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The Distance Between Us (Mac Security Series Book 3)

Page 4

by Abigail Davies

  “Hey, I’m here for the interview,” I say, making my voice sound sickly sweet.

  “Kitty?” he asks. That’s one thing when I go undercover, I never take on another name. It’s too easy to forget and then not answer when someone calls you.

  “Yeah,” I answer, pushing some hair behind my ear.

  “I’ll get the boss.”

  He wanders off, leaving me on my own. First mistake, never leave someone unattended. This guy should have known better than that in a place like this. I lean against the bar, watching the doors that he went through.

  I scan the behind the bar, taking stock of all the high-priced liquor they have. My brows raise when I see the bottle of Jameson, what I wouldn’t do for a shot of that right now to calm my nerves.

  “Come on,” he waves when he pushes back through them.

  Pushing up off the bar, I walk to him and follow him down the dark hallway. What is it with dim lighting in this place?

  “In there.” He points at the last door and then walks off, not another word said.

  I knock on the door, almost squeaking at the booming voice that tells me to come in. Calm down, Kitty.

  Pushing down the handle of the door, I slowly push it open and step inside. Sitting behind the desk is Jonny May, dressed in a dark gray suit, no doubt tailored to his exact measurements.

  “I’m here for the interview,” I say, my voice coming out stronger than I thought it would.

  “Take a seat.” He extends his hand to the sofa that sits against the wall and I walk over, sitting on the edge. “So, tell me, Kitty. What makes you want to work here?”

  “Well, I need a job.” I shrug and cross my legs, smirking slightly at how his eyes flick down. “And I heard this place pays good. I want to get out of Wayward and this is the only way I can do it.”

  He steeples his fingers under his chin and stares at me right in the eyes, narrowing them slightly and not moving them from mine. I desperately want to look away but I know it’s a test.

  His gray eyes swirl the longer he stares. I’ve never seen eyes that color before and for a second, I’m shocked and enthralled at the same time.

  He leans back suddenly, lifting his leg and putting his ankle on his opposite knee.

  “You worked a bar before?”

  “Yeah.” One shift counts, right?

  “You turn up on time, first time you’re late, you’re out. Only wear the uniform provided. We don’t want lots of…” His eyes trail up my legs slowly, causing goose bumps to spread over my body. “Skin showing, that’s saved for the dancers.”

  “Got it.”

  “There’s a no touching rule, someone touches you then you let security know, they’ll sort any problems out.”

  “Okay.” I swallow. “Do guys try to touch the bar staff?”

  “Sometimes,” he says, dropping his leg and leaning forward. “When they’ve had too much to drink.”


  “But that’s what security is here for, Kitty.” He raises a brow at me and I scan his face. A little stubble on his cheeks, his gray eyes framed in ridiculously long lashes. His almost black hair cut short on the sides and longer on the top. He’s perfection and I can see why women fall for his looks and charm.

  “You start a week’s probation tomorrow.” He pushes up out of his chair. “Be here at eight, don’t be late.”

  “Okay,” I whisper, standing up and walking to the door.

  I turn around as I’m closing it and smile. “Thanks for giving me a chance, Mr. May.”

  “You’re welcome.” He smiles, a genuine smile and for a second I forget that I’m undercover.

  I shake my head, bringing myself back to the here and now before I make my way out of the club and to my truck, making sure that I look around as I go. It’s dark out now and I’m hyperaware of what could lurk in the shadows.

  Jumping up into my truck, I switch the engine on and turn the heater up.

  I head straight back to the apartment block, deciding that I’ll order pizza when I get there.

  I’m halfway home when the lights of an unmarked police car flash from behind me. Looking in my mirror I notice I’m the only car on the road so I pull over and watch through the mirror as the car comes to a stop behind me. Why the hell am I being pulled over?

  I lean over to pull my license and registration out of the compartment that sits in front of the passenger seat and sit back up, turning my face to the window.

  My eyes hit a strong jaw, lined with stubble that your fingers itch to run over. They trail up to full lips and a straight nose, then up to cheekbones that are so sharp you could cut yourself on them.

  Then my eyes clash with his chocolate brown ones.

  I should have known it’d be him.

  I know it’s stupid for me to be pulling her over, but it’s the only way I could get her on her own without raising any suspicion. I should stay far away, let her do her job and not get involved, but I just can’t. Not when I know who she’s getting involved with.

  I step out of the car and walk forward, watching as her eyes widen when she sees me through the window.

  “What do you want, Charlie?” she huffs.

  Leaning my forearm on the top of the door, I lean closer. “What are you doing?”

  She rolls her eyes and leans back in her seat, her mouth in a grim line.

  “My job,” she practically growls.

  “I mean at Diva’s.”

  I scan her face, taking in her perfect bow-shaped lips and big eyes. My eyes flick down to her chest of their own accord as she takes a deep breath and then down to her legs which are on full display.

  “Getting a job.”

  “At Diva’s?” I growl, moving closer. My head is practically in her truck now.

  “Like I just said.” She leans forward, starting the truck back up. “I’m on a job.”

  “Don’t you dare drive away from me, Kitty.” I grit my teeth and hold onto the door, my knuckles turning white from the force.

