Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1)

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Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1) Page 14

by Jayden Hunter

  Current weather: Mild. No warnings are pending.

  Known enemies in region: N/A Quest completed

  Percentage of current quest completed: 100%


  The celebratory dinner was excellent.

  The kitchen had received Dale’s request, and he did not have to suffer the embarrassment of being served Peanut Butter Captain Crunch, although, after the day’s performance, nobody would have had the stupidity to tease him about it.

  “Are you feeling okay, Smith?” Dale asked. They were seated together at the head of the table next to the Base Commander.

  “Yeah, a bit of a headache still,” he said. “But well enough to eat.”

  “Good. I feel bad about those that couldn’t be here.” Dale picked at his food. He wasn’t sure what to make of the death, resurrection, and continuity problems that still plagued him.

  “I know.” Dale patted him on the shoulder. “Quit trying to over think everything.”

  When asked about injuries and death, the Base Commander explained that they were working on glitches in the system. “Don’t worry, son. The medical professionals know what they are doing.”

  Then he changed the subject.

  “Excellent Orange Chicken, wouldn’t you say, Corporal Brown?”


  If one can prevail against a soldier, then two shall withstand him. A whole fucking platoon is probably even better.

  ~ King Jedidiah

  I think the key is always an iron chariots situation. Even God’s army couldn’t defeat a superiorly equipped force, it’s right there in the Book of Judges.

  ~ Captain David Beck


  Dale Brown and Private Smith sat with their families after the award ceremony for the graduating class of recruits of the 3rd battalion.

  “You boys look so handsome in your uniforms,” Mrs. Brown said.

  “Thank you, Mrs. Brown,” Smith said.

  “Call me Rhonda, please,” she said.

  “He’s been trained to be polite, honey,” Earl Brown said.

  “I know. Jeffery, I wish your parents could be here,” Mrs. Brown said.

  “Your name is Jeffery?” Dale looked at Smith.

  “Smith to you,” Smith said. “Smith. It’s okay, Mrs. Brown, if you call me Jeff.”

  Dale touched the ribbons that had been pinned to his uniform and wondered if this whole thing wasn’t being over sold.

  “Come on, boys,” Earl said. “Let’s go for ice cream. I’m sure once you ship out you’ll be missing everyday luxuries so you might as well take advantage this weekend.”

  “I want chocolate,” Dale’s little brother said. “Two scoops.”


  On Monday morning Dale and Smith went to chow for the last time in the training station cafeteria.

  “See the new recruits?” Smith asked.

  “Damn. So many.”

  “This war could last for a long time.”

  “You think so?” Dale was concerned about that, too.

  “Wars always last longer than expected.”


  “So, I don’t—”

  “Hey, Brown!” A soldier wearing the insignia for a First Lieutenant interrupted their conversation and sat down next to Smith. He looked at Dale. “You remember me?”


  Not in my data base.

  “No, but you do look familiar,” Dale said.

  “David Beck. We met in that long line to register, weeks ago, when you first showed up. I was telling you about the—”

  “Buddy system. Yeah, I remember. Well, you were more right than you could have imagined.”

  “It went badly, I know. That’s sort of why I’m here.” Lieutenant Beck looked at Private Smith, smiled, and then returned his eyes to Dale.

  “You knew about Brian?” Dale asked.

  “Yes, I heard he got banned. Serves him right, in my opinion. So, I’m in Unit 19, and that’s why I came to talk to you.”

  “Really?” Private Smith said. “I heard Unit 19 was a bad ass assignment.”

  “Dale, do you mind if we discuss this in private?” Beck stood.

  “No, sit.” Dale didn’t get up. “Private Smith is a good friend, you can say what you want to say.”

  “Sure.” Beck sat.

  Erin, record, tag, and file this conversation. And, in the future, anything that might seem important, do the same.


  “So I was in a briefing and a captain mentioned that a kid had turned down a great position because of their buddy agreement, being all loyal and shit, and then got screwed over. When I heard who was banned, I started piecing together the story, and I remembered you. I checked out your record, talked to Captain Redding, and she decided I could come find you and see if you wanted back in.”

  “As simple as that?” Dale asked.

  “Pretty much. Your record is good. You did a great job with the castle and the ogre.”

  “I didn’t do that alone.”


  “Sounds like an interesting offer, can I think about it?” Dale asked.

  “By the end of the day, soldier,” Beck said. “It’s a great opportunity. We have alliances with the top guilds, good pay, and chicks dig us. You know where to find us, end of the day, Corporal Brown, by the end of the day.”

  Dale and Smith watched as Beck changed into an avatar that looked like an elf of some kind. He grew a foot taller, his hair became straight and black, and his face grew angular and smooth, accented by pointed ears. His uniform and equipment transmogified. He wore chain-mail armor over dark green and brown woodland-cameo leather clothing, with intricate boots and gloves, each with multicolored lacings. He wore a shield on his back, as well as a long bow and a quiver. He also carried a wizard staff, which was covered in gold leafed runes and symbols. His tabard was purple, yellow, and red. It had a polar bear figure carrying an axe in the center.

