feet and grabs my left hand. “There’s no ring on her finger, motherfucker.”

  Colin smirks. “Trust me. This one is mine,” he says, kissing my hair and pulling me away from Clay.

  Clay hugs Colin, and says, “I can’t believe you’re conning her into marrying you. Un-fucking-believable.”

  Colin flashes me an amused look. If the world only knew that it was me who proposed to him. We give each other a secret grin.

  Tyler and Liza are at my party. They are kind to me. Maybe even warm? They were the first of Colin’s new friends that I met when we got back together. Colin had blindsided them by bringing me along to have drinks with them at Pat O’Brien’s. They were expecting to see Sasha. Liza, a rock band stylist, and I, have spoken a couple of times since I’ve moved to Dallas. I think we have the potential to be friends. I do appreciate them coming. Ty and Colin are teammates and friends. I know that Colin wants us all to get along.

  Liza and I make plans to grab lunch, then, I introduce her to Brad. I think that they have a lot of similar interests, and frankly, who doesn’t like Brad?

  I have the pleasure of meeting some other players and their wives or girlfriends. I also meet Colin’s offensive coordinator, quarterback coach, head coach, his wife, and the team president. I’m truly honored that they care enough about Colin to take the time to meet me.

  I do note who isn’t present, and that would be my dear old dad and aunt/step-mom, Carmen.

  About an hour into the party, the guest that I invited arrives. He slips in through a side entrance and does his best to blend into the wall. He goes unnoticed by Colin. I, however, see him, and excuse myself from my guests to speak to him before Colin has an opportunity to react.

  I have to say that I almost feel sorry for the guy. Mark looks like a fish out of water. He’s almost pressed up against the wall instead of leaning against it. His calm, cool demeanor is gone and been replaced with jittery fingers as if he’s had too much caffeine. When I get close enough to him, he grins the politician smile that doesn’t meet his eyes. “Thanks for giving me this opportunity. I hope you aren’t going to get in too much trouble with Colin.” His voice is strained.

  Mark had contacted me a couple of weeks ago. He pleaded his case, insisting that he didn’t breathe a word to anyone about Colin’s personal transgressions. I listened, and believed him. If I’m honest with myself though, I didn’t invite Mark here for Mark’s sake. I invited him for my own selfish reasons. I’m ready for Colin and me to no longer be destructive. I want us to begin repairing the damage that our relationship has caused to those around us.

  I glance up at my man, who’s surrounded by people laughing at something that someone said, probably him. “Oh! I’m not worried about Colin. Let me go get him.”

  “You really are good for him, Caroline. You seem to smooth his rough edges.”

  I smile politely. “Thank you. I’ll take that as a compliment.”

  Mark takes a seat in a booth in the very back of the restaurant. I walk over to Colin and whisper in his ear, “There’s someone here to speak with you.”

  Colin excuses himself from the group with a shoulder shrug. “Is this the mystery guest that you invited to your own surprise party?” Colin asks, cocking an eyebrow.

  “Yes, and remember that this is what I want for my birthday. Just hear him out. Promise?” I remind him as I take his large hand, and lead him over to the back booth.

  As soon as Colin sees Mark his hand tightens almost painfully around mine. “What the fuck, Caroline?”

  “Promise me that you’ll listen,” I plead with him.

  I reach up and kiss Colin on his cheek. “I love you, Colin. You’re a good man. Mark’s been your agent for a long time. You at least owe him ten minutes to hear him out.”

  He gives me a look that would have worried me a couple of months ago. I know that Colin is angry with me. I know that he feels like Mark betrayed him and us by mentioning the near-death experience to me. He also believes that Mark is the one who told Kenzie about his prescription painkiller abuse, which has led to the nightmare that we’re now facing. I don’t particularly like Mark, but from what I’ve seen, Mark has always had Colin’s best interests at heart. I want Colin to just listen to what Mark has to say.

  I find a waiter and ask him to send a bottle of sparking water and scotch on the rocks over to the back booth. Right now is one of the few times that I wish Colin could drink. He needs something to calm him down.

  Aiden walks over to me and drapes his arm around my shoulders. “Are you kidding me, Caroline? I’m surprised that Colin hasn’t beat the shit out of him yet.”

  “That’s why I had them meet at my surprise party. You and I both know that Colin will not cause a scene out of respect for me.”

  “Jesus Christ. I knew you were good, but you’ve managed to blow me away, and I’m his best friend and attorney.” He shakes his head at me.

  I laugh. I like Aiden. I always have. “Tomorrow, I’m going to tackle world peace.”

  “Geez, no wonder you and Rachael are friends. You guys are a force to be reckoned with.” Aiden pulls me into a sideways hug.

  Here’s a perfect opportunity to see if I can get some scoop on their relationship. “Rachael mentioned that you guys have seen each other since you were in Houston a couple of months ago.”

  Aiden gives me a snarky grin. “My lips are sealed, Sherlock. Your best friend might be micro-mini, but she can kick my sorry ass.”

