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Good for Me

Page 18

by Aeryn Jaden

  Annie snickered in my direction.

  “Sit, we were just waiting for you to come before we started. I came to get you sooner but you were busy.”

  And she said that with a straight face. I turned to Bain and did what I do best.

  “Recheck? I may need that lawyer after all. They seem really hungry, Bain.”

  As soon as my mouth finished, I wanted to bang my head on a wall. Great.

  To my surprise the tall tree’s booming laugh that made me jump also warmed the smiles around the table. It must have been an old joke, the lawyer thing. The elegant fragile-looking older woman smiled at me and I got the impression that was a big feat, like passing some kind of test.

  “Oh, I do think we’re gonna keep you. Bain, don’t just stand there, darling. Bring him closer so that your father can cross-examine him at his heart’s content.”

  She winked and I gingerly sat between her and Bain.

  I may have leaned more on Bain’s direction. Because, seriously, meeting your boyfriend’s family?

  Scary as shit.

  “I think my mom wants to adopt you.”

  “More like dissect my brain and see what makes me tick.”

  He laughed and I moved closer to his side. We were in his jeep heading to his apartment. Sean’s shinny toy remained at Annie’s place, where Dave had promised me he’ll fix “the little scratch that marred such a perfect beauty”. His adoringly obsessed words not mine. The guy took a look and told Annie he was sleeping in the garage before moving to Bermuda with his new love. Goof.

  It had been a strange dinner, unlike any I’ve ever been to. Dinner with my family was a solemn affair with straight back, proper etiquette and not of hint of smile or joke. The silence was so deafening that you had the impulse to break something just to hear a sound.

  I suspect Margaret has caught on to something because by the middle of second course she had that patient tone that spoke of couches and long talks. Probably my wide-eye panicked look betrayed me. Damn. And here I thought I was being subtle about eyeing the door.

  They laughed, they yelled a little, the little angel- Maddie spilled the juice all over her and nobody even frowned. They just quickly changed her dress and poured her another glass. My tension at the incident made Bain squeeze my hand in reassurance like he knew I was remembering similar incidents but with different reactions. I felt strange all night. They weren’t bothering to hide their appraisal of me but that’s what made it easier to handle it. I could deal with upfront people, the sly two-faced ones gave me problems. They were still cops though and at the end of dinner they knew even the kind of tea I liked and my SAT score.

  “It went better than I expected.”

  I saw him glancing from the corner of his eye at me, like he was assessing my words and mood.

  “They’re a randy bunch but not mean. I don’t know what you expected for you to look so relieved you’re still alive and in one piece.”

  I snorted and turned to the window. It was raining and small shiny drops decorated the foggy glass. The darkness didn’t have any answers for me. I had to try.

  “I’m not used to people like your family. They’re so…genuine. Real. I was taught that you never speak at dinner, unless it’s to ask for salt or excuse yourself. Well, I was mostly grounded to my room by dinner time so I’m by no means an expert at family dinners.”

  My attempt at a joking tone fell short and my deprecating smile died quickly. Bain was frowning at the road and just stood there patiently waiting for me to continue. Biting his lower lip to keep from commenting.

  “You think you’re clever, don’t you?”

  This time he risked a quick smile in my direction.

  “A trick I learned from mom, I guess. I’m not too good at being all silent and comforting like, am I?’

  I looked in faked surprise up and down his large frame clad in dark painted on jeans and white wifebeater.

  “Oh? That’s what you we’re trying to do? I thought you were chewing on nails so you can shut up and hear more while I’m so generous with giving information about the dark ages of my life.


  He smiled grimly and pulled the car in a parking lot. We we’re at his apartment building already.

  “Nothing passes by you, does it?”

  “Should it?”

  His face turned solemn and I controlled the urge to be flippant and jump over the serious moment.

  “No. I’m an open book. You can read me anytime. I wasn’t trying to pry.”

  “I know. I’m kinda… closed up when it’s about some…things.”

