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Kiss of the Dragon

Page 4

by Christina James

  She gave them a dazzling smile. If nothing else had come of having so many suitors, she had learned to use all her womanly charms to get a man to do what she wanted. She had, in fact, never met a man whom she could not wrap around her little finger.

  “I need a small favor, my good knights,” she said sweetly.

  “Anything, my lady,” Sir Gregory answered, and Bianca was afraid that he would go down onto his knees right there at the entrance of the Great Hall and pledge his unwavering loyalty. If the guests noticed the outrageous display, they would be curious as to why a maidservant received such attention.

  “Yea, my lady, you need only ask,” Sir Dominic echoed.

  “I wish for you to announce Lady Modesta to the newly arrived barons.”

  Sir Gregory and Sir Dominic looked to one another for a moment and then nodded in agreement. Such a simple request could be easily executed.

  “Just one more favor, my dear knights. When you introduce Lady Modesta, you will only call her the Lady de Neige. Do not use her Christian name.”

  “What of yourself, my lady? Would you like us to announce you as well?”

  “No. No thank you. I would sit at one of the lower tables this morning and watch the proceedings from a distance.”

  Sir Dominic looked confused and even scratched his already balding head. But Sir Gregory nodded his head in an unquestioning way. He grabbed hold of the young knight’s arm, shoving him ahead to do as their lady bid.

  “God be with you, Modesta. Remember that I will be within hearing distance. The moment you wish to leave, you need only make up an excuse and we retire. Trust me.”

  Smiling uncertainly, Modesta followed the two guards across the hall.

  * * * * *

  “My lords, may we present…Lady de Neige.”

  At the announcement, Draco looked up from his plate to give his attention to the two older knights standing before the high table. He glanced at Charles to watch his reaction when he got his first look at his future bride. His lips twitched slightly, the only sign that he found the whole situation amusing.

  The two de Neige knights bowed with respect and then stepped to the side, giving Charles and Draco the first glimpse of the legendary beauty they had come so far to meet.

  “Splendor of God, you are lovely!” Charles surged to his feet and moved around the table to stand before the blushing, trembling Modesta. She could not bring herself to raise her eyes. The poor maiden was so nervous she swayed on her feet and would have fallen if he had not taken her hand to steady her.

  “My lady, you are even more beautiful than I thought possible.”

  “Yea,” Draco concurred from where he stood watching the proceedings. His amusement faded as he studied the prospective bride his cousin had come to woo. He had not missed the curious demeanor of the Lady de Neige. His eyes narrowed as he took in the nervous maiden trembling like the last leaf on the tree in the harsh winter wind. Under his breath, he remarked on it, “So this is the Beauty de Neige.”

  Chapter Two

  Modesta had never been so scared.

  Now that she stood within a few feet of the only reason she had come to the Great Hall, she did not know if she had the courage to carry out the deception.

  She glanced furtively at Bianca who’d stopped at one of the lower tables, a short distance away. But Bianca’s attention seemed to be entirely focused on the two barons. She stared at them with a sparkle of speculation in her lovely violet eyes. Modesta, momentarily bemused by the look on her cousin’s face, nearly missed the golden baron’s words of welcome. She had no time to contemplate her cousin’s reaction to the barons. At the moment, she had problems of her own and she needed Bianca’s complete attention. More than that, she needed her cousin to step forward and take responsibility for the situation in which they now found themselves.

  Come on, Cousin. I need a little help here, Modesta urged silently, wishing the whole while that she had stayed above stairs in her room.

  But Bianca did not move from her chosen seat. As her attention came back to Modesta she surreptitiously motioned her forward, nodding encouragingly, mouthing “go”.

  Caught up in her own fear, Modesta shook her head in reply. It was the shock on her cousin’s face that stopped her. Realizing what she had done, she turned her attention back to the two men waiting for her, praying her actions went unnoticed.

