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Kiss of the Dragon

Page 15

by Christina James

  Placing his hands at her lower back, Draco slowly dipped Bianca back giving him a tempting path of snow-white flesh over which he scraped his teeth in small, nipping bites, only to smooth the rough play with his warm, wet tongue. He licked and kissed his way down to her swell of her luscious breasts.

  “You are so beautiful, Bianca.” His deep voice purred as he took the tip of one succulent globe and then the other into the hot cavity of his mouth and slowly tormented her with his fire.

  Finally, he simply buried his face between her breasts, molding and kneading them tenderly. His body trembled beneath her hands as she caressed his shoulders and arms for several moments before he finally raised his head and looked into her violet eyes.

  “You will be the death of me, sweet. Never have I wanted a woman as badly as I want you. But I am not certain that you know what you are doing by being here.”

  Breathless from his passionate loving, Bianca could think of nothing to say. But she suddenly feared he would change his mind and send her away as he had done before. She would die if he did, simply die.

  “I know what I am doing, my lord. I came here of my own free will. I want you to make love to me.” Her bold declaration seemed to echo through the room.

  Her words nearly brought Draco to his knees. He brought her slender body close and once again lavished sweet torment upon her lips as he pressed one strong leg between her thighs, drawing her up to the rock-hard evidence of his own desire.

  She gasped at the intimate contact of the solid heat of him, it was so shockingly sensuous. She moved her hips, seeking to get even closer. Bianca had never before felt the like of it and as if in answer to her unspoken plea, Draco began to grind his hips against hers, his tumescence seeking her most private of places.

  “Oh, God, Bianca! Tell me now if you want to stop. If we let this go any further there will be no going back,” Draco warned in an oddly hoarse voice, barely able to get the words out. He was so far gone with desire, his control slipping fast.

  “Please, Draco, I do not want you to stop,” she whispered against his neck.

  Her sweet assent was all that he needed. He swung her up in his arms and carried her to the bed where he laid her down so gently as if he feared that she might shatter. He lowered his long, hard body to cover her small soft one, claiming her mouth in a searing kiss that left them both breathless. As his hands moved over her body slowly, intimately, he left no part unexplored. She moaned and writhed beneath his tender assault, her feet sliding up and down his calves. His hand came between them to find her wet and ready for him. He deepened his kiss and then eased back to remove his remaining clothing.

  “No, Draco, do not stop!”

  “Do not worry, dearling, we have only just begun.”

  But just as his hands gripped the top of his leggings to pull them off, there came a heavy, insistent knocking at the door.

  “Draco, come, open the door! There is news!”

  Not believing the timing of his young brother, Draco swore heartily under his breath; making dire promises he would pummel the little whoreson for daring to disturb him at this hour of the night. He glanced down at the naked beauty sprawled on his bed her eyes glazed with passion and thrust his hand through his hair, leaving it to stand on end.

  “It is my brother, Cynric. I will get rid of him quickly.”

  Bianca’s eyes widened when she finally understood what he said. She scrambled to cover her nakedness with the bedcovers as Draco moved to the door. She realized that there must be something very wrong or Draco’s younger brother would not be disturbing him. A shiver of apprehension skittered down her spine and she quietly slipped off the bed and hid in the shadows of the room adjacent to the door.

  As soon as the latch lifted on the door, it was not only Cynric who stood there but his cousin, Charles as well. He burst into the room without invitation and before Draco could stop him.

  Cynric followed more carefully, glancing quickly at the bed. He knew that Draco had a female visitor arrive earlier at his door. He had come around the corner of the corridor in time to see her knock. He had stepped back to give her privacy and only after she had entered and his brother had closed the door and barred it had Cynric turned and returned to the ballroom, giving them some privacy. Now he wondered what happened to the mysterious woman.

  Draco did not miss the direction of his brother’s gaze and followed it to find that Bianca had slipped from the bed and had hidden herself somewhere in the room. He was relieved. At least her reputation was safe, for the time being.

  “What is it? Why are you pounding at my door this time of the night?”

  “The Duke de Neige has requested our assistance. Word has just reached Castle Neige that there is trouble near the southern border of his holdings. I assured him that we would join our men with his for reinforcement. What say you, cousin, are you ready for a little excitement after so many days of boredom sitting around on our arses? Get dressed; we leave almost immediately. Dawn is only a few hours away and the Duke wants to be on the road by the time the sun comes up.”

  “Yea, brother, it looks to be a small skirmish but it will be good exercise for the men. What say you to a little sport? Are you game?” Cynric added in his youthful eagerness. Shaking his head at his brother’s enthusiasm, Draco sighed heavily.

  “Yes, yes. Give me but a moment to get dressed. We will meet you at the stables, Charles. Have the men ready.” Knowing that the mood of the evening was completely shattered by the news of this latest violence, Draco glanced toward the bed longingly. A chuckle drew his attention and he found both his relatives grinning broadly at him.

