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Kiss of the Dragon

Page 29

by Christina James

  Dark, smoldering eyes locked with passionate violet ones.

  “You are so beautiful, sweet Bianca.” Low and thick with desire, Draco barely recognized his own voice. He brought his mouth a breath’s distance from hers and then his lips touched hers in a feathering kiss.

  His lips never leaving hers, Draco slowly eased down on to the bed beside her and gathered her slender body close. His mouth moved more purposely over hers, deepening the kiss that was meant to push all else from her mind. What started as a slow, tender joining turned into a long, hot, wet kiss that had them both trembling with need.

  “God, I need you, I want you desperately,” Draco whispered hoarsely against her mouth. Even as his mouth captured hers again, his hands stroked down her body, exploring every dip and curve, slowly, thoroughly. It was not long before she was moaning, arching into his touch, wanting more. Her hands clutched at his shoulders as she held on for dear life.

  “Ah, sweet, trust me to take the utmost care that you find pleasure in this joining,” he murmured against her lips before his mouth moved lower to caress the soft skin at the curve of her shoulder. Lower and lower, he kissed and licked his way across her tender flesh to the swell of her white breasts. The rose-colored nipples peaked beneath his caress and when his tongue swept across the crest of one, she moaned low and long, arching to get closer.

  “Oh my lord! I…” The words died on her lips as her head dropped back and a keening sound rose in her throat as his mouth covered her nipple and he suckled her long and hard. She clasped his head with her hands and held him there, arching up to offer more of herself. When he moved to lavish the same pleasure on her other breast, Bianca writhed beneath his hands.

  “Please, Draco, please…!” Even as she begged for something more, he raised his head to kiss her on the mouth hard.

  “Do you trust me, Bianca?” Draco whispered against her trembling lips.

  At the moment, Bianca was so lost in her passion that she could not put two words together to save her life. She managed only to nod as his lips moved down her jaw to the sensitive spot just behind her ear. His teeth nipped and his tongue swirled to take the sting from the love bite he placed there drawing a whimper from her.

  “Tell me,” he commanded roughly as his lips continued to travel lower. “Tell me what pleases you.” Even as the words left his mouth, his hand moved slowly, methodically down over her stomach and lower, entranced by the shudders he felt beneath his fingertips.

  “‘Tis hard…to put into…words, my lord…Dragon.” Her voice, low and sultry as her words were wrenched from her in short, panting gasps.

  “Tell me,” he reiterated. He needed to know how she felt about what he was doing to her.

  “Hot! I feel like I am on fire.” She gasped as his hand moved even lower over her abdomen. “Ah, you have surely scorched me with your fiery touch.”

  “I have not even begun, my Beauty.” The promise in his voice elicited a sound very much like the purr of a contented cat, as he stole her breath completely with a passionate, tongue dueling kiss to seal his pledge.

  Bianca grew restless beneath his assault. She wanted to touch him as he was touching her. Her hands itched to explore his body as intimately as his did hers. Timidly at first, she smoothed her palms over his hard, muscled chest feeling the crisp curls that covered him. Her fingertips glazed the flat disks of his nipples and following his lead she raised her head and pressed her lips to it and then her tongue swept over it, dragging a harsh groan from him. Her hand moved up over his massive shoulders and down his arms feeling the corded muscles flex beneath her touch. She slid her hands around his sides to touch the solid planes of muscles that rippled over his back. Her exploration brought her hands down over the hard, lean curve of his hip. She reveled in the fact that such a powerful giant could be so gentle with her. The exploration of his body added tinder to the rising flame of her desire. Her blood turned molten and seemed to pool in that most private part of her body causing moisture to gather there and she moved restlessly against him.

  But even so, she nearly came off the bed when his fingers slipped through the tight black curls and lightly touched the secret place between her legs. He took her gasp of shock into his mouth as he kissed her passionately trying to distract her while he caressed her delicate tissues, seeking that sensitive nub buried there. After a moment, her body softened and yielded to him. He thrust one long finger into her, testing her readiness. She was wet but so tight that he feared he would hurt her if he could not stretch her somewhat. When he replaced one long finger with two, she whimpered with the discomfort of it.