  Modesta took a deep breath and forced her soft, trembling mouth into the resemblance of a smile. She pulled up every shred of courage she possessed and wrapped it around herself like a shield. Then and only then did she step forward, moving on wobbly legs, to greet the two large noblemen who took up a good portion of the high table. To her eyes, they looked to be formidable giants, tall, broad, magnificently built warriors and she tamped down the urge to turn tail and flee the hall.

  “Good morning, my lords.” Her voice was soft and breathless, barely above a whisper. She trembled so violently that no other words passed her lips. Modesta demurely raised her eyes to determine what effect her appearance had on them, afraid that they might see through her deception. Her gaze was immediately caught and held by the sparkling blue eyes of the handsome golden Lord Charles. His eyes held warmth and his smile an invitation she did not understand as he gazed down at her from his great height. Her heart jumped, her breath stalled in her chest and a sensation like butterfly wings fluttered inside her. Modesta pressed her hand to her stomach in a defensive gesture. She felt slightly ill and wondered if perhaps she might be coming down with something. Her skin tingled with warmth as his hot gaze swept over her body and she blushed rosily and lowered her eyes. Never had she seen a more handsome man.

  Time seemed to stop as they gazed at each, the company around them completely forgotten. Only the snort of derision from his dark companion brought Modesta’s attention back to realize they were not alone. Her startled gaze jumped to Lord Draco, who had also come forward to greet her.

  “My lady.” He bowed stiffly over her proffered hand.

  His fierce scowl had her wondering if this was what the devil would look like greeting a sinner at the gates of Hell. With his scarred face, black hair and attire, he could have been Satan. Modesta blinked to get the image out of her head. The man scared her. And the way he hovered over her had her biting back a squeak of fear and she took a step back. It was obvious that this could only be the Black Dragon and she shivered as she remembered Leia’s warnings about the great warlord.

  To her relief, Lord Charles moved forward and captured her hand to draw her under the protection of his shoulder. “My lady.”

  Grateful for his consideration, Modesta glanced back at his dark companion to find that he was no longer paying attention to her.

  The Black Dragon had become distracted and seemed preoccupied with something behind her. She found that she could breathe a little easier when she was not the center of his attention. Still, his dark, forbidding countenance made her hesitate about joining them.

  Bianca picked up a pitcher of cider from the table and moved around the lower table, making her way closer as she watched her father’s two large guests with curiosity.

  She thought Baron Charles Servais was indeed a very handsome man. And from his reaction to her lovely cousin, it was apparent he was much taken with her. She smiled at Modesta’s stunned expression when he took possession of her hand and kissed it. Bianca would tease her cousin later about the gallant lord. But it was the great dark man who drew her attention as he approached her cousin.

  Lord Draco, the Black Dragon of Normandy.

  The name suited him. Dressed in a black velvet tunic and hose, with blue-black hair and dark mysterious eyes, he was a most magnificent man. His size alone would have been enough to intimidate any man or woman. He dwarfed every man in the Great Hall with the exception of his companion, who was only slightly shorter but just as broad-shouldered.

  Bianca boldly watched the tall, dark knight as he stood before the high table. Fine leather boots encased his feet
, the bindings laced over sculptured calves to his knees. His tunic of unrelieved black graced his broad shoulders and thick torso. The cut of the tunic had it falling to mid-thigh over his black hose, tight hose that hugged his muscular thighs.

  Bianca studied the tall, sun-bronzed warrior-baron, feasting her eyes on every inch of his magnificent form. He was indeed a giant of a man, fierce in appearance and apparently in temperament as well. His thick hair was cropped unusually short for a noble. It was a soldier’s haircut, but on him it looked fine. It gave him a ruggedly handsome mien no matter that a thin scar cut across his face from one wickedly arched black brow, down over one chiseled cheekbone to disappear beneath his ear into the neckline of his tunic.

  Strangely, the mark of the warrior on this noble’s face only added to his dark good looks. It testified to the strength and resilience of the man. His nose showed evidence of having been broken, perhaps more than once. No doubt received while he fought valiantly in battle. His deep-set eyes, black as obsidian, were never still as he studied the hall and the people there within.

