Between Hope and Fear

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Between Hope and Fear Page 45

by Michael Kinch

  Pericles, 10–11

  Peril, 46

  Persia, 3, 4, 7

  pertussis (whooping cough), xii

  adverse effects of vaccine, 206, 210, 213–214, 219

  cause of, 200–201

  fatalities from, 202

  outbreaks of, 217–218

  vaccine, 201–211, 216–219, 277

  Petri, Julius Richard, 77

  Pfeiffer, Richard Friedrich Johannes, 108

  PFLP External Operations Group (PFLP-EOG), 247–248

  phage-based therapy, 123–126

  phagocytes, 67, 73, 83–84

  pharmaceutical industry, 212, 241, 261–262, 265, 268–269

  phenol, 97–98, 179

  phenotypes, 14

  Philadelphia, 251–252

  Philip IV, 58–59

  Phillip II, 3

  Phipps, James, 27–28

  Picquart, Ferdinand Georges, 189

  Pirquet, Clemens von, 165–167, 172–173

  Pitcairn, John, Jr., 44–45, 47

  Pitcairn, Raymond, 47

  Pizarro, Francisco, 18

  plague, 60, 108, 193–195

  Plague of Athens, 10–11, 18, 29–30, 61

  Plague of Justinian, 193

  plasmids, 62

  Player, John, 35–36

  Plett, Peter, 34–36

  Plotkin, Stanley, 231

  pneumococcal vaccine, 266–267

  pneumonia, 74

  poliomyelitis, xii, 53, 227

  polymerase, 142

  Pompey, 7

  Pontiac’s war, 31

  Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), 247–248

  PPG Industries, 44, 45

  Preston, Richard, 257

  Price, Winston Harvey, 129–131

  Procter and Gamble (P&G), 109–110

  Project BioShield Act, 262

  prokaryotic cells, 65

  protists, 94–95

  proviruses, 145

  Prussia, 174–176

  puerperal fever, 98–101

  Pulitzer, Joseph, 161, 162, 163

  Pure Food and Drug Act, 46

  pus, 60–61

  pushback against, 57–58


  Qing Dynasty, 194

  quinine, 153


  rabies, 185–188

  Rain Man, 234

  Ramon, Gaston, 188–192

  Ramses V, 10

  randomized clinical trials, 99

  Ransdell Act, 164

  Ravold, Armand, 159–162

  Rayer, Pierre Francois Olive, 177–178

  Reade, Mary, 33

  Reagan, Ronald, 209, 216

  recessive traits, 13

  red blood cells, 71

  Reed, Walter, 253

  Reed-Frost model, 244

  Rely tampon, 109–110, 111

  respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), 170

  restriction enzymes, 63

  retroviruses, 145

  reverse transcriptase, 140–142

  Rhazes, Abubakr-e Mohammad ibn Zakariyya, 220–221

  rhinovirus, 131

  ribonucleic acid (RNA), 142

  ricin, 78–80

  rinderpest, 221

  ring vaccination, 51

  Robbins, Frederick Chapman, 226–227

  Robert Koch Institute, 78

  Robinson, Marion C., 258, 259, 260

  Rockefeller Institute, 254–255

  Roman Empire, 1–9, 90

  Roman Republic, 1, 5, 6, 89

  Roosevelt, Eleanor, 204, 264

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 46, 164

  Rosen, William, 193

  Ross, Ronald, 196

  rotavirus, 262

  Roux, Emile, 108, 154, 156, 180–182, 186–190

  royal families, 174

  Royal Society of London, 20, 23–24, 28, 36, 37, 91

  rubella, 220, 227, 228, 231

  Rush, Benjamin, 257

  Russia, 94, 273


  Salem witch trials, 23

  SARS, 262

  Sauer, Louis, 201

  sausages, 101–103

  Scarpa, Antonio, 102

  Schick, Bela, 166–167, 172–173

  scientific community, xiv

  scientific method, 233, 235

  Second Punic War, 5, 6

  Second World War, 93, 104–106, 124, 138, 167, 192, 199

  Seeck, Otto, 9

  Seleucia, 2–3, 6–8

  Seleucid Empire, 4–7

  Seleucus, 4

  Semmelweis, Ignaz, 98–102

  septic procedures, 100–101

  septic shock, 109–111

  Septra, 237

  serum, 155

  serum sickness, 165–172

  sexually transmitted diseases, 132–135

  Shakespeare, William, 26

  Shawnee Indians, 31

  Sheen, Charlie, 242, 277

  Shibasaburo, Kitasato, 154–155, 194

  Shigella bacteria, 123–124

  shingles, 132, 139, 145–146

  shock, 167–168, 257

  Shooter Report, 55

  Silk Road, 19

  Silverstone, Alicia, 242

  Simpson, William John Ritchie, 184–185

  Sinclair, Upton, 46

  single-cell organisms, 64–65