  “You’re a closemouthed bastard whose mouth I have to unclamp each and every time I want to know something personal. The rest of the time you’re the busy bee of uncommitted and ambiguous talking. Maybe it’s an overcompensating thing.”

  I was staring at his sheepish expression. That was… so accurate. And very graphic.

  “Thought about it much?”

  “About you? Every second of the day. Sometimes at night too.”

  He winked at me making me blush. Uh-oh. I shifted on the leather seat, still shy with the feelings part of this “us” business. Other perky parts of me were standing to attention at his low growly voice. The rain hit the car in a soothing rhythm and helped me relax.

  “I…may think about you too. Sometimes. Ok, ok. Don’t stand there with that stunned look on your face. I think about you a lot. Like when I go to sleep and you aren’t there. Or when I wake up. At work. Sometime in the shower.”

  I blushed harder at that and hoped the darkness hid it. The shower thing had happened most recently. Like when I showered today. And the reason I was blushing? Not telling.

  His slow Cheshire smile made my heart speed up.

  “I know. I can see it on your face when you look at me. Usually when you think I’m not watching . Never thought I’ll get you to admit it, though.”

  “I’m trying. This week…”

  I made an inarticulate sound and winced. He lifted my slightly trembling hand and pulled me closer so that my next words were caressing his lips.

  “I missed you. Bad. And I never told you. I …care about you. That’s why I struggle with us so much. That’s why it hurt to see your back turned at me. Never do that again, Bain. Never.”

  “Shh…baby mine.”

  He gently touched my lips with his. His eyes captured mine and didn’t release their magnetic hold. He wanted me to look in his eyes. To see that he what he was feeling. He was daring me to hold his gaze and confront my fears. My breath hitched. I never saw anyone looking at me that way. Like I was precious. Like I was all he wanted to look at all day long.

  “You’re killing me.”

  “I scare you.”

  I was barely breathing by now. My chest felt funny, like my heart has expanded and I didn’t have any place for oxygen.

  “Yes. This feels big. Us… This is different, isn’t it? Not like the usual “slam-bam thank you m’am” affair.”

  His laugh was doing other strange things to me. That’s what I was afraid of, his power over me.

  “Never was. And you were no m’am last time I checked.’

  “Funny. Do you feel it to? When I laugh…or…look at you…I don’t know. “

  I wanted to hide from that softness in his eyes. I couldn’t because I wanted it. I wanted him to always look like that at me. I had seen him looking at me plenty of times and I always took it in stride. I couldn’t anymore. I didn’t want to be a coward. And that’s what I was until now.

  “Yes. That’s what makes this big. Important. And I’ll tell you a secret: I’m as terrified as you are. Just let me in, Tyler. I promise you won’t regret it.”

  His lips closed the distance again but he didn’t kiss me. Just stood there, half-way, waiting for me to make the other step. Manipulative bastard. But worth it.

  “Yes. I want you in.”

  I smirked and bit his lower lip before plunging in. I would have laughed at the cor
niness of my response if I had any lucid brain cell left. All that I was seemed exclusively focused on him. Kissing, licking, exploring. Losing myself in the heat and the spicy taste of his mouth. I tried to pour all I felt in that battle of mouths, not wanting to leave any doubt I wanted him, wanted this. I needed. I moaned in his mouth and his arms pulled me closer. My knee banged into something and I moaned again. In pain.

  “Shit. Sorry. Maybe we should move this inside.”

  “In is good.”

  His leer made me close my mouth quickly. He waggled his eyebrows at me and I huffed amused in response.

  “In is very good.”


  “Soon. Patience, love.”

  I meticulously ignored his endearment and made a run for the cover provided by his building. By the time we entered the hallway we were strongly cooled of. The rain was too cold and wet even for our heated bodies.