  He had a stubborn jaw and sensuous, full lips. Her eyes rested on those lips momentarily before she met his gaze. She would have moved forward but his bold eyes held her in a trance. The world faded away as she stood there, her eyes consuming every inch of the magnificent warrior. No one else mattered.

  It took Bianca a long moment to realize what she did, and she quickly dropped her gaze, blushing warmly at being caught staring at him. She surreptitiously glanced up through her lashes and found him still looking in her direction. She became uncomfortably aware of the intensity of those black mysterious orbs. But he kept looking straight at her. Her eyes widened and her breath stilled in her chest. She had the distinct impression he was trying to read her thoughts, to learn her darkest secrets. But that could not be possible, could it? She shook her head to rid herself of the ridiculous notion.

  She tore her eyes from the great, dark man to concentrate on her cousin. Bianca nodded encouragingly to Modesta. It was up to her to handle the situation until they made good their escape.

  “Lady de Neige, it is my greatest pleasure to make your acquaintance this glorious morning. Allow me, my lady, the honor of sitting at your right hand to serve you,” Charles addressed the golden beauty standing before him, his sincerity obvious as he offered his arm.

  “You are lovelier than any words could describe, my lady,” he murmured softly as he helped her to place at the table.

  Bianca watched a delightful blush color her cousin’s long slender neck and rise to her smooth cheeks. Modesta’s startling green eyes flashed a look of confusion as the golden knight froze, speechless as he stared at the beauty at his side. It was obvious that Charles was infatuated with her cousin.

  Draco sat back to study the young Lady de Neige. It was said her beauty inspired many poems and ballads and he found his curiosity piqued. Though lovely, she seemed a little timid and lacked the spirit he had imagined a beautiful woman like Bianca de Neige might possess. Even now, her hands twisted the folds of her lovely gown and she seemed a little distracted, her gaze roaming restlessly to the lower tables. When he leaned forward to offer her a choice piece of meat from his trencher, she started, her wide eyes flying to his as she blushed red and gave a slight shake of her, refusing his offer.

  “My compliments on this feast, my lady,” he stated. “You are fortunate to have such talent in your kitchen.” He returned to his meal, losing interest in the young woman.

  Charles frowned at his friend’s manners and then turned to study his future wife. He tried to think of something to say to ease her, wondering why she was so jumpy. He knew that, as two mighty warriors, he and Draco did indeed pose an intimidating front, but they had been on their best behavior, and still the lovely little maiden looked ready to take flight.

  “Thank you, Lord Baron,” Modesta murmured even as the Black Dragon turned away. “I will see that Cook knows you enjoyed her offerings this morn.”

  It was unclear even to Charles if Draco cared a wit for her acknowledgement. But Charles had heard her and he was pleased to finally get a word out of her.

  “Please forgive our lack of manners, my lady. I am Charles Servais, recently made baron. My brooding friend here and I are honored to share this repast with a lady so lovely as you.”

  Without warning, Charles leaned forward and captured her hand. He lifted it to his mouth where he boldly placed his firm, warm lips against the fluttering pulse of her delicate wrist. The young beauty at his side gasped and his lips curved into a smile against her tender flesh.

  Modesta attempted to take back her hand, but it was firmly held in his grasp. He ignored her. She gasped as he brought it to his chest and held it captive, her palm pressed over his beating heart to let her feel just how much her close proximity affected him.

  Charles gazed into her uncertain, wide green eyes and smiled. “I am at your service. And this,” he waved his free hand at his frowning companion without taking his eyes from hers, “is my cousin, Baron Draco d’Ensoleille. Do not let his fierce frown intimidate you. He is a busy man and has no time for love.”

  The pleasant smile on Modesta’s face seemed forced and Charles wondered what the problem was.

