“Maestro, this is Accomplished Oliver Ogdennmyer,” the voice sounded within Vance’s head.
“Acknowledged,” Vance sent, while smothering his irritation over not yet finding out anything about the spell-enhancer.
A strong sense of self-satisfaction flowed ahead of the words, “I have news concerning Daniel Benhannon.”
Vance truly hoped the news warranted the positive feelings because the stunted manner in which the fellow often transmitted his thoughts was irritating in and of itself. “Proceed with your report.”
“I have lost contact with Bork and the Condemned I left in his charge, - but my other operative, Beasonly, - has seen the Ducaunan Maestro in Ducanton. - He is again wearing a diamond-bladed knife on his hip. - I believe it may be the crescendo onto which The Da Capo is tied.”
Every time a member of the guild says, “The Da Capo,” they are referring to the one on the spell holding the Supreme Maestro, so this could be a valuable piece of information. “What has brought you to that conclusion?” Vance sent in reply, while being sure not to transmit any of his emotions.
“Daniel Benhannon has been seen in a number of different outfits, - the silks of his guild, - the uniform of a Ducaunan Royal Knight of the Realm, - ordinary street clothes, - and the one thing that remains constant is that knife,” the feelings of elation sent by Ogdennmyer reached a crescendo and then diminished to a quiet calm.
Even if the speculation proved to be accurate, getting an object that amplifies spells by seven bolts away from the Accomplished capable of making such a powerful object would be difficult and dangerous to say the least, Vance knew full well. “I believe there is some merit to your suspicions and we must therefore acquire and destroy the item in question, only then can we know for sure if The Da Capo is tied to it.”
As expected, fear drowned out all other emotions and shot through the mental link with the psychological equivalent of a lightning strike. “The only Accomplished able to battle toe to toe with Benhannon is the Supreme Maestro and even he cannot do so until the shield is removed.” The weak minded fool seemed to believe he was actually relaying something no one else had figured out. At least he sent it in one cohesive sentence.
Vance chuckled as he neared the door leading into the Pen where people were waiting to join the Condemneds, yet did not allow the amusement to flow along with his response. “Now you are giving me stale information. My predecessor gained the knowledge the hard way but all of us, with the exceptions of Serin Gell and Phil Nettle, learned from experience that it is unwise to challenge Benhannon one on one. He must be attacked in mass and so you will wait on the outskirts of Ducanton until such time as I send a Grand Circle.”
The fear subsided and Ogdennmyer calmly sent, “A hundred Accomplisheds should be sufficient.” After a brief period of mental silence a sense of astonishment mingled with disgust and a sprinkling of amusement came ahead of, “Daniel Benhannon has married Sherree Jenna. - It was announced from the palace not much more than a mark ago.”
Vance laughed out loud and did not care that the emotion went through the link. “That young man never ceases to find ways of running afoul of Aakadon. It has been well over four thousand years since an Aakacarn married anyone, let alone another Accomplished. While I am personally disgusted, the matter does not hinder the plans we have in motion, and so is of no concern to me. The man could marry a goat for all I care.” How anyone could mistake that man as being chosen by the Creator was beyond his understanding. Benhannon’s downfall was inevitable.
“His marriage affects us indirectly, - it will definitely throw a mighty wedge between him and Aakadon, - and that ensures there will never be an alliance of the two against the Serpent Guild,” Ogdennmyer drew a conclusion Vance agreed with.
“The report is satisfactory and I will contact you later concerning the Grand Circle and what tactics are to be used. Taking the crescendo from Daniel Benhannon will require careful planning,” Vance sent while opening the door and stepping into the Pen.
“It will be as you say, Maestro,” Ogdennmyer sent.
The connection ended and Vance stared at the huge round chamber and the pit, seven cubits deep and slightly less in diameter than the circular room it occupied. More than a thousand people, some fully clothed and some scantily clad, were asleep on the floor. They were wearing whatever was on their bodies at the time of snatching. The smell of urine and feces made him angry. Where were the No-bolt Accomplisheds who were supposed to keep the sleepers clean? “Stockton, Lambert, why do I smell uncleanness?”
