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Baby (Laundromat Chonicles Book 3)

Page 4

by Angie Merriam

  She went around the circle introducing. Amanda is the brunette with big, fake tits. She’s got a pretty smile and kind eyes. Jewel has blonde hair, and I can see where she had some facial piercings. Life looks like it’s been rough on her but beneath the dark makeup she’s got a soft and pretty face. Not Lena pretty, but pretty enough. Jase is the dude who always looks like he has a stick up his ass but from the way he and Amanda glance at each other tells me they have something going on.

  “Nice to meet all of you,” I offer with a wave. They return the hello in succession as the conversation continues.

  “What do you do for work?” Cash asks, popping open a soda can then joining me at the table beside the chattering women. Jase also jumps the women ship and sits at the table with Cash and me.

  “I work in a restaurant. Bussing tables, washing dishes, whatever they need me to do.”

  “Really, what restaurant?”

  “Finnigins, downtown. It’s a nice place and the owner is great. Knows all about Lena and me, so she gives me extra hours to help out with bills.” I shrug, not really wanting to talk about my work. “What about you?”

  “Eh, advertising. Boring stuff. What about you, Jase?” Both Cash and I turn our heads to the man who looks like someone pissed in his cheerios.


  “Nice, man’s work,” Cash jokes. The two men were polar opposites. One pretty boy and one rough man. Jase looked like he could crush Cash with just a thought. I didn’t think talking shit to him was wise, but to my surprise Jase cracks a smile.

  “Damn straight it’s man’s work, nothing wrong with working with your hands.” The statement was heartfelt but also a warning to Cash, who seems like the kind of guy that would look down on another man for not having a corner office and a tailored suit.

  “Either of you married or have families?” I ask, enjoying the conversation.

  “Nah, been living the one night stand for a while until meeting Jewel. She’s not making it easy to get to know her, but I’m trying. What about you, Jase?” Cash asks, freely admitting he’s into the blonde that for sure looks to be from a different life than him.

  “Nope. Single,” was all Jase offers and something tells me not to push the subject so we move on to a safer topic, sports. We spend the remainder of the time discussing everything from football to soccer and everything in between. Jase and me are arguing the best quarterback to ever play when Lena comes over, putting her hand on my shoulder.

  “Laundry is done, babe, and I’m super tired.”

  “Okay, babe. It’s been cool, guys. Thanks for the convo.” I stand up, ready to grab our laundry basket.

  “Yeah, nice to meet you both.” Jase stands to shake my hand, then Lena’s before Cash follows with the same gesture. The ladies all said their goodbyes with promises of meeting again, same time next week.

  “Well, that was a fun trip to the laundromat, huh?” I ask as we slide into my shitty little car.

  “It was. Those people are all so nice. It was fun to have girl talk. I miss that.” She admits.

  “I know what you mean. Sucks that most our friends moved away after high school.”

  “Yeah, but it’s okay. We just have to make new ones.” She smiles at me, her eyes sleepy.

  “Yes, we just need new ones. Come on, mama, let’s get you home.”

  “Please do. Being social was fun but so tiring.” She slips the seatbelt across her body as I pull out of the parking lot. We’re not home twenty minutes before she’s in her pj’s and sleeping on the couch. I sit and watch her sleep, thankful that she is mine and excited to meet our baby.


  Our weekly laundromat trips have become ritual, same day, same time and our new friends are there every time as promised. This is our fourth week meeting with them and Lena is bursting at the seams to tell them the news.

  “Miss Ruby is going to be thrilled, Hap. I can’t wait to tell her what we’re having. Amanda and Jewel too. Eeeep, I’m so excited.”

  “Hi there, you two. How are you? How’s that growing baby?” Dr. Nguyen asked when she came into the sonogram room. This is our third appointment with her and the one we get to see the sex of the baby, if we want to. We do.

  “We’re good. Excited to see the baby.” Lena was more excited than I’d ever seen her. The glow that she had was damn sexy. She lifted the sex ban, thank God because she’s so damn sexy when she’s pregnant and my hand is borderline carpal tunnel.

  “Well, let’s get started shall we? Did you decide if you want to know the sex?”

