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Loving You Easy

Page 33

by Roni Loren

  “Well, thank God for that,” Ren said finally and reached for her hand. His wrist was bandaged and his fingers battered, but he brought her hand to his mouth and kissed it. “Because frankly, everything else is broken on me right now. I don’t want to add my heart to the pile. I want you in my life. Both of you.”

  All the breath sagged out of her. They were words she’d never heard before today. Big words. Scary words.

  She’d never realized how much she’d ached to hear them. She didn’t know where this would lead. Everything still felt so new. But something deep in her bones told her to leap. That the universe didn’t reward cowards. That this was right. And that she’d waited long enough.

  Hayes put his hand over the top of hers, the three of them joined. And everything settled inside her.

  These were dangerous men.

  But dangerous in ways she’d never considered before.

  And it was time to be brave.

  She leaned over to brush her lips over Ren’s, savoring the knowledge that he was here and alive and safe, and then she turned to Hayes. Those green eyes held hers, hope and sweetness and promise there. She pressed her mouth to his and then smiled, answering his question from the waiting room. “I want this to be our beginning, too.”

  Hayes let out a breath, like he’d honestly been worried she would bail, and he touched his forehead to hers, all three of their hands still joined. “Once upon a time . . .”


  six months later

  Cora sipped her drink as partygoers cruised by her table in tuxedoes and fancy dresses. The policemen’s ball was in full swing, and the band was starting to get more takers on the dance floor. Cora watched in amusement as her mother was escorted onto the dance floor by Andre’s husband, Jace. Her mom was laughing and waving a dismissive hand like she really didn’t want to dance, but the flush high on her cheeks said she wasn’t immune to the man’s charms.

  “He’s going to get me fired.”

  Cora peered up to find Andre standing behind the empty chair at her table, eyeballing the dance floor and looking dapper in his tux. His wife, Evan, was hooked on his arm in a sparkly green dress that set off her dark hair and creamy skin.

  Cora smiled. “Or promoted. He’s treating her like the belle of the ball. I say let him do his thing.”

  Evan smirked. “I think he’s just trying to make us jealous. Your mom’s gorgeous.”

  “Thanks,” Cora said, though it wasn’t like she could lay claim to her mom’s good looks.

  Evan nodded toward Cora. “And I adore your jumpsuit.”

  Cora glanced down at the black halter-style jumpsuit she’d worn. Ren had bought it for her when he’d heard there’d be a ball, and she’d fallen in love with the outfit. She’d been oddly touched that Ren had known exactly what she’d like. Those guys got her. She wasn’t sure she’d ever felt prettier or sexier at a party. “Thanks.”

  “I wish I would’ve thought of wearing one,” Evan said, smoothing the hem of her dress. “I haven’t been able to sit down in this thing all night without risking Andre’s co-workers knowing far too much about me.”

  “Sitting’s overrated,” Andre said, looking down at his wife with a sexy smile.

  Evan rolled her eyes. “Boys.”

  Andre nodded toward the empty seats at Cora’s table. “So where are your dudes?”

  Cora shrugged. “I think they weren’t sure if I was ready to out my relationship to all my co-workers yet, so they told me not to feel obligated to bring them. I could’ve brought one but that feels a little weird, you know?”

  “I totally know,” Evan said, peering at the dance floor toward Jace and then back to her. “It’s hard to be in the closet about the whole thing. I remember how tough that was.”

  “It is. And to be honest, my mom knows and is . . . dealing. That’s really all that’s important to me. I mean, I’d hope the people in the other precincts I’m working in now wouldn’t judge me, but I’m not all that concerned if they do. I’m over putting on masks for others’ benefit. But I wasn’t sure if the guys would be cool hanging out with a ballroom full of cops. No offense, Medina.”

  “None taken. And I don’t blame them. But my guess is they would happily be here for you, especially with you looking so hot, Junior. That really shouldn’t be wasted.”

  She groaned. “Please don’t tell me that. It feels like my big brother telling me I’m hot.”

