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Street Chronicles Girls in the Game

Page 16

by Nikki Turner

  “Aren't you feeling well today, Ma?”

  “Mama hasn't been sleeping too well these last few days. I've been having an unsettling dream that something bad is going to happen to you.”

  “Ma, ain't nothin’ gon’ happen to me. You just worry too much.”

  “I had the same dream right before we lost ya brother. Baby, the Lord speaks to me in my dreams. He's never steered me wrong, and you need to promise me you'll be careful out there.”

  “I have something in the works, and if everything goes as planned, I'll be able to take care of you the way I want to.”

  “Anthonie Quarles, you know I'm a simple woman with common sense. I know how you make your money It's the devil's dirty money and I'll have no part of it.”

  Ant wondered how he could have been so dumb as to think his mother didn't know how he made his living.

  “It's just temporary until I save enough to do what I need to do, and I'm almost there.”

  “I raised you and your brother to know right from wrong, to understand what hard work is all about. I've lost one child, and Lord knows I can't live through the pain of losing another. But you're a grown man and you decide which route you take in life. All I can do is pray for you, son, just pray”

  Ant left his mother's house feeling lower than a snake's belly, but he had to do what he had to do. He'd chosen to jump into bed with Meeks and Powell, and he was in too deep to turn back now.

  The meeting was set for three in the morning at Volney Rogers Park. It was a dark area that no one frequented after the sun went down. Ant arrived ten minutes early, giving him too much time to wrestle with himself about stabbing his only friend in the back. Twan was gonna keep me in his shadow, picking up his crumbs. I'm bigger than that. Teddy Bear slept on me, and so did Twan, thanks to Bossy.

  Thinking of Bossy made Ant refocus on his plan. Getting Bossy out the way will leave Aisha and Terry to fend for themselves. Aisha won't be a Billy Badass no more. I'll show that bitch to pull a gun on me and not use it. Bossy won't be in Twan's ear from behind bars, and then he'll go back to being himself.

  A car turned into the parking lot, making Ant nervous. He wasn't sure he could trust Meeks and Powell. This could be a setup, for all he knew. Ant doubted the two crooked cops even trusted each other.

  “I hope you have something for us. You've had plenty of time to get it,” Meeks said sternly.

  “Slow down, man. Twan's due to make a run to his connection in Florida early next week. You can catch him with a few keys of cocaine on him.”

  “Prices must be pretty good to travel that far.” Hearing about a connection in Florida gave Powell ideas of making trips to the state himself.

  “Yeah, they are, and Twan makes the runs like clockwork,” explained Ant.

  “That'll give us Twan; now what about Bossy and C-Lok?” questioned Meeks.

  “Twan takes his stuff to Bossy for packaging and warehousing the same day he gets back in town. We still owe C-Lok money, so Twan is gonna have to see him to give him something to hold on to before C-Lok comes to see us.” Ant went on to explain Twan's routine and the complexity of gaining entrance into Bossy's apartment building. Powell and Meeks were already familiar with the difficulty in obtaining access into Bossy's home. But they had a plan to get past the two alarmed steel doors.

  “If y'all time things right, Bossy and Twan will have several kilos with them. The rest is up to y'all.” Ant allowed himself to believe his assignment was complete.

  “Look, Ant, we're going to go with the information you've supplied, but we want you to keep one thing in mind,” said Officer Meeks.

  “What's that? I've given y'all what you asked for,” Ant nervously responded.

  “Not quite yet. You've given us a means to get what we want, but if this doesn't pan out the way you said it will, let's just say there will be a price to pay. And you'll be the one doing the paying,” warned Meeks.

  Big Black had just walked upstairs to visit with Aisha and Terry when Bossy's doorbell rang. Bossy pressed the intercom button.

  “Who is it?”

  “The police. We have a warrant to search the premises.”

  She buzzed them through the main door and opened her apartment door for Powell and Meeks to walk through. Bossy greeted them with the warmest welcome she could muster.

  “Come in, gentlemen. I've been expecting you for some time now.”