  I liked his apartment. Cozy. Small compared even to my tiny house. It smelled like Bain. Every time he brought me here I felt like I never wanted to leave. It was warm and welcoming. The walls were a surprising lilac nuance. He had a small, crammed kitchen corner in his living room. A bar delimited the kitchen area in the left from the living room occupied by a towering massive wood table and chairs to match. On the wall in my right side reined a plasma, a love seat and two worn out armchairs. You could get lost in them if you weren’t careful, they were that plush. Two doors were on the wall facing the entrance. One was the bathroom, the other was his bedroom. Never saw it. Bain was usually very quick to leave when he brought me to his home, which happened only when he absolutely had to pass by. Like he was ashamed or something.

  “Shower. Leave your clothes there, I’ll put them with mine later on in the machine.”

  He looked confused when I didn’t rush towards the promise of warm water. I knew I was rapidly approaching a heart failure. I faltered in my words and stayed in my own pool of water in the hallway. Come on man, this is a simple thing. He’s already seen all you’ve got!

  “Um… Shower with me?”

  His stunned expression was so comical that I marginally relaxed.

  “Hell, yeah.”

  I was half-carried, half-dragged in the bathroom and my clothes were quickly torn from my chilled body. My fumbled attempts to undress him left me frustrated and I grumbled something about it under my breath. He laughed breathlessly and helped me, stealing a grope or ten. In no time, water sliced down between our naked bodies. Our cocks were fast regaining their perkiness, insistently rubbing on any wet skin they found.

  We didn’t spoke. Half moans and strangled whispers don’t count as a conversation. But our bodies were saying more than we could ever speak out-loud. Excitement, breathless arousal, gentle touches on my back, soapy hands lovingly washing every inch of my skin. I leaned in his wandering hands letting him knead the tension out of my muscles, letting him see it all. My face was probably having a weird blissful expression, but I didn’t care. I fought the impulse to close my eyes, eager to see him. I always kinda just stood there and let him do all the work, unsure of which move was appropriate or not. I was starting to see that any move I made will be welcomed. My hands rose hesitantly to touch the wet furled muscles of his chest, patting and kneading a little and I felt him freeze. A finger flicked his hardened slick nipple and he jumped. Oh. Sensitive. Nice. I repeated the move and I earned a moan. Huh.

  One of my hands wandered down and I stopped just before I reached his jutting cock. He was fiercely frowning at me, like he could somehow mentally command me to continue and touch.

  I smiled deviously.

  “Shit. I’m in big trouble with you, aren’t I?”

  I hummed and he smiled adoringly down at me. My hands resumed their position on his chest, now soaping him up. I figured if his hands on me had felt so good, mine should do too. I caressed every inch of golden wet-silky skin I could reach, studiously avoiding his reddened dick. My own dick was screaming for a touch, hard to the point of being painful. I was enjoying myself too much to give in to its demands. Exploring a fine specimen of man. Guess Bain would call it torturing if I was to judge by his grimace of pleasure when I twisted a little bit harder his equally reddened nipples.

  “We’ll have to get you a stool or a bench. The shower’s shoving promising possibilities.”

  I shied my flaming face, knowing my face betrayed all those “promising possibilities” I had already imagined.

  “You…you could always do a lab re-do.”

  His dick jumped on his abs and a pearlescent drop teased my senses. I leaned and released my tormented lip before licking his erect nipple. My finger swept at the milky pre-come and I moaned at the taste.

  “Fuck, Tyler . Do that again.”

  I turned my best coy look up to his intent face.

  “Do what? Talk dirty or lick you all over?”

  “A-ha… That. Either. Both?”

  I loved it when he whispered what he’ll do to me but I had never uttered a word in response. It was too revealing. I was depriving both of us.

  “You want me to tell you how good you feel when you stretch me with your cock? The burn makes me lose all thought, every inhibition I have. Or when you just pull me up off my feet for a kiss and I feel the world stopping for a second before spinning like mad…”

  I tormented the other nipple and let my hands reach their goal. His penis hardened even more in my curious hands and he let out a strangled sound, making me flush with a sense of power. I was doing this to him, bringing him to the brink of begging for more.