  I laugh at the image of Rachael and Aiden brawling Mortal Kombat style. I still think of them as the yin and the yang. They really are. He’s easygoing. She’s hell on wheels. He’s tall. She’s so tiny that she looks like a child. He’s jovial. She’s sarcastic. I hope that they figure out their obviously complex relationship, but I don’t think that there’s anyone better suited for Rachael than Aiden.

  Mark and Colin only talk briefly, and I’m starting to wonder if I did the right thing by inviting Mark here. They both stand up at the same time, and shake hands. I’m no body language expert, but I would say they’re tense. Colin hasn’t hit
Mark with his non-throwing hand, so that’s something, at least. Mark nods his head toward Colin and walks over to Aiden and me. “Thanks for arranging the meeting. I misjudged you, and for that I’m truly sorry.” He nods towards Aiden and just says, “Aiden.”

  Aiden nods back.

  “Thanks for the help, and happy birthday,” he says, as he heads out the front door.

  Colin joins Aiden and me. I wrap my arms around his side and smile up at him, giving him my most irresistible look. “Well played, Doctor Collins,” he says. “If this was a game of checkers, I’d have to crown you. Unfortunately, it’s not. You and I will have to discuss meddling in my career at some point.”

  I laugh at him. Laugh. He’s accusing me of meddling. Okay, so I was a little bit, but he’s the king of meddling.

  Colin’s not pleased with me, but I know that when he has some distance from the meeting that he’ll appreciate what I did. Colin sees the world in black and white. I would like for him to see that there are shades of grey, which is where I believe that Mark fits in. I stand by what I did. I tried. Colin has got to move some people and social situations off his I Don’t Give A Fuck list. This was my first step.

  The rest of the night is filled with love, laughter, and even some tears. The band that Colin hired plays great cover songs all night. My girls and I dance. Colin and I dance. Everyone sings me happy birthday, and when I blow out the thirty candles on my cake, I wish for a lifetime of happiness. No catches that it has to be with Colin. I feel that would be jinxing myself.

  We eat dessert first. Colin announces our wedding date while the cake is being served, which results in many whoops and hollers. His parents look relieved. I overheard them earlier mentioning to Colin how unhappy they are that we’re living together.

  My favorite part of the evening is the toasts in my honor, which lead to a few more tears. I especially have to dab my eyes when Rachael tells stories from my thirteenth birthday, sixteenth birthday, eighteenth, twenty-first and twenty-fifth birthdays, and how blessed she feels to be here to celebrate my thirtieth. Through it all, she’s my constant.

  I marvel at her ability to command a room. She talks effortlessly in front of a crowd. I wonder if she’s actually going to run for office. She seems to be made for it.

  Colin’s toast takes my breath away. I wish that I had recorded it, because it’s something that I would like to put on repeat when I’m questioning his devotion to me. He pulls me to his side and begins. “I’ve had the privilege of knowing Charlie…” He looks at me and smirks. “That was your name back then, since you were nineteen. I’d just had off-season ankle surgery and had been told that I’d have to be driven to Houston every week for follow-up appointments. I assumed that my driver was going to be one of the student assistants on the football team. Not looking forward to spending that much time in the car with anyone. Then, the doctor makes a phone call, and an angel walks into his office.” He pauses and looks down at me as my eyes tear up. His love for me is written in his eyes.

  “Well…let’s just say that that single moment changed the course of my life. All I knew then was that Charlie was beautiful and smart. I later discovered that she was the perfect complement to me. Our journey together hasn’t been an easy one. Unfortunately, I’ve missed out on a lot of her birthdays, but all that matters is that I’m here for this one, and every birthday after this one.” He unexpectedly leans down and kisses me before I even have a chance to process what’s going on. When he breaks our kiss his says, just to me, “Happy thirtieth birthday to my heart. You own it, beautiful girl.”

  I’m sure that a chorus of cheers is said, but I don’t hear a thing. I’m lost in my fiancé and his words that make my heart beat faster. I recognize this moment for what it is—my dream coming true.

  Around one thirty in the morning, Colin dances up behind me on the makeshift dance floor, using his large hand to pull me away from Amy, Rachael, and Julie and up against him. I instantly feel his erection teasing me through the flimsy material of my dress.

  “It’s about time to call it a night, beautiful girl. You’re no longer the birthday girl,” he whispers in my ear, giving my lobe a gentle bite.

  I press my back towards his front, and do a little shimmy against him. “I’m not ready to be a pumpkin just yet,” I reply sweetly.

  The band begins to play “Party’s Over” by Willie Nelson. I guess the decision was made for me.

  “May I have this dance?” My handsome fiancé asks, as he kisses my forehead.

  “But, of course,” he spins me around and pulls me tightly to him. I know that he’s trying to hide his very hard erection that’s straining the material of his pants. It makes me giggle.

  We start to move together across the dance floor as my cowboy sings to me, “Turn out the lights, the party's over, they say that all good things must end. Let's call it a night, the party's over, and tomorrow starts the same old thing again.”

