To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5)

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To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5) Page 42

by John Buttrick

  Cleona’s eyes widened and her face flushed redder by the moment. Daniel was sure she was about to unleash a royal tirade when she burst out laughing. He and Sherree continued to exchange glances until the Queen finally composed herself. “Oh, Daniel, it seems like everything you do is designed to poke the bear in the ribs, the bear being Aakadon. I honestly did not believe there was anything more you could do to rile Efferin Tames more than he already is and yet again you managed to go beyond expectations. Oh, do not misunderstand, I am happy for you both and gladly give my royal blessing on the union, even so, there will be trouble. Is this marriage to be kept a secret?”

  Daniel was pleased she was taking the news so well. “As my wife mentioned to me not long ago, truth will out, so our marriage is no longer to be hidden. The Grand Maestro likely believes the world centers around him but our decision to marry had nothing to do with how he feels about anything and all to do with our feelings for each other. I would be a mummy with Shantear as my tomb if not for her.”

  Cleona nodded her head and settled back in her chair. “We have a quarter of a mark to go, tell me about Shantear.”

  Daniel gave an in depth account of how the Symphonic spells drained him, about Sherree reviving him, and the need for donations of life force energy. “So that is why I have not made any communication amulets. The power in me is not my own and therefore the spell would be unable to lock onto a specific life force. We don’t know when my own energy will begin to replenish.”

  The Queen’s eyes widened at the explanation. “I knew something more happened to you at Shantear than was made known. I am grateful for Sherree Oben’s presence and her quick intervention in the Great Crystal, and her part in the casting. These things are good to know but Daniel, it would give me great comfort to know what is keeping the Dark Maestro from wielding his power unchecked.”

  Daniel had no qualms over giving her the information. “What occurred within the Great Crystal is sealed to those who participated in the castings, yet I will tell you this much because you are my Queen, and trust you not to divulge the fact. I placed a shield on Tarin Conn’s potential and tied it to his life force. In effect, he is the living crescendo onto which the Da Capo of the spell is tied.”

  “That means the only way for him to be free is to die,” Cleona concluded what Simon had upon hearing the same information.

  “Tarin Conn is an Aakasear, talented, creative, and cunning. Just because I cannot think of a way for him to be free short of death, does not mean he will not find a way,” Daniel cautioned her against being over confident.

  Sherree ended a long moment of silence by explaining about the morning harmonics coming from Mount Filia, the new home of the Dark Maestro, and the deal made with Clarees. “I knew by your reference to my Oben heritage that you understood the ties between Daniel and me and the Lobenian royal family.”

  Cleona focused on the Lady of House Benhannon. “When Daniel used your full name in the introduction, I realized there was a way to politically end the severe strain his taking of Shantear has placed on Ducaun’s ties to Lobenia. Frankly, if you had not gone to New Oben and worked out an understanding with Clarees, I do not think the breech would ever have been mended. The Serpents infest Lobenia and she needs one of my Knights to purge her realm of them. This too can only help to improve relations.”

  “According to Daniel’s Teki Seer, Silvia, if he does not win the trust of Clarees and Van Efery, Ducaun will fight the War of the Champions alone,” Sherree wisely added to the conversation.

  “Then the delay caused by rescuing Van Kestrel is even more justified. The young lord might well be a key in you earning Van Efery’s trust. I will have Minister Terren and his ambassadors help lay the ground work for you in Tara but cannot promise more. After all, the young man’s father is a leader among the rebels,” Cleona replied, and then her eyes seemed to glow with an inner fire and she smiled. “Daniel, I wish you to check my health.”

  “Of course,” he replied and then leaned forward over the table so he could reach her forehead.

  The spell, How Do You Feel, played in his head, summing the potential, and he became aware of her bodily functions. Respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, musculature, skeletal, all systems were functioning flawlessly, and so was the reproductive system with a perfectly healthy baby developing in her womb. “You are going to have a daughter.” He announced and did not hold back the smile. This was a woman who until recently had no chance of having a baby.

