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The Tales of Amergin, Sea Druid

Page 27

by Peter Green

  In the gloom, a fiery beacon was lit on the approaching boat. A crucible holding what was probably whale oil burst in to flame. The flickering, intense flame cast a stark white light over the crew. Amergin could make out four people rowing, three standing. Amergin ordered for their storm lantern to be lit. Xomas lit the wick that dipped in to Sperm Whale oil. Oil that been rendered down from the liver of a stranded monster of the sea, that had beached on the Galician coast over a year ago now.Now giving them a flickering and slowly intensifying light. This meeting must be in the light, totally transparent, no skulduggery, no deception... Xomas strained his eyes, he could not believe what he was seeing, “My lord... there is Forsien!” Amergin was completely taken aback, now he understood!

  “Our emissaries have done their work Xomas! Forsien returns with the Shamen of Land’s End!”

  Forsien was one of the rowers. The leader of the Pirates of Grannh stood on the prow. A fiercesome individual dressed in full battle dress, armed to the teeth, as were the other three rowers. They were clad in armour that seemed to have the texture of compressed and woven turf, an impenetrable fabric that absorbed all the ambient light. They were hard to see in this subdued light, they were so camouflaged. Their attire was an eclectic mix of acquired jewellery and assorted headwear, typical attire of pirates. Any exposed flesh was adorned with tattoos. They were fiercesome looking individuals! Their appearance was capped by matted dreadlocks coloured in natural dyes, wode and henna, sea dulse... all of which gave a chameleon appearance.

  The clinker built wooden rowing boat came closer... they glided silently towards each other... the oarsmen pulled in the oars. The rowing boats, made of aged and seasoned oak, caulked with bitumen, touched each other.

  Amergin spoke directly to Forsien, “You have returned! Welcome back!” he smiled appreciatively, “You have brought guests! You are all welcome too!” It was then that he caught sight of the leader of the Shamen of Land’s End... and more noticeably, the presumed wife...

  Amergin tried to remain diplomatic, but he could not take his eyes of this creature... a beautiful, beguiling female with long silver-grey dreadlocks, sweeping off delicately sculpted shoulders. Her porcelain flesh adorned with mesmerising tattoos that seemed to move and shimmer in the flickering light. Her gaze met his. He was totally entranced... “I am Zendris, the Queen of the Shamen of Land’s End.” She smiled, for she knew the power she had over men... “This is Magire, King and mighty leader of the Shamen of Land’s End.” Amergin had to tear his gaze away from her...He must compose himself…

  Magire spoke directly to Amergin. He understood the powers of his wife, the Siren Zendris, who has swept many a powerful man off his feet and in many cases, swept them to their doom! “You are Amergin, Sea Druid of the Milesian tribes I presume!” boomed Magire, “Your emissary Forsien has told us of you and your nation’s prophecy. I have met Antiem, the father of the one you are destined to be with...Sceine. She too has sent emissaries to negotiate with us. We have much to talk about... but first you must meet our host... meet Senet, the illustrious leader of the Pirates of Grannh.”

  Amergin strode forward to the side of the boat. Senet too stepped forward, and leaned over, offering his hand. Amergin shook his hand in a strong man-bonding fashion. Only hours ago they had been in mortal conflict. Two of the Milesian vessels and many of the crew had been intercepted, trapped, slaughtered and lost at sea. The vessels sunk without a trace and sent to a watery grave. He too had fled for his life and only the intervention of the Guardians of Light had saved him and the entire mission.

  Now they shook hands... Senet too recognised the incongruity of the moment... until the arrival of Magire and Amergin’s emissary, Forsien. He had been dead set on intercepting and taking Amergin.

  This, even with the encounter with the Guardians of Light.Now, thankfully, with the wisdom offered by Magire, he saw the Sea Druid Amergin and his Milesian mariners as potential allies. The way of the Guardians of Light was perhaps their way...

  This was a pivotal moment for Amergin’s mission, but time was still their enemy, a poignant and apocryphal meeting in the context of the salvation of his nation and of the Promised Land and of his destiny. He must remain focussed, his resolve strong and undistracted...

