The Distance Between Us (Mac Security Series Book 3)

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The Distance Between Us (Mac Security Series Book 3) Page 6

by Abigail Davies

  “Hey, Charlie,” she whispers, pulling back and looking up at me.

  “Hey.” I grin. “How are things?”

  She knows this is a loaded question and her eyes seek out Corey’s where he’s sitting watching her.

  “They’re good,” she says, turning back to me. “Really good.”

  I wrap my arm around her shoulders and walk her back to her seat, sitting down next to her and opposite Ty.

  “Dig in!” Ma shouts when she sits down, clapping her hands to get all of our attention.

  The room is deathly silent as we fill our plates with food and eat. I try to ignore the several pairs of eyes on me but I give up and place my fork down, looking up into Ty’s eyes.

  I know he wants to talk to me, the constant ringing of my cell tells me that much. But since I saw him a couple of weeks ago, I haven’t wanted to talk to him, especially not after what went down with Kitty.

  I’m almost certain that he’ll be able to tell what I did with her, and if she really wanted to get back at me, then she could tell him. Not just about that night a couple of weeks ago, but about all the other nights before. I wouldn’t blame her if she did because of how I treat her afterwards, but she hasn’t said anything as of yet so I’m betting that she won’t ever say anything.

  The guilt swamps me the more I think about it, and the more I’m sitting here in this house the more my appetite disappears.

  “Can I have a word, Charlie?” Ty asks, placing his own fork down on his plate and pushing his chair back then standing up.

  “Tyson? We’re eating,” Ma scolds.

  All eyes turn to him but he simply looks from me to Ma and says, “Yeah, I know, Ma. But this is important.”

  She huffs and looks down at her own plate, shaking her head. I push back in my chair, the legs scraping on the wooden floor and follow him outside onto the porch. I school my features so that I’m a blank canvas and shove my hands in the pockets of my jeans, gripping onto the keys that sit inside.

  “Why the hell haven’t you been answering my calls?” he growls.

  I look away from his screwed up face and huff out a breath. “I’ve been busy.”

  “Yeah?” He laughs. “Too busy to answer my fucking calls!”

  I don’t answer him, instead I just raise my brows and wait for whatever the hell he wants to say.


  One word and my stomach drops. Does he know? Is she in trouble? My mind spins with possibilities and I’m about to ask what’s wrong when he continues.

  “She’s getting in deeper with Jonny, she’s not checking in as much. I gave her seventy-two hours before she had to check in and she goes right to the edge every single time.”

  “But she’s still checking in, right?”

  “Yeah, but... Fuck!”

  He starts to pace the porch, his hands on his hips and a concerned look on his face. I’ve never seen him this worked up, not about a “normal” job anyway. He always has everything under control and I can see it’s starting to slip. He likes to keep his team close and I can fully understand that. I’m worried about Kitty too, but I know that she can defend herself and probably take every single one of them down within the blink of an eye.

  “There’s just something about it that doesn’t feel right. The way she talks, it’s… damn… I don’t know. She just doesn’t seem herself.”

  I frown and lean against the railings. Things can happen when you’re undercover, Ty knows that, but the fact that he seems so concerned, that has my stomach dipping and my fists clenching.

  “I can’t believe you let her go in on her own. What the hell, Ty?” He opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off. “You knew he was fucking dangerous and you still sent her in… alone.”

  He stands in front of me, feet hip width apart and his hands clenched into fists at his side. “You do know who we’re talking about, right? It’s Kitty, she can take down a man three times her size.”

  I know damn well who he’s talking about, I know her better than any of them. I’ve seen her vulnerable side, her happy side and her sad side which means I know how she can be worked around, and Jonny is the kind of guy who will work around her and make her think things that she shouldn’t.

  That revelation has me spinning around, jogging down the steps and running straight to my car.

  “Where are you going?” Ty shouts out to me.