  Tears of joy gushed from her eyes and down the royal cheeks. Cleona had produced the next heir to the throne. “I have known for a little while that a babe is forming within me, and hoped for a girl. Now I know and it is all because of the healing you gave me.”

  “I would think Prince Collin had some part in the matter,” Sherree was quick to say.

  “Collin is just as thrilled as I and we hope to produce more children, girls and boys,” Cleona replied.

  Cherian opened the door but did not come in. “Your Generals and Royal Knights of the Realm are entering the conference room. Lords Tirana and Tomlin will be arriving shortly by means of the Accomplisheds assigned to them by Sir Daniel’s Guild.”

  “We are finished here and will rise momentarily,” Cleona responded, after wiping her cheeks and affecting a regal pose. She faced Daniel. “Your Accomplisheds certainly have increased the speed of communications in Ducaun. My missives reach their destinations quicker than my heralds can saddle their horses. I can summon leaders from all over the realm and have them here within the mark.”

  “Considering the number of invasions on land and sea the kingdom has endured of late, the Atlantan Guild Department of Emissaries has been a major asset in the passing of information, along with the Department of Communications,” Daniel replied, justifiably pleased by the efforts of the people working with him.

  “I agree and those threats and how to deal with them will be the very topic of the coming meeting,” Cleona said and stood up, which allowed Daniel and Sherree to rise.

  They exited the chamber and headed for the conference room. Her Majesty would be the last to enter.

  “Well, at least we will be seated before Tirana or Tomlin,” Sherree mentioned as if trying to find a bright spot. “Was it for the sake of brevity you left out one glaring danger?”

  “If you are referring to the thousands of Accomplisheds within a day’s ride of Shantear, I left it out because this is a matter between the Atlantan Guild and Aakadon,” Daniel replied. “We are not abandoning Shantear and Efferin is too obstinate to back off. He has been a determined opponent since the day he learned of my lightning bolts and his animosity has only grown with time. I have been trying very hard to see the actions taken against me by Aakadon as misguided and born of ignorance and therefore have been lenient with them. The stakes are too high right now. I cannot allow them to do the work of Tarin Conn, which is exactly what they are doing every time they throw an obstacle in my path. If those Accomplisheds are foolish enough to attack Shantear, then they are going against the Creator’s Chosen Vessel, His Champion, and will be treated no differently than those who are willfully serving the Champion of Evil.”

  Chapter Fifteen: All According to Plan

  The only decorations in the office of the highest executive in Aakadon were plaques representing the seven guilds and a mural on the ceiling depicting, in brilliant colors, the Grand Maestro as champion against all forms of violence and corruption in the world. What constitutes corruption, Talmon wondered, any actions taken by a person or group not in harmony with Aakadon? That was the simple definition taught to entry level Talenteds. Delineations were less complicated before a young mountaineer cast his first spell on Tannakonna and proved to be as much a thorn in the side of Aakadon as to the Serpent Guild.

  The Chosen Vessel is supposed to be the Creator’s champion against evil and yet Aakadon’s champion, as depicted in the mural, fights against him. Was it the incredible number of lightning bolts on the shoulder
s of one so young and the possibility such power could corrupt him that made the former mountaineer seem so bad? If the possibility of being corrupted becomes the new definition, then every spell-caster ever born is corrupt.

  Daniel Benhannon could easily challenge for leadership the Maestro of whichever guild accepted him. Does that make him corrupt because he is a threat to someone’s career? Is being born an Aakasear what makes him corrupt in the eyes of most Accomplisheds? There is no question he has broken the laws of Aakadon and therefore is corrupt by legal definition. Does being out of harmony with Aakadon actually constitute corruption? The young man is guilty of being a rogue, but how could he be anything else when the only guild that actively attempted to recruit him was the Serpent? This being the case, it is little wonder he felt the need to establish his own.