  Amergin was hypnotically drawn again to the sheer beauty and magnetism of Zendris... the words “And so it is written... and is in the stars” floated around and around in his mind... he must be strong... she drew him in... Her siren powers beguiling him... he heard himself speaking... “This night we must all gather. You must come to my flagship. We must negotiate and strategise... the dark one MacCuacht goes east... in the morning we sail...” Amergin was being drawn helplessly in... “We meet... tonight ... to bring our tribes together... until tonight...” Xomas pushed off, the boats disengaged. He felt the Siren’s powers too... She smiled at both of them... “Until tonight ...!”

  Forsien, their emissary, returned with them to the flagship. The rest of the cohort would join them later. Amergin was delighted to see his brave comrade in arms back. He will be invaluable on the journey ahead. His knowledge of the terrain useful... he instructed Forsien to meet with MacCuill, to pool their knowledge of the Northern Province and in particular the Shamen of the North. Amergin felt a strange draw to the Northern Province now. Unusually his steely resolve became unfocussed. His meeting with Zendris on his mind...

  Xomas noticed the change. He felt the chemistry Amergin had with the Queen of the Shamen of Land’s End. Xomas decide to join Forsien and MacCuill in their meeting... he too needed to find out about the Shamen of Land’s End. They would soon be sailing in to their domain. The mission will depend on an unobstructed journey, clear in mind and clear in deed.

  Xomas went to join Forsien and MacCuill. They were deep in discussion. “There was something very strange about Forsien’s demeanour!” thought Xomas. What he heard positively disturbed him!

  Forsien was trying to convince MacCuill that they should sail to Land’s End and stay a while, to get to know the Shamen and the Northern Province, “Magire and Zendris are desirous of a pact with Milesia. The Northern Province could become a stronghold against the dark Sidhe!” he continued, “the Queen of the Shamen of Land’s End desires a meeting with you personally, she would like to discover more about Sceine... plot a course for her MacCuill... take the fleet to Land’s End and there all the forces of Milesia and the Shamen of Land’s End can join together ...”

  This was dangerous talk by Forsien! From one that is usually so loyal and would not normally do anything without first contacting Amergin. Xomas left the cabin without interrupting them. He had heard enough! He must inform Amergin! The moment had already come and gone... Amergin was not at the helm.

  One of the twin masted, red sailed vessels had quietly pulled up alongside the Milesian flagship. Senet of the Pirates of Grannh was already stepping on to the gang plank. With him came the remainder of Forsien’s cohort. It was so good to see them safely returned from the mission to the Northern Province. They stepped on board and made way for Magire and Zendris. These two made quite an impression with the dark silver-grey dreadlocks and their attire of woven fabric, with the texture of turf and its light absorbing, chameleon properties. Magire towered over most of the crew.

  His physicality was impressive. His body was covered with startling tattoos. He intimidated most on first meeting. Zendris gracefully swept on to the deck of the flagship, a tall, elegant stunningly beautiful creature. Her long silver-grey locks captured and reflected the torchlight, her delicate porcelain complexion and the genetic tribal markings adorning the nape of her neck and shoulders... her life story and that of her ancestors covering her body. Some faded and discrete, others bold and new as if they were just forming. This meeting was at the behest of Zendris, she controlled the agenda. She appeared to control the warriors who came with her and the crew that she was newly meeting...

  Xomas watched as Amergin greeted Senet, Magire and Zendris. He watched as the Sea
Druid of the Milesians kissed the hand of this beauteous siren and knelt before her, “My lady!” Amergin could barely stutter the words... her power, her presence...

  Xomas deliberately stayed away from the gathering. Someone had to remain clear headed! He suspected witchcraft at work... no male was safe in her presence… Xomas watched from a distance, he saw every one of his crew come under her spell. He must stay conscious and alert, clear headed and matter of fact. Once the defences were down, weakened by beauteous deception... you were hers! Like an infection, she would enter your bloodstream and suppress your resistance. No male was immune from her feminine essence and wiles. Only those aware of her witchcraft would stand a chance...

  Once Amergin had kissed her hand and his lips touched her skin, he was taken, infected, obsessed by her. Zendris now controlled his mind, he was enslaved...