  I was used by now to the sensation of another dick in my hand but I doubt I’ll ever find it any less new and strange. Good strange though. My hands felt full and sensitive as I was stroking him. With one I was rolling his balls, the soft fuzzy felling of the slick skin making my mouth water. I’ve gave him a blow job once, but it had been a little awkward. I was a little awkward and unfortunately I bypassed tasting his balls. I moaned with him.

  “Being with you is like a rollercoaster, one moment I’m still and lazily enjoying the ride. Then it becomes wild, exhilarating. I love to see you go wild on me, biting my neck, bruising my lips while pistoning that huge cock in and out of me. I forget where I stop and where you start.”

  I dropped to my knees and focused on what my hands were still doing to him. I kept my touch light but he was already tense, barely restraining himself from rocking in my grip. I’m not that cruel of a guy to keep on tormenting both of us.

  “Enough talking. Grab on something, will you?”

  I winked at him and stuffed my mouth full with his hot rod.

  I whimpered at the taste and feel. He groaned and instinctively pushed forward making me momentarily gag.

  “Jesus, sorry.”

  His big hands cupped my face, gently rubbing where my jaw stubbornly stretched around him. His amazed smile turned dangerous and his eyes glinted like chips of hot ice. Play time was over.

  “Suck it, baby. Make me hot and ready to pound you all night long. I have special plans for you tonight.”

  Last time Bain had mentioned special plans, he rimmed my ass into next week. The remembered feeling of soft wet tongue probing my hole was enough to drive me crazy with lust. Now add to that his callused hands jerking me off and alternatively pinching my nipples. I had cum that time like a train wreck. My hole fluttered at the memory. It had been a long time since I felt him deep inside. Fingers were a poor substitute, even if they were Bain’s thick and talented ones.

  I licked around the mushroom head, softly grazing my teeth on the underside. He liked that, oh yeah. Researching the net was paying off. Tentatively bobbing my head I took more of him and tried to relax my throat. Researching really paid off and I took a bit more, bobbing up and down his shaft, not letting his focused eyes out of my sight. I was getting off on seeing his pleasure and I feared I would burst without a single touch. I was so lost in what I was doing that I didn’t first noticed that he was trying to reach my arms
and pull me up. He had a kinda “shaky” aim.

  “Out. Bed. Now. You’re too good at that and as soon I can think again we’ll talk about how and where you learned some of it.”

  NO way will I tell him about my abused bananas.

  He shut the water and we stumbled out of the bathroom after we quickly dried one another. I didn’t see anything of the bedroom, I was too intent on the big metal framed bed. The soft blue cotton sheets were rustled as if he had left in a hurry. I fell back on the mattress. Everything smelled like him and I deeply sniffed the pillow. Not quite discretely since he laughed before jumping beside me. He caught me when I started to bounce around and pulled me flush against his still wet skin. Both our breaths caught and we just stared at each other, slowly rubbing skin on skin. His hands started stroking from my cheek to my neck, down my chest. Mine firmly planted besides his nipples. I had unfinished business with those cuties.

  “Hey, there.”

  My body shivered on its own at his voice.

  “Hey, back.”

  He softly passed his fingers through my pubic hair and commenced on folding my ass.

  “Missed you.”

  Oh, shit. I felt my eyes filling up in response to his loving look and held his gaze stubbornly even if I still panicked a bit. It was getting easier.

  “Missed you more.”


  Both of us. We shared another smile. He seemed in no hurry to go further and I would have pouted if his eyes weren’t promising me wicked things. His hands kept me busy too. I was anxious to have him, but I also enjoyed simply being there with him. The usual urgency between us was banked, slowly burning and waiting to incinerate us.

  A bottle of lube magically appeared and I felt his questioning fingers demand entrance. He started slowly with only the tip of one finger. I was tight, having had sex only two times before.

  “I want to treat you right. To show you how it could be. Not that fast and wild isn’t good. Real, real good.”


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