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To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5)

Page 11

by John Buttrick

  This was how most of the conversations went with folks who had been restored from the spell Condemnation and who were therefore exceedingly grateful. Daniel was pleased to be of help but uncomfortable with the amount of praise they piled at his feet. “Thank my mother and father; they are the ones who raised me.”

  Sero finished giving his portion, nodded, and stepped away. He went to the door, turned and said, “Thank you, Lady Miriam,” while bowing his head to her, and then walked out.

  Each Aakacarn came, placed their hand on Daniel’s forehead, sent Vitality into his vat, and then exited after giving thanks to his mother. When the last donor walked out, the Lead Healer placed a hand on his forehead and he could feel the warmth of the spell assessing his vat. Her left eyebrow arched up, the fuchsia glow of potential ceased and she took a step back.

  “Is there something wrong?” his Mother asked, being quick to read the healer’s facial expression.

  “His vat is only five eighths of the way full even though by my calculations he has been given nearly enough volume of energy to fill it” Jennel began to explain. “This means it could hold more than the minimal amount necessary to rate the seven lightning bolts on his shoulders. As you know, a six bolt Accomplished has thirty-six times the power of a one-bolt and a seven–bolt would have forty-nine, and so there is a great deal of potential between each lightning bolt ranking.”

  “You mean his vat has continued to grow and could possibly take seven and a half bolts to fill,” Sherree gave her interpretation of the explanation. “I did not see any topaz in the many different hues in his reservoir.”

  Jennel nodded her head. “Neither did I a moment ago, so he still cannot summon potential unless aided by one or two of us, even after today’s series of treatments. His vat is definitely growing but is not being refreshed.”

  Sherree frowned and drew in a breath. “When will that happen, when will his life force energy begin replenishing?” Daniel was eager to hear the answer to that.

  Jennel’s brow began wrinkling and quickly developed into a frown to match that of the First Lady. “It is difficult to say, no one has been in his condition before, and so we are learning as we go. We will continue to monitor him and donate the potential he requires, for as long as required. Time and the Vessel’s swirling of events will provide the answer to your question.”

  The discussion did not answer Daniel’s biggest concern. “After I receive the donations today, will I be able to start the healings and restorations?”

  The Lead Healer did not reply right away, evidently giving the matter some thought, but finally nodded and said, “I recommend the sessions continue until your reservoir is full, but see no reason the healings cannot begin with the assistance of Aakacarns on hand to replace what the procedure shall cost you in potential.”

  Sherree nodded and responded, “We will accept that recommendation,” answering for him. She, Leah, and the pair of Teki had a habit of doing so, even though he was perfectly capable of speaking for himself.

  Since his wife gave the verbal response he would have, Daniel focused on Jennel “The sooner we begin, the sooner I can help the people in this holding who need new limbs.”

  “Of course, Maestro, it will be as you say,” the Lead Healer replied without looking to his wife or mother for permission, which he appreciated.

  Three more session to go through and then Daniel could get started on his healing chores, he could hardly wait. With his wife and perhaps a few other Accomplisheds at his side, he hoped to restore scores if not hundreds of people to good health, and that was just a start on what needed to be done guild-wide. A Maestro conducts the entire symphony, not just a few arrangements within the piece.

  He had observed quite a bit through the eyes of squirrels, mice, bats, spiders, a host of other creeping things, and so had a good idea of what was happening in most of his holdings; including thoughts from a pair of hawks, Sheen and Glimmer, at the small but growing naval facility where his parents have been living. The raptors were unhappy at being left behind when Marsha conveyed Ronn and Miriam to the northland holding, since their assignment from Daniel had been to keep a watch on his parents.

  Most of his birds had flown south for the winter and his large tribe of sasquatches was in southwestern Ducaun. Together they granted him a wide area to glean information from, but they were no substitute for human contact. His swirl of influence now stretched across the entire kingdom, giving him more information than even his well-organized and compartmentalized mind could sort through. It was easy to get lost in the sensations, seeing and feeling their emotions as if he was there in person, in addition to trying to prioritize the information. There simply were not enough marks in a day to learn every detail and take action after making an informed decision on every matter. He needed people and they needed him, so mingling with the members of his guild was not only enjoyable, it was a necessity he could put off no longer.