  Figuring that his plan to bring down Bossy had worked out, Ant needed to relax. For the first couple of days after meeting with Powell and Meeks, he had been a nervous wreck. He'd only guessed about the information he gave them, and wasn't sure if Twan was even making the runs to Florida anymore.

  The longer Ant mulled over the situation he'd put himself in, his mother's dream, and the money he still owed C-Lok, the more stressed he got. Hiding out at his mom's house for two days enabled him to do some chores for her. Ant even painted his mother's bedroom and living room. He hung wallpaper in the kitchen and rearranged furniture in every room of the three-bedroom house. He couldn't remember ever working so hard, and knew he never wanted to work that hard again.

  Atlantic City was Ant's next hideout. For three days he gambled, ate, drank, and slept. Ant had ten thousand with him when he left for Atlantic City, and returned to the Yo’ with thirty thousand more, thanks to the blackjack tables. To help him relax, Ant didn't carry his cell phone with him. By the time he checked his messages the mailbox was full. He knew instantly that the majority of the messages were from Shadaisy He dialed her number first.

  Shadaisy answered on the first ring. “Yeah.”

  “What up, girl? How you holdin’ it down over there?” Ant had let the drug house on Warren Avenue slip his mind.

  “I'm doin’ what I do. Where you been that you can't call a bitch back?”

  “Just takin’ care of some shit. Anybody been lookin’ for me?” Ant wanted to be sure that Powell, Meeks, and C-Lok hadn't been tracking him down.

  “Naw, ain't nobody come by here lookin’ for you. I'm the only person tryin’ to get with you, as far as I know. Supplies are low; we gon’ have to do something soon.”

  “I'll be there in a few. You be ready for me; I'm overdue.” A huge smile covered Ant's face when he ended the call. He was anticipating seeing Shadaisy laid out on the couch, half-naked, ready to do whatever she had to do to please him.

  When Shadaisy hung up from their conversation, she wanted to throw up. She couldn't stand for Ant to touch her, kiss her, or be inside of her. Shadaisy was simply doing what she had to do in order to keep a roof over her head and live rent- and utility-free. To her, she was getting over, and all she had to do was give up some ass and give some head every few months. Even pimps had to ho sometimes, right?

  Since seeing for herself how Twan took care of his girl, Shadaisy knew it was time for her to find a bailer higher up on the food chain. Ant was in no position to buy her a hooptie, let alone a 2006 Lexus. The house Ant had her living in actually belonged to Twan.

  She heard on the street that Ant and Twan had had a rift in their friendship. Shadaisy couldn't have been paid to take from them, but now that Twan had severed ties with Ant's ugly ass, she was going for hers. She had skimmed off some of the drugs and money for herself. To her, life had been hard, cruel, and cold, but the free money and drugs were going to change things, and fast.

  After showering and preparing for Ant, it was time to roll a blunt and make a stiff drink. The only way she could stand being intimate with Ant was to be as high as possible. Shadaisy decided to roll a primo for Ant. She also poured him a glass of whiskey laced with crushed Percocets. She was determined to get this date over with as soon as possible, maybe even stop it before it began. Shadaisy decided that tonight would be her last encounter with Ant. After he passed out, she would rob him for whatever he had on him and begin her search for a real hustler.

  Ant parked his car behind the house and walked in the back door. As expected, Shadais
y lay on the couch in a matching bra and panty set, two drinks on the table and two blunts in the ashtray.

  “You ready to get with this, girl?” Ant sat next to Shadaisy and began running his ashy hand down her leg.

  “Of course, but let's enjoy our drinks and smoke a little before we get started,” Shadaisy stalled. “You know, to help relax you. It sounds like you've had a stressful week.”

  “Good idea, let's start this party.”

  Ant took a toke on the blunt and gulped down the laced drink Shadaisy had prepared for him. As the blunt and drink began to take effect, Ant's body relaxed, and he fought the urge to lie back on the couch and drift off to sleep.

  Shadaisy sat watching Ant before slipping out of the room to put on a pair of jeans and a shirt. She walked back into the room and found that Ant was no longer alone.

