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Enchanted Immortals Series Box Set: Books 1-4 plus Novella

Page 59

by C. J. Pinard


  Brandon and Bryan were sitting on the dock of the Tomahawk Bay Marina. It was eleven in the morning and Angel, Mike, and Darius were all asleep. The two were sitting in the Honda minivan, watching a rotund man coil up rope to his large boat. Curvy writing on the side of the boat read, “The Party Cruiser” and had a phone number for charter.

  They both got out of the van and walked towards the man. He appeared to be in his sixties and was wearing a fisherman’s cap and a white polo shirt. Smoke from a pipe in his mouth billowed into the air.

  “Excuse me, sir. May I inquire about your boat?” Brandon asked.

  The man paused in his duties and turned around. When he saw the young men, he smiled. “Yes, young man, I can answer any questions you may have. Name’s Jake.” He extended a hand.

  “Brandon, nice to meet you,” he replied, pumping the man’s hand up and down. “This is Bryan. Tell me, Jake, how much is it to rent this boat for, say, a whole day?”

  Jake smiled. “Daily rates are two hundred, plus a five hundred dollar deposit that you will get back when my boat is returned undamaged.”

  Brandon nodded while Bryan looked at him nervously.

  “Okay. May I reserve it for this upcoming Saturday?”

  Jake nodded. “Sure, as long as I’m not booked. I’ll have to get my paperwork. Stay right here.”

  When he walked off towards another small fishing boat, Bryan looked at Brandon. “You got seven hundred bucks?”

  Brandon nodded. “Yep. I don’t really use my paycheck for anything from the ambulance company since I have free room and board now. Plus, food is free.” He let out a laugh. “I really have no expenses.”

  “Good to know,” Bryan said, nodding.

  Jake returned with the paperwork. “You’re in luck, no reservations booked for Saturday yet, so she’s all yours. Here’s the rental agreement. Bring it back to me filled out and signed, along with a check for five hundred dollars, and I will pencil you in for this upcoming Saturday.”

  “Thanks,” Brandon replied, looking at the sheet. “I have another stupid question. Do you know if it’s going to rain Saturday?”

  Jake took a drag off his pipe then blew smoke out of the side of his mouth. “Well, son, when doesn’t it rain in Portland?” He laughed. “Seriously, I don’t know. Why don’t you check that Internet and see?” He pointed to the smartphone in Brandon’s hand.

  Brandon smiled at the old-timer. “Good idea. Thanks for your help, Jake.”

  The two vampires walked back to the van and got in.

  “We gonna have us quite the party Saturday, aren’t we?” Brandon said.

  Bryan laughed. “Yes, we are. I’ll see if the hot twins, Amy and Tanya, are busy.”

  “Yes please,” he laughed.

  Chapter 11


  Los Angeles – 1920

  A week after Kathryn’s ceremony, she was lying in bed with David in a small bungalow they had bought on the outskirts of the city. It was well past midnight and she was feeling restless – like her whole body was buzzing. She looked over at her sleeping prince when she heard him speak.

  “Did you say something?” she whispered.

  He looked like he was asleep, but she could have sworn he said something. This time, she shook him. “David, what did you say?”

  He jerked awake and sat up. “What? What is it? Are you okay?”

  She nodded her head. “Yes, I’m fine, but you were talking to me and I couldn’t hear what you were saying.”

  He looked at her, confused, and cocked his head. “What? No, I was sleeping. Maybe I was talking in my sleep? My momma said I did that when I was younger.”

  He leaned over and kissed her on the lips before she could respond. When she kissed him back, he wrapped one arm around her and used the other hand to slide the strap to her nightgown down off her shoulder. She unbuttoned his pajama top while she continued to kiss him.


  She broke the kiss and said breathlessly. “What did you say?”

  He shook his head. “I didn’t say anything. Kiss me.”

  She closed her eyes and continued kissing him. He pulled her nightgown completely off and threw it on the floor. She now lay absolutely exposed and his eyes grazed over her body.

  So beautiful. I’m so lucky.