  He frowned fiercely and as he turned to gather his clothing, he caught a glimpse of a small foot in the shadows. His frown deepened into a scowl as he realized that he had nearly seduced the beautiful Lady Bianca. As he thought about his loss of control, he felt like kicking himself. What had he been thinking? Or perhaps that was the problem. He had been thinking, but not with his brain. He caught his sigh of frustration before it passed his lips. Perhaps it was a sign from above that they had been interrupted when they had or he would have taken her innocence and then he would have felt obligated to offer for her. He wanted her, but not as his wife.

  Draco had been a hardened bachelor too long to foist himself onto an innocent like Lady Bianca de Neige. Fortunately, it had not gone that far and she had slipped away. Now there was nothing left for him but to ride into battle for her father and when he returned he would have it out with her. He would be riding away, leaving her to marry a younger, more suitable man.

  “What are you waiting for, Charles?” His voice was testy as he rounded on the bearer of the disturbing tidings. “Cynric, help me with my armor.”

  “Yea, Draco. It is a shame that this came up. It seems that you had more…delightful things to keep you occupied this night.” Charles’ half-smile and sly glance toward the bed was enough to tell Draco that his cousin was aware that he had been entertaining a woman.

  “Get the men ready, Charles. And know you can never apologize enough for disturbing me this night.”

  Grating laughter followed the blonde giant out of the door. Draco cursed his ill timing. He gathered his things together. At least the cool night air would help him with his raging ardor. It was then that something on the bed caught Draco’s eye. He strode to the bed. There, glittering in the candlelight in the midst of the rumpled bed covers lay a translucent golden veil. It was the only evidence that his small gypsy dancer had even been there. He lifted the silky cloth up to his face and inhaled of her exotic scent. He would wear this precious token close to his heart. It would be the only personal item of hers that he would allow himself. The next time he saw her it would be to say goodbye.

  “What are you waiting for, Draco? We have to ride. There is trouble to the south.” Cynric’s voice broke into his thoughts, dissolving Draco’s reminiscent mood.

  “Yes, brother, help me dress.” He accepted his brother’s ministrations as he
dressed. “What kind of trouble are we riding out to face, Cynric?”

  “I arrived in time to hear only part of the report, Draco. A peasant, nearly dead on his feet arrived with the message. I know that Lord de Neige would usually have enough men to take care of the situation, but Duchess Heloise took a good number of his guard with her to visit the neighbor estate. Let a woman lead an army and they go the wrong direction, eh, Draco?” Laughing at his own jest, Cynric did not notice Draco’s contemplative mood or that he did not respond to the jest as he usually did.

  * * * * *

  Suitors came from near and far, all unacceptable.

  Her dreams of true love and happiness seemed forever whimsical.

  But still she persevered, her dreams intact,

  Until the one she awaited rode up to the gates on horseback.

  Massive, and intimidating, though he may have been,

  Her heart beat fast for the love she found there and then.

  She had discovered him, he had come for her at last.

  But alas, he wanted no wife, his heart once broken like shattered glass.

  Chapter Nine

  When Bianca awoke to a new day, her emotions were a melee of confusion, ranging from excitement to sensual longing. The feeling stayed with her all through her morning chores. It was a strange euphoria that clouded her mind and made her oblivious to the harsh words of her stepmother as she was assigned an outrageous number of tasks to complete before the noon meal. Bianca left that meeting pleasantly agreeable for the first time that anyone in the household could remember. Several servants stared at their young mistress in disbelief as she stood and took the duchess’s orders and snide comments without so much as a raised brow.

  As distracted as she was, Bianca ignored the usual criticisms and went about her duties with a dreamy expression on her face. She did not notice the speculative look her stepmother gave her. If she had, she might have had some doubts about her future happiness.

  By the time Bianca and Modesta accomplished every task assigned to them, it was luncheon time and they retired to the ladies’ solar to spend the rest of the afternoon sewing. Soon Leia arrived with a tray, which the two cousins shared. But Bianca found that she had little appetite and absently picked at the simple fare.

  “I so enjoyed the ball last eve, Bianca. It is the first time I have not wished to be somewhere else. In fact, the evening ended far too soon. It was so wonderful.”

  Her admission stunned Bianca and she turned to look at her cousin.

  In truth, because of her shyness, Modesta declined to make an appearance at most social gatherings. It seemed that Lord Charles’ patience and gentle persuasion had brought about a marked change in her shy cousin. Bianca had noted that Modesta had indeed been enjoying herself at the ball, dancing and flirting mildly with Lord Charles. She had heard several whisperings among the older matrons that it was obvious there was a romance blossoming between the two.

  Now, as she gazed at her cousin, a delicate blush colored her creamy cheeks. Bianca smiled. Modesta glanced up from her sewing and saw the smile causing her blush to deepen to a rosy red. It was easy to tell whom her thoughts were on as she reminisced about the evening before, but Modesta was too disconcerted to admit it.

  “Lord Charles is a very handsome man and I think that he might have a tendre for a certain young lady.” At her announcement, the healthy color in Modesta’s cheeks faded and she stared at Bianca in horror. Had some other maiden caught his eye?

  “Who?” Her whispered plea was so low that Bianca barely heard her.