  She huffs and closes her eyes, dropping her head onto the steering wheel and resting it there.

  “What do you want, Charlie?”

  She turns to me and I study her, my eyes not moving from hers as they connect with mine. There’s so much history between us, both good and bad but the good definitely outweighs the bad. She’s a magnet that I’m attracted to. Unable to stop the force that brings us together.

  “Meet me at mine,” I say, pushing off the door and tapping the top of her truck twice.

  “What? No, Charlie.”

  I walk backwards, a smirk kicking up the corner of my mouth. “If you don’t come then I’ll come and arrest you from Wayward.”

  “You wouldn’t!” she gasps.

  I turn around when I get back to my own car and pull the door open. “Test me and you’ll find out.” I wink as I jump into the seat and spin out of there, leaving her sitting with her mouth open and her eyes wide.

  What the hell am I doing?

  You know how there’s always that one person that you just want to punch in the face automatically? Yeah... so that’s Charlie.

  He always has this smug look on his face, like he’s got the better of me. Okay, so maybe he has right now as I follow him to his place, but goddammit, he’s infuriating! How can someone provoke such violent thoughts? Because right now all I want to do is throat punch him.

  He knows he could blow my cover by doing this and he knows that’s even more likely by pulling me over not far from Diva’s. He knows this better than anyone, he runs a fucking intelligence department at the precinct for Christ’s sake. What the hell is he playing at?

  I pull up next to the sidewalk in front of his house and huff as I get out of the truck, power walking right past him where he waits on the driveway and to his front door.


  “No!” I hold my hand up. “Just let me in.”

  He walks around me, grazing my arm with his and unlocks the door. I barge inside, hating that
my body relaxes because the place feels like home.

  “I can’t believe—”

  I’m cut off by his hands on my shoulders as he spins me around, his lips slamming down onto mine. I keep my lips closed, not willing to give in to him. I promised myself months ago that I wouldn’t let him do this to me anymore.

  His hand cups the side of my neck as his other hand reaches down to the curve at the bottom of my back, his hand spanning wide and his fingertips grazing the top of my ass.

  My skin prickles with goose bumps as his callouses scrape against the skin between my shorts and crop top.

  I gasp at the sensation, causing my mouth to open and when his tongue touches mine, I give up my protest. It’s always been this way between us, right from the beginning there was this undeniable attraction that neither of us could deny.

  Our tongues clash and I moan into his mouth as he pushes me backwards. My back slams against the wall, his hand gliding down my torso and to my legs, lifting them off the ground. They automatically wrap around his waist and my hips move of their own accord, my body knowing exactly what it wants and where it wants it.

  “Kitty,” he groans, pulling away from my mouth and burying his head into my shoulder. “We said we wouldn’t do this anymore.”

  “I know,” I gasp, his hands still moving all over my body and up to my chest. His thumb rubs over my nipple and I let my head fall back, hitting the wall with a soft thud.

  “Tell me to stop and I will.”

  I shake my head. I don’t want him to stop.

  He takes that as his signal and rips my top over my head, pulling the cups of my bra down and closing his mouth over my nipple and sucking, letting it go with a pop before he licks, lapping it up.

  “Oh, God.”

  “No, baby. It’s all me.”

  I snort at him and lift my head up, smiling. Butterflies take flight in my stomach as we stay there, staring at each other, neither one of us saying a thing. A thousand unspoken things pass between us without a single word said.

  He suddenly lifts off the wall, taking me with him and I know exactly where we’re going.

  His hands grip my ass tight, bruising the soft flesh as he walks us down the hallway and past the living room.

  I’ve been here enough times to know what each room in this house looks like. I know that the living room to the left has an open doorway with two white wooden doors that slide across the walls. I know that the walls are a light beige, decorated with paintings and a bookcase full of books next to the window that looks out onto the front of his house.

  I know that the kitchen is to the left, open plan and complete with a U-shaped counter. A dining set to the left that sits next to two sliding glass doors that look out onto a deck and the garden below.

  As he walks us further down the hallway toward the bedroom I spot the three doors. The one to the right is always closed, the door kept locked. The one in the middle is a bathroom complete with bathtub and separate shower cubicle that is covered in dust as it’s never used.

  It’s the final door to the right that Charlie pushes me through - his bedroom.

  Laying me down on the bed, he crouches down and unzips my shorts, pulling them down my legs slowly, his fingers leaving a burning path on my skin.

  “Fuck me,” he murmurs.

  “That’s the idea.” I smirk, lifting up onto my elbows.

  “Where the fuck are your panties?”

  I raise a brow. “Didn’t fancy wearing any.” I shrug.


  His hands trail back up my legs, leaving just my boots on. Pushing my legs open, he takes a deep breath and leans down, placing his thumbs on either side of me and opening me right up. I watch in fascination as his tongue takes one long swipe.

  “I’ve missed the taste of your sweet pussy.”

  My eyes close as he takes another swipe with his tongue and I lie back, relishing in all of the sensations. My hand flies to his head, gripping his hair as he sucks on my clit, my hips bucking up and wanting, no, needing more.

  “Charlie,” I moan.