  His mother came and stood beside him on the left. “My daughter and I have a few things to discuss so we will leave you to your chores. We can all meet later for lunch,” she informed him. Sherree was often referred to as, “my daughter,” rather than, “my daughter-in-law.” Daniel knew his mother loved his wife as if she had given birth to her.

  The First Lady’s eyes widened, evidently as surprised as he by the statement, especially since she had not left his side since restoring him after the battle, and was still not inclined to do so. Everybody in the guild knew this and no one suggested that she should part from him for even a few minutes, let alone for several marks or more.

  “Leah will be here shortly to cast any spells he requires during his rounds and you know she will not allow him to be over taxed,” Miriam assured her. “After all, you are the First Lady of the Atlantan Guild and as such can make decisions on his behalf. There are literally thousands of people looking for direction, not just here but at the other holdings as well, and if you fail to give them the guidance they need, they will seek it from their Maestro. The First Accomplished has been doing a good job, but people need to see and get used to working with you as well.”

  The choice between staying with her husband and helping him by performing her role as Lady of both the guild and his estates had Sherree glancing between mother and son until finally making a decision, “Daniel, when Leah tells you to take a break, you take a break” she insisted and then turned to his mother. “Let’s go have that chat.”

  She and Miriam went off somewhere private and Daniel had a feeling his mother would probably share some embarrassing things from his childhood, again, but could do nothing about that. When he stepped out of the conference room, flanked by Jennel and Carlos, Silvia and David were in the common room, each wearing bright colors along with their weapons.

  After the invisible assassin infiltrated this very building and nearly succeeded in killing Daniel, everyone carried weapons, even the cooks, and the personnel on guard duty used the spell, Running With the Wolves, to sense any intruders, through sound and smell, that could not be seen with naked eyes. The Sentinels and Guardsmen had wolf-head amulets he created months ago within their uniforms, against their skin, which activated the spell for them to use while on patrol.

  The door to the dining room opened and out walked Simon and Leah. The First Accomplished stood a head in height above the Chief Aid and had been working closely with him for the last seven days. “And Sherree actually agreed to be parted from him?” the sandy-haired Accomplished was saying.

  Leah nodded. “As you know from firsthand experience, Miriam Benhannon is not an easy person to turn down or deny and she will pass on my promise to the First Lady. This is something that needs to be done. You and Sherree are relatively new to the guild and while you have spent the last six days interacting with the members, she has been totally focused on Daniel.”

  “She is still haunted by his near death and is afraid he will unnecessarily risk himself, casting spells that could be performed by any of us,” Simon was qu
ick to defend the actions of a friend he had known for years. Daniel approved of the trait.

  The First Accomplished’s lips formed a smile and her eyes focused away from the Chief Aid and onto the man who had been at the center of their discussion. “Maestro, I am here to be of assistance, where would you like to go?”

  Simon’s eyes widened, it was rare for him to be so absorbed in a conversation that he did not notice anything else, although, come to think of it, Leah was always present on those rare situations. His face reddened a bit, but his voice came out in a natural tone. “You do have a tendency to throw yourself into danger.”

  Daniel laughed. It was not the first time those closest to him had brought up his propensity to leap to the rescue. Ruth, the Teki Seer for the Reshashinni, had speculated about that very trait being one of the possible reasons he had been chosen by the Creator to be the Vessel to lead in the war of champions, and she might have had the right of it. The inclination to help rather than walk away or stand and watch when someone was in trouble could be one of the reasons he had been selected, and therefore was not a trait to be ashamed of. He simply had to keep in mind he was not alone, that others have joined him, and can also render aid. “The five Serpent raids Leah, Marcus, and the Benhannon Guard repelled, which both of you attempted to keep from me, should prove that I have tempered my tendency to get directly involved in the fighting. I witnessed the night raids through my scouts and allowed her to handle it.”