  These questions and thoughts began plaguing Talmon Reese after a small number of meetings with the Aakasear in the wildernesses of Ducaun and Lobenia. He thought of them now while standing before the desk of the Grand Maestro, after delivering the latest report from Senior Soarer Vance Cummin. He watched as the leader of Aakadon put away a communication amulet. Accomplisheds assigned to all twelve royal courts had transmitted the respective monarch’s concern over the immensely powerful harmonic waves that had washed over the continent several marks ago. It was all the results of the same mysterious spell, something relatively harmless and annoying that has been cast every morning. “Whatever Daniel Benhannon is up to on Mount Filia, one could calibrate a chrono disk by the regularity.” Talmon broke the silence.

  Efferin, clothed in his green and scarlet silks and hooded cloak with the six golden lightning bolts stitched into the shoulders, closed the desk drawer and looked up at hearing the remark. “If you are curious, why have you not sent Soarers to investigate?”

  The close relationship between Talmon and the Grand Maestro had not been the same since the events on Shantear and only grew more strained after the vote concerning the Chosen Vessel. Being asked a question when the answer is already known was further evidence of the tension. “The reason, as you well know, is the vast resources you have directed me to invest in the apprehension of Daniel Benhannon. Not only have I sent the thousands of Eagles who were involved in the excavation of Mount Gosian, you required flocks from all over the continent and Serinia. Hence, we know very little of what is happening in the world beyond what can be gleaned from the Capitol cities.”

  The Grand Maestro sniffed as if getting a whiff of something unpleasant but not worth taking the time to seek out the source. “True, yet those reports have proven accurate. We know the renegade was in New Oben ten days ago and from gleaning information into and out of Ducanton, that he is in the city even as we speak,” Efferin replied as if satisfied with the meager resources.

  “And if you had not recalled Fenton Chen, we would have no need to glean what could have been ascertained first hand,” Talmon answered back sharply, perhaps too sharply. “I noticed, Grand Maestro, you did not mention some of the other facts coming in from the Capitols. Your plan has resulted in attacks on Ducaunan ports along the Taltin Sea; intense fighting that has resulted in the loss of life and ships on both sides. Queen Cleona’s legions are skirmishing almost daily with those of Pentrosa at the border and the Atlantan Guild fought back a massive attack perpetrated by the Serpent Guild in the region of the Benhannon Northland Holding. And let us not forget Cenkataar’s brief invasion of Ducaun, two legions were rendered unconscious by Daniel Benhannon and his associates, and then transported back across the border. Even though there was no loss of life, King KaTaar has placed all but the Arian Legion on the border and fighting between the two kingdoms could breakout at any time.”

  Efferin smiled at the news when his face should be reflecting concern. “I am pleased you finally remembered to whom you are speaking and thought to use my title in the middle of that recitation of things I already know. King KaTaar is doing what I asked of him, applying pressure, and doing so in a responsible manner. You failed to mention the person you believe to be the Chosen Vessel is the one who crossed the border and utterly destroyed a major base, killing thousands of Pentrosans, and it is those actions that intensified the violence between the two kingdoms. I cannot believe it slipped your mind since it was in a report from Vance Cummin not so long ago. The involvement of Demfilian ships in the conflict at sea can also be laid at the feet of the Renegade in light of him casting that consistently-timed spell each morning from the middle of their kingdom. As for the Serpent attack, it is clear their efforts are all aimed at Benhannon and his associates, and that works to our advantage. Tarin Conn wants him dead for the vanquishing of his guild at Shantear and his continued imprisonment. All of these factors increase the pressure on our adversary from Ducaun to withdraw from Shantear and if he is wise, to surrender himself to Aakadon.”

  Those answers were good on the surface, if one went along with the high degree of speculation involved. “What about King Bolton? Do his actions factor into the pressure cooker? He has invaded Taracopa and now Aczencopa controls all of the land east of the Aczen River. He claims to have done so in response to your call for all nations sharing a border with Ducaun to help put a stop to its annexation of sovereign territory belonging to other realms. He did not have such a border and so he made one. If we do force Daniel and his illegal association out of the mountain, I have concerns about an order from you being able to stop the violence. It is not faith in your leadership I am questioning,” Talmon added quickly when the fingers on Efferin’s right hand began drumming an anxious rhythm on the desktop. “It is the ability of the commoners to cease hostilities on command.”