  “Who else, indeed, silly girl? I am speaking of you. I heard that he danced with no one else last evening, that he could not keep his gaze off you. In fact, he spent so much time at your side that it started many tongues wagging.”

  “Oh, Bianca, I hope not. I do not want people gossiping about Lord Charles or myself. Please say that it is not true.” Modesta’s distress was obvious and Bianca instantly regretted her careless words.

  “Do not worry, cousin, I was but teasing you. The only comments I heard were about how lovely you looked and how handsome Lord Charles was.” She would not repeat the speculation of their possible romance. Instead, she reached out and touched her cousin’s hand. “Please forgive me for my unkind teasing.” Modesta’s only response was a nod and a tremulous smile as she fought back the tears that threatened.

  For several moments, neither spoke as they sat in companionable silence, Modesta working on her embroidery while Bianca sewed tediously on her tapestry. But as her thoughts went back to the night before, she smiled slightly and then began humming the tune she had danced so brazenly to the previous evening. She was so occupied with her reminiscence that if took a moment for her to hear the small sniffling sounds that were coming from Modesta.

  “Modesta, what is it? Has my careless tongue upset you so much?”

  “Oh, no, cousin. It is not that.” She paused to wipe her sleeve across her eyes. After a moment she raised her head. “I am so worried about Charles. What if he is injured or, God forbid, killed while he is away. I could not bear it. I just could not!” Then she buried her face in her trembling hands and wept as if her heart would break.

  “Modesta, what are you talking about? Where has Lord Charles gone?”

  Uneasiness crept into her mind. What had she missed? Her thoughts flashed back to the night before when she had been with Draco. When Lord Charles and his brother, Cynric, arrived at his chambers and disturbed them, she had not waited around to find out what all the commotion was about. She had been so concerned that they not find her in his chambers that she had slipped away as soon as their backs were turned. She had gone straight to her chambers and to bed, ignorant of the late night activities that woke the rest of the castle.

  “I hope they return soon,” Modesta continued between sniffles, as if she had not heard Bianca’s question. “It would be unfortunate if they could not return for several days, even weeks. I am sure that we would all miss their company.”

  “What are you talking about, Modesta?”

  “Have you not heard the news, Bianca?” She looked at her as if she had lost her mind. “Everyone in the castle has talked about nothing else all morning. Were you not listening?

  “His Grace sent Lord Charles and Lord Draco and their garrison of men out early this morning on an important errand. Your father had to ask this boon of them because he lacked a sufficient number of men-at-arms to protect the castle and see to the defense of his demesne. Word came that there is trouble on the southern border.” A deep, shuddering sigh escaped Modesta as she fought for control of her emotions. “I pray they are able to return unharmed before the day is out.”

  Why had he not come to her and informed her that he was leaving? Dumbfounded, Bianca sat, staring blankly at the tapestry in front of her, not really seeing it, her hand raised with a needle poised to stab into the fabric.

  “What was the trouble?” Even as she asked, Bianca dreaded hearing the answer. A premonition of danger crawled into her mind and she suddenly found it hard to breathe.

  “I overheard several comments being passed about the kitchen servants while I did my chores. It seems that a crofter arrived very late last night with the message. He was given a meal in the kitchen and then departed very quickly to get back to his home. Cook said that it was very strange that the man seemed not to know as much about what had occurred when he was questioned. She said he was nervous and in a great hurry to be gone.”

  “Yes, that does seem odd.”

  Something was wrong! Bianca could feel it in her bones and she was helpless to do anything, except pray that they would all return safe and unharmed.

  The two cousins lapsed into convivial silence, each finding comfort in the other’s company. But Bianca could not concentrate on her work and ended up having to rip out her stitches time and again. As her mind wandered, her stitches seemed to follow suit. Her efforts cost her most of her precious thread. So much so that she had to stop and move to
the spinning wheel in the corner of the room. But even that task proved to be too much for her distracted mind. The even thread that she fed onto the spindle kept breaking and she had to start over time and again.

  “Did you not rest well last night?” Modesta asked after glancing in her cousin’s direction several times and catching her staring absently out the window.

  A moment of panic assailed Bianca as she thought that perhaps Modesta had somehow found out what she had done last night. “What makes you ask such a thing?”

  “You have yawned so many times in the last quarter hour that I fear you and your maid, Leia, might share the same sleeping sickness.”

  Bianca had not been conscious of her actions but it was true she felt a little weary. She smiled and then nodded in agreement. “I fear that you have guessed my secret. I slept poorly last night. Perhaps I will go and lie down for a bit.” Her words where barely out of her mouth before another yawn caught her unaware. As she raised a hand to stifle it, she clumsily pricked her finger on the sharp point of the spindle.

  “Ooow!” She popped her offended finger in her mouth and sucked the trickle of blood from her fingertip. “How heedless of me. I think I will retire to my bed before I cause myself further harm.”

  “I think you are right. I will tidy up here and then retire to my chamber as well.”

  “Thank you, Modesta. You are so good to me.” She hesitated before she turned to leave the room. “Promise me, that if you hear any further news of the barons or my father, that you will wake me at once.”


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