  “There is that,” the First Accomplished agreed, although she did not appear to be the slightest bit embarrassed over learning they had failed to keep the information from him or that they had attempted to do so in the first place. “There are more than a few flocks of Eagles camped within your jurisdiction. They no doubt were aware of the raids, but did not get involved, nor have they approached the manor grounds. They have made no attempt to arrest us.”

  “For the time being, we have found no sign of any Serpents within your jurisdiction or in the lands surrounding it,” Simon added to the information given by Leah, even though they both knew at this point such facts were already known to Daniel.

  Rather than continue speaking of things that had been handled well enough without his involvement and after making known his awareness of the incidents, Daniel decided it was time to get on with his chores. “Leah, take us to Shantear,” he answered the question put to him earlier by the First Accomplished.

  “It will be as you say, Maestro,” she replied and did not seem to mind the trail leading away from the current discussion.

  Leah closed her eyes, no doubt seeing through one of her animal scouts to find an area free of people or objects. It was the best way to be sure their substances would not be merging with anyone or anything else. Daniel was suddenly flung into darkness and three heart beats later was standing in the office of the First Accomplished. A shining sphere floating up near the center of the ceiling provided the light. Carlos, Simon, and the pair of Teki were standing to the left and right of him while Leah stood behind her desk. On a stand in the right corner stood an eagle carved from a block of cedar. The raptor was life-like and Daniel instantly recognized the handiwork of his father. A pair of actual chipmunks scampered between the talons of the carving and one of them likely owned the pair of eyes Leah had seen through prior to the conveyance.

  The door opened and in walked Jerremy DeSuan. Light brown skin on a face many women had described as being handsome, and clean-cut hair, gave him the appearance of a young lord, which would be a correct assumption. His father, Lord DeSuan, owned and operated one of the largest shipping fleets in Serinia, if not the world. Due to his high birth, Jerremy often came across as being arrogant, which he was to a degree, but made up for it with his willingness to risk his life on behalf of others, even those he considered to be of low birth.

  “I heard the snap and crack of displaced air and knew you had arrived,” the tall Serinian gave as his reason for entering unannounced. “As you requested, First Accomplished, I am here to provide our Maestro a tour of this facility.”

  Daniel had only mentioned his desire to see the improvements at Shantear in the near future and interact with the workers, but had no idea she had anticipated where he would want to go first and actually scheduled the event and appointed a guide. The former Senior Soarer of the Eagle Guild was perceptive and intuitive. “Lead the way. I have seen it all but Daniel has not, so feel free to provide as much detail as seems fit,” Leah replied.

  With the hood of Jerremy’s blue silk cloak down, his single golden lightning bolt was hidden within its folds, and yet he did not seem to care. Everyone in this group knew the level of potential he commanded and respected his talent; perhaps that was enough for him. “All that seems fit,” he repeated, and giving a half smile added, “That I will. Please come this way.”

  Daniel followed him into the hall and when Leah, Carlos, Simon, David, and Silvia filed out, the Serinian began his commentary. “We are in the new section, near the summit, ten levels above the staging chamber you created, Maestro. Dirt and rocks have been raised to encase Shantear, increasing the size by fifty percent. Thus we are creating a large city beneath the surface that when finished will enveloped the entire mountain.”

  Silvia’s eyebrows arched up and she seemed distressed by the change “What about those wonderful trees?”

  “The Sequoias have not been destroyed but rather transplanted on the new addition with the help of our Accomplisheds who are former members of the Willow Guild. The old tunnels, caverns and caves have been filled in with hardened dirt where possible,” Jerremy explained.

  “Where did you get the dirt to accomplish all of what has been done here?” Carlos inquired.

  “We drew it from the ground west of Shantear’s foot. What were hills and valleys are now a lake ten spans in diameter and two deep,” Jerremy answered with a prideful smile, and he had a right to be pleased with the accomplishment.

