Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1)

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Nagant Wars: A LitRPG Novel (Nagant Wars Series Book 1) Page 15

by Jayden Hunter


  “Holy shit,” Dale said.

  “I know.” Private Smith scratched his head. “This explains a lot. But, I think, it raises more questions than it answers.”

  “My brain is going to explode.” Dale stood and stretched. “I need a coffee. I’ll be back.”

  “Venti Java Frappe, if you don’t mind?” Smith said.

  “Sure. I have more Starbucks rewards than I’ll be able to use before we ship out anyway.”


  When Dale returned, Private Smith was deep in thought.

  “Your java frap.”

  “Thanks. Man, you’re not going to believe these races, it’s crazy,” Smith said.

  “Like what?”

  “Well, Captain Redding, for instance. She’s a Naphil. That’s a race of human, or perhaps humanoid species, because, like you read, there are more than just us earth humans, mixed with angels or demons, I guess, which makes her a half-human and half-angel, mix. Or maybe half-demon, it doesn’t say how to tell.”

  “You said she had black hair when you described her.”

  “Yeah, why?” Smith asked.

  “Because to me, she had red hair. Long red hair. I’d never seen such a beautiful woman.”

  “She was the most beautiful woman I’d ever seen, too. Except, she didn’t have red hair.”

  “So, she appeared as we imagined our ideal beauty would look,” Dale said. “I guess, anyway. Does it say anything else?”

  “Yes, it says that the Naphil make strong long range DPS, Damage Per Second, especially if their class is Magisk, and even more powerful if they are part of the Elidar Guild, both of which specialize in spell making and spell casting.”

  “Hold on,” Dale said.

  Erin, can you display the identification captures of Redding.

  Dale read.

  “Her class is Magisk. Her guild is Kartikeya, the same as Beck, and ours, too, if we get into Unit 19.”

  “Did you notice it had a personal guild, too?”

  “Yes, Nojus. A guild of — hold on…”

  Erin, can you display information about the Nojus guild, you should have that same library access—

  Yes, I do, here it is.


  Nojus Guild

  The following is the authorized summary of the Nojus Guild, per article 15:y78.b per EUDA, auth. 54b.

  Please note the following:

  All official guild statements are to be found in guild literature.

  All such information is subject to change.

  All information, wikis, audio/visual/written, which are not official guild literature may not be accurate.

  The Nojus Guild was established as a zoology guild. Its purposes include animal capture, animal taming, beast creation, animal classification, and zoological discovery.

  The guild also has the intent of creating a DNA vault of all animal species in the universe; a task referred to as Project Noah.

  The guild is a popular choice for both professional and personal purposes, as beasts are critical to the war effort in the early stages prior to phases which will introduce the discovery of combustion engines.

  Types of quests offered by the guild include discovering new species as well as capturing or collecting the DNA from known species that are dangerous and/or rare.

  The following actions require guild approval: the creation of hybrid animals, the building of zoos, and transferring animals to new worlds. Failure to obtain guild sanctions may result in the placement of a bounty on your person.

  For more detailed information, including requirements to submit an application for a guild charter, please see the official Nojus Guild website.


  Dale read the information to Smith.

  “Wow, that’s cool. So Captain Redding must have a thing for ferrets.”

  “I guess. I wonder what kind of enchantment or spell she used on me…”

  “You were ready to die for her…”

  Dale went back to reading about the Nagant Wars.


  I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration.

  ~ Frank Herbert

  Reptilian, mammalian, Brazilian. Every species bleeds.

  ~ Kelty the Witch of Evelake


  Princess Talargo and her party entered the mines on foot. Mounts were forbidden in mines throughout the Arodian Mountains, however; their pets were allowed. The Waltores would be useful, but what she wished for was an Arodianian Red Molerat, unfortunately these pets were extremely rare.

  “Anyone have anything similar to a Red Molerat?” she asked.

  “I have a pet, my lady,” the witch said. Her race was Zuharah, her class Magisk, and her professional guild was Elidar. She’d stacked everything in favor of spell casting damage. She was hired to be a guide, but in actuality, she was the strongest long range DPS in the group. Rohini hoped she was loyal and faithful.

  “What kind of pet?” the Princess asked.

  “A Yoltian Albino Volerat, my lady,” she said. The witch summoned her pet. The white creature had pink eyes and long whiskers on its snout. It rooted in the ground and continually smelled the air. “She’s not as rare as a Red Molerat, but nearly as useful. If dwarves are near, she’ll smell them, and her body will change from white to pink to red, the closer they get. She’s also immune to black, red, and green pit adders so she can tank for us if we run into a pit of snakes, which, around here, is quite likely.”

  “Very good,” Rohini said.

  “Also, my lady, she’s a rooter. If she smells useful herbs, she’ll dig them up for us. I have a full satchel, but healing herbs will be good to save, and we shouldn’t neglect being prepared.”

  “It is as you say, Kelty, I’m glad you’ve joined us.”