A half-dressed female floated up and off a tall, dark man of Ecoppian descent. Stockton quickly wrapped his cloak around his body and stood up. His spell holding the female in the air ceased and she dropped lengthwise across two other sleepers. “I just cleaned that one,” he replied, and since the blouse and skirt she had on appeared to be freshly laundered, his words had the ring of truth. “Lambert stepped out for a while, but I expect him back at any moment.”
Vance did not have time for excuses and was about to tell him so when a voice sounded in his head. “Maestro, this is Fenton Chen. I have learned from my source in Ducanton onto what The Da Capo is tied.”
It never hurts to have verification from two entirely independent sources and so Vance decided to hold off mentioning the earlier report about the diamond-bladed knife. “Acknowledged, give your report.”
Unlike Ogdennmyer, not a trace of emotion came out of Fenton, only what he chose to communicate. “The Da Capo is tied onto the Supreme Maestro’s life force. It is my belief the great Tarin Conn battles against himself every time he attacks the shield.”
Vance was shocked and knew a little of the emotion escaped into the mental link. “Ogdennmyer believes it is tied to the diamond-bladed knife Benhannon carries with him at all times. His theory makes more sense. It is not possible to tie a Da Capo onto someone else’s life force. Your informant must be mistaken.”
A sense of absolute certainty flowed through the link. “As fantastic as it is to believe that such could be done, my source is impeccable, and I am completely convinced of the veracity of the information. I am her confidant, even from afar, and she trusts me completely.”
Vance gave the matter further consideration and decided, as incredible as it seems, this news is worthy of the Supreme Maestro’s attention. “Fenton, you have done well. I will consult the great Tarin Conn and if he accepts this report, I will announce throughout the association that you are Tri-Con of the Serpent Guild.” That placed him one step below Vice-Maestro, a well-deserved promotion for his many valuable reports over the past six months.
“Maestro, it is my duty to serve in whatever capacity you see fit,” Fenton replied without a trace of emotion and ended the communication.
Vance noticed Stockton spelling clean a sleeper and Lambert over in the corner doing the same, they might even have them all clean by the time this next report was made. He walked over to the only chair in the room and sat down and cast the spell, Slumber, focusing the potential inward, and then fell asleep.
In the dream, he appeared in the throne-room of the great Tarin Conn, glowing chandelier above and a crimson carpet leading up to the seat of power.
“You have come before me eight marks earlier than expected, there must be news of some import,” the Supreme Maestro, dressed in royal splendor, said from his crystal throne.
Vance stared into those black eyes and knew they were assessing him and decided to give the information up front rather than warm up to it. “I have been told the Da Capo on the shield is tied to a diamond-bladed crescendo Daniel Benhannon carries at all times. I have also been told the Da Capo is tied to your life force. Is that possible?”
He expected outrage from the ancient spell-caster at being told two different possibilities and especially over the one that seemed the most incredible. Tarin Conn brought his hand to his chin as if giving serious thought to what was said and then shook his head as if dismissing one or both possibilities.
“I received a report that one of Daniel’s closet Accomplisheds, Sherree Jenna, wears a similar diamond-bladed knife. This has been so even before she left the Aloe Guild, following the example of everyone the young Aakasear cast my spell, Condemnation, upon and reformed to his liking. This is consistent with his habit of giving high level energy amplifiers to Accomplisheds of lesser potential. The design of these particular crescendos in all probability, have something more to do with him and her and less to do with spell-casting.”
“Their marriage was announced this evening,” Vance was quick to supply the information, anxious to keep the Great One in a cordial mood.
Tarin Conn nodded his head, taking in the fact, and no doubt placing it with all of the other bits of knowledge stored in that twelve hundred year old mind. “In answer to your question, in order to tie a Da Capo onto the life of another person, one must first establish a link similar to the one I have attached to you and most of the members of the Serpent Guild.”
“Supreme Maestro, you are the only one who can do that,” Vance replied, certain the fact totally destroyed Fenton’s theory.