  “What about the Great Crystal, it and the immediate area are vulnerable, being teleportation arrival points for the Serpents?” Daniel asked, concerned about security, seeing as it was the primary reason he had laid claim to the mountain.

  Jerremy’s nose pointed upward as if he was surprised to be asked such a question, one that implied he did not know the danger, and was somewhat beneath him to answer, yet he did so. “We have had to work around the crystal formations and could only do little changes to the Crystal Chamber. I brought in more dirt, raising the floor another four cubits, and added six manually placed cubits of dirt within the Great Crystal.”

  Daniel nodded his understanding. “Your changes mean some of us will have to duck our heads to get through the passage; that is something we can live with, seeing as it fully secures us from any attempts by the Serpents to gain entrance. You do realize that placing six cubits of dirt in the Great Crystal leaves only three cubits of space. I would have to lie down with my feet touching one of the sides in order to cast a spell through it and Grand Symphonies like we performed days ago would be practically impossible.”

  “I am intimately familiar with the dimensions of all the spaces at Shantear and assure you the knowledge of how much space is left in a nine cubit high area, after six cubits have been added, is well within my ability to realize. The dirt inside the Crystal can be removed, if given enough notice, and I was told to make it secure, and that is what I did,” Jerremy explained without apology and a hint of the arrogance he was known for. “Other than defending ourselves from Serpent raids, none of us has any idea what your plans are, and that makes anticipating the particulars difficult.”

  Leah frowned at the response. “Accomplished DeSuan, when I spoke of you speaking as you see fit, I meant about the changes being made here, not a commentary on how difficult the task you had been given was to perform or your inability to anticipate beyond what has been assigned.” Her words brought some humility to Jerremy’s attitude and he gave her the traditional nod of respect.

  The Serinian’s ego aside,
Daniel actually wanted to hear about the changes and the challenges, and so did not want to discourage people from speaking up. “I listened to his advice back when he and I shared a dorm, it was worth the while then and I reckon worth hearing some more.”

  Jerremy smiled and his nose lifted slightly upward. “So much has occurred from then till now, it seems that time is now part of the distant past. Had I known you were an Accomplished pretending to be a Talented, I would have..,”

  “Probably given the advice anyway,” Simon finished the sentence. “He was a mountaineer out of his element, becoming a part of a world completely foreign to his prior existence, and you took pity on him, as did I.”

  Jerremy pointed his finger at the sandy-haired Chief Aid. “You always seem to know more than people suspect. You, deemed a prodigy by the Instructors, were almost always in the upper ten percentile, yet never closer than seven, and I think it was deliberate. You and Daniel actually want people to underestimate you, but for different reasons; he to surprise and prevail over his enemies, and you to remain anonymous; left alone to achieve your goals without interference.”

  The assessment made by the Serinian was probably not far off the mark; Daniel did want his adversaries to underestimate him and also knew they were not likely to keep doing so. As for his sandy-haired friend, the comment made by Jerremy was close to accurate, but nothing Daniel felt needed further discussion. They continued down the corridor and came to a massive wooden door on the right. A falcon carrying a lightning bolt in its talons was carved into the center.

  “This is the Maestro’s office,” Simon informed the group instead of responding to Jerremy, proving the Chief Aid was not inclined to confirm or deny the assessment and that he had been in this area at an earlier time.

  Daniel opened the door. Other than being twice the size of his office at the northland holding, and light emanating from glowing orbs rather than oil lamps, this one was identical. The same held true for what was behind the next door, the conference room, except the obsidian table had an oval in the center containing the falcon in a sky of blue clutching the lightning bolt. Jerremy beckoned them to continue down the hall and began opening doors and explaining the functions while keeping the commentary to a minimum out of respect for Leah. Daniel greeted the Accomplisheds working in the halls and rooms as the tour went deeper into the areas still under creation. Dirt and rock were being shifted and reformed by glowing Aakacarns.


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