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Healing the Clan: Alaskan Tigers: Book Ten

Page 12

by Marissa Dobson

  Just burn the place to the ground and start over. If only he could. He had to provide living quarters for those already here and for the others who would eventually come. He had to get things ready, and quickly. Tomorrow, while the crews were spread out dealing with the new buildings being erected, he’d find out how many of the current members wanted to remain in the main building’s living quarters. They could remain if they chose to, but they’d be stuck living in a construction zone. Each of the rooms that had been occupied by families would be remodeled so they were apartments with multiple rooms instead of one.

  He stepped into the other room and found Carran and Adam playing cards, pretending they hadn’t heard everything that had happened in the next room. There was no doubt they had heard everything. At least both of them knew well enough to stay out of it and let them handle things.

  Instead of trying to defend what happened, he lowered himself into the only other empty chair and laced his fingers together on the table. “Guys, I need you to gather another crew. Find Larry, and anyone else who needs to be filled in. I want to break ground on the Elders building at first light.”

  “I thought that was going to wait.” Carran laid his cards on the table and leaned back. “We don’t have enough manpower to divide them to start another building, especially since I’m going back to Alaska soon.”

  “That might be true, but after finding Frank’s attic of horrors, I don’t want my mate up there any longer than necessary. We start construction tomorrow. There’s no other living quarters acceptable that would provide the safety my mate needs. The clan is still uncertain about things, and I won’t place her in danger.”

  “If you’re set on that, I’ll need to bring in additional crew members from other clans. Possibly Korbin can spare some from the Ohio Tigers. We’re going to need more people if you want to get her out of there quickly and still meet the deadlines for the other buildings.”

  “Do whatever you need.” David knew anyone Carran brought in would be a supporter of the Alaskan Tigers, and that meant there wouldn’t be additional threats coming to his land. The thought of threats reminded him of something else. “What’s happening with those outside of the gates?”

  “Those who are still there have backed up. The Washington D.C. Tigers that were in the hills have disappeared. I don’t know if they have moved back, regrouped somewhere else, or got wind that Styx was here.”

  “Why does his presence add fear into them? They are one step away from being rogue, what would they care?”

  “They learned he was the one who killed two of their men to save Mira. They fear him.”

  “Interesting.” David leaned back, the realization that his reputation might keep his sister safe finally sinking in. Before, they had just been words she’d tried to tell him, maybe so he would be happy for her, but now he was seeing the benefit. He’d hurt Mira tonight and things might never be the same again between them, but there was some comfort in knowing she had a mate who could protect her. Even if I’m an ass, at least she has someone to look out for her. It was my job, and I’ve failed both of my sisters.

  “The numbers in the hills have gotten smaller and do not pose as much of a threat as they once did. I wouldn’t say there are no dangers of someone trying to seize your clan from underneath you, but it’s safer now than it was before.”

  “Because of the unexpected guests?”

  “That had something to do with it, but I also suspect they’re getting word of what you’re doing here and who you’ve allied yourself with. The Washington D.C. Tigers are a threat to all of us. Their numbers are small but they are…sociopaths. I guess that’s the best word I have for them. They are as close to what humans considers sociopaths as you can get and still be shifters. They aren’t rogue, but only one step above it, yet they seem to realize that if they go up against us it will mean the end of them.”

  “If they are that close to being rogues, it’s surprising they understand that at all.” He hadn’t had experiences with them personally, but he had heard some things since he had become an Elder and would have thought they weren’t thinking straight enough to consider outcomes.

  Adam set the drink he had been holding aside and leaned forward. “The leader is vindictive and tortures his members for anything he can come up with. Ty believes he does it because he enjoys it, not because his beast needs to. It’s a fine line, one he’s barely controlling, and it won’t be long until it snaps. It’s what’s keeping the members in line. He makes them appear to be a team, but in reality, he’s just found others like him. If he didn’t keep a tight rein on them, they’d go rogue and murder anyone in their paths. If he didn’t like to torture and cut up people, he’d be a good Alpha because of the control he has over his members.”

  “They’re angry with Styx and Theodore, but they’re thinking clearly enough that they haven’t attacked the compound, or even sought him out,” Carran added.

  “Mira wouldn’t tell me what happened except that Styx saved her. I’ve also gathered they killed the two who were messing with her that night, but from what you’re saying now, I know I’m missing something. Care to enlighten me?” Even though he phrased it as a question, it wasn’t. He’d get the answers he needed one way or another, but he hoped he wouldn’t have to pull rank. That wouldn’t be the best outcome when he still needed Carran’s help, but if it would protect his clan or his sister, he needed to know.

  Carran and Adam exchanged a quick look before Adam nodded. “He needs to know. Now that they’ve connected Mira to this clan, they could become a target for revenge.”

  “I know it’s why Styx agreed with Mira for his visit. He’s one of the best guards, and he can get the teams here in shape quicker than any of us.” Carran took a drink from the soda in front of him and eyed David. “I’m going to give you the highlights, instead of the play-by-play, but you’ll get the idea.”

  “Just tell me what I need to know.” He could put the pieces together himself if he needed to.