Tarin Conn took in a deep breath and let it out slowly and even so his eyebrows drew down in anger. “Daniel established just such a link, through a spell of his own composing, just before he passed out and I discovered the shield he placed on my potential still held.”
Vance understood the implications and the reason for the anger. “That illegitimate son of a dog, that diabolical viper, he made it so the only way for you to be free is to die.”
Those dark eyes seemed to be staring into his soul and Vance felt a chill wash through his vitals as the terrible and ancient Maestro leaned forward. “You have found out what the Da Capo is tied to as I commanded,” the words came out of Tarin Conn devoid of emotion and yet frightening when issued from a face reflecting a raging fire seemingly on the verge of consuming all that was before it. “Your report was informative and I commend you for it and order you to reward the Accomplished who supplied you with the fact. Now, I need time to reflect on the matter and suggest it would be prudent not to come before me again until I choose to visit your dream. I do not want to be disturbed by anyone for a while, in person or in the dream, unless the matter is truly urgent. My anger burns, longing to be released, and woe betide the fool who earns my wrath by troubling me trivial concerns.”
Only an idiot would fail to heed the warning. “It will be as you say, Supreme Maestro,” Vance replied, and allowed the Da Capo on Slumber to fade, exited the dream, and woke in a cold sweat.
“Maestro, are you alright?” Lambert asked, and fortunately for him the smell of human waste no longer permeated the room. His round face reflected concern as his squat Demfilian body floated up out of the pit and came down in front of the chair.
“I am perfectly fine. Bring me one of the sleepers,” Vance ordered, not in the mood to discuss the particulars of his meeting with a mere custodian, much less his physical condition, and especially when there was worked to do.
The members of the guild did not need to know of the Supreme Maestro’s dilemma. The knowledge would only cause problems if they found out, better to keep them ignorant for as long as possible, and proceed as if nothing had changed.
He cast the spell and one sleeper after the other joined the ranks of the Condemneds, while Vance pondered over how the news concerning The Da Capo would impact the battle plans going forward. There was no longer a need for a Grand Circle to go after the knife, so that idea needed to be scrapped. He went over every detail in his mind, the fleets were in place, including the newly designed vessels for Zune, General Kall was in position, and Rex and his teams were nearly ready. Vance made up his mind. Operation Death Blow will go on as scheduled.
The sterile white area containing twenty smaller rooms within the Health Department seemed a little crowded to Daniel with so many people standing outside of room number three of twenty. Jeremiah Lassiter stood talking to Samuel, Simon, Daria, and Leah. Among the others standing around were Sero, Carlos, David, Silvia, and Lyal Van Kestrel. The latter had continued to beg acceptance into service, which may happen within a day or two.
Daniel, wearing his blue silks, removed his hand from the forehead and tummy of a young woman whose body had been mal-formed into resembling a hairless goat. Her skull had been reshaped and the scalp pierced to make a pair of horns. The spell had reduced the bone density of her entire skeleton, having nothing else to draw on to form the protrusions. The female lying on the bed in front of him now possessed a muscularly well-defined body, dark hair, light brown skin, and a length suggesting Serinian ancestry. Had she been shorter, he would have guessed the southern parts of Taracopa or Aczencopa as her place of origin. Where she was born would be revealed after she awakened, which he decided should happen naturally, given the amount of reforming her body was forced to endure.
“I did not expect you to leave the capitol and go right to work restoring the Condemneds,” Sherree commented while placing a blue silk robe on the patient. “Yet I am glad you did for the sake of people like her. She appears to be eighteen or nineteen at the most, so I doubt she spent too many years in that horrible state.”
After mark upon mark of meet and greets, Daniel had wanted to do something constructive. “The first two meetings were the most important and took up two marks, everything from that point on was pomp and circumstance, and kept us from doing anything truly important so restoring Condemneds kind of balanced it all out. Seventeen was my guess of her age, but you may be right,” he replied and then fixed his gaze on the former Senior Soarer. “If Jeremiah was just a little less efficient, I could have been involved in breaking the siege at Polatca, and since he and his Accomplisheds managed it all without my contributing to the effort, I chose to do something only the Maestro of the guild can do.”
