To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5)
Page 22
Conductor Obenport entered and Daniel silently watched her approach. Carlos, Sero, David and Silvia, sat beside him. The husband and wife were wearing their traditional vibrant colors while everyone else had on blue silks; Jennel paid them no attention, and turned, motioning for the stream of Aakacarns following her to line up. “Maestro, it is time for you to receive donations.”
Daniel counted a hundred Accomplisheds and wondered why so many came with her. “I thank you all for coming and your generosity.”
Jennel glanced at the volunteers but her main focus was on him. “It is our wish to give you as much life force energy as we can over the next four marks,” she began to say and paused when he opened his mouth to object. Her well-meaning intention would take time, which could be spent on other chores. “No, we are not going to drain ourselves, if that is what you are concerned about,” she misinterpreted his concern but he chose to hear her out. “Each of us will give twenty percent of our reservoir to you and another group will come in, and so on until the time has passed. This effort might fill your vat; so I think it is worth doing.”
The idea of sitting around and doing nothing over the next four marks held little appeal. His animal scouts were still clamoring for attention, eager to share what they were seeing. He long ago learned from necessity how to compartmentalize his mind; it was the only way to think clearly with so many creatures linked to him and most of them wanting his attention all at once. Why not do both? He could gain information while the donations take place, making better use of his time, and fulfill the promise made to his mother. “Very well, you can do so over the next four marks while I focus on the animals in my swirl,” he agreed.
“It will be as you say, Maestro,” Jennel replied, and then was the first to donate.
The greatest pressure came from the compartments containing Jasper and Letha, a pair of white foxes who took over from Echo and Wisp, ospreys who had been scouting the Foothills of Pentrosa but were now, after a stint seeking Condemneds, in the south catching fish in Lake Benhannon. Daniel focused on the compartment containing Jasper. His fur blended well in the landscape as he crouched beneath a snow-covered bush and peered toward a circular stone fortress while breathing in the cool air and all the interesting scents being carried on the breeze. Walls thirty cubits high with a second level extending up another ten, and a watch tower on the roof stretching up an additional thirty-five cubits, made the military installation seem formidable. Men in the gray black-trimmed uniforms of the Sutton Guard were training soldiers in light brown uniforms, these were the regulars. All of them had conical helmets and fur-lined winter coats. Daniel knew the elite Suttons were there, ten thousand horsemen and five thousand foot, but did not know a legion, perhaps two, had joined them.
On the grounds stood a well-muscled officer in gray with a pointed nose, who seemed to be coaching another man. The slender fellow in a brown uniform launched a round object, about the size of a grapefruit, from a sling. The ball flew through the air and into the center of a charging squad, who then all dropped to the ground for no reason Daniel could see through the eyes of Jasper.
“Good job Bellup. This time you did not drop the spheroid and managed to sling it right into the midst of a charging enemy,” the officer told the regular.
“Lieutenant Lymin, when will we be allowed to use the real ones?” Bellup asked as he wiped his runny nose.
“When all of you slingers can do what you just did every time without dropping a single spheroid,” the officer replied, his breath clouding the frigid air. Daniel recognized him from a previous encounter, a meeting viewed months ago through the eyes of a panther.
The scene was repeated all across the snow-covered yard, slingers launching spheres at charging squads, some on horses and some on foot. The hefty slinger on the left dropped his sphere and Lieutenant Lymin shouted, “Valaumin, you are dead! Hit the ground until the exercise is over.”
Another slinger aimed poorly and missed his targets by a fair margin. The squad quickly surrounded him and began punching and beating him to the ground. They did not appear to be injuring him but he and every slinger were clearing under pressure and being given sufficient motivation not to miss.
“Is Daniel/Alpha pleased?” Jasper wanted to know, no doubt feeling Daniel’s concern, while fighting the urge to bolt into the woods.