  “I know, baby.”

  He climbs up my body, pressing his wet lips against my skin as he goes. I dive for his lips when he gets further up, wrapping my legs around his waist and rolling him over.

  “My turn.”

  He smirks and I slide down his body, pushing his t-shirt up to his neck and starting on his jeans. I wrestle them down his thighs, nearly falling on my ass as I try to get them off in a frenzy.

  His chuckle bounces off the walls and I relax a little bit. It’s been a while since this last happened and if I’m honest with myself, I’m kind of nervous.

  He sits up, pulling his t-shirt over his head and then shimmying the rest of the way out of his jeans, all the while I stay kneeling between his legs. His hands come under my arms and he lifts me up, putting me down on his lap. My legs open and rest on either side of his thighs, I’d only need to move slightly and he’d be inside me.

  We breathe each other in, nose to nose as he wraps his arms fully around my waist and lifts me up, pushing inside of me slowly.

  My mouth opens and forms a perfect O as I feel every single inch of him. I let my body adjust to his length and width before I start to move. He doesn’t let me go, just holds me tighter against him and buries his head in my neck, the catch of his breath as I take him down to the hilt making me shiver.

  “Kitty.” He groans my name, a silent plea.

  I know exactly how he feels and I start to move quicker, my walls closing tighter around him.

  He pulls back, kissing me softly on the lips and resting them against mine as we both breathe in and out. His hands slide from around me, one going to my pussy and circling the nub of my clit, the other one gripping me at my hip.

  “I need to feel you,” he says into my mouth.

  I nod in reply and close my eyes, my body starting to buzz with the impending orgasm that threatens to rip through me.

  “Open your eyes, baby. I want to see you.”

  I open them back up, staring at him. His chocolate brown eyes swirl with emotions that I’m sure I’ve seen before, but I know better than that. He doesn’t see me as anything but a body to keep his bed warm as and when he chooses. Nothing more and nothing less. I know better now than to think there is more to it than just sex, I learned that lesson a long time ago.

  My orgasm slams through me and I want nothing more than to close my eyes so that I can pretend that I don’t see the fake emotion in his eyes, but I know better than to look away. My back bends as the buzz starts low and deep and I moan his name just as my walls clamp down on him. He lifts me faster and harder, bringing himself to the edge before he has his own orgasm.

  We stay like that for several minutes, neither of us daring to move as I feel the mixture of our wetness start to travel down the inside of my thighs.

  I slowly start to come to my senses and realize what we just did.

  This was a mistake.

  The guilt that fills me is something I hate feeling, I can feel it clawing its way through me, overtaking any rational thought. I’m a cheater. It doesn’t matter what context it’s in, I cheated.

  My body stiffens as Kitty comes out of the en-suite bathroom fully dressed. I can’t quite meet her eyes and her answering huff makes it known that she knows what I’m about to do.

  She never stays afterwards, she knows the score. I can’t have her sleeping in my bed, not like that anyway.


  I don’t acknowledge her because I’m stuck in my own head, in the memories of a time when I was happy.


  A smile automatically spreads on my face at her melodic voice, I never get tired of hearing it.

  “In here!” I call back, leaning back in my desk chair and watching the door that leads from the home office to the hallway for her to come through. Her bright blond hair is the first thing I see, then those aqua blue eyes. Eyes that I get lost in every time I look into.r />
  “Hey.” She smiles, leaning against the doorframe.

  “Hey, yourself.”

  Neither of us move, we both just stay staring at each other. It’s always been the same, ever since we first met. I can still remember the first time I saw her, the devastation I felt at how beat up and bruised she was. I did everything in my power to take her from the foster parents who were mistreating her.

  I begged and pleaded with Ma and Dad to help, and once they met her, I knew they wouldn’t be able to let her go home, not after they saw her face.

  “So…” She takes a tentative step forward and looks down at her feet and then back up to me. “I have to tell you something.”

  The shake in her voice has me jumping out of the chair. There’s only one other time that she was this nervous with me and that’s the day we got married. There’s nothing that we don’t talk about, we’re open books with each other.

  Most people don’t meet their true love when they’re in high school, but I did. I knew I would marry her one day and when we graduated, I proposed and we were Mr. and Mrs. within months.

  Now, at the age of twenty-two, I was just starting my career in the police force and we had set up home, a family home.

  Emmy was working for Ma in the vet’s clinic, but she wanted to go back to college at some point and become a vet, which I fully supported.

  I’d support anything that she wanted to do.

  “What is it?” I ask, a frown on my face.

  “Well, I know we didn’t plan for this…” She looks up at me, her eyes shining with unshed tears. “At least not yet, anyway.”


  I lift my hands to her face, cupping her cheeks and making sure that she’s looking at me, capturing her eyes and telling her silently that whatever it is, we’ll tackle it together.

  “I’m pregnant.”

  My eyes widen, I’m almost sure they’re going to pop out of their sockets.

  We hadn’t planned for this to happen. I was at least meant to make it to detective first, Emmy was meant to be going back to college. We were going to build a good foundation before we brought another life into this world. But as I look down at her stomach, I can’t help but feel like this was meant to be.


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