  I don’t answer him, instead I jump into my car, speeding out of there, determined to find out just what the hell is going on.

  I grab my bag and jacket from the locker before making my way to Jonny’s office. This has become routine now, ever since my truck broke down he’s been picking me up from Wayward and giving me rides home. At first it was awkward and uncomfortable but now it’s just part of my new normal.

  I knock on his door and wait for him to answer. When he tells me to come in, I open it up and smile.

  “Hey,” he says, not looking up at me. “Just need to finish this paperwork and then I’ll be with you.”

  “Okay,” I answer, stepping toward the sofa and sitting down.

  I lean back and watch as he reads whatever is in front of him, his long fingers clutching the edge of the paper as he leans back in his big, leather chair. His sleeves are rolled up to his elbows, the first few buttons of his shirt left undone and showing a smattering of chest hair.

  Why the hell can’t I look away?

  His gray eyes capture mine and I find myself caught in his gaze yet again. He slowly drops the paper onto the desk as I shift in the seat.

  The air crackles around us and for a second I forget who I am, what I’m here for. I shouldn’t be thinking these things, shouldn’t be imagining what he’d look like without clothes on. He’s a job, dammit!

  “This can wait,” he announces, his voice deep. I watch him intently as he stands up, lifting his jacket off the back of the chair and grabbing his keys. “Ready?” he asks, raising his brows at me.

  “Yep!” I leap up off the sofa and rush to the door, opening it up and walking ahead of him as I try to get rid of my wandering thoughts.

  His chuckle bounces off the walls of the hallway and I cringe, realizing that I’m acting ridiculous and feeling guilty for no reason, it’s not like I’ve done anything.

  I slow down when I push through the door and walk into the main room with Jonny behind me.

  I wait for him as he switches the lights off. “Why do you always do this on your own?” I ask, curious as we walk out of the first set of doors.

  “I trust my men,” he says, stepping toward me and clicking off the last of the lights. “But I don’t trust them fully, you’d be a fool to trust anyone inexplicably.”

  I tilt my head at him as he holds the main door open, a smile on his face. “Huh.”

  “What?” he asks, placing his hand on my lower back when the door is locked and we’re walking to his car.

  “I just thought you’d have minions to do it, that’s all.” I shrug and look up to him, smirking.

  He throws his head back and laughs, the sound deep and booming. My skin prickles at the sound and I try to shake it off.

  “Yeah, I have minions.” He smirks, pressing the button on his key fob and making the lights on his teal blue sports car flash. “But if I’ve learned anything over the years, it’s to never put your life in someone else’s hands.”

  His eyes flash with something that I can’t decipher as he pulls open the passenger door for me, his arm grazing against mine.

  My breath catches in my throat as we stand there, locked in a stare. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone who is so… intense.

  I turn away from him, swallowing against the lump in my throat as his words ring in my head.

  He closes the door once I’m inside and I wait with bated breath for him to get in the driver’s seat.

  The smell of leather and cologne surrounds me and I can’t help my hand sliding along the buttery soft leather seats. Being in a car this expensive is kind
of scary, knowing that I’m sitting on thousands of dollars.

  The engine roars to life and he places his hand on the back of my seat as he reverses out of his spot, his breath fanning across my cheek.

  “So…” Jonny starts, clearing his throat as we head toward Wayward. “How you liking the club so far?”

  “It’s… nice?”

  “Not a fan of the dancing?” he asks, flicking his eyes to mine briefly before looking back at the road ahead.

  “I mean, what they do is incredible, it has to take some real stamina to get up there five nights a week and hang upside down on a pole.” I worry my lip, wondering whether I should say what I’m thinking. “I suppose it’s just the stigma that comes with it, eh. I mean, I know that those girls are clean, that they don’t fraternize with the customers, but others don’t know that.”

  “I only employ girls who stick to the rules, first sign of trouble and they’re out,” he explains, his face turning serious when he turns the wheel as he takes a corner too fast for my liking. “Garrett giving you any trouble?”