  Andre chuckled. “Just calling it like I see it. It’s nice seeing you come out of your shell and doing you. And I’m damn glad they finally hired you full-time. I’m not sure we would’ve solved that Driskoll case near as quickly without all your help.”

  “Thanks.” She took a long sip of her drink, letting his words settle in and press those happy buttons inside her. She loved that she’d been able to help.

  “Well, I’m about to take this hot woman in the too-short dress out on the dance floor. I’ll catch you on the other side.”

  “Have fun.” Cora gave them a little wave and then leaned back in her chair. Her table was empty yet again, but somehow it didn’t feel awkward like it had at that party all those months ago. She was content to sit here and enjoy the goings-on and do some people-watching. She didn’t need someone to sit down and prove she was worthy enough to talk with. She already knew that. Plus, watching cops get tipsy and attempting to dance was more than a little entertaining.

  Her phone buzzed in her purse, making the silverware on the table vibrate. She pulled it from her bag.

  Dmitry: I’ve been thinking about you all day.

  Cora smiled at the screen, at the old, familiar words. Her thumbs moved over the screen.

  Lenore: Same here. Long, lonely night.

  Dmitry: Such a shame. Don’t your men take care of you?

  Lenore: No men tonight. Stuck at a boring work thing.

  Dmitry: Boring? Since when is doing high-level hacking work for the police department boring?

  Cora glanced around at the crowd, at all of her co-workers, at her mom. This was her world now. A world she hadn’t been sure she wanted but now couldn’t imagine anything else. She’d liked the idea of running her own business, but when her mom had told her she should try to apply with the department again, Cora hadn’t been able to resist. Tracking down Gordon had been terrifying because of who was at stake if she was wrong, but the detective work itself had been like finding a new piece of her internal puzzle. This was what she was meant to do.

  It didn’t pay as much as working for a big company and it didn’t pay as much as she could’ve made signing on to be permanent at FoxRen, but this had never been about money. So she’d applied and with her mom’s blessing (and her long lecture about safety and privacy and not putting herself at risk), she’d landed a full-time position helping multiple precincts. She was helping catch bad guys for a living. Nothing had ever felt as rewarding.

  Well, almost nothing.

  Lenore: No hacking tonight. Just a lot of drinking and watching people dance.

  TheRen: Heavy drinking? I knew I should’ve gone.

  Lenore: I’m starting to regret not taking you two. I’ve never seen y’all in tuxes. And I *am* looking particularly hot tonight. I had a rookie cop try to flirt with me. I think he may have been a few days over twenty-one and a little drunk, but hey, I’ll take it.

  TheRen: Is she trying to make us jealous?

  Dmitry: She is.

  TheRen: Unacceptable.


  The spoken word made her startle and clutch her phone to her chest. She spun around in her chair, almost bumping her knees into the man behind her. The broad, beautiful tux-wearing man behind her. Warmth rushed through her. “Hayes.”

  He put out his hand, green eyes sparkling. “My girl should never be left alone at boring work things.”

  She took his hand and let
him pull her to her feet. His gaze slid over her with slow, appreciative heat.

  “You like?” she asked.

  “I like. Spin around.” His voice had dropped a register, husky. That sexy tone he got when he slid into dom mode. “Let me see all of you.”

  Slowly, she turned around, letting him see the backless state of the jumpsuit. He put a hand on her shoulder to pause her spin and then dragged his knuckles lightly over her spine, sending goose bumps over her skin.

  “Damn. No wonder you didn’t let us see you before you left. You never would’ve made it out the door with that in one piece.” He turned her back to face him, illicit promise in his gaze. “You might not make it now.”

  She smiled, her skin growing warm and sensitive from the way he was devouring her with his eyes. She put her hands to his chest under his jacket. “You look damn fuckable yourself.”

  “You say the most romantic things,” he said with a sly grin.