  “Hush, dearling. I have to stretch you a little. God, you are so tight!”

  “Perhaps we should wait, Draco. I do not want to do this if it is going to hurt.” Her whispered plea nearly made him stop. But he knew that waiting would not help. Ridding her of her maidenhead was a task he did not relish, but under the circumstances, one that could not be avoided. That he would be the one honored with the duty pleased him greatly, but at the same time left him little joy. He would be the first, but that another would follow left him in a rage of jealousy.

  Draco forced any thought of the future out of his mind. Here and now was not the time to contemplate such matters. For now, she was his and he would do his utmost to bring her pleasure. Once the thin barrier of her maidenhood was removed, he would make sure that she had nothing but pleasure at their joining.

  “Trust me in this, Bianca. I will try to be as gentle as I can.” His large fingers buried deep within her stretched her for several more moments as he kissed her deeply, thrusting his tongue in and out of her sweet mouth in the manner in which he anticipated thrusting his turgid manhood deep into her soft, tight flesh. When he decided that she was well distracted his lips moved over her face and neck, drawing sighs of pleasure.

  Draco took his time paying homage to her with his hungry lips and eager hands. As he kissed her deeply and passionately, he caressed and manipulated that most sensitive spot between her legs, thrusting his fingers deeper and faster, wringing cries of passion as her hips rose to move rhythmically against his hand. The burning need that raged through them when they had first started kissing was nothing compared to the inferno that now blazed hot and wild between them now.

  “Spread your legs, dearling. Let me in.”

  Lost in the passion of the moment, Bianca did as she was asked without hesitation. Draco shifted his position to move between her legs, covering her with his large body to hold her still while he accomplished her deflowering. It was not until she felt the proof of his own arousal nestled where his hand had been just moments before that she realized what was about to happen. The feel of his velvety tip of his manhood pressing slowly into her, filling her was most amazing. She was surprised that there was no pain. There was only a pleasant fullness as he pressed slowly, moving a little at a time.

  Draco was sweating by the time he felt the resistance of her maidenhead. He paused for a moment and looked down into her passion-flushed face. Brushing the hair back from her forehead, he said, “I am sorry, love.” Before she could say a word, he covered her mouth with his and kissed her deeply as he quickly buried himself fully inside her, with one great thrust, making sure the pain was swift and over quickly.

  The pain swept through her like a crashing wave. It washed away what pleasure and passion she had been feeling to be replaced by burning discomfort. Her scream was muffled beneath his mouth as he kissed her, holding her still beneath him as she tried to wriggle away.

  “Hush, my love, hush. The pain will fade, never fear.” He held himself still, not moving as he gave her time to adjust to his size. He kissed her lips tenderly as he murmured soft, comforting words. When she began to relax, he moved his mouth to her breast and suckled first one and then the other, hard and deep, until she moaned with passion once again. When Draco finally raised his head to look at her, she opened her eyes and smiled tremulously. With a tentative movement of her hips beneath him, her smi
le widened at the groan of pleasure that rumbled in his chest beneath her hands.

  “I am assuming that there is more, my lord. Pray, do not tell me that we are finished. You are still inside me.”

  His lips twitched with humor as he realized that she had completely recovered from his rough invasion. They were as fully connected at that moment as they ever would be and she was teasing him.

  “Yea. There is more, sweeting. Much more.” His voice was deep and warm as the summer night, and Bianca swore that she could see a thousand stars shining there as he gazed down at her. She knew then that he but waited for her, waited for the discomfort to dissolve. She reached up and brought his head down as she raised her lips to touch his mouth.

  “Love me, my lord.” Even as he opened his mouth to cover hers, he moved within her drawing a sharp gasp of pleasure from her. Draco smiled then, a slight movement against her lips. Her answering moan was all he needed to spur him on. He moved then thrusting in and withdrawing as his lips ravaged hers. At one point, he pulled back nearly leaving the warmth of her tight sheath.