  “Nah,” I answer, shuffling down in the seat. “He’s okay… never stops talking though, I mean, sheesh, he just doesn’t shut up.”

  He roars with laughter as we pull up to the apartment building, leaving the engine running as we both get out.

  “Thanks for the ride,” I tell him, shouldering my bag as I look up at him.

  He meets me at the front of his car, smirking as he says, “Anytime, and hey, I’ll tell Garrett to stop talking your ear off, I really need to employ more people with less social skills.”

  I throw my head back and laugh as he winks, surprised at how sarcastic he is.

  I’ve been sitting outside of Wayward for hours and hours now. The darkness came quite a few of those hours ago and I’m sure I fell asleep at one stage. The three cups of coffee and two energy drinks aren’t cutting it now.

  I’ve watched people come and go, watched Joel interact with several of them and make deals, handing them small packets in what he thinks is a discrete way but he’s not. He has to be one of the worst dealers that I’ve ever seen. Any other time I would have taken photos then jumped out of the car and arrested the scum, but not this time, this time I need to wait it out, wait for Kitty to come back.

  Going into Diva’s to see her just wasn’t viable, I’d be made within minutes and that in turn would mean that her cover would be blown because there’s no way I could have acted like I didn’t know her, not with how I’m feeling right now. I didn’t want to do that to her.

  I just want to make sure she’s safe, that she’s okay. That’s all.

  I shift in my seat, cupping my hands and blowing into them. The coffee that I bought hours ago is cold and I grimace as I pick it up, debating whether to actually drink the rest of it.

  No sooner than I bring it to my lips do headlights shine across the block. I duck down so I’m not seen and lift up slightly so that I can see who it is.

  My breath catches when Kitty steps out of the obnoxious sports car, stopping by the hood and waiting for whoever is getting out of the other side.

  She throws her head back laughing at something he says and the lights catch his face. Jonny. The dirtiest fucker around here. My hands clench into fists as he touches her face and I have to push myself down into my seat so that I don’t jump out of the car to rip his grimy hands off her.

  The smile she gives him nearly guts me. She used to look at me like that. Fuck.

  I squeeze my eyes closed, counting to thirty in my head before I hear the sound of tires squealing and I track Jonny’s car with my eyes as he drives out of the place.

  Kitty is nowhere to be seen but that’s a good thing, it means she’s inside. Now I just need to decide whether I should risk going inside or whether to just leave her alone and head home.

  I unlock my apartment door, a weird feeling creeping over my skin almost as if I’m being watched. I bend down slightly, ready to grab my gun in case someone jumps out at me as I look around. When I don’t see anything, I head into my apartment. As soon as I close the door behind me, I lean against it, blowing out a deep breath and closing my eyes.

  I’ve been working at the club for a couple of weeks now and I’m getting closer to Jonny. I can feel myself getting to like him more and more, especially with the amount of time we’re spending together. Every day he picks me up from the block and drops me back home, much to the dismay of his “friends.” I have to keep reminding myself that he’s a job. That I can’t go there with him, that I need to separate the two, but it’s becoming harder and harder as time goes on.

  I gasp as a soft knock vibrates through the door and I spin around, looking through the peephole and yanking the door open when I see who it is.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” I whisper-shout, yanking him inside and making sure no one saw him.

  “I came—”

  I raise my hand up, slamming the door closed and huffing out a frustrated breath.

  “You shouldn’t be here.”

  “Look.” He takes a step toward me and I side step him, heading straight for the kitchen. “Ty is worried about you.”

  I scoff. “So you thought you’d turn up at…” I look at my cell. “Four in the morning?”

  He runs his hand over his hair and then down his face. I can see he’s agitated but right now I just don’t care.

  “As you can see.” I throw my hands up in the air. “I’m fine. You can go now.”