  She looked at him. She heard him say that, she could swear she heard it. But his lips weren’t moving. What in the world was in that potion the sylph gave her?

  Soon they were skin to skin, and he let out an audible groan. She did the same. He was breathy as they moved together.

  Oh, God she feels so good. This will never get old.

  Her eyes flew open.

  “That’s it! I know I heard that!”

  He stopped his strides. “Heard what?”

  “You said, ‘Oh, God, she feels so good. This will never get old.’”

  With a mortified expression, David froze. “How did you know that?”

  “I heard it, dammit!” she replied, panic starting to bubble up.

  “How did you…?” A look of recognition softened his bewildered face and a grin found him.

  “What are you smirking at, David Jones?” she snapped.

  He was trying not to laugh. “It seems I need to be careful what I think around you. You’ve got the Immortal gift of mind-reading, like Andrew.”

  “Oh no. That was the one I didn’t want.”

  He smiled and kissed her again. “Now, can we continue? I promise, I’ll keep my mind blank. I’m an expert at it from being around Andrew all the time.”

  She was shaking now but gave him a small smile. “Sure.”

  “I love you,” he said, leaning down to kiss her once again.


  The next day, David went to work and Kathryn was at home. She had heard his entire internal dialogue as he got ready for work and it was already driving her crazy. She had to get with someone and learn how to tune this out. She didn’t want this gift. She was, however, grateful that she didn’t have it when she was back in Chicago working her… other job. She could only imagine the horrific things she would have heard.

  She had to be at the Alexandria Hotel by five p.m. to get ready for her Cabaret show. While David wasn’t thrilled she was still dancing, he had accepted it because it was something she truly loved.

  “Hi, Jane!” Kathryn said as she entered the dressing room area.

  Jane gave her a hug. “Hey. What’s new? How’s married life?”

  “Not bad. But I think David is gonna want me to quit this gig soon.”

  Jane gave her a confused look. “Why?”

  “Well, you know. He wants me to stay at home, be the little wife and all that.”

  Kathryn was telling a half truth. While David didn’t care for her dancing, the real truth was that she had a new job now. Fighting the vampires and shapeshifters of the entire Southern California area. The thought made her both laugh and shudder at the same. While she had never encountered a shapeshifter, she couldn’t fathom the idea of – let alone witnessing – a human turning into an animal. She wondered if she could handle it. She had encountered a vampire briefly at the beach almost two years ago, but was she really prepared to fight evil and violent creatures?

  Jane looked at her incredulously. “And what shall you do all day, Kathryn? Pop out a brood of babies to wrangle all day long until Mister Stockbroker gets home at night, where you have his dinner waiting for him?”

  Kathryn laughed and shook her head. “No, it’s not like that, really.”

  Jane folded her arms. “Then what is it like, Kat?”

  “I need to get ready for my show. Can you help me choose a costume for tonight’s act?” Kathryn asked in deflection.

  Jane let out a huff and followed Kathryn into the costume closet.

  They both decided on a top hat and cane number with barely anything in between. The black bowtie around her neck was barely noticeable by the black pinstriped corset that
pushed her up and out. She wore black tuxedo pants and decided to use the lit cigar as a prop again tonight.

  After hours of hair, makeup, and wardrobe, Kathryn was ready to go onstage.

  Jane and the other girls had done the opening acts for her, but when it was time for the true Cabaret headliner, Kathryn Jones’s name was announced and she slunk onstage as if she owned the place.

  A slow, jazzy saxophone began to play as she glided across the stage, twirling the white-tipped cane like a baton. She did a few turns and spins – and even a one-handed cartwheel, still holding the cane – as she smiled at the audience. She caught a brief glimpse of David at a front row table. He never missed her shows.

  She twirled the cane again and went to the side of the stage and picked up the smoldering cigar that sat on a small, inconspicuous table. She put it between her teeth and grabbed the lone chair which sat in the middle of the stage, whipping it dramatically around and sitting on it backwards, her long legs straddling it while she flipped her head over the back of it.