  She pushed up on her toes and pressed her mouth to his. It’d become so easy with him and Ren, so natural. She didn’t care that her co-workers might be looking her way—or her mother for that matter. Let ’em look. She was kissing that guy who’d gone to prison. So what. She loved that guy.

  But when Hayes clasped her waist and she felt herself taking the kiss to a more heated place, she had to reel it in. This was still a work event even if her body suddenly had no qualms about that. “You’re going to get me in trouble looking this tempting. Stop being so irresistible.”

  “I’ll try, but no promises.” He brushed a hair away from her face. “Wanna dance?”

  She licked her lips, still tasting him there. “Not really.”

  “Wanna drink?”


  “What do you want to do?”

  “How about get the hell out of here?”

  He lifted a brow. “You sure? I didn’t show up to try to rush you out.”

  “I’ve done what I needed to do here. I even managed to mingle a bit. But I think I’ve hit my socializing limit. I’d rather join my party of three instead.”

  “You’re definitely not going to hear any complaints from me on that. Let’s go.” He lifted his phone to type something, probably to let Ren know they were on their way home, and then took her hand. She grabbed her purse, dropping her phone inside.

  She didn’t bother saying good-bye to anyone. Hayes had sat down with her mother and had a long conversation after everything had happened. They were on good terms. But she knew being around a bunch of cops was still uncomfortable for Hayes. So she let him lead her through the crowd, under the sparkling chandeliers, and behind the bar on the far side of the room.

  She peered over her shoulder when she realized which way they were headed. “Where are we going? The door to outside is that way.”

  “You go where we tell you.”


  “Yep.” He tugged her into an alcove off the main ballroom and then they slipped through a half-opened door.

  Cora squinted in the low light. A coatroom, but there were no coats in this weather. It was just rods and shadowed darkness. For a moment, she felt like the naive girl in a horror movie. This looked like the place where monsters hung out. But before she could get her bearings or question Hayes, an arm clamped around her waist from behind. She automatically yelped, but it got caught in her throat.

  “Shh.” His scent hit her before her brain registered anything else, a hint of aftershave and fresh laundry. Ren. His lips landed on her bare shoulder. “Holy fuck, you look hot.”

  She closed her eyes and groaned. “What are you boys up to?”

  “No good. Always no good.” He planted kisses along her skin, making a trail of tingly heat track down her spine.

  The sound of a lock turning over was loud in the quiet space but only made her heart beat faster. All of her co-workers and her mother were only a few yards outside that door. Somehow that was terrifying and hot all at once.

  Hayes stepped in front of her, his heat registering before she even opened her eyes. He’d clicked on a bare bulb and soft yellow light filled the small room, bringing into view carpeted red walls and more empty space.

  Hayes gazed down at her and cupped her chin. “No one saw us come in here. And Ren bribed the bartender for the key. No one can get in.”

  She licked her lips. “Y’all are very bad men.”

  “The worst,” Ren said, turning her toward him. His gaze ate her up as she took her own fill of seeing him in his tux. Goddamn, he looked good. He brushed the back of his hand over her breast, the lack of bra making her nipples go hard and sensitive instantly. “But you’re no angel yourself.”

  “Definitely not.” His face was half in darkness and it reminded her of the first time she’d seen him, that air of dominance and mystery swirling around him. But now he was hers. She got to be the one to know his secrets. And he knew hers. “So why did y’all drag me into a dark closet? Finally decided you’re done with me and need a good place to hide the body?”

  Ren’s lips curled. “Such a cop. Always thinking about bodies.”

  “I’m thinking about bodies,” Hayes said from behind her, his fingers teasing at the base of her spine. “Two in particular.”

  “I wanted to bring you here,” Ren said, his eyes holding her gaze. “Because I once was at this boring party. And there was this amazing girl who watched me do bad things in a hallway. Who looked at me with such honest, naked intensity that I couldn’t turn away. I wanted her so much. So much more than anything that was happening at the moment. But she was my Cinderella who ran without even leaving a glass slipper behind. I thought I’d never see her again. Then she walked into my office. I’m not sure I believed in fate until that day. Or if I did, I thought fate was a sadistic bastard.”