  I smile up at him, giving him big goofy eyes. I love when he sings to me. It’s funny because this song is about a relationship ending, but it’s such a great song to end the night on that it really doesn’t matter about the meaning behind the lyrics. When Colin gets to the part about the girl’s love dying, he changes the words or doesn’t sing them. I’ve noticed this about Colin. Maybe it’s superstition? I’m not sure, but he will only sing lyrics to songs that have a happy ending.

  Jenny settles the tab as the valet brings our car around. The reporters have left, but there are a couple of stray photographers snapping pictures of us as we leave. I notice that Aiden and Rachael do not walk next to each other, and leave enough space that I’m not sure they could be in the same frame. I wonder if this is on purpose.

  Colin drives, always the designated driver, while Rachael and I talk about the party guests. We all four agree that it was a super fun night.

  Later, when I’m naked and snuggled into Colin’s side, I have a chance to reflect on how blessed I am. I gave up the medical practice with my dad and my safety net in Houston, but I’ve gained so much more. All of the people at my party tonight care about us. They want Colin and me to be happy. I need to focus more on that, and not the ugly rumors that have circled us. It also didn’t go unnoticed by me, my sisters, my mom or Rachael, that my dad and Carmen did not make an appearance. The next day, when I check my email, there’s a singing e-card from my dad.

  Chapter Four


  Was Colin McKinney addicted to more than just prescription painkillers? Sources close to the quarterback are reporting that, as recently as a year ago, they saw him use cocaine and smoke marijuana at a party in Los Angeles. The Dallas Cowboys have reminded everyone that he’s never failed a league administered drug test, but we ask the question: have any quarterbacks ever?

  I hate lying to Charlie. I can tell myself over and over again that I’m doing it for us, but it doesn’t make me feel any better. I told her that I had an appearance for one of my sponsors and would be gone the whole day. I promised that I’d be home tonight, and come hell or high water, I’ll be there.

  I’ve waited eight years to wake up next to her again. I’ll be damned if our bullshit keeps us apart any more than it has to.

  My theme song for the last three months, since we got engaged, has been “Cleanin’ Out My Closet” by Eminem. It seems like all I’ve been doing is trying to get my personal life in order so it doesn’t chase Charlie away. Trust me. There’s been a lot to clean up.

  First on my priority list was taking care of Mark and Kenzie. Betrayed. That’s what they did to us. Mark betrayed my trust by talking to Charlie behind my back. Yeah, I gave him permission to speak to her alone, but it never fucking occurred to me that he would tip her off about my old problems. I might have forgiven him for that if I didn’t believe that he’d told Kenzie about the prescription painkillers. Now, I don’t know what to think. Charlie staged an intervention of sorts with Mark. He says that he’s never breathed a word to anyone, especially Kenzie. He also said
that he fired Kenzie for not stopping the interview, and for sharing my personal shit with Allison Katz. I’ve tabled my Mark situation for a little while.

  Aiden’s hired investigators, to see if they can work out who told Kenzie. Kenzie and I had our little fling. It was fucking. No attachment. I don’t think that I’ve ever even kissed her. I’m still not sure why she wouldn’t stop the interview, or why she would have tipped off Katz. It’s occurred to me that I might have been a dick to her, but a big enough dick to lose her job over?

  It’s a miracle that my girl didn’t pack her shit and leave me after that fucking debacle. Charlie was irate after the interview was over. If I hadn’t stopped her, I think she would have killed Kenzie. I got Kenzie out of my house, pronto, while Charlie went for a run. Maybe this media storm that we’re in has brought us closer?

  We just got back from my last photo shoot and television commercial for the underwear company. Charlie and I flew to New York and made it into a mini vacation. I asked her to come to the sound stage with me, and watch me shoot the commercial. That was a major fail. My dick can’t seem to be in the same room as her without being hard. I finally had to send her on a shopping trip so we could get the damn thing shot.

  I’ve got a shoot for my clothing line in a couple of weeks. Then, I have to film the cologne commercials, but we’ve agreed that I’ll have clothes on. Charlie and Aiden have talked me into keeping those endorsements. I’m okay with them. I get their argument. My career is finite. Capitalize while I can, etc. However, no more nudity. That’s only for my girl.

  I’m passing through The Woodlands, driving to meet with Charlie’s father. I still can’t believe that the bastard has agreed to see me. He and Charlie settled their business about a week ago. Originally, she wanted to sell him back her shares in their practice for a dollar. I almost lost it. There he was, kicking her out of a practice she’d contributed to financially for over two years, and she was willing to walk away with nothing? That went over with me like a lead balloon. I saw the practice’s numbers. Charlie had brought in a lot of revenue. She deserved something for her hard work. She finally settled with him for a more than reasonable price on her part—not his. I would have liked her to fight harder, but I could tell that it was breaking her heart. No amount of money is worth my girl’s pain.


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