  “Yes,” we answered in unison, causing Lena to burst out laughing.

  “Yes, we do,” I clarified.

  “Alright, let’s see what you got in there.” She flipped a switch that turned on the monitor before squirting some sort of gel onto Lena’s stomach. A few seconds later she was moving the wand all around, spreading the gel.

  “Look, there’s your baby.” She smiled.

  My eyes were glued to the monitor. There was our baby. It was a little hard to make out but with the docs help we were able to see the arms, legs and head. After taking a few measurements and confirming that things looked good she asked if we’re ready to hear the gender. We shook our heads yes, both completely in awe of what we were looking at on the screen. Lena squeezed my hand tightly just as Dr. Nguyen announced, “It’s a girl. You’re having a girl.”

  I released the breath of air I didn’t realize I was holding. A girl. We’re having a girl.

  We walk into the laundromat on time and Lena is almost immediately surrounded with her three new friends, who are obviously waiting to hear the gender of our baby.

  “Well, dear, did you find out?” Miss Ruby asks, her light eyes sparkling with excitement. Amanda and Jewel are standing on either side of Miss Ruby, anticipation killing them.

  “It’s a girl!!!” Lena squeals out and was met with a cacophony of squeals and giggles. I spot Jase sitting at one of the tables, as always, watching Amanda. I leave my girl in the capable hands of the three women who are now planning shopping trips as they help Lena load clothes into the washing machine and head over to Jase.

  “What’s up, bro?” I greet, sitting across from Jase.

  “Not much, man, I heard Lena. A girl, huh? Congrats.

  “Thanks, man. I’m still in shock a little. Hearing that made it all seem more real ya know?”

  “I can imagine.”

  “Where’s Cash?” I asked, noticing we’re down one.

  “Miss Ruby said he’s on a business trip.”

  “Gotcha,” I reply just as Lena came over to me.

  “I’m gonna go baby shopping with the girls tomorrow.” Her smile was stretched from ear to ear. Her excitement was tangible.

  “That sounds like fun, babe.” She leaned down to kiss me before re-joining her new friends. Lena and I are the youngest of our newfound group of friends but they don’t seem to mind. It’s nice having guy time even if it’s only been at the laundromat. Few stragglers come and go on those Saturday nights but our group seems to have formed a bond. A bond I am thankful for. Lena is happier than she’s been since graduation which now seems like forever ago.

  The laundromat has become our escape and the patrons are our friends.

  “Hey, man, wanna come watch the game tomorrow while Lena goes shopping?” Jase asked carefully. Nerves were evident telling me he didn’t have many dudes to hang out with outside of this place, much like me.

  “Hell yes. I haven’t watched a game all season. No cable.”

  “Cool. Here’s my address, just come on over after the girls leave.” He handed me a piece of paper before standing just as a dryer began to buzz.

  “That’s me. See ya tomorrow, Hap.” His hand reached out to mine for a fist bump, and I caught him briefly glance over at Amanda, who shyly returned the look. Our fists tapped one another but Jase just stood there for a moment, like he was frozen. The entire exchange was only seconds, but it was obvious the two had something go
ing on. We all knew Amanda is married, unhappily but still married. Their thing, whatever it is, should upset me but for some reason, it doesn’t.

  Jase shakes his head as though he’s in a fog and moves toward the dryer, swiftly shoving his clothes from the machine to a small basket, skipping the folding. Can’t blame him there, Lena does all the folding for me. If I didn’t have her, I’d walk around a wrinkled mess all the time I’m sure.

  I watched Jase say a quiet goodbye to the girls then disappear. Minutes later Amanda’s dryer buzzed. I watched her say a quick goodbye and promise to see them all the next day before she hastily threw her own small load of laundry into a tiny basket and bolt out the front doors. I wondered if they were meeting and made a mental note to ask Lena when we got home. I almost feel chick-like wanting in on the gossip but fuck it, sometimes life gets boring and Lena might be rubbing off on me just a little bit.


