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You'll Never Be Lonely

Page 2

by Madison Sevier

  “Are you finished?”

  His tone wasn’t the kindest, but Kallie couldn’t blame him.

  “I’m so sorry, babe. Are you okay?”

  For the first time, she noticed the knot on his forehead and his left shoulder now turning an ugly shade of purple. Kallie instinctively reached out to touch her injured husband and he visibly flinched at the first graze of her fingertips.

  “Sorry. Oh my God, Hank! Is it broken? We should get you to the hospital!”

  All thought of her previous bout of nausea forgotten, Kallie sprang up to gather clothes for him. “Come on. No, just sit there. I will bring these to you. You’re going to need help.”

  She swatted his hands away, intent on getting his feet through the leg holes of his boxer-briefs. “You need underwear. Maybe not a shirt, but definitely, underwear.”

  Suddenly, Hank wrapped his arms around her and pulled her onto his lap. “Kal, calm down. We’re not going anywhere. I’m fine. It’s just a deep bruise. I’ll heal. Though, I hope it doesn’t ruin our honeymoon activities.”

  Kallie turned sideways and carefully wrapped her arms around Hank’s neck. “Are you positive you’re okay? I’m sorry I laughed at you. Thank you for saving me. You’re my hero, Mr. Fogle.” She pressed her bottom against Hank’s naked shaft. “Do you forgive me?”

  She felt his physical response as he cleared his throat. “I’m fine. Besides, I must’ve looked rather ridiculous. How could I not forgive you?”

  Kallie nibbled at his ear lobe. “Ridiculously sexy.”

  A slow grumble escaped him as she shifted her weight ever so slightly.

  “Are you attempting to use your womanly wiles to make me forget your mockery?”

  “No. I’m not attempting anything. I will make you forget all about it.”

  Kallie’s mouth found his and her tongue darted with fervor to find his. Hank embedded his hands in her hair, tugging and holding her to him at the same time. When his tongue slipped between her lips, Kallie sucked at it, demanding more as Hank’s erection grew more and more prominent, shoving against her bottom.

  He broke their connection and blurted, “Whoa.”

  “Whoa? Whoa what?”

  “As much as I’m enjoying this, I’d like to know why you were in the bathroom with the door locked. Is everything all right?”

  “Oh, of course. Must’ve been nerves or maybe it was something I ate last night. I feel fine now. So, stop worrying and make love to me, husband.”

  “As long as you’re sure. I didn’t hurt you when I tackled you?”

  “Do I look hurt?” She laughed. “You, my dear, received the brunt of what happened and correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think your injuries are going to ruin anything. In fact, I believe this is my chance to get you right where I want you.”

  “Is that right? Where exactly do you want me?”

  “Telling would spoil all of the fun.” Kallie stood and slipped her panties off, shimmying her hips until the scrap of fabric puddled at her feet. Stepping out of them, she lifted the T-shirt over her head and removed it. Her husband’s blue eyes were endless pools of desire as he watched her golden hair cascade around her shoulders.

  She knelt before him at his feet and placed her hands on Hank’s thighs, squeezing them as she ever-so-lightly raked her nails across his bare skin. As her hands reached his hips, Hank let out an involuntary gasp of pleasure. Kallie walked her fingertips slowly up his tanned, washboard abs until her nails grazed his nipples. Tracing slow, lazy circles, watching with fascination as the tips changed to tight, peaks. Her breasts barely touched the coarse hairs on his legs, swelling with the longing to be touched, grabbed, and pinched.

  Hank moved to reach for her and Kallie stopped him with a pointed look.

  Kallie lowered her head and took his long, hard cock into her mouth. His unique, male scent filled her nostrils and heightened her senses. The deeper she sucked him in, the more she wanted and needed. However, this was for him, the man who had taken a chance on her, abandoned all logic and married her without thinking twice. This moment, Kallie wanted him to know, to feel, what she felt every time he looked at her.