  “Do not!” Bianca cried in protest.

  He stilled, thinking that he had somehow hurt her again. “What is it? Are you in pain, sweeting?”

  “Do not leave me,” she begged as she clutched at his hips to hold him close.

  “Never, Bianca. Never,” he vowed hoarsely, his face taut from the strain of holding back his full passions. To prove his words, he thrust into her again and again until her cries echoed through the room.

  Her slender hands wrapped around his muscular neck, her fingers digging into his flesh as she clung to him. She lifted her hips to match his rhythm as each forceful stroke brought them closer and closer to the heavens.

  The small moans of pleasure that escaped her lips spurred him on and he moved deeper and faster taking everything she offered.

  When Bianca climaxed, a thousand stars seemed to explode around her. The earth fell away as she soared into the very heavens above only to float slowly, sweetly back to earth breathless and sated.

  When Draco felt the muscles of her tight sheath grip his throbbing member, he lost his fight for control and followed her. Clasping her about the waist to hold her tight to him, he thrust one, two, three times before he climaxed. His back arched and he threw his head back bellowing his release as he poured his seed deep within her womb. And then Draco collapsed on top of her gasping for breath. He had only enough strength left to roll onto his side taking her with him. He snagged the bed covers with one hand and pulled it up over them.

  In the aftermath of their passion, he lay panting for breath, his heart thundering in his chest. He didn’t have the energy to speak for a good while.

  When Bianca finally opened her eyes, her gaze flew to Draco’s rugged face, which was flushed from their lovemaking. His eyes were closed as he slept and she took the opportunity to study him closely.

  In the flicking light of the hearth fire, her Dragon looked more beautiful to her than she ever thought possible. He had given her the greatest pleasure a woman could ever experience. Never in her entire life could she remember feeling so right. Did he feel the same, she wondered? Did she dare to believe he felt something akin to what she felt?

  For a long moment, her eyes moved over his firm jaw, his full, masculine lips, the long, straight nose and his black lashes fanned out over his high, broad cheeks. A sigh escaped her lips and she found that she wanted him awake now, so that she could tell him how much she loved him.

  As she lay watching him sleep, his eyes suddenly flickered open and before she could take her next breath, he captured her upturned lips beneath his opened mouth in a searing, passionate kiss.

  When he released her mouth, she was pleasantly limp in his arms. Even as she gasped for her next breath, an arrogant smile tipped up the corners of his mouth and he hugged her close. Her love for him was there on her face for the world to see, but only Draco witnessed it and he was humbled by it and at the same time he rejoiced in it. She loved him best. A low rumble of triumphant laughter filled his chest and worked its way to his throat. He lowered his mouth to her lips and kissed her quick. She blushed rosily from just that small touch.

  “I know a secret, my lord.” Her first words were not what he had expected and his black slanted brows rose questioningly as he waited for her to continue. A smile curved her lips.

  “What do you know, my sweetling?”

  Instead of answering him, she merely smiled a secret smile and closed her eyes. Within moments, she was fast asleep, curled against his chest like a contented cat.

  As the time moved into the early hours of the morning and the pair slept peacefully, contentedly in each other’s arms, something broke into Bianca’s slumbering mind rousing her enough that she sighed and then frowned at the intrusion. She turned in Draco’s arms and wriggled her hips against his warmth and then sighed again and succumbed to sleep. A short time later Draco’s large body bumped against her back as it twisted and turned to find a comfortable position. This time she came wide-awake. Her eyes flew open only to find the room dark as the fire in the hearth had died out. For a moment, she had no notion of where she was. Then she felt the warm, heavy body at her back and Draco’s hand caressing her side, trying to ease her back into her sated slumber. It soothed her somewhat, but still she found that she could not go back to sleep so she lay perfectly still, not wanting her wakefulness to bother him.

  It did not seem any time at all before Draco began turning and twisting once again as he sought a more comfortable position. It was his restlessness that woke her the first time and now his movements kept her from going back to sleep.