Obviously the spheres represented some new weapon, one that was too dangerous for casual training, a device that, if dropped, can kill a clumsy slinger. Daniel needed to learn more about this new weapon and hoped to see through his scouts when the slingers become proficient enough to use the actual spheroids. Time will reveal what he wanted to know or maybe Samuel. “Yes, I am pleased with what you showed me.”
A sense of contentment replaced the fear that had been flowing through the mental connection. Letha sent a high pitched mental whine to get his attention, so Daniel thanked Jasper and concentrated on the female fox, whose rumbling stomach protested at being empty. She was on a hill on the other side of the fortress and looking down from the sheet of white at thousands of men on horses and foot soldiers engaged in mock battle. The Suttons were training two full legions of regulars. Scores of catapults were on the field, crews launching sacks of sand, working to improve efficiency as well as accuracy. Other crews did the same on the bolt launchers, each capable of shooting off a rack of ten at a time, and dart launchers able to shoot four racks of ten. Another group of men ran out, retrieved the bolts and darts, and then reloaded the racks.
The Pentrosans were preparing to invade. Daniel wondered what might have happened to make them feel confident after losing so many men in their brief siege of his holding only months ago. Perhaps the spheroids had a part in it. He/she could not see any Aakacarns and yet there could be little doubt the Serpents would be involved at some level.
“Does Daniel/Alpha want to go closer?” Letha asked, having sensed his wondering over the enemy Accomplisheds.
“No, I am pleased with what you have shown me from here. I want you and Jasper to stay hidden.”
“Letha smells mouse. Will hunt and stay hidden.”
“Enjoy,” Daniel sent, feeling her hunger, and withdrew his awareness. Sharing her senses meant he would be able to taste whatever she ate.
While his focus had been on Letha, he was also aware of each person placing a hand on his forehead and the tingling warmth being sent into the center of his being. If he had been in the Benhannon Northland Holding he would have cast a spell to scan for any Aakacarns in the vicinity of the fortress, but could not do so from Shantear. If he focused potential through the Great Crystal, the amplified spell would frighten the entire world, and alert the enemy that they were being scanned. The troubles such an action would bring him would far exceed any benefit and so scanning for Aakacarns in the Foothills, he decided, is another chore for Samuel.
He opened his eyes as Kaylin Coffee finished giving her twenty percent. She had long brown hair down to her waist, large amber eyes, and was one of the few one-bolt Accomplisheds in this group. “I know it wasn’t much, but I wanted to have a part in building your strength.”
Daniel smiled at the young woman who matched him in age. “And you have, for that I am grateful.”
She gave the traditional nod of respect, which he returned, then stepped out of the room, and likely on her way back to the Department of Emissaries. David and Silvia were speaking softly to one another while Carlos and Sero quietly engaged in a conversation of their own as the marks went by. Hosea Shiloh, dark of eye and hair, a three-bolt Accomplished of the Defense Department, stepped forward to deliver his donation of life force energy when Bernard Kleopis, Conductor of the Department of Emissaries, entered the room and quickly bypassed him.
“Maestro, I have reports from several emissaries in the field that I feel you should be made aware of sooner rather than later,” the department-head announced.
Daniel glanced at Hosea and then addressed Bernard. “I will listen while Accomplished Shiloh does wh
at he came here to do.”
Hosea nodded his head, stepped around the Conductor, and placed his hand on Daniel’s forehead. Potential began to flow moments later. Bernard also nodded and proceeded with what he had come to do. “Accomplished Duellen, assigned to Sir Tomas Zollaf, reports the Pentrosan Seventh Legion has moved to the border ten spans north of Mount Arend. That particular battle group usually patrols the northeastern border Pentrosa shares with Ecoppia. Sir Tomas believes the kingdom may be sending all of its legions south and it is only a matter of time before they invade Ducaun.”
Given what Jasper and Letha showed him, Daniel could only agree a large scale invasion seemed to be imminent. “Two legions of regulars have joined the legion of Sutton Guardsmen in the Foothills, please relay this to Sir Tomas and to all of the other emissaries assigned to the lords, generals, and knights. The Queen must also be informed of this.”