  Six Day War, 247

  skin, 66, 72

  slaves, 18, 23–24, 251


  anti-vaccine campaign and, 44–47

  biology of, 49

  discovery of vaccine for, 26–28, 29–37

  eradication of, 48–56

  evolution of, 14

  history of, xii–xiii, 3–4, 9–11

  human adaptation to, 14

  in New World, 18–20, 30–31, 222

  outbreaks of, 162–163

  possible reemergence of, 271–273

  resurgence of, 47–48

  during Roman Empire, 8–9

  spread of vaccination for, 38–45

  stigma of, 26

  vaccination against, 48–56

  variolation, 19–25, 30–34, 37, 38

  sniper attacks, xv

  social immunity, xvii

  social impact bonds, 270–271

  Somalia, 51–52, 53

  Somali community, in U.S., 242–243

  Sommer, Herman, 104

  South America, 51

  South Asia, 51

  Soviet Union, 49–50, 56, 125, 271–272

  Spain, 48, 175

  Spanish flu, 107

  Sparta, 10, 11

  specialization, 66, 67

  spontaneous generation, 96

  spores, 178

  Stalin, Josef, 125

  Stanley, Wendell Meredith, 118

  Staphylococcus aureus, 111

  Stewart, Gordon T., 211–214

  Stewart, William H., 50

  St. Louis, 159–162, 198

  Stonehenge, 17

  Strau, Isidore, 182

  streptomycin, 112

  sulfa-based medications, 125

  superantigens, 108, 131

  superbugs, 147, 264

  superorganism, 113, 114

  Sutton, Robert, 30

  Suttonian technique, 30

  Swedenborg, Emanuel, 44–45

  Swedenborgian church, 45

  syphilis, 90, 133


  T4, 126–127

  tampons, 109–111

  Taoism, 19

  Taylor, Frances, 258–260

  Taylor, Henry, 161–162

  T cell receptor (TCR) complex, 83–84, 85, 87

  T cells, 80–87, 148, 150

  Tebb, William, 44

  Tectitethya crypta, 134–135

  terrorists, 247–249, 262

  tetanus, 155, 161–164, 192, 195–196

  Theiler, Max, 254–255

  Theosophy, 44

  Thirty Years’ War, 199

  Thompson, Lea, 207, 208

  thrombin, 168

  Thucydides, 11, 18, 29�
��30, 61

  Thullier, Louis, 182

  thymidine kinase, 139

  thymus, 80–81, 85, 86, 169–170

  Tierney, Gene, 227–228

  Times, 236

  tobacco mosaic disease, 117–118

  Toland, John, 105

  Toussaint, Jean Joseph Henri, 179–180

  toxic shock syndrome, 110–111

  toxin-antitoxin system, 62–64, 151

  toxoids, 188–192

  tragedy of the commons, 13

  Treaty of Amiens, 39

  Treaty of Ryswick, 251

  trench warfare, 123–124

  Treves, Frederick, 61

  tropical medicine, 185

  Trousseau, Armand, 252

  Trump, Donald, xiii, 242, 277

  Truth Teller, 46

  tuberculosis, 78, 142, 156, 172, 190, 264, 265

  Twort, Frederick, 121

  typhoid fever, 11, 96, 253

  typhus, 11, 92–94, 225


  Uganda, 247–249, 254

  Uganda Virus Research Institute (UVRI), 249, 254

  United Kingdom

  DTP vaccine in, 206–207

  smallpox in, 55

  smallpox vaccination in, 38–39

  United States

  anti-vaccinator movement in, 198, 207–211, 238–246

  smallpox eradication efforts by, 49–50

  smallpox vaccination in, 39–45

  vaccine research in, 198, 201, 202–206

  yellow fever in, 251–254

  University of Bologna, 58

  University of Pennsylvania, 40

  urbanization, 263

  U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), 50, 51

  U.S. Army Biological Warfare Laboratories, 104



  see also vaccines

  of children, 43

  decrease in rates of, 218–219, 236, 243

  delay and avoidance of, x–xi, xiv

  exemptions from mandatory, 243

  laws requiring, 162–163

  ring, 51

  success of, xi–xiii

  Vaccine Polk Institute, 37

  vaccines, 146

  see also specific vaccines

  acellular, 216–219

  activism against. see anti-vaccinator movement

  adjuvants and, 205–206

  adverse effects of, 47, 206, 210, 213–214, 219

  anthrax, 179–180

  autism and, xiii–xiv, xvi–xvii, 209, 235, 238–242, 277

  booster shots, 217–218

  cervical cancer, 267

  cholera, 183–185

  decline in effectiveness of, xvii, 217–218

  development of, 155–159, 178–183, 190–191, 201, 216–217, 225–227, 230–231, 261–262, 264–265, 268–271