  Hank’s hands once again snaked into her tresses. He tugged on them as she raised and lowered her mouth over his shaft at a steady pace. She felt him tense up and she lifted her head so that only the tip of his cock was in her mouth. Suckling the tip, she flicked her tongue to lap up the drops of sticky-sweet pre-cum she’d brought to the surface. More, she craved more!

  Kallie fought the need to have him inside of her. She sucked him while she pumped his dick with her left hand. With every motion, she could feel him becoming so hard, she thought he’d burst, and that’s what she wanted. Soon, he’d be ready to explode, but not too soon, she hoped. Pleasuring Hank had already driven her to climax twice and she planned on at least that many more times. Sure, it was about him, but she could not deny her ecstasy any more than she could deny Hank’s.

  She didn’t know how much more he could take. Kallie had driven him to edge so many times she’d lost count of his deep grumbles of pleasure. As she devoured him with her hot, wet mouth, she knew he was losing control. She wanted him to bend her over and pour his seed into her, but she also enjoyed the power of being the one in charge. He was putty in her hands and she knew it. Kallie’s sweet, sensual side combined with her love of sex was just one of the things she was proud of. With Hank, it was so easy to get lost in her passion.

  Oh God! Another climax and she began sucking and pumping him, quick, quick, slow. They hadn’t discussed much about sex, and part of her wondered if he expected her to swallow. A second later, all rational thought flew out of her mind again as she licked him from tip to balls and continued to stroke his cock. Spots appeared before her eyes as she took one ball into her mouth, covering him and gently pressing the bottom with her tongue.

  She took all of him into her mouth again and Kallie saw his eyes snap open as the tip of his dick tickled the back of her throat. Her hot tongue blanketed the bottom of his shaft, gripping, working him until he writhed beneath her. Kallie placed her hands on his chest, searching for his nipples again. With relish, she sucked faster as she pinched the hardened buds. Simultaneously, his cock went deeper into her throat as Kallie raked her nails across his pecs, knowing Hank could do nothing but hold her there as he exploded into her throat.

  The more he moaned, the more Kallie sucked until every last drop of his seed was expelled and both their bodies shivered with delight.

  Chapter Two

  After their marathon of lovemaking, they’d both had to take a shower. Of course, one of their sessions had been in the shower, so she wasn’t sure how clean they actually were, but she didn’t care. Hank could be covered in steer manure and she would still throw herself into his arms.

  “Thank goodness we can go shopping here. I only brought casual clothes and I don’t think you’ll like walking around with me if I look like a bum.”

  “Sweetheart, you could be covered in mud and leaves and I’d still be the proudest man in The Smokies.”

  “So, where are we going?”


  “Is it a secret?”

  “No. I just figured we’d go sightseeing and hang out like tourists today.”

  “Sounds wonderful.”

  “Really? You’re not mad that we aren’t having some huge, honeymoon party?”

  “Hank, I thought you said you knew me.” Kallie laughed.

  “Oh, I know all I need to know.” He scooped her up in a bear hug, pressing his manhood against her.

  “Oh? What exactly do you know?” She kissed Hank’s neck and flicked his ear lobe with the tip of her tongue.

  “I know you like this.” He buried his face in her neck and playfully bit the tender skin.

  Hank’s nibbles made Kallie shriek with delight and she practically collapsed in his arms.

  “Hank! That’s so unfair! Playing on my weakness? You should be ashamed of yourself.” Sh
e tossed back her head and swatted at him.

  “Why? Because I know you’re ticklish? How about here?” He moved the collar of her shirt to nibble Kallie’s shoulder.

  Kallie moaned and felt her knees buckle again.

  “You have to stop. We’re never going to get out of here.”


  * * * *

  An hour after their shower, Kallie sat out on their deck sipping a steaming mug of coffee. She loved her cozy home in the city, but being here in The Smokies was incredible. In fact, she felt as though they’d never left a few short days ago. If she was honest with herself, she’d admit that this place felt more like home than anywhere she’d ever been and with Hank by her side, she’d never felt more secure. Being married would take some getting used to and Kallie would probably remind herself on a daily basis that her heart was safe with Hank, but she knew everything would be okay.