  Her long blonde hair hit the floor briefly, then she whipped her head back up and smiled at the audience. She picked up the chair with the hook of the cane and flipped it over her head, quickly unhooked it and sat on it, crossing her legs and putting her hand over her mouth, which was in the shape of an “O” – as if she’d been caught doing something naughty.

  These types of dances went on for another five minutes and while her pants came off, no other articles of clothing had. Kathryn ended the show wearing a one-piece black sequined bodysuit, patent leather black heels, and the bowtie. She bowed holding the cane, the cigar still between her teeth. She exited the stage with a wave and the crowd was on their feet.

  David was waiting for her in the lobby of the Alexandria. He was pacing the shiny marble floor, smoking a cigarette. Gregory, the clerk, was glaring at him. Finally, David crushed out the cigarette in a nearby ashtray and walked over to Gregory.

  “Is it necessary to sit there and stare at me like you do? Don’t you have better things to do, freak?” David’s face was slightly red.

  Gregory’s face broke out in a smirk. “Bother you does it, copper?”

  “Do not call me that in public,” David replied through gritted teeth, looking around.

  “What are you gonna do about it? Throw me in the island jail again?”

  David took a deep breath. “You deserved that, and you know it. You and your animals can’t keep robbing banks and getting away with it. You’re lucky we didn’t just throw away the key.”

  “That stupid jail couldn’t hold us, it’s not properly built. You people are pathetic. Your stupid Treaty means nothing to us, you know.”

  “Really? Then why are you working as a hotel clerk if you can just go out and rob banks and live high on the hog?” David asked, one eyebrow raised.

  “Go fu –”

  Gregory was cut off by the sound of heels clicking on marble.

  “Hi, sweetie! Did you enjoy the show?” Kathryn asked. She was in a modest blue dress and heels, her coat slung around her arm.”

  David hugged her.

  “Hello, Gregory. How are you this evening?” Kathryn asked.

  Gregory forced a smile. “I’m well, Miss Kathryn. I enjoyed your show last week. I snuck over to the ballroom and watched. Very sexy. I loved it.” He threw a satisfied glance at David.

  David reined in his jealousy, then smiled. “Hey, Kat. Have I ever told you that Greg, here, is a shapeshifter?”

  Kathryn gasped while Gregory’s eyes got huge. “What are you doing?” he asked.

  “Maybe one day you could show Kathryn here what animal you choose to shift into. Maybe we could go to the city zoo and put you in a cage so she could watch.”

  “What are you doing? You told your wife about us?” Gregory was stuttering at this point.

  Kathryn’s mouth was still open. “I had no idea. Wow.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, Gregory, I guess I forgot to tell you that my wife here was recruited and has joined our ranks. So if you really want to show her how it works with you people, I would really appreciate it..”

  “You can go screw yourselves… both of you!” He disappeared behind a door set into the back wall of his reception counter.

  David laughed. “That went well.”

  Kathryn looked at him accusingly. “Well, you were rather rude.”

  “That guy is not a good person – animal – whatever he is. He’s a real criminal, trust me. Vampires, shifters, they all have one thing in common.”

  “What’s that?”

  He shook his head. “You can’t trust any of them.”


  Portland, Oregon – Present Day

  Thomas was pacing the apartment. He pushed the “end” button on his phone and ran a hand through his too-long black hair. He had dialed Malina’s cellphone for the hundredth time and it went straight to voicemail – again. He’d tried Serina and got the same response. He looked up when he heard the front door open.

  “What’s going on?” Jonathan asked, tossing his keys on the kitchen counter.

  Thomas shook his head. “I don’t know. I was gone for about three hours for my meeting with Mr. Chan regarding the new parking structure we talked about. She was resting on the couch, watching TV, and looked as if she was about to go to sleep when I left. When I got back, she was gone.”

  “That’s odd. Did you call Kat at the reception desk and ask if she saw her leave?”

  “Of course. And of course she did not. Why would she use the front door?” Thomas asked in a clipped tone.