  “They followed Mira to a rooftop deck where she was keeping a lookout for help to arrive. Thankfully, that help turned out to be Styx and Theodore, because they were able to get her out of the city without the whole clan coming down on them.”

  “Obviously, they made it out alive, so just get to the point.” David growled.

  “When they got to the roof, they found Mira entangled with two of the Washington D.C. Tigers. They wanted to take her back to their lair and…well, they had plans for her.” Carran shifted in his chair, and unease poured off him.

  “They wanted to gang rape her. I know, I did my research on the clan once I heard about her narrow escape. It’s what they do.” He swallowed past the lump in his throat and tried not to think that he had been the one who’d put her in danger. When Shelly let Mira’s support for Tabitha slip, he didn’t think twice and told her to run. He wanted her out of the danger that was in that room, but he hadn’t considered what she might face out there in the world all alone. It would have been his fault if she had fallen prey to them.

  “Gang rape would have just been the start of things. They don’t do vanilla sex. It’s why most of them can’t join any other clan. The Alphas won’t have them because of their sexual tastes.” When David started to interrupt Carran, he held up a hand to stop him. “I know what you’re going to say. But this isn’t just kink, it’s torture and abuse, and whether they’re human or shifter, the woman doesn’t survive. There’s a long list of people who have fallen prey to them.”

  “Why hasn’t anything been done?”

  “There have been more pressing matters, but we will take care of them soon enough. We can’t let them continue as they are. If the humans ever found out—”

  “We’d be hunted down and executed,” Adam finished. “Eventually, since Tabitha has taken her place as Queen of the Tigers, we will lift the veil and live among the humans openly, and we can’t do that with them alive.”

  “Another reason for the delay. Quinn Evans.” Carra
n added.

  “What?” David raised an eyebrow at that. “What does he have to do with it?”

  “In Quinn’s official capacity as a U.S. Marshal, he’s trying to build a case against them. The other Marshals building this case believe it’s just a biker gang. Only Quinn knows the truth. But if he can bring them down, it will be a career maker.”

  “After the last one.” Adam smirked. “Oh boy, would Quinn be livid if we interfered.”

  “Tad and Milo mated Courtney who was in witness protection, and the only witness in a string of murders. Only the case was never brought to trial because the murderer ended up dead, and there went the case that could have gotten the brass to notice Quinn,” Carran explained.

  “He can’t take down the Washington D.C. Tigers.” David was trying to get into the mindset of the Marshal, but he couldn’t figure out his game plan. “What would he do with them? It’s not like we could be held in a normal prison, and there would be too many to assume they could engage in a firefight and make sure they all died.”

  “Quinn believes that shifters are not above the law. Not that I disagree with him, but the Alphas or Ty and Tabitha need to handle things like this. He wants to see the day when shifters are behind bars for their crimes. Only problem with that is the world isn’t ready for it. There would have to be a specialized prison for our kind, with guards who could handle our strength and speed. He also doesn’t seem to realize that if the world finds out about our existence before they are ready, there will be uproar. He won’t be able to keep his badge. Heck, they won’t want him in any position. His career that he’s worked so hard to build will be ruined.”

  “Quinn has always been hotheaded, and let’s just say he’s not a fan of ours. He is a lone shifter, and for him, that has worked out okay, but he also doesn’t have the protection of a clan or an Alpha.” Adam shrugged. “We’ll have to see as the changes go forth if he’ll wise up and join our battle or if he’ll continue to fight us.”

  “One battle at a time.” David stood from the chair and stretched. He needed to get back to his mate. Leaving her alone for too long wasn’t an option especially after earlier. If he hadn’t been so close earlier, he might not have gotten to her in time. “At least, for the moment, the Washington D.C. Tigers aren’t a threat. Let’s focus on what we can change. Tomorrow, we’ll break ground. Guards are being trained, and things are progressing well enough there. Having Styx here to work with the new guards has been a benefit. The one-on-one time he’s spent with them has brought attention to where Ryder and I need to improve. Overall, things are coming together.”

  “Your members still seem to be unsure of Styx, but the guards are beginning to trust that he’s here to help them. They might not trust him at their back yet, but they realize he’s helping them improve.” Adam stifled a yawn. “We’ve been working them hard while you and the others deal with the rest of the business. Carran here has it easy, dealing with the building aspects with Larry.”

  He shoved his hands into the front pockets of his jeans and looked between both of them. “I really do appreciate your support and help in our time of need.”

  “We’re all in this together and must work together to make a better future for all of us.” Carran pushed his long hair, black with white streaks, away from his face. “We’re all united for the betterment of our kind, and if you can pull this clan back from the edge, it will show others they can do it, too.”

  With a new optimistic view, David left the guys and headed back to his quarters. The future would be full of uphill battles and tribulations, but as long as Tabitha could complete the prophecy, the shifter world would be better for it. She just had to stay alive long enough to complete everything she needed to and bring the next generation of her line to life. The baby would bring the fertility of their species to a new height. Everything they went through would be worth it when they could live without Alphas like Frank.