  “What's going on in here? Looks like I'm interrupting a little party.” Ant opened his eyes to find Twan standing before him. They hadn't spoken since the block party, and Ant figured he had come by to collect his half of the money they owed C-Lok. Ant attempted to acknowledge Twan but found himself unable to speak.

  “What's wrong with you? You send the police after me and you can't even open up ya mouth to speak to me? Ain't that some shit,” Twan baited Ant.

  “Don't pay him no mind, Twan; he's high as hell and probably don't even know where he is,” explained Shadaisy, before asking, “What you mean, Ant sent the police after you? I know damn well he ain't do no foul shit like that.”

  “Ant ain't tell you that he made a deal with the devil? He sent Powell and Meeks to Bossy's looking for my shit.”

  “Naw, Ant is capable of a lot of shit, but not that,” Shadaisy said.

  “He was pulled over on a traffic stop by Powell and Meeks and let go. He was caught trying to rip off the money from the block party, and again Powell and Meeks let his punk ass go. After spending half of her life in the game, Bossy's house is searched out of the blue? It don't take a scientist to figure that shit out. They just happened to show up at her door the same time I would've been droppin’ a shipment off from Florida? Something told me to rearrange my schedule until I found out who my enemies were. Ant's a straight-up bitch,” fumed Twan.

  Shadaisy was shocked at what she was hearing, but it all made sense. “That's why he was missing the last two weeks. He was hiding out.” She immediately turned on her heel and began gathering up her shit. Getting out of the house was in her best interest. If what Twan said was true, Powell and Meeks would be looking for Ant, because they had come up empty in their search. Since Twan arrived, Shadaisy had decided to abandon her plan to grab the money and drugs left in the house. She knew that it would be like stealing from Twan. Shadaisy made a beeline for the door, leaving Twan to watch her smoke.

  Officers Powell and Meeks were responding to a call of reported gunshots when they discovered the gruesome scene. Minutes later the crime scene unit was lifting prints, taking pictures, and bagging items for evidence.

  “Whoever did this guy either hated him, was out for revenge, or was sending a message,” said the newest member of the Crime Scene Unit team.

  Officer Powell stood in the corner of the room with a full view of the victim. His sergeant walked up beside him.

  “What do you think, Powell?”

  “Someone was determined to send a message here, sir.”

  “Do you think this was a professional hit?” inquired Sergeant Collins.

  “With him being stripped naked, it does resemble a professional killing. But the single gunshot to each knee isn't the mark of a hired hit. With his tongue being cut out and his testicles placed in his hand, I'd say this was personal, very personal.”

  “Have we identified him yet?”

  “Yes, he's well known by the narcotics division. They have been trying to get him for months now. His name is Anthonie Ant’ Quarles.”

  Bossy had already received word of the murder before it ran on the evening news. Things like that flowed through Youngs-town like a cascading waterfall. Bossy tried to understand why she had no feelings one way or another about her hand in Ant's death. Years ago, she'd vowed never to be responsible for the death of another human being. As she thought about everything that had taken place, she reasoned that Ant had left her no other choice.

  Bossy hadn't heard from Big Black since he left late last night. He said he was headed for the club, but he should have come back by now. With Ant dead, I can breathe again. When Big Black comes home I'll take a deep breath.




  On the backcountry roads from Youngstown to Sharon, Pennsylvania, was a twenty-five-minute ride. Traffic in the small city was always light. Mercer Street was usually booming with activity, but at four in the morning, even the drug dealers were asleep.

  C-Lok opened the door and welcomed his visitors.

  “Have a seat, gentlemen; you're right on time. Let's get right down to business,” directed C-Lok.

  “Before we do, don't you want to introduce your friend?” asked Meeks.

  “This is my good friend Big Black,” said C-Lok. “Big Black, meet two of Youngstown's finest, officers Powell and Meeks. Can you believe they sought me out after Teddy Bear died?” C-Lok and Big Black laughed in unison.

  “What they want from you? Protection?” joked Big Black, as if the two cops weren't sitting next to him. The two laughed again before C-Lok replied, “Naw, they wanted me to pay them for protection. Ain't that a bitch?”