  The walk through into mines was uneventful at first. The walls were bare, the floor a clean path. No signs of threats and no loot, either.

  Rohini’s avatar was the race humant. She found this race fascinating, their duality, both logical and smart, yet easily deceived by gods and magic, sometimes to the point of foolishness. She hoped to meet an actual humanoid, all mammals on her home planet were dumb, well, except for her Waltores, but even being as smart as they were, they were still just dogs, they couldn’t speak or think.

  She thought it funny and ironic that there were probably mammalian races that chose to be Ningishzida, thinking about how interesting it would be to become a reptile. She wondered if, on their planets, mammals kept lizards as pets, sleeping with them, playing fetch, and taking them for walks.

  The members of her party were mostly humant as well; apparently the fascination of being an intelligent, bipedal mammal was a strong one. One member of the group was a Isca, also a mammalian race, but a sort of creature she couldn’t place in her own world, there being nothing similar. The Isca was slightly taller than her, covered in fur, and had a long tail. It had vicious retractable claws, two long fangs, and excellent night vision. It took the dogs many days to leave it alone; eventually she had to bribe them with treats to quit barking.

  The Isca soldier explained that their race worshipped over 200 ancient gods, and that his personal deity was Quetzalcoatl, a god of creative ability and knowledge.

  Ruthann represented the only other race in their party; she was a Naphil. Rohini didn’t believe Ruthann capable of treachery, but she understood the nature of highly intelligent hybrids, part humanoid mammalian and part spiritual, either demon or angel. One of the characteristic traits of the Naphil was that they could keep their dual nature hidden, and even if Ruthann disclosed her nature, Rohini was aware that it could easily be a lie, so she’d never asked.

  Ruthann’s class was Sann, and her guild Druantia, so while she wasn’t a witch, her magic abilities would gr
ow powerful as she leveled. The Druantia were enchanters, a support guild, weaving spells for healing, and the Sann class was also weighed towards enchanting (as opposed to spelling damage), so Ruthann was the group’s most powerful healer.

  Of the thirteen members (her mother would consider this unlucky, but Rohini dismissed such foolishness) there were nine humant, one Ningishzida, one Isca, and one Naphil. Not exactly a well-balanced questing party, but their mission was geared towards finding a hiding place for the Jewel she carried, and not getting into melees or seeking quests.

  The war itself had not even started.

  The Princess found a hidden scroll inside a small fracture in the cavern wall.


  +10% Skill: Lore Knowledge


  The Mines of Queen Zerynthia

  The mines of Queen Zerynthia were once the main producers of diamonds, gold, and emeralds on all of Almaach. This was before the great War of Nanshe, six hundred generations before the Age of the Ningishzida. When treachery and betrayal fell upon the queen, she sent out a thousand warriors, each with a basket of treasure. Rumors, legends, and myths have surrounded the great hidden treasures of Queen Zerynthia since her demise. Her betrayer, who shall ever be cursed, and shall never be named, saw his kingdom crumble before his eyes. Without treasure to support his troops, the kingdom fell.

  The seeker of treasure is granted this poem, may its ageless wisdom help in the quest for the Queen’s lost riches.

  The Poem of Sorrow

  The greedy seek where desire leads

  The wealthy store where treasure needs

  The wise dismiss ancient myth

  The seeker finds more than gifts

  If emeralds and diamonds call

  Peek with caution in dragon’s dens

  Do not roast the tasty wrens

  Even in the cold of fall

  One finds treasure among the tall


  “What does it mean?” Ruthann asked.

  “I do not know,” Rohini answered. She put the scroll into her inventory and moved on. They traveled for many hours before the scenery changed.

  The cavern tunnel opened into a large room, in the center was a stone throne.

  “A dwarf throne, perhaps a mighty prince,” Kelty said.

  “Does your—”

  The Princesses question was cut short, one of her soldiers had approached the throne and touched it.

  She watched as the chair slid into the floor. The cavern tunnel behind them was blocked by a massive gate that dropped from the ceiling. The cavern walls glowed, red and purple symbols throbbed with color. A great wind blew out all of their torches.

  “Quick, create a glow orb,” Rohini said.

  She hadn’t needed to give the command; Kelty had already began the spell. A great ball of glowing light appeared in her hand, and she set it on the floor. It lit the cavern as if it was noon on a cloudless day.

  The symbols on the walls began to move. They formed into faces which laughed with a hideous cackle and then adders began to slither through the openings onto the floor.

  Red, green, purple, blue, and black snakes poured into the room. Each color indicated a unique venom; each race had its own weaknesses and strengths towards different adders. The battle was chaos and confusion for the first minute. Kelty’s pet took a forward position as a tank, and she concentrated on killing purple adders, her pet being immune to all colors except purple.

  Rohini and the others chopped, hacked, sliced, and cut snakes to shreds. But even as they killed them all, more kept pouring out of the walls.