  Cora’s chest squeezed tight.

  “And I promised myself when she walked back into our lives that I wouldn’t let her slip through my fingers again. That if she’d let me, one day I’d answer that plea she’d had in her eyes that night in the hallway. That I’d have her just like that. Sneaking away at a party and giving her all the things I knew how to give.” He slid his hand around her hip and pulled her to him. “But I realize now that she wasn’t the one needing things. I was. We were. And she gave those things to us. Somehow in all the chaos, fate decided to make us the luckiest bastards around.”

  “Ren . . .” Her heart swelled in her chest and before she could respond further, Ren leaned down and kissed her. Long and deep and like they had all the time in the world. Maybe they did. The party outside didn’t exist. Nothing else mattered but this moment. These men. Their love. And she felt herself falling into the swirl of sensation. Ren’s mouth, his hand kneading her neck, and Hayes not far behind her, holding her waist, his breath warm against her hair.

  When Ren moved down to kissing her neck, Cora tipped her head back and Hayes unfastened the hook holding her top together. She didn’t startle or falter or entertain any worries. The trust was absolute. They would protect her. She was safe. The halter fell to her waist, the belt on the jumpsuit the only thing holding the outfit on, and cool air moved over her exposed breasts, making everything hypersensitive.

  “So beautiful,” Hayes murmured as he slid his hands around her and cupped her breasts, plumping them for Ren’s mouth.

  Cora couldn’t help but glance down, seeing Hayes’s hands holding her, Ren’s tongue gliding along her flesh and kissing the tips of Hayes’s fingers. The two men in sync, always. Just the sight was enough to make her squirm in need, her temperature spiking.

  “She needs to stay still,” Ren said against her skin. “Fasten her wrists.”

  Hayes’s hands slid away from her breasts and grabbed her wrists. “Hands over your head, L.”

  Her blood pumped hot as she lifted her arms. Hayes messed with something behind her, a bag, and then hooked leather cuff
s around her, securing her to one of the coat rods. She tugged at the bindings. The rod was solid as steel, not some flimsy thing from a home closet. This one was meant to hold many heavy winter coats. Or a woman.

  The state of things sent a thrill through her, making her skin prickle with awareness. They’d played a lot in the months they’d been together but always at the house or her place. And rarely with bondage. The new elements were ratcheting up her arousal.

  “Safe word,” Hayes said, tracking his hands down over her ribs.


  “Good girl.” His voice had gone low and rumbly. “Strip her the rest of the way.”

  Ren gave her a wicked smile and unfastened her belt. Then, he carefully slid her jumpsuit down over her hips and off. He laid it over a stool shoved in the corner before coming back to dispose of her panties.

  Before long, she was cuffed to the bar and bare, standing under the lone light bulb. The bar was high and she had to rock onto her toes a bit to maintain her balance. She swallowed hard. “Y’all plan on interrogating me? Who’s going to play bad cop?”

  “No need to interrogate. You’d give up all your secrets, L.” Hayes pressed his clothed body to her, letting her feel his thick erection, and then reached around to slide his fingers between her legs. He grunted in satisfaction. She was slick and hot already, the touch lighting her aflame. “All I’d have to do is promise to touch you right here or taste you, and all the information would be mine.”

  She groaned at the touch, pushing higher onto her toes with the force of the need going through her. “Good thing I really wasn’t an international spy.”

  He kissed the side of her neck and tucked his fingers deep inside her, rocking against her ever so gently, making her ride his touch. “Good thing. Then you wouldn’t be here with us right now.”

  Ren moved back to the place in front of her, his hand joining Hayes’s but focusing on her clit with slow, almost tortuous circles. Two hands but full coverage of all her hot spots. The combination was going to blow her head off. She jerked in the cuffs and tried to move away to get a breather so she wouldn’t go over too quickly, but the guys were having none of that. They’d locked her in place between them and continued to stroke and fuck her with their fingers.


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