  Big Black and C-Lok stared blankly at Powell and Meeks, signaling that playtime was over.

  “He cool?” Powell wanted to know.

  “This is the only person on earth that I trust with my life. Now, word has gotten back that the job was taken care of. It even made the news.”

  “It went very well. When we found Ant he was high as the sky, but came down fast at the sight of a weapon in his face. He begged, pleaded, and cried like a bitch in labor before he took his last breath.” Meeks bragged a little too much for Big Black's taste.

  “Another job well done. I trust the weapon has been disposed of properly,” C-Lok said.

  “Absolutely This will go unsolved, as usual,” Powell guaranteed.

  “Here's your fee of a hundred thousand dollars each, plus another fifty grand bonus to split between you. I'll be in touch if your services are required in the future.” Normally, C-Lok would see his hired hands to the door, but he had other plans for Powell and Meeks today.

  C-Lok had heard from Twan about the problems Bossy was having with Ant. After Ant disrespected Bossy the second time, C-Lok's plan to punish him was under way. Ant's jealousy of Twan made him an easy mark. C-Lok knew it wouldn't take much on Powell and Meeks's part to persuade Ant to work with them. The only problem was when Bossy contacted Big Black. C-Lok knew that he would have to bring his longtime friend in on the plan he already had in the works. If they ended up stepping on each other's toes, everything would fall apart.

  The day Bossy went to C-Lok about Ant and the police, Big Black knew that C-Lok would watch his back by not telling Bossy of their partnership.

  Now the two old friends sat together as partners for the first time in almost twelve years. The only difference was the company they were in. C-Lok and Big Black both knew that, given the chance, the two crooked officers would take them out. Shit wasn't going down like that.

  When Officer Powell approached C-Lok about providing protection for him, C-Lok had turned him down fiat.

  “Naw, I'm straight on that, but we may be able to work together,” said C-Lok.

  Officer Powell was instantly intrigued, and sat down to discuss business with the powerful gangsta.

  “Your first assignment is to get this bitch-ass nigga Ant under ya spell. Back him as far into a corner as his dumb ass can fit. Next, get my product back from his ass.”

  Officer Powell knew better than to ask any questions. Plus, the amount of mone
y C-Lok was offering was far too much to pass up. The deal was made, but officers Powell and Meeks had tried to backstab C-Lok by serving that fake warrant on Bossy.

  There was a light tap at C-Lok's office door and the room turned quiet.

  “Who else are you expecting?” Officer Powell had started feeling uneasy.

  “Chill, nigga,” replied Big Black. “We got this.”

  The door opened to reveal Bossy and Twan standing outside the door. C-Lok had summoned them both to join the meeting. It was time to put the entire episode to an end.

  “What's going on here? What are they doing here?” Meeks stammered.

  “Just like you, they are here by my invitation.”

  Bossy and Twan walked in the room and ignored the two officers. Big Black rose from his seat, allowing Bossy to take his place, while Twan stood to the left of C-Lok.

  “This room is a bit small for a group of this size. Why don't we go into what I like to call ‘the men's room'?”

  Powell and Meeks looked at one another, each expecting the other to get them out of the invitation. Finally Powell found his voice.

  “No, thanks, man. We have to get back to the station.”

  C-Lok stepped around his desk, stood over the crooked officers, and replied, “It wasn't a suggestion; it is what we are all going to do.”

  Bossy followed behind C-Lok with that sway in her hips that drove men crazy. With Twan right behind her and Big Black bringing up the rear behind Powell and Meeks, Bossy knew she was safe.

  In the soundproof basement, four large-framed employees of C-Lok's waited in the shadows. Hiring the officers was a means to an end for C-Lok and Big Black, but they never figured that the men would double-cross two of the most infamous gangstas in Youngstown's history. Trying to strong-arm Bossy was not part of the plan, and officers Powell and Meeks had finally fucked over the wrong person.

  “Bossy, come over here so Big Black and me can clear a few things up with you,” requested C-Lok.


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