  The fingers stopped drumming and the Grand Maestro gave a curt nod of acceptance of the clarification. “One can never predict the speed at which the command will be heeded by the commoners, so your concern is valid, and yet the violence shall end at some point once I declare a termination to all conflicts. At that time we can redirect our resources back onto Serpent Guild activities. Even though not a pulse of a spell has been felt from Kelgotha in quite some time, the followers of Tarin Conn will become more troublesome once they no longer have Benhannon as a focal point for their animosity, so we must stay vigilant. As for Taracopa, Van Efery invited the invasion by antagonizing the other kingdoms over interfering with shipping, failing to secure his borders, and by continuing to have commerce and full diplomatic relations with Ducaun.” The last sin was in all likelihood the gravest on the list in Efferin’s way of thinking. “He failed to adequately police his own kingdom and his weakness has earned him a civil war, so I accept no responsibility for what is happening in Taracopa.”

  Talmon realized; the Grand Maestro was actually pleased with himself and unable to see the dangers that may be triggered by his most recent decisions. “The death of the person who cast the spell currently restraining Tarin Conn,” Talmon began to say while deliberately refraining from using the term, Dark Maestro, in front of the Grand Maestro, who only now applied it to Daniel Benhannon, “could result in the freeing of the ancient Spell-Caster. We have no idea onto what the Da Capo has been tied; it could be Daniel’s own life force.”

  Efferin leaned back in his chair and waved his hand dismissively. “Our forces are nearing Shantear and other assets of the Atlantan Guild. I am aware of the danger and that is why I gave you, and all other Maestros who have assets in those areas, orders to refrain from using lethal spells unless the other side resorts to them first. Even so, the only person they are not permitted to kill for any reason is the Renegade, all other Aakacarns and commoners associated with him are expendable. When Daniel Benhannon and the members of his illegal association are in custody, I will order the kingdoms to stand down and King Bolton to withdraw from the land he has taken from Taracopa. Talmon, you worry too much, all is going according to plan, and soon a certain Seven-bolt Accomplished will be under my control.”

  The assurance did nothing to relieve Talmon’s doubts and only triggered further thoughts
about the wisdom of the champion in the mural choosing to face off against the Creator’s champion.

  Chapter sixteen: Word Gets Out

  Vance Cummin walked briskly along the main corridor on the seventh level in the complex deep within Mount Suteck. The spells illuminating Serpent North lit the installation as if this was the middle of the day. No person inside paid attention to the fact that it was early evening outside. Associates of the Serpent Guild were flowing through the corridors of every level and busy at their assigned tasks, when not working on their own schemes. Ambition is something he well understood, and so he tolerated the plots and intrigues, when they did not get in the way of his goals. Male and female Accomplisheds greeted him on his way to the Pen. He accepted the salutations as his due, yet did not allow such to slow his pace.

  The communication array rested on his head just about every waking mark. So much was going on that he needed to be kept informed of, it was easier to keep the device in place rather than grabbing for it every few moments. The Supreme Maestro provided guidance and inspiration to the guild, but it was he, Vance, who ran the organization, and was determined to keep it that way. Efficiency and discipline were major factors, but information kept him on top and therefore had to be accurate and frequent.

  Casting the spell, Condemnation, did not take long, not the way he utilized the Melody, only sustaining the potential long enough to seize control of the person’s mind and alter the facial features. It was the quantity of the castings that took up so much of his time, two hundred yesterday, thousands before that, a hundred today, and another two hundred tomorrow. In a few more days he will have replaced the loss of Condemneds at Shantear and could then focus on a number of other pressing matters, not the least of which was learning the whereabouts of the crescendo onto which Daniel Benhannon tied the Da Capo of the spell restraining Tarin Conn.


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