  Magire looked on... this was so easy! The great Milesian Sea Druid entrapped! The Milesian forces and the Island of Destiny would surely be theirs! With Amergin on their side even the dark Sidhe might be subdued!

  That night, the future of the Promised Land changed... potentially forever! Zendris had Amergin entrapped and enslaved. He could no longer commune with the Guardians of Light, without her consent. He could not commune with his beloved Sceine. Zendris controlled his emotions and his soul. She controlled his ability to journey beyond the veil. She had strategised and conspired with Magire and the Shamen of Land’s End to undo the wrongs reaped by Antiem, the High King of Tuatha and his cruel and darkened son MacCuacht. MacCuacht had slaughtered many from the Northern Province who had come in peace to negotiate and form an alliance with Antiem.

  Magire passionately gripped the hand of his siren wife, “revenge will be served cold and will be sweet!” Zendris smiled once more, her work was only just beginning!

  Under the cover of darkness, Xomas climbed down the stern of the flagship and slipped in to the cool waters of the bay. Even the oceanic drift was cooling at this time of year and particularly at this time of night. Xomas swam strongly and quietly, breast stroking towards the other vessels in the fleet, moored to the south. He shivered not from the cold, but at the prospect of the fate that was befalling his leader and marine comrades. The mission was under threat, the Milesians were under threat! He must swim to the others! They must be alerted! The representatives of the Chapter of Mystics will surely know how to reverse the witchcraft at work?! He prayed to the Great Spirit that this would be done. He must act quickly! The siren Zendris will surely entrap and enslave others... she will soon be able to journey through and infiltrate the veil!

  Xomas grabbed the anchoring rope of the first vessel and called to the watchman, “Throw me a line! I am Xomas, helmsman on the Sea Druid Amergin’s flagship.Quickly!” He could not shout too loudly. The sound would travel in the cool of the night and his absence would be noticed. He soon found himself on the deck, shivering uncontrollably. He had been too long in the water! This was Eiremhou’s vessel, Amergin’s loyal brother, “Bring me your representative of the Chapter of Mystics... we have little time!” Eiremhou promptly ushered the priest Veryan to join Xomas and himself.

  Whilst Xomas was being given dry clothes and a reviver of steaming hot dulse tea, he told them his story... Eiremhou had heard of the legendary, magical Shamen of Land’s End, “It is not surprising to hear that they want this island for themselves, particularly with the horrific slaughter of their tribesmen, perpetrated on them by the dark one MacCuacht!”

  Xomas agreed, slowly warming, his mind clearing, “However, they do not realise the potential danger of their actions! They believe that with Amergin under Zendris’s spell, they will have the power to confront MacCuacht and the dark Sidhe... they are gravely mistaken!”

  The priest Veryan stepped in to the light cast by the storm lantern, “They do not understand the significance of Amergin’s destined meeting with Sceine... the veil will be compromised and weakened by their actions, the dark forces of the spirit world will have free reign! The siren Zendris must be stopped!” They all ardently agreed, Veryan asked, “What of Xesu, the priest of the Chapter of Mystics on board Amergin’s flagship?” Xomas could not answer certainly, “I believe he is still of his own mind and powers. The siren Zendris is obsessed with Amergin... but others will surely follow...!”

  “There is hope then... We must all pray that Xesu can take Amergin beyond the veil!” Veryan continued, “He must commune with the Guardians of Light in the spirit world. Only then can the spell of the siren Zendris be broken!” Veryan implored them, “Join me in prayer! Xesu will hear us. He will know what to do! This is Amergin’s only hope!”

  The crew of the Milesian flagship slowly fell under the spell of the siren Zendris. Her ancient magic was overpowering them, one by one. She purred at her conquests, “With Amergin in our power the Milesian destiny will become our destiny!” Later that night, Amergin drifted in and out of a tormented sleep. His ability to journey beyond the veil weakened. He saw his beloved Sceine, but could not reach her... he felt his destiny slipping away... he touched her fingertips, but she kept drifting away from him. Like a drowning man, clutching at the safety of dry land, but always falling back in to the ocean. “Sceine my beloved, where are you!?”... He felt his hand being caressed, his brow being kissed, gentle fingertips touching him... the breath of an angel. Her elegant, graceful body wrapping around his... taking him to ecstacy... they came to an orgasmic climax together.