  Jonathan smiled a little. “You’re right. Stupid question.”

  “Did you check to see if all her stuff is still here?”

  Thomas blew out a breath. “Yes, some of her maternity clothes are gone and so is her small bag.”

  Jonathan’s face fell. “Oh no.” He plucked his phone from his pocket and dialed. “Kat, come up here, will you?”

  “No, you come down here. I’m busy!” she barked back.

  Jonathan shook his head and hung up. “Let’s go downstairs and talk to Kat.”


  “Let’s pick her brain.” He tapped his temple.

  They exited the elevator in the lobby and padded over to Kat. She was sitting behind the tall, sleek desk, wearing a headset and a lavender pantsuit. The white chiffon top underneath was unbuttoned pretty low and a set of pearls was peeking out from underneath.

  About five years ago, Jonathan decided to hook up a phone system throughout the entire building and add reception service. Each business could use their main number to be transferred to whoever they needed to in the building. The large switchboard was labeled with different business names and she answered the phones accordingly. It kept her very busy and she liked that. She also greeted anyone who came into the Murphy Architecture building.

  “Sure, let me transfer you,” she said into the headset. She held a finger up at Jonathan and Thomas.

  She punched some buttons on a large switchboard and looked up. “Hey.”

  “Malina’s missing,” Thomas blurted out.

  “What? For how long? I saw her last night before we went to bed,” Kathryn replied, yanking off the headset and standing up.

  “I know. I was with her in bed,” Thomas snapped.

  “Hey! Chill out, man,” Jonathan said, laying a hand on his shoulder. “We’ll find her.” He turned and looked at Kathryn. “Won’t we, Kat?”

  “Of course. Let’s just be calm and think,” she replied.

  Jonathan looked at her. “That’s why we came down. Have you… sensed anything lately?”

  She nodded. “Oh yeah. I was just telling Thomas a few nights ago that I could sense how upset she’s been. I have never seen her like this.” She paused and bit her lip. “While I don’t like to intrude,” she tapped her temple, “I did take a quick listen a few nights ago after Thomas and I spoke. It’s not good, she’s very upset about turning mortal and she’s even been
trying to make her own potion so it doesn’t happen. So far, she’s had no luck. She even tried it on other pregnant sylphs, but it didn’t take. The sylphs are all human now. Malina is upset and frustrated.”

  Thomas’s eyes were huge. “What? I don’t know why she’s so worried. We have years to worry about this. I’m only physically twenty, I figure I have a good ten years to decide whether I’m going to keep up this Immortality gig or not.” He looked at Jonathan sheepishly.

  Jonathan shook his head. “This is the first I’m hearing of it.”

  “Yeah, well I was gonna talk to you about it eventually. You had to know I’ve been thinking about it,” Thomas replied.

  Jonathan nodded and put his hands in the pockets of his Dockers. “Yes, I figured as much. But like you said, we can talk about it later. We have plenty of time. Let’s find Malina.”

  “You didn’t hear her say anything about needing to get away or go somewhere?” Thomas asked Kathryn.

  She shook her head. “No. I know she goes to that island sometimes and works on those potions. Well, I’m assuming that’s what she does there since we obviously don’t have a lab in our apartment.” She smiled a little.

  “She always tells me where she goes, and especially when she goes to the island. She says she has meetings and stuff there,” Thomas said.

  “Well it’s not as if we could go check there,” Jonathan said. “Hey, have you tried Serina’s number? Seems she’d be the first person she’d go to.”

  “Yes, no answer, straight to voicemail like Malina’s phone,” Thomas answered, nodding.

  Jonathan put his hand to his mouth and looked down at the floor. “I think that Malina is a big girl and can handle herself. If she packed some clothes, maybe she just needs some time to herself.”

  “I know, but I am going to worry until I get ahold of her,” Thomas said.

  The switchboard beeped and Kathryn put her headset back on and punched a button. “Stephens Accounting Firm, may I help you?”

  Thomas and Jonathan turned towards the front door.

  “C’mon, let’s go get some dinner,” Jonathan said.


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