  As she watched a pair of squirrels play on the ground beneath the deck balcony, a giggle escaped her as she thought back to Hank’s warrior moves that morning. The man was definitely a keeper. She knew without a doubt their lives would always be interesting.

  She heard the telltale click-click of a camera, “Mrs. Fogle, you are a vision.”

  “Oh stop. I hate having my picture taken. Besides, how can you be snapping photos of me when we are surrounded by such breathtaking beauty?”

  “You are the only beauty that takes my breath away.” He leaned down to give her a long, slow kiss.

  “If you keep that up, we’ll never get out of here.” Not that she’d mind. Making love to her husband twenty-three hours a day would suit her just fine. However, realistically, they’d made plans to play ‘tourist’ that day and if they wanted to stick to some semblance of an itinerary, they’d need to get moving soon.

  “You’re right. Are you ready to frolic in the woods with me?”

  “You bet.”

  Hank took her coffee mug from her as she stood up and he opened the sliding door for her. Kallie gathered her purse and a duffel bag while Hank rinsed her cup and placed it in the dish rack to dry. She watched her husband’s swift movements and found herself mesmerized once again by the man who stood before her.

  He caught her staring at him, “What’s wrong, babe?”

  “I love you.”

  “That’s what’s wrong?” His hand flew to his heart as he feigned hurt.

  “No, you goof! It’s the only thing that’s been right in a very long time.”

  “Well, I happen to love you, too.” He swiftly picked her up and she dropped the duffle bag and her purse as he spun her in a dizzying circle.

  “Put me down, silly man. We have things to do.”

  Hank set her on her feet and as she bent over to retrieve their bag, he swatted her behind. “Get movin’, woman! Giddy up!”

  “Watch it, cowboy.”

  Locking the door behind them, Hank and Kallie set out for their first excursion as a married couple.

  The streets of Gatlinburg were crowded with other tourists. Every shop was full of people clamoring for the perfect treasure or souvenir.

  “I can’t believe how many people are here. Doesn’t anyone work anymore?”

  “Sweetheart, when The Smokies call, you must answer. This town is always busy. There’s always something to see and do. People come here from all over the world just to eat the down-home cookin’.”

  “Now, that I understand. I’m just not big on the whole tourist trap gimmick. I’d much rather have a rock or a leaf from the places I visit. You’ll never find someone else who has the exact same one.”

  “That’s why I love you, my dear.” He wrapped his arms around Kallie and they kissed long and slow as people filtered around them.

  “What do you say we go get some of that down-home cookin’ right now? After the incredible morning we had, you must be starving.” Kallie nibbled at his ear before they turned to stroll down the street, hand-in-hand, toward a restaurant that wasn’t as busy as the others.

  “Look at this place! It’s so adorable and cozy.”

  “You’re adorable. If you could only see yourself the way I see you, Kal. Everything to you is new and exciting. When I see you smile, your eyes light up with a genuine happiness and there aren’t many people left in the world who find joy in the small things in life.”

  “Aren’t you a big ball of sap, Mr. Fogle?” Not accustomed to flattery from anyone, not even her new husband, Kallie had a tendency to laugh off and revert to silly behavior whenever Hank made her blush.

  “Yeah, I am. All thanks to you, Mrs. Fogle.”

  “Don’t blame me.” Her laughter seemed a bit too loud in the tiny establishment and she found herself blushing. “Great. Now everyone’s staring at me.”

  “That’s because you’re beautiful. They’re probably wondering why you’re here with such a crotchety old man.”

  “Crotchety? You’re too much! And far from an old man, husband.”

  Their conversation soon drifted to the day’s agenda and Kallie found herself amazed at the man who sat before her. He knew so much about The Smokies, about the world. It was hard to believe Kallie had led such a sheltered life. Considering her upbringing, it shouldn’t have been such a shock. She’d been basically locked in her parents’ home when she was a teenager.