“It will be as you say, Maestro,” Bernard replied. “I must tell you the next report is even bleaker than the last. Accomplished Berginon, assigned to General Tallen, reports two Cenkataaran legions have crossed the eastern border of Ducaun and have threatened to advance farther if you do not withdraw all of our forces from Lobenia. This report has already been passed to Queen Cleona through Accomplished Meado. Her Majesty trusts you to act on her behalf.”
Daniel ran the fingers of his right hand through his hair, knocking back the hood of his cloak, yet managing not to disturb Hosea’s hand on his forehead. Events were out pacing him, nothing new about that, yet it was frustrating to be sitting around when there were chores to do, and dealing with an invasion was a mighty big chore to add onto the list. “I knew General Tallen was ordered back east after General Fisher brought his North Central Legion to bolster General Malcus and his North Western Legion. Trouble with Pentrosa is not surprising but Cenkataar has always been a peaceful neighbor and up till recently they only had a token legion at the border. The international pressure to force Ducaun to cease preparing for war was orchestrated by Efferin Tames. The idiotic plan also caused the Battencayan legions to be on the border of Ducaun, leaving the kingdom vulnerable to invasion from Fon Kay. I am wondering if something similar is afoot or if Tarin Conn has made a new ally.”
Silvia broke from the conversation with her husband and sprang to her feet. “Cenkataar is not one of the kingdoms that are allied with the Serpent Guild. While they are in danger, I cannot see them ever willingly siding with the Dark Maestro.”
Daniel was pleased to hear that but it did little to solve the situation.
Bernard let out a small cough. “King Gabriel KaTaar is a strong supporter of Aakadon. If he sees the Atlantan Guild as being equivalent to the Serpent Guild, as Efferin Tames has made us out to be, then he will see you as a dark maestro who may well have seized control of Ducaun from its rightful Queen, and who is now looking to annex the land of other kingdoms. The king is quite capable of launching a punitive action against what he considers to be a rogue nation, especially if he believes Aakadon approves of him doing so. Between Tallen’s legion and the local musters, Ducaun has the means to repel the invaders but actual fighting has not yet occurred. Both sides are showing restraint for the moment, a period that will not last long. Queen Cleona will not tolerate a hostile army in her realm and King Gabriel will not wait long for us to comply with his demand.”
Great, the kingdom is being invaded by a do-gooder doing the wrong thing. It was all Daniel could do to keep from sighing. Ducaun’s ports were about to be assaulted by a tri-kingdom navy, Pentrosa was preparing an invasion by land, Cenkataar has already invaded, Aczencopa is in the process of seizing all land east of the Aczen river from Taracopa, and a flotilla from Aakadon may be on the verge of taking Ducanton or attacking the Benhannon Estate. Daniel wondered what more could happen to increase the pressure on him.
The snap-crack of displaced air coming from out in the corridor was quickly followed by Samuel entering the room. Hosea finished giving his twenty percent and then backed away to make room for the next person but did not exit. He evidently wanted to hear more. Elias Starkas, a bulky three-bolt Accomplished from the ISIG, hesitated to come forward at the arrival of his Conductor. His pale face reddened slightly at not knowing what to do, make the donation or hold up the line of volunteers while waiting for Sam to deliver information.
“Accomplished Starkas,” Jennel quickly intervened. “Go ahead and transfer power to the Maestro while he listens to whatever Conductor Cresh has to report.”
The middle-aged Aakacarn, who could pass for a man in his thirties, stepped forward and touched Daniel’s forehead, sending life force energy into his vat.
Samuel’s eyebrows drew closer together, nearly making a straight line. “I was half concerned you would show up on the eastern border before I could tell you the Cenkataarans have not only invaded Ducaun, seven of their ten legions seem to be heading west. Only the Arian Legion remains behind, no doubt to defend their capitol, and I learned that King Gabriel’s goal is to force us to withdraw from Lobenia.”