  “What is wrong?” She turned to face him, resting her hand on his arm.

  “Tis nothing of consequence.” But his shifting form spoke differently.

  “Indeed? Then why are you so restless?”

  “This bed is anything but comfortable. The mattress is lumpy and when I roll over, something keeps jabbing me.”

  “I must disagree with you, my lord. I know for a certainty that this is the most comfortable bed in the entire castle. I know this because it was made for me.” Then a sudden look of guilt swept across her face and she blushed. With an embarrassed glance at his face, she proceeded to crawl over him until she sprawled wantonly over his chest as she reached beneath the mattress on his side of the bed.

  The suggestive display of her naked body spread out over his chest gave Draco several notions as to how he might spend the rest of the early morning hours, since he could not sleep. But as soon as she pulled out the lump that had been bothering him since he had lain down in that spot, his lusty thoughts fled out of his mind.

  Truly he had never seen such a graceful weapon of death in his entire life. It was a woman’s blade, long and slender with an elegant curve to the steel that shimmered in the firelight. And fatally sharp.

  “What is that doing beneath your mattress?”

  “It was my mother’s dagger, a gift from her mother. It has been passed down from one daughter to the next for many generations.”

  “Yea, but that does not answer my question. What is it doing under your bed?”

  “I feel safer knowing that I have some means by which to defend myself from overly zealous suitors. I placed the dagger there this morning. A man will think twice about trying to seduce me if I pull out my dagger and threaten his manhood.”

  A devilish smile curved one side of Draco’s mouth as he envisioned his little hellcat unmanning one of the sniveling idiots who had come to court her. Thinking about the Russian prince who had arrived this morning, he was pleased that she had the courage to wield such a sharp weapon. That man looked to be dangerous in more ways than one.

  “Well, my sweetling, any man foolish enough to even think about searching you out in your bedchambers will find my fist smashed through his face.”

  “Yea, that should stop them.”

  “Then let us keep the blade in a different place. This bed is so soft, I co
uld surely feel a pea if it lay under your mattress, let alone weaponry.” With a deft hand, Draco flipped the knife so that he held the blade by the point, and then with a quick flick of his wrist threw the dagger so that it lodged into the bedpost at the foot of her bed. The blade quivered from the impact.

  Chapter Seventeen

  His eyes snapped open to find darkness surrounding him. He lay very still, listening. Draco was not sure what had disturbed his sleep but he knew immediately that something was out of place.

  Bianca slept soundly, her warm body nestled against him, secure in his embrace. Her head was beneath his chin, one slender arm wrapped about his waist, her knee tucked snugly between his thighs as she sought the heat of his body.

  And then the rhythm of her breathing changed and she moved in his arms, tightening her hold on him.

  “Draco?” she murmured sleepily. It seemed that whatever woke him had aroused her slumbers as well.

  “Hush, love. Everything is fine.”

  And then he became distracted as her lips moved against his neck while her thigh moved deliberately against his groin. He groaned in response. As giggle escaped and she shifted in his arms and placed soft kisses across the bare expanse of his chest.

  The wench thought to tempt him and after the exhausting night they had already spent making love, he should not have been so easy to arouse. With deft skill, he rolled Bianca beneath him, smothering her gay laughter with his hot kisses as he proceeded to make love to her until they both found their release again and had fallen asleep in an exhausted but sated state.

  For a while Draco lay half asleep. Then a small sound broke through the sweet quiet of his thoughts. He strained his ears to determine from whence the disturbance came. And then he heard it again. He turned his head to the window. An odd, intermittent scraping noise came from beyond. It sounded as if something or someone was climbing up the stones of the outer wall.

  Carefully extracting himself from the warm comfort of the slumbering form at his side, Draco eased himself off the bed. On silent feet, he moved around the bed, dislodging the dagger from the bedpost, weighing it deftly in his hand as he moved across the room as silent as a great cat. He reached the window and slowly pulled the drapery aside.


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