  “Use a material binding spell to make a way to close those holes!” Rohini yelled to one of the soldiers in her party who was especially fond of obscure enchantments. “Could you think of a way to close those holes?”

  “I’ll try, my lady.”

  The soldier closed his eyes while others protected him.

  “I have it, but I need someone in the Hephaestus Guild to help me.”

  “Here,” said another soldier.

  “Okay, I need you to craft a binding clay, use either—”

  “I have it, go on—”

  “Transfer it to me.”

  Rohini watched as the soldier took the clay and added an enchantment to it. He then threw balls of the clay at the holes in the walls. It worked. The clay entered the openings, and the enchantment caused it to harden instantly into a solid barrier.

  Rohini returned to hacking and chopping snakes, there were still dozens of them, the most powerful and fastest ones remained alive the longest.

  She chopped off the head of a large purple adder.


  She chopped off the head of a long red adder.


  Finally the last of the snakes were dead.

  The stone throne moved upwards. Underneath the throne was a boss. A spitting cobra. Its first strike hit the princess.


  It spat at her again.

  She tried to dodge but still took a minor hit.


  Rohini rolled and spun, coming up with her shield in front of her. She blocked the next ball of poison spit.

  “Quickly,” she shouted, “Tanks to the front. Bowmen, move behind us. Let’s kill this thing.”

  Her companions moved into position, the witch’s pet moved in close to the boss. It took damage from the snake, but because of its immunity, it lost little HP. The pet was able to draw a lot of fire from the boss, keeping the long range DPS soldiers free to work, slamming iron-tipped arrows into it.

  Rohini moved in, shield up, and began to hack at the snake with her sword.

  The boss slithered across the room, took a defensive position against a wall, and continued to spit. Occasionally a soldier would be hit, but the volerat took a fair amount of the action. The bosses health bar had finally dropped below 50%. Kelty had thrown powerful spells at the snake and had caused significant damage, and the tanks had been chopping and hacking non-stop since the battle began. Ruthann was on top of healing and support, keeping everyone from approaching dangerous levels.

  Rohini and two of her soldiers forced the snake boss against the wall and aimed their attack at its head.

  The boss succumbed to the onslaught; its health bar finally hit zero.

  “Come on RNG gods!” one of the soldiers shouted.

  The boss gave up gold bars, and each member also received their own random drop.

  Rohini received a new pet.


  Emerald Green Adder

  Level 5

  A reptile battle pet.

  Attack style: Biting. Will attack and kill other adders.

  Weapons: None.

  Magic: None.

  Tech: None.

  Wiki: Lore Quests Strengths Weaknesses Range Drops


  “We need to move out,” Rohini said.

  They searched for a way out of the room, but no door or tunnel was in sight. The way they’d entered was blocked.

  “Keep looking, there must be a keyhole, puzzle, or a secret exit,” the Princess said.

  “I found a set of numbers, my lady,” said one of the soldiers.

  She inspected the find.

  Ten rows across and ten rows up and down. One hundred numbers.

  They appeared random.

  “Okay, everyone, put on your thinking hats.”


  If a grasshopper tries to fight a lawnmower, one may admire his courage but not his judgement.

  ~ Robert A. Heinlein

  Revenge is not possible for the weak.

  ~ Tagline: Vicious Gods of Destruction and Pain


  Sergeant Dyfrig met Dale and Private Smith in the front office of Unit 19 headquarters.

  “Good morning, gentlemen,” Dyfrig said. “Are you ready for a hard and painful day?�

  “Ummm,” Dale said.

  “Does pain have to be 100%?” Smith sounded as worried as Dale felt.

  “Sorry, guys. That’s the rules.” The reptile man brought his tail around and hit Dale in the shoulder. “Don’t worry; death is highly unlikely.”

  “Shit,” Dale said.

  “I heard what happened, Corporal Brown. That problem’s been patched. No level 10 shit in the trial. I’ve read your performance reviews; you two will ace this thing. Be confident.”

  “All right. But you don’t know how bad that thing hurt me when it…”

  “Don’t assume things, Corporal Brown. Makes you look ignorant. You don’t know me. I’ve suffered things you can’t imagine. Let’s move out. I’ll explain the objectives on the way.”

  Dale and Smith followed Dyfrig out of the office onto the field.

  Dyfrig pointed to a stable of war horses. “You guys go pick out a mount, those are guild owned, and you can claim anyone of them for a day.”

  He snapped his fingers. In a mist of sparkling light, a giraffe appeared. The mount wore leather and bronze armor, and shook its head while stomping its feet as the reptile mounted.

  “You pick first,” Smith said.

  Dale looked into the stable; there were six war horses, two all black, two all white, a chestnut, and one that was dark green and looked as if it was half buffalo or something stocky, maybe a wildebeest. Dale picked the hybrid, loving all strange creatures as he did. It presented itself in front of him equipped with an all black saddle covered in runes. He didn’t recognize the runes, but they looked impressive. When he mounted, the beast reared and snorted.


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