  “Open your eyes my beloved... I am with you now!” The voice! Under her spell… he stared in to the eyes of the siren Zendris! He was enslaved, under her power, “Take me beyond the veil with you Amergin! Take me ...!”

  Amergin came too... someone was vigorously trying to waken him! “My lord, wake up! You are under the spell of the siren Zendris! You must resist!!” Xesu knew that once Amergin had taken Zendris beyond the veil, it would be too late for him. Amergin would be under her powers forever!

  The dream was ending... the face of Zendris disappearing in to the mist. His eyes open, the vision was gone. Amergin was back in the mortal realm. A split second later and he would have been taken through the veil with Zendris, enslaved forever...“My lord Amergin! Hear me! Come back to us!” Xesu now placed the palm of his hand on Amergin’s forehead, “Great Spirit hear our prayers bring back your faithful servant Amergin! Bring him back to the powers of the Guardians of Light, for he is the chosen one, the Sea Druid Amergin. Destined to meet Sceine, the High Priestess of Xhara, the Princess of the Western Province, together they are destined to bring the Guardians of Light to the mortal realm! Hear us Great Spirit! Hear us ...!”

  Amergin was slowly returning, his soul drifting in an amber cosmos. Gently he was coming back to the mortal realm. A familiar voice this time, “Come back to me Amergin... I am yours!” He opened his eyes... a vision of Sceine! He was awake and back in the mortal realm, “Xesu! How! Where am I?” Confused and in a state of unreality... he began to understand, “Zendris, the siren?!”

  “She has bewitched you my lord, entrapped you!” Xesu explained, “You must protect your mind! You are still in danger most of the crew are still in her power! Come with me... we will take a rowing boat, we will return to the fleet!” Stealthily they crept to the stern. Mac Cuill met them there. He had already descended the rope ladder and waited for them in the boat. Dipping the oars quietly and surrupticiously in the calm, dark ocean, they glided away from the flagship. No watchmen saw them. Amergin reticently pulled on an oar... he was abandoning his own ship! The last resort of any captain! With each stroke, new blood coursed through his veins. His mind clearing... he knew he was doing the right thing... the mission depended on it. But abandoning his own crew galled him? Have they all been bewitched?!

  “Fifty boat lengths to the starboard,”Xesu called quietly in to the darkness, “The fleet!” They had escaped the clutches of the siren! Now they must free their crew!

  Eiremhou greeted Amergin, “My brother, you are safe! Praise the Great Spirit! Throw them a line!

  Xomas went to Amergin, “My lord you are back, how…what of the siren?!”

  “No time to explain my faithful Milesians! We must act! Our crew relies on us!” he retorted “Call for all the priests of the Chapter of Mystics to gather!” Veryan on Eiremhou’s vessel raised the sacred conch to his lips and sounded a low resonant note, calling all the faithful to prayer. The storm beacon was lit, a sign that this vessel would be the place for the gathering.

  Very soon boats were launched. Many priests in their long flowing robes came on board, to be greeted by their Sea Druid Amergin, “We go to the flagship. Prepare your minds! Magire and Zendris will be waiting for us. We go to free our crew!”

  The priesthood prayed and meditated. They called on the spirit world and the Guardians of Light to protect the fleet and the crew on the flagship. Amergin could feel the veil drawing closer. He felt the radiant energy wrapping around Eiremhou’s vessel. They sailed with a cloak of Divine protection.

  Amergin looked on in wonderment as the vessel began to move in a current of Divine origin. The wake of the boat left a stream of glowing phosphorescence.

  Magire and Zendris had heard the resonant blast of the conch, calling the priesthood to prayer. They were waiting for the Milesians. Zendris was enraged at her crew for allowing the Sea Druid Amergin to escape. They all feared the wrath of the siren Zendris. They had seen even the most rational, reasoning being turned in to a gibbering, demented fool, when the full force of her mind altering magic was unleashed upon them. Zendris knew her deception was done. She doubted whether she could match the combined powers of the Chapter of Mystics and the Guardians of Light. “Someone will pay for this!” even Magire shrivelled in the presence of his enraged Queen, “Bring the Milesian crew to me!”


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