  diphtheria, 190–192

  DTaP, 217–218

  DTP, 206, 207–211, 218–219, 237

  hemorrhagic fevers and, 260–263

  HIV, 237–238

  impact of, xii

  influenza, 267, 275–276

  lawsuits on, 211, 213–216, 237

  makers of, 47, 162, 215–216, 261–262, 268–269

  MMR, 220, 231–246

  mumps, 230–231, 267–268

  Pasteur and, 97–98

  pertussis (whooping cough), 199, 201–211, 216–219, 277

  plague, 194–197

  pneumococcal, 266–267

  polio, 53, 227

  quality of, 47

  rabies, 186–188

  regulation of production of, 163–165

  rubella, 231

  serum sickness and, 165–172

  smallpox, xii–xiii, 26–45, 48–56, 162–163

  success of, 148, 275–276

  tetanus, 192

  tuberculosis, 264, 265

  whole cell, 204, 205–207, 210, 216–219

  yellow fever, 254–255

  Vallee, Henri, 189–190

  vancomycin-resistant staphylococcal aureus, 262

  Van Ermengem, Pierre Maria, 103–104

  Van Leeuwenhoek Medal, 95

  varicella zoster virus, xvii

  variolation, 19–25, 30–34, 37, 38

  Varro, Gaius Terentius, 5

  Varro, Marcus Tarentius, 89–90

  Vatican, 59

  Vaxxed, 241

  Vermeer, Johannes, 32

  Verrucosus, Quintua Fabius Maximus, 5

  vertebrates, 69

  viral DNA, 63–64

  viral hemorrhagic fever, 256–263

  viral infections, 147

  challenges of treating, 131–132

  symptoms of, 131–132

  Virchow, Rudolf Ludwig Carl, 74

  virology, 126–128

  viruses, xiii, 115–116

  see also specific viruses

  battle against, 141–146

  beneficial, 119–120

  danger of, 116

  discovery of, 117–126

  diversity of, 119, 128

  drugs to treat, 137–141

  embedded, 63–64

  evolution of, 141–143

  flaviviruses, 249–260

  latent, 145–146

  protection against, 63–64

  replication by, 126–128, 142–143

  spread of, 38

  Vogel, William, 73


  Wakefield, Andrew, xi, 232–233, 235, 238–243, 269, 278

  Wakley, Thomas, 231–232

  Wallis, John, 31

  Ward, Hugh Kingsley, 224–225

  War of 1812, 43

  War of the Grand Alliance, 251

  wars, 11, 123–124, 153

  see also specific wars

  Washington, George, 5, 40, 251

  waterborne diseases, 120–121

  Waterhouse, Benjamin, 40–43

  Watson, James, 139

  Way, Mark, 259

  Weigert, Carl, 73–74

  Wellcome, Henry, 237

  Weller, Thomas H., 225–227

  Whitcomb, Fredrick, 56

  white blood cells, 71, 72–73

  whole cell vaccines, 204, 205–207, 210, 216–219

  whooping cough. See pertussis

  Wilhelm I, 174, 175

  Williams, Gareth, 29

  Wilson, John, 206, 215

  Winter, Greg, 171–172

  witchcraft, 22–23

  World Health Organization (WHO), smallpox eradication efforts by, 49–54

  World War I. See First World War

  World War II. See Second World War

  Wortley-Montague, Edward, 20


  Yale University, 135

  yellow fever, 249–255

  Yersin, Alexandre, 108, 154, 155, 189, 194

  Young, Cy, 203


  Zahorsky, John, 201

  Zhikov, Todor, 79

  Zicam, 132

  zidovudine, 141

  Zika virus, xiii, 249–250

  Zinsser, Hans, 202, 225, 226

  Zoeller, Christian, 192

  Zola, Emile, 189

  Zovirax, 139–140


  Pegasus Books Ltd.

  148 W. 37th Street, 13th Floor

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  Copyright © 2018 Michael Kinch

  First Pegasus Books edition July 2018

  Interior design by Maria Fernandez

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  ISBN: 978-1-68177-751-1

  ISBN: 978-1-6817
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