  When Kallie graduated from high school, she ran away from her hometown, never looking back. Her mother was prone to affairs and loved to take her frustrations and anger out on Kallie. Kallie’s biological father had checked out long ago and her stepfather was nothing more than a doormat. He sat idly by and watched as Kallie’s mother treated her only child like scum. From a young age, Kallie had learned to take care of herself. She refused to be a victim for anyone. Her adolescent years may have given her a rough side, and some would call Kallie abrasive, but she preferred to think of herself as cautious. Thankfully, Hank loved her so-called abrasiveness and never made her feel inferior due to her lack of knowledge about worldly things and places.

  After a lunch of country-fried steak and loaded, mashed, red potatoes smothered in white pepper gravy, they paid the check and headed out for some shopping.

  “We haven’t even talked about redecorating.”

  “Redecorating? We haven’t even discussed where we’re gonna live!”

  Hank laughed and his eyes danced with amusement. “Yeah, I guess that would be important, too.”

  With a serious tone, Kallie said “We both have our careers and we both have homes. What are we going to do?”

  “Well, I have a few homes, actually. And I thought yours was a rental? Either way, as long as we’re together, I’ll be happy. Wanna live in a cardboard box? Fine with me.”

  Kallie playfully slugged his arm. “Stop it, Hank. This is serious.”

  “I know. I know. But, do we have to decide right this minute? We spend every moment of every day in our careers planning everything. You with your reviews, me with my books. Can’t we just leave the decisions for later? How about we just buy whatever we want and wherever we live, we’ll find a place for it?”

  Sometimes, Hank could be like a kid and strangely enough, that was one of the things that had drawn Kallie to him in the first place. His carefree attitude made him who he was and deep down, Kallie wished she could be more like him.

  “Sure. Let’s just shop. How could I turn down such a fabulous offer? You’re buying, right?” She batted her lashes at him and puckered her lips.

  “You got it, Mrs. Fogle. Whatever you want. The sky’s the limit.”

  Kallie was tempted to take him up on that offer and she picked up an array of different items but then set them back on their shelves. So many items delighted her and she’d have loved to buy them all. Sure, most of them were typical items any tourist would purchase as a memento from their trip to The Smokies, but every once in a while, Kallie would spot something she couldn’t resist.

  “Hank, look! We definitely need this.”


Because it’s adorable. You know how much I love black bears.”

  “Do you really want a bear in the bathroom?”

  “Why not? I have my big, hunk of man-bear in the bedroom.” She wiggled her eyebrows at Hank and winked.

  “Whatever you want, my dear, whatever you want.”

  Hank wrapped his arms around her and they passionately kissed in the middle of the store as if no one was watching.

  Chapter Three

  They took their purchases back to the cabin and decided to take a quick walk before dinner. Kallie watched Hank’s lips whenever he spoke and need tore through her. It had only been a few hours, but Kallie couldn’t get enough of her husband. The thought of him suckling at her neck, breasts, and working his way down, had her panties soaked. Hank held her hand as they maneuvered along the trail behind the cabin, helping her over the few boulders that were too big for the park rangers to move when they’d carved out the hiking spot.

  “I wish we could stay right here.” The view at the edge of the property was incredible! As the sun set, the horizon cast a cerulean ray that kissed the great mountains. There were panes of pink, yellow and orange just above The Smokies and a few stray clouds had already settled in the tops of the trees, looking like a magical mist floating above their personal paradise.

  “Isn’t it amazing? That’s one of the reasons I’ve always loved it here. The majestic views are engraved in my memories and they call to me whenever I’m away from here for too long.”

  “I can see why. I didn’t really get a chance to see much the last time we were here together. I can’t believe I’ve been missing out on this my entire life.” A tear made its way down Kallie’s cheek and Hank wiped it away with his thumb.

  “What’s wrong? Are you okay?”


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