  I stood watching Lena get ready for her shopping day. Her honey colored hair is piled high on her head and her face bears very little makeup. She’s a simple girl. I love that about her. She’s naturally beautiful and has no idea. Even with her belly popping out in front of her, refusing to conceal our creation and what some may call sinful, she’s got a simple and innocent quality. Not a day goes by that I’m not thankful for her.

  “Hap, what are you looking at?” She turns, her lips curved up showing her model like smile.

  “I’m looking at you,” I simply state. Her smile falls as worry clouds her blue eyes.

  “Do I look funny? I know this maternity shirt isn’t high fashion but… do I look fat? Oh crap, I do don’t I? I look fat and frumpy.” Just like that, her carefree mood switches to meltdown. I stand up and go to her, chuckling slightly. Even when she’s unsure of herself she’s beautiful.

  “Lena, you look beautiful. I was just watching you and thinking about how lucky I am and how lucky that baby is going to be to have you as a mom.” My arms snake around her, pulling her close to me. The fruity smell of her shampoo is intoxicating and once again I’m lost in Lena.

  “You’re lying. I’m an elephant,” she pouts. I suck in a sharp breath, inhaling her scent one more time before I assure her she’s not an elephant.

  “Babe, you are not an elephant. You’re carrying a baby and you look pretty damn good doing it. Trust me, you are gorgeous. Stop worrying. Please.” My lips move to her, gently kissing her while my hand reaches up to cup her cheek. “You trust me right?” Pulling away slightly I meet her eyes.

  “I trust you, Hap.”

  “Good, now get your ass in gear, those ladies sure are anxious to go shopping.” I pull away but not before gently slapping her ass.

  “I’ll meet you in the car,” I call out grabbing the keys.

  “I’m ready. Let’s go.” We walk out hand in hand as we usually do and I open her door for her. A few minutes later, we’re on our way to our first hang out with friends since we found out she was pregnant. Well, outside of the laundromat.

  “So, do you think Jase and Amanda are having an affair?” she casually asks as I maneuver through traffic.

  “I was going to ask you the same thing. She’s married right?”

  “Yeah, but I bet her husband is a douche.” Her comment is said so easily, with a slight shrug.

  “What makes you say that?” I asked curiously. Lena is very perceptive and reads people pretty well.

  “Look at her, she’s perfect. Perfect hair. Perfect skin. Perfect nails. Perfect clothes. Designer clothes. She obviously has money so why is she hanging out in a laundromat on a Saturday night?” She has valid points. I’ve often wondered the same things about both Amanda and Ruby. Both women appear to have enough money not only to do laundry at home but to pay people to do the shit for them.

  “I don’t know. Maybe her washer broke?” I try, always the one to attempt a reasonable answer first.

  “It did, but people like that get their shit fixed fast, Hap. It’s been weeks. Plus, she just seems unhappy unless she’s talking to us. And when she sees Jase, her face lights up.”

  “Makes sense I guess, but why is it the husbands fault?” Jase is a great guy from what I can tell but he does watch Amanda with intense interest. I hope he wouldn’t get himself screwed up with a married woman unless he believed the marriage was over. Who am I to judge though?

  “Would you let me go to the laundromat every weekend, alone, looking like a million bucks?” Her arms folded across her belly. When I glanced over at her the look on her face told me how I better answer.

  “Of course not. You’re right. He’s either a douche or an idiot.” She’s right. I’d never be cool with Lena hanging out, anywhere, without me. I don’t care if she has girls nights for whatever shit girls do but on a regular basis. Weekly basis in Amanda’s case. Saturday night no less. Surely her husband would prefer she spend time with him, but as usual Lena is probably right.

  “I’ll see what else I can find out today.” Her words are laced with excitement.

  “My little drama mama. Dig up that dirt and bring it home to me.” I’m probably just as excited as she is to hear some dirt. I know, makes me a pussy but whatever. If anything, it gives Lena and me something to talk about. I love her and she loves me, but when you’re with one person day in and day out, things can get monotonous. I really put effort into keeping things fresh for us. It’s not always easy.

  “Drama mama?” she repeats, laughing at the term.

  “Yeah, it’s cute right?” Chuckling myself, I rest my hand on her thigh.

  “Maybe, but since when do you want in on girl gossip?”