  Chapter Ten

  Nearly a week had passed before the guards were trained enough that Styx and Mira felt comfortable enough to leave. With them gone, Victoria wasn’t sure what to do. Her mate was busy with the changes to the compound and dealing with issues that came up within the clan. Now that he had people working on the construction end of things, he had his hands full making sure their members were adjusting to all the changes. It left her alone more than before.

  She tried to stay busy with her own duties as the Alpha Female, but they weren’t enough to occupy her time completely. There were only a handful of females within the clan, and the only one who seemed to be open to her help was Leah. Poor Leah had lost everyone, and like Victoria, she was very much alone. The only difference was that she didn’t have a mate to curl up with at the end of the day.

  Not knowing what to do with her own issues, she tried to bring peace to the other woman. They had held a memorial service for everyone they’d lost, and while it seemed to help Heidi grieve for her mate, it only made Leah more reclusive.

  She wasn’t sure what else to do for the young woman. Heidi, Leah, and her had tried a shopping trip into town with Ryder, Reece, and Adam along as security guards, but that hadn’t gone as planned and had only served to frighten Leah more. She hadn’t been outside of the clan compound before, and everything that was new only served to scare her further. She was at a loss.

  She felt David near, but she didn’t turn away from where she stood in their living room watching the construction of their new home.

  He wrapped his arms around her waist and buried his head in the crook of her shoulder, kissing along the curve of her neck. “Mate, you smell delicious.”

  “What brings you up here? I thought you have a busy day,” she said, thinking about their earlier conversation during breakfast.

  “I’ve made a decision.”

  “A decision, huh?” Without slipping out of his embrace, she twisted to face him. “I don’t get any say in it?”

  “Not in this one, love.” He tipped his head to Ryder and Reece who were standing near the doorway. “The four of us need to chat.”

  “I’m the last to know.” She wasn’t upset or even surprised, but for some reason, she felt like it needed to be said. “Alpha Female kept in the dark.”

  “Because I knew you’d fight me.” David sat down at the table and pulled her into his lap. “I’ve promoted Reece as the Captain of your Guards, and he’ll be picking a team of guards later today who will be assigned to your protection.”

  “You’ve what?” She couldn’t believe that he hadn’t discussed it with her before the promotion.

  “It’s standard practice,” Ryder stated as if they were talking about putting out salad forks in addition to the dinner ones.

  “Standard practice.” She let the heat of her beast rise to the surface. “What about you, David? Where are your guards? What about you, Ryder? Lieutenants have guards, too. Why are we so concerned with my safety? I took care of myself for years. I don’t want someone following me around constantly.”

  “Saxon will be the Captain of my Guards. I selected him this morning.” David’s rubbed his hand down her arm.

  “Saxon? Why the hell him instead of Reece? You’re in more danger than I am, and you need the best.” She pulled away from him and stood, her gaze moving over the three of them to land on Reece. “I’ve been watching the training. You’ve come a long way, and you’re the best out there.”

  “Which is why he’s being assigned to you. I want to know you’re protected if I’m unable to do it myself. Reece will guarantee that.” David tried to reason.

  Ryder shifted in his seat and she glanced toward him. “You don’t agree with this, do you?”

  “With Saxon or Reece?” Ryder glanced from her to David as if seeking his Alpha’s permission to give her the truth.

  Answering a question with a question raised her suspicions that Ryder wasn’t in agreement with David on how things were being handled. “All of it. Come on. You’re his Lieutenant. Speak up if yo
u disagree.”

  “I already have.” Ryder glanced back at David.

  “Tell me.”

  “You’re right that Reece has come a long way since he started training. He even had a head start on some of the other guards because he used to work out in our room, so Frank wouldn’t find out. But he’s young…”

  “We’ve already gone over this,” David sighed. “I’ve made my decision.”

  “Fine, but I deserve to know Ryder’s reservations and so does Reece.”

  “I already know,” Reece added, who had been sitting quietly.

  “Well, I don’t.” Her tone sounded nasty even to her own ears, but she was tired of being kept in the dark. If there was something she should know about having Reece as the Captain of her Guards, it needed to come out now.

  “I have no doubts in his skills or that he’d lay down his life for you, if that was needed.” Ryder met her gaze and held it intensely. “He’s young, and that could be seen as an easy target. He’s going to have to prove himself, and if we’re going to allow others from outside of the clan to visit, he might have those who wish to challenge him and try to claim his position within the clan.”

  “I can hold my own,” Reece defended.

  “We all know that’s not how it works,” she reasoned. “The Captain of Guards are chosen by the Alpha. You can’t defeat the current Captain and gain his position like you can with an Alpha.”

  “True.” Ryder nodded. “But he’s still going to have to prove himself to anyone who comes to this clan, possibly even to the guards he chooses for his team. I’m not even thinking about what could happen if you were visiting another clan with only your guards and others attacked you.”

  “That won’t be happening. My mate won’t be leaving here without me.” David’s tone made it clear.

  “But you realize that he’s young and inexperienced for a Captain of her guards, and there could be challenges because of that. Hell, even having Saxon as your Captain is insane, but I’m trying to deal with one issue at a time.” Ryder dragged a hand through his hair and watched David.


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