  “Don’t be like that, Kitty.”

  My head snaps up and I meet those stupid eyes of his. Eyes that I find so hard to stay mad at. “Are you for real right now?”


  “You think you can use me and throw me away like a piece of trash and come back to me as and when you please?” I step forward, stopping a couple of feet in front of him. “For years it’s been the same. You fuck me and then feel guilty for enjoying it and then you don’t talk to me for weeks at a time. Then, when it suits you, you come running back and like the stupid lapdog that I am, I let you do it.” I step forward. “Time and time again.”

  “No, that’s not how it went down,” he says, but his voice betrays him. He knows that’s exactly how it went down, how it always goes down.

  “Both you and I know that’s not true,” I almost growl.

  Stomping over to the door, I fling it wide open, waving my arm at him before looking back at him.

  “Don’t be like this, Kitty,” he pleads, and for a second I think I see genuine emotion in his eyes, but I dismiss it. I’ve been a fool for way too long when it’s come to him. Not anymore.


  He hesitates a second before sliding past me, placing a kiss on the top of my head. My eyes flutter closed and for that millisecond, my mind wanders to a time when he did this, a time before we slept together, before we became… this.

  “I’m always here if you need me,” he whispers, then pulls away.

  I close the door softly behind him and head straight for my bed, not bothering to get undressed. Between him and Jonny, I feel like my head is going to explode.

  I try my hardest to get rid of the image of Charlie’s face, the look in his eyes. But I can’t. It’s ingrained into my mind and I can’t help but wonder if I just pushed him away for good because as much as I like to tell myself that he doesn’t matter, it’s not true.

  He matters.

  A whole hell of a lot.

  I roll over, pulling the blanket over my face and trying to block it all out. Tomorrow is another day and I have something big planned. I’m determined to get more information on Jonny and I will. I’ll make sure I get something solid on him because even though I didn’t like Charlie turning up, I can’t deny that there isn’t reason for Ty to be worried.

  I can feel it in myself, I’m drifting away from who I am. I don’t like it one bit, but being around Jonny is pulling out a side of me that I don’t know how to stop.

  I step outside my apartment aft
er a fitful night’s sleep. All I did was toss and turn, my brain working on overdrive, not being able to switch off. If it wasn’t Charlie I was thinking of, it was Jonny. Between the two of them I’m driving myself crazy.

  The place is dead at this time of morning, I’m not surprised that I don’t see anyone around. They’re all probably still in bed, sleeping off either their hangover or their high from the night before. The whole apartment block has a different atmosphere when Joel and his “friends” aren’t guarding it. It’s actually quite pleasant to walk through and not have to worry about who is watching you.

  I shove my earphone bud into one ear, making sure that I can still hear what’s going on around me. I never want to be completely blocked off from what’s going on. Be aware at all times.

  I start a jog on the spot then jump up and down, warming up as I scan the parking lot. When I see Charlie’s car parked toward the back, trying to be inconspicuous, I can’t help but move closer.

  Why the hell is he still here?

  I look around, making sure no one is watching me and come to a standstill at his window. His head is laid back against the headrest, his mouth slightly open and his face relaxed.

  I start to smile as I remember the first time I saw him like this.

  I haven’t got up the courage to go and see Evan yet. I knew that I had to go and see him at some stage, but I need to work myself up to it. I’ve been in town for three days now and every night Charlie comes over to my motel room to “check in on me.”

  At first, I thought that he was only after one thing, but he isn’t. He sits in the chair as we watch crappy TV and talk about nothing in particular. My mind constantly wanders as to why he even bothers to come here. It’s not like I’m anything special. I’m just a random girl at a bar that he met.

  Okay, so maybe I don’t look so random with my lavender-colored hair, soft features on my face, coupled with jeans that have so many slits and holes in them that I may as well not be wearing any. But that’s my style and I like it. All sweet from the shoulders up and badass from the shoulders down.


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