The tall-dark man came forward at the sound of his name. He did not smile but projected a sense of contentment over a job well done. “The capturing of a few legions or so of non-Aakacarns took longer than killing them would have, but taking people into custody is a skill I acquired long ago, and well worth the extra time. I estimate that two thirds of the captives seemed to welcome the opportunity to surrender. Clearly, the hearts of the Battencayan people are not in this war,” the Conductor stated and then glanced at Leah before continuing. “It is the army of Senior Soarers and Coronas camping less than fifteen spans from this facility that concerns me more. The War of the Champions is heating up and even with over ten thousand Aakacarns, eleven thousand Sentinels, and the Benhannon Guard being over nine thousand strong, our forces are being stretched. That army is composed of some of the most powerful and experienced Accomplisheds in Aakadon and they will not be overcome as easily as the few flocks of Soarers we incapacitated and sent back to the city in the past.” His concern was certainly justified, no doubt about it, and was likely shared by most of the people in the Atlantan Guild.
Daniel had already made up his mind about any Accomplisheds foolish enough to attack his people, no matter where. “If they attack, they will be treated like anyone else who stands against the Chosen Vessel..,”
“That’s right, they can join Daniel Benhannon, stand aside, or be smashed into ruin,” Silvia interrupted, and this time he agreed with her, and so did David, going by the vigorous way he nodded his head. All of them were coming closer to Daniel while he and Sherree stepped away from the sleeping patient.
He noted the concern on all of their faces at the announcement, other than those of the pair of Teki. They smiled grimly and seemed to be happy over the prospect of seeing those who defied the Champion get their due. Daniel agreed with the need but could not make himself feel happy about it. “We will, of course, give them the opportunity to back off or surrender at any point during the exchange of spells, and those who continue to fight will face lethal force,” Daniel made clear. No one smiled at the clarification and he would have been surprised if anyone had.
Jeremiah nodded
his head gravely. “I knew it would eventually come down to the shedding of blood. By your decision, in every confrontation with the Accomplisheds of Aakadon, we have strictly used non-lethal force, and so a change in the tactic could only be ordered by you. For the record, I regretfully agree with the change, and see no other way to handle the situation given the extent of the threats posed by the Serpent Guild. Every moment our forces are tied up dealing with the Senior Soarers and Coronas will leave us open to a major assault from Tarin Conn’s association and allies.”
Daniel stepped out of the small room, Sherree followed and stood behind him while Leah took a deep breath, clearly preparing to speak her mind, a thing he encouraged. “Maestro, the First Accomplished of the Atlantan Guild agrees with you,” she stated and then turned to his wife. “What is the opinion of the First Lady?”
All eyes were on Sherree, who had not brought up the subject after Daniel told her of his decision earlier in the day. Her green eyes locked onto his. “I agree it may not be possible to go on treating the aggression of Aakadon towards us as if it was nothing more than an inconvenience and that lethal force should be an option. If they attack us here, even if they limit themselves to non-lethal spells, I agree with Jeremiah; the Serpents could choose that moment to strike a death blow to the Atlantan Guild.”
“For the record I, the Conductor of Internal Security and Information Gathering, do agree with the decision,” Samuel spoke up, although his subdued tone meant he was not eager for such a confrontation, and especially against senior members of his former guild.
Daria Copa came forward with a golden circlet containing ten gems, five topaz and five sapphires. The hood of the blue cloak was up and brown hair flowed over her shoulders rather than down her back and hidden within the cloak the way Sherree often wore hers. “Maestro I, the Conductor of the Department of Communications, also agree with the decision and at this time present this array to you. I and the First Lady, First Accomplished, and each of the other Conductors of the Atlantan Guild have infused the stones with our life force energies so you can call on us at any time.” She held out the offering tentatively, perhaps fearing he would reject the array.
To Be Grand Maestro (Book 5) Page 43