It was good to know Sam had learned to give timely reports. With two legions in Ducaun and seven more on the way, the Cenkataarans were clearly ready to go to war over the issue.
“I may yet convey to the eastern border,” Daniel replied, knowing the incursion could not be ignored for long, especially with everything else going on. “Reports are coming in that Pentrosa is also preparing to invade us. I need you to get some scouts in the region, locate any Serpents that may be involved, and confirm for us whether or not King Xavier is sending more of his legions south. The Pentrosans have a new weapon. They call it a spheroid; see if you can find out what it does.”
Samuel’s lips formed a half smile. “It looks like I am not the only one doing some direct scouting. I will dispatch agents to Pentrosa,” he replied and then paused before adding, “Your presence may be required at multiple locations before this day ends. I sincerely hope we can take these chores one at a time or things will get difficult.”
“We may experience some difficulty,” Daniel agreed, even though the word barely described how bad the situation could get. “Do you have anything positive to say about Taracopa?”
Samuel glanced at Bernard before answering. “Van Kestral is ignorant of his ally’s ties to the Serpents. Van Joppa is firmly allied with Vance Cummin. I recommend someone from the department of Emissaries be sent to Taracopa for the purpose of enlightening the King and then Van Kestral. If they learn who the real enemy is and who is responsible for the abductions, it might be possible to reconcile the lord with King Van Efery.”
“That would be helpful,” Silvia gave her opinion. “You being involved with the reconciliation might be a step toward earning the trust of the king. He might even allow you to help him repel the Aczencopans.”
In light of recent developments, Daniel’s hands were full without adding the chore of actually fighting anther kingdom’s battles, although gaining the King’s trust was important.
Bernard did not bother with coughing to get attention, he stepped forward boldly. “I will choose an emissary and send the Accomplished on the mission proposed by Conductor Cresh unless, Maestro, you disapprove.”
“I approve,” Daniel was quick to say.
Bernard raised his hand, gesturing in a negative sweep. “Do not think that negotiating a successful reconciliation will earn enough trust to keep Van Efery from being afraid of you. Thanks to Efferin Tames, the king may believe you are giving him a choice between two evils with both being equally bad, fall to the Serpent-backed rebels or the Atlantans. I am sad to report that many of the nobles I have contacted around the world believe you are a greater threat than Tarin Conn, I do not know as of yet whether or not the king is among that group. Be it as it may, many of the nobles believe your spell-casting has upset the delicate balance of power that has kept the peace for centuries. They do not understand how wrong they are, how Balen Tamm would still be alive, Tarin Conn would be free at this moment, and the war between t
he Serpent Guild and Aakadon will happen even if you had never cast your first spell. In essence, they are afraid, confused, and want someone to blame for all the upheaval in the world.”
“And you are the perfect candidate,” a voice belonging to someone Daniel loved dearly spoke from the doorway.
He turned to see emerald-green eyes staring out of a lovely face, framed by the topaz blue hood of her cloak. “Is that the opinion held by the First Lady of the Atlantan Guild?”
He wanted to spring from his chair, take her in his arms, and kiss her, but there were too many people in the room and Elias was in the middle of donating energy. Daniel had to settle for admiring her from where he sat.
Sherree looked at him askance and even that he found to be adorable. “Your name has become synonymous with violent spell-casting. Tarin Conn is a legend, a being not seen in over a thousand years, and few people have any idea of what he looks like. You, my Maestro, have been seen by tens of thousands of people and your image has been published all over the world. I doubt half the nobles can name one of the seven Maestros of Aakadon, yet all of them and even the commoners have heard of you. Few people would dare to blame Efferin Tames for all the turmoil so that leaves you as the one responsible.”
Daniel shrugged his shoulders. “Well, that simply means you and Conductor Kleopis have a lot of smoothing over to do through your emissaries. Those same folks you spoke of are afraid of me and so I cannot approach them in person.”