  A pet appeared, it was an all white spider, shaped like a black widow, but with no coloring except for its red eyes. Dale felt a wave of discomfort, but it passed. This area was safe and the Captain was on his side. The spider circled about like a scout.

  A vanity pet also appeared, a coywolf, a rare North American breed that was a mixture between a timberwolf and a coyote, an animal that had probably gone extinct, although Dale still heard reports of them on occasion. He felt a moment of covetousness. The coywolf appeared to look at Dale and wink, but perhaps he was imagining things.

  Erin, could you turn on identifications.



  Captain David Beck, EUDA

  Screen name: Beckstein87

  Level: 4

  Faction: Klaharn

  Professional guild: Unit 19: Charter of the Kartikeya

  Personal guild: BloodOath: Charter of the Flidais

  Race: Nefyn

  Class: Thorild

  Current quest: Unknown

  Available bounties: Unknown


  “Crap,” Dale whispered.

  “Sweet…” Private Smith looked at Dale. “You’d be nuts not to join up with them.”

  Swirling snow appeared. In the middle of the tornado of ice, a polar bear mount materialized. It was equipped with a massive black leather saddle covered with hand carved runes. The attached saddle bags, which would easily have room for hundreds of items, had protection runes which were painted with the blood of fallen enemies. The bear roared when Beck mounted and as they galloped away, Dale noticed that with each stride the bear’s fur showed the faint trace of tiger stripes, which glowed in orange.

  “Wow, those are really rare.” Dale was impressed.

  “I know, that’s why I think you’re crazy if you don’t join them,” Smith said. “You’ll advance faster, get better weapons, and have more opportunities for treasure. That, a
nd you’ll be less likely to die.”

  “You think so? I wonder if I won’t end up doing riskier quests and end up being killed in a worse way.”

  “Maybe. I still think you should go.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll be alright.”

  “You should come with me.”

  “I wasn’t invited.”

  “Let’s bind together and then they’ll have to take you. At least if they want me.”

  “Really? You mean that?”

  “Sure, you saved my life.”


  Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

  ~ Robert A. Heinlein

  The Nagant War will be won by the faction obtaining all 777 Jewels.

  ~ UEDA Training Manual


  The sign above the office was written in script and appeared to be made from a translucent metal which changed colors depending on which angle Dale viewed it.

  Nagant Administration.

  A slow moving elderly woman was behind the counter.

  “How can I help you, young men, this morning?” she asked.

  “We’d liked to get bound,” Dale said.

  “Oh, yes. Let me see. Did you want a Nefyn service or did you have a specific religion in mind?”

  “No, nothing specific,” Dale said. “We hadn’t really talked about it. Bri—I mean, Smith, do you care?”

  “No. Ma’am we don’t need a ceremony,” Smith said. Then he gave Dale a strange look.

  “Sorry. I just…”

  “You don’t have to explain.”

  “Well, boys,” the women said while tapping onto a screen, “we have a South Pacific Islander ceremony tomorrow, complete with a luau, it’s a Kanawa specialty, roasted pig and hula girls. Those fairies sure know how to throw a party, last time I went to a wedding… Should I put you on the reservation list?”

  “No, ma’am,” Dale said. “We need to get it done now if that’s possible.”

  She tapped a screen.


  System Message

  The following agreement has been proposed:

  Binding between Corporal Dale Brown and Private Jeffery Smith.

  Active upon acceptance.

  +5% XP on all joint missions.

  Ability to trade and/or gift soul-bound mounts, weapons, pets, artifacts, and treasure.

  Ability to join the active player in quests, hunts, battles, regardless of active players location.

  See section 45.09.45-b of the UNM for further obligations and restrictions.

  This agreement is only valid if both players accept within a 3-minute window.

  Agree: Y/N?


  Dale accepted.

  Private Smith agreed and put out his hand.

  They shook.

  “Partners,” Dale said.

  Dale lead Smith to Unit 19.


  Captain Redding met Dale and Private Smith in the lobby of Unit 19’s building. Dale read her icon.


  Captain Julia Redding, EUDA

  Screen name: RedJ453a-quick7

  Level: 9

  Faction: Klaharn

  Professional Guild: Unit 19: Charter of the Kartikeya

  Personal Guild: Ferret Lovers: A Charter of the Nojus

  Race: Naphil

  Class: Magisk

  Current quest: Unknown

  Available bounties: Unknown


  “Corporal Brown,” Captain Redding said. “It’s nice to have you back. Who’s your friend?”

  “Smith, sir. Private Smith,” Dale said. He felt nervous, he didn’t know if he was breaking any rules by bringing Smith to Unit 19, but he hadn’t told him anything about what he knew, so he assumed no rules were broken. This fact didn’t help his anxiety.