  “Since I don’t have a lot of dudes to chill with,” I reply honestly. “Besides, Jase is a nice guy and it’s obvious he has the hots for Amanda, so I’m just curious to know what’s going on. You know, in case he asks me about it.” I leave out the part that I just like having something for us to talk about that doesn’t have anything to do with our lives.

  “Awe, my gossip prince,” she teases, running her hand along the side of my face. I shoot her a glare that causes her to burst out laughing. “What, it’s cute right?” she said through fits of giggles, mocking me.

  “Ha, ha. You’re pretty funny.” I pull into the parking lot of the baby store.

  “I know I am,” she smirks. “Oh look, there’s Miss Ruby.” She points toward the front of the store, the excitement rolling off her. I pull into the spot beside Miss Ruby’s car and kill the engine. Hustling around to Lena’s side, I open her door, helping her out. Not many dudes these days still open the car door for their woman but if my dad taught me anything, which wasn’t a lot, it was how to treat a woman. Before my mom passed away he always did things like open the car door, hold the door for her to go in first, hold her hand in public. There wasn’t a day that went by that my dad didn’t show my mom how much he loved and respected her. There won’t be a day that goes by that Lena doesn’t know how much I love and respect her.

  “Well hello, you two.” Miss Ruby beams as I help Lena up and out of the car. “Lena, are you ready to shop til you drop?” The old woman’s excitement is as tangible as Lena’s. I am beyond thankful for her, especially since Lena’s own mother basically disowned her. Finding our new friends from the laundromat is a blessing for both of us.

  “Hi, Miss Ruby, yes I am so excited. Feeling a bit large but excited anyway.” Lena flashes her million dollar smile while rubbing her growing belly.

  “You look beautiful, dear. Pregnancy suits you.” Ruby pulls Lena into a hug, reiterating her words.

  “Thank you,” Lena responds shyly before turning to me. “So you’ll be over at Jase’s house?”

  “Yep, gonna go watch the game and stuff. Man stuff,” I joked.

  “Good for you, dear. Jase seems like a good man. Don’t you worry about Lena, she’s in good hands,” Ruby assures me, but there is no need.

  Offering her a smile and a brief hug. “I have no doubt.” I return my attention to Lena, leaning in to kiss my girl’
s cheek, resting my hand on her belly. “See you later, babe. Have fun. I’ll pick you up around five?” I asked and glance back at Ruby for confirmation.

  “Make it six. We’re going to go to dinner after shopping.”

  “I don’t have much money, Miss Ruby,” Lena admits quietly, and I felt immediately like an asshole. I wish I had money to spare for her to have fun, but what I make goes to bills and saving for the baby.

  “My treat, don’t you worry about a thing today. This whole day is my treat,” Ruby says, rubbing her hands together. “Now, you go and leave us to do girl things.” She shoos me to my car just as Jewel and Amanda pull in. Yeah, all the women have arrived which is definitely my cue to exit.

  “Thank you again, Miss Ruby. I’ll see you a bit later, babe, have fun.” With a nod of my head to Miss Ruby, another kiss for Lena and quick wave to the approaching women I say goodbye and slide into my car.


  I’ve lived in the area my entire life so the directions to Jase’s place are simple enough. The house I pull in front of is a modest ranch style house with a well-kept yard and truck in the driveway that I immediately recognize as Jase’s. I’m almost to the front door when it flies open and Jase steps out.

  “What’s up, man? You made it. Did you have any trouble finding the place?” His hand juts out to mine in welcome.

  “No trouble at all,” I reply as our hands shake.

  “Good, come on in.” He invites, breaking our hands and turning back into his house. Once inside I’m surprised by what I see. I’m not really sure what I was expecting, a bachelor pad maybe but instead the house is furnished and decorated for a family.

  “Well, welcome,” he begins and I can hear the nerves in his voice. “This is the living room. The kitchen is around the corner, and the bathroom is down the hall, first door on the right. Help yourself. I have some grub over on the table. Mi casa es su casa.”

  “Thanks, bro.”

  “Yeah, you want a beer or something?”

  “No thanks, Coke maybe.”

  “Pepsi okay?”


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