  Draco glanced at Charles after his little speech, aware that it was a warning. Sensing the other man wanted to make a good impression on the fair maiden seated between them, he made an effort to look less formidable. It was not his intention to frighten her. He followed her gaze and found that she was casting furtive glances at one of the maidservants sitting at one of the lower tables. She looked as if she were sending the maid some sort of silent plea.

  “What distresses you so, my lady? Is there something you need?” He kept his voice pitched low purposely to ease.

  “No, I am but a little hungry. Please, pay no attention to my poor manners.” Her response was polite, if a little forced

  “My Lady de Neige, think no more of your worries. We are but lowly warriors who are honored to sit at the same table with one so beautiful,” Draco murmured politely, doing his best to be pleasant.

  “Yea, my lady,” Charles added. “I have come a great distance to make your acquaintance. Many tales of your beauty and sweetness have reached my ears, and I found that I could not stay away. I beg of you, give me some hope that I have not arrived too late to woo you and perhaps win your affections and therefore your lovely hand in marriage.”

  Draco sat back and watched the young woman who now moved restlessly around the nearest table below the dais. He openly stared at the most exquisite creature he had ever imagined existed upon this earth. He could not help himself. Although dressed as a maidservant and with her hair covered, it was obvious she was more than she would have them believe. Her actions were far too bold for one of the serving class.

  He glanced from her to the lovely woman beside him and frowned. The Beauty de Neige’s attention was centered on her maidservant with such purpose she was literally squirming with restlessness. His gaze swung back to the servant at the lower table. What about her had Lady de Neige so agitated? He had not missed the telling looks between the two women throughout the morning meal.

  What game did she play?

  “Would you perhaps accompany me for a ride this afternoon, sweet lady?” Charles’ question brought Draco’s attention back his friend’s situation. He watched as his cousin took possession of Modesta’s hand and lifted it to his lips where he kissed the delicate tips of each finger, one by one.

  Modesta was startled at the gesture. But as she watched his warm, smiling lips moving so sensuously over her fingertips, she was lost. Never had she experienced anything so exciting. Her heart stuttered in her chest and a heavy feeling centered low in her body. With soft pink lips parted, she looked up in wide-eyed wonder to find his intense blue gaze looking at her with… A hot blush stole up her cheeks as she recognized the look. She had seen it before when one of her uncle’s men wanted one of the maidservants in the way a man wants
a woman. She swallowed nervously and dropped her gaze, her cheeks burning with the knowledge she found in Charles Servais’ eyes. Hope, and then excitement, bloomed within her soul as Modesta realized that the man holding her hand was attracted to her.

  And then in the next moment, her whole world came crashing down as she remembered who Charles Servais had come to Castle de Neige to marry. It was Bianca he truly wanted. The famous beauty and wealthy heiress was the only woman he would have. All color drained from her face as Modesta glanced around to see if her cousin caught the bold actions of this handsome warrior-baron. She was so mortified at being trapped between two such dangerous men and, even worse, scared to death that they would discover her deception. She glanced at her cousin furtively, trying to catch her eye, wanting the moment to be over.

  Dark orbs like black ice watched her from the head table. Bianca met his stare with boldness. She momentarily forgot about Modesta. She was mesmerized by his dark gaze. It was not until he acknowledged her with a slight nod that she realized she had been caught staring. That snapped her attention back to Modesta. The young lord gave her cousin exceptional attention. Bianca became aware that her cousin had reached her breaking point. Bianca grabbed a full pitcher of cider from a servant girl who happened to be passing by. She would deliver the pitcher to the high table herself. She would pretend to trip and spill a little cider on Modesta so her cousin would have an excuse to leave. But she did not take into consideration the bulk of the dark baron or the position of his chair and upended the entire pitcher of cider. A shriek of shock and a curse of outrage filled the air and everyone in the hall turned their attention to the high table.

  Bianca stared in wide-eyed horror. Modesta’s shocked expression as she looked down at her ruined gown was nothing compared to the angry curse that left the snarling lips of Baron Draco. He shoved back his chair to escape the drenching from the cider she had spilt on him and knocked into her.


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