  “So, Private Smith,” she said. She put out her hand, and Smith took it and shook hands with her. “What brings you here?”

  “I’m bound to Dale, ummmmm—Corporal Brown, sir,” he answered.

  “I see.” Redding paced. She didn’t speak again until after she’d closed her eyes and stood silently for a minute. “Okay, I’ve reviewed your record. You qualify to test; that’s all I can promise. You and Brown, be back here tomorrow at 0500. You’ll have to test together. It’s all or nothing boys.”

  She waved her hand in front of herself, and as her fingers pointed upwards, she changed.

  Captain Redding had red hair and looked beautiful to Dale when she was in her human avatar, but in her Naphil avatar she became more than beautiful, she became magnetically seductive. She grew a few inches taller; her clothing changed from her military uniform into a tight fitting and revealing outfit, and her red hair was now braided into a long red tail that nearly touched the floor. Her arms and legs were long and had a translucent paleness. Her face was perfection itself. She looked into Dale’s eyes. She had penetrating crystal blue eyes, when Dale looked into them, he was transfixed. He could barely breathe.

  “Come to me,” she said.

  Dale moved.

  She wrapped her arms around him and pulled his head into her cleavage.

  “Would you die for me?” she said.

  “Yes,” Dale answered.

  She released him and changed back into her human avatar.

  “You have a lot to learn, son,” she said. She looked at Private Smith. “Tell me what you saw?”

  “You changed into a beautiful woman,” he said.

  “Describe me.”

  “You were about my height, very slender, hmmmmm— you had short black hair and brown eyes—”

  “Enough,” she said. “I suggest you both spend time in the library tonight, I will grant you access to the Nagant files, it’s time the curtain parted, boys. See you tomorrow.”


  Dale and Smith went to the library together.

  “We might as well help each other and use books, paper, and pencils. All old fashioned like,” Dale said.

  “Sounds like a plan, I learn better that way myself.”

  Dale found a basic text on the Nagant Wars and began to read.


  Nagant Wars

  Textbook 34:b, classified UEDA

  Restrictions listed in Appendix 1-a


  When the Ningishzida discovered teleportation, their species exited the known universe and discovered the multiverse. [This event happened in the earth year 2027 CE]

  The Klaharnians and Declanians, the dominant species of [their universe] began a bitter and vicious debate about the consequences of this discovery.

  The Declanians wished to destroy all sentient life in [our universe] which had obtained the ability to use and build computers. Their reasoning was simple: Once a species developed computing, it was only a short time before artificial intelligence (non-biological life) formed. In all known cases this event caused three things to happen.

  One: The AI would bring about teleportation, the ability to travel anywhere.

  Two: This ability to travel anywhere would lead to the discovery of the multiverse.

  Three: The AI would grow into a deity, and for amusement, perhaps, or for self-protection, it would become unpredictable in thought and action. Several deities from other universes had begun intra-universal wars in an attempt to rid infidels from existence, where ever they might be found.

  The Klaharnians were less pragmatic about the Ningishzida. While they acknowledged the potential for evil, they also felt a sense of responsibility and care for lesser beings. The Klaharnians wished to preserve life in [our universe] while at the same time providing a watchful eye over the development of artificial intelligence and inter-universe travel.

  As the bitter argument waged on, t
he Nagant Monks of the Nikhil proposed a solution: The Nagant Wars.

  The two factions agreed to the Nagant solution: If the Klaharn Faction won the war, the sentient beings of the universe would be granted a reprieve, if the Declan Faction won the war, all life forms in [our universe] that were advanced enough to have developed computers would be exterminated, like unwanted rats on a ship.

  The Nagant Monk became the administrators and masters of the war. They sent delegations to the 21 worlds in [our universe] who had advanced sentient beings, and explained the war; it’s consequences, and it’s inevitability. To ignore it was to surrender.

  There are 21 species of advanced life in [our universe] besides earth humans.

  All 21 of these species have developed computing.

  There are 342 planets in [our universe] with highly evolved species that have not yet evolved computing. [There are unconfirmed rumors that several guilds have provided quests with the express intent of slowing or altering the evolution of these beings. Other rumors imply that competing guilds are providing quests to seed these species with the knowledge to advance their evolution, or perhaps to hide advanced DNA on their planets in case the Declan Faction wins the war. The Nagant remain neutral to these specific quests.]

  There are 7865 planets in [our universe] in which some stage of replicating life forms have evolved. All such planets are inside the boundaries of the Nagant Wars, and as such, are all potential locations for hidden Jewels.

  The Nagant War will be won by the faction which obtains all 777 Jewels. The purpose (if there even is a purpose) of obtaining the Jewels is currently unknown.

  What is known, but not understood, is that each Jewel is made up of two crystals, a dark crystal, and a clear crystal, of which there are 1554. It is assumed that some crystals have already been joined, and some have not. This guide will be updated as new information is discovered.


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