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Street Chronicles Girls in the Game

Page 21

by Nikki Turner

  “Lilac, I have some out-of-town business to take care of before we leave for our trip this weekend. I will be back tomorrow afternoon,” he said, scooping her hair out of the way and planting a kiss on her neck.

  “Wednesday?” she questioned.


  “Try to be back as early as possible, because I want us to go pick up a few things for the trip before the mall closes tomorrow.”

  “All right. I love you. I'm out.”

  “Your ass ain't goin’ nowhere until you eat some of this food. It will be done in fifteen minutes.”

  The couple ate and shared a warm embrace before Guy headed for the door.

  “Remember, Guy, please be in here early, at least by three o'clock tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Don't worry, Lilac, I will,” he said.

  Three o'clock the next day came and passed and there was no sign of Guy. Delilah was furious.

  I don't believe Guy, she thought as she walked around the kitchen slamming pots and pans as she prepared their dinner. I don't ask for much. He could have at least called to say he was going to be late.

  It was six o'clock in the evening and she hadn't received one call. Delilah decided to call him a third time, and once again his phone rang and went to his voice mail. At this point her anger turned into concern.

  Teesa sat in Trey's house and watched television. At six o'clock that evening her cell phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and smiled. Her plan was starting to come together.

  “Hey, T It's Entice,” she said. “Your boy just called me. He's meeting up with me tonight at the Marriott Hotel off Route Four at ten o'clock.”

  “You're the best,” Teesa complimented her. “I don't want that nigga back to his house before nine o'clock tomorrow morning. We'll talk about money later.”

  “You won't owe me jack if you leave me alone.”

  “That's fine with me. Take care of yourself.”

  Teesa ended the call and smiled. She was in a state of nervousness and elation all at once. She ran into the bathroom and strained through a bowel movement, thinking it would help calm the nerves that left her stomach in a knot, but it didn't.

  Finally, she thought. Little Mrs. Perfect is going to get dirty. She smiled to herself as she dialed.

  “Bobby, it is going down tonight. Be ready at eight, okay?” Teesa said.

  “Is Delilah going to be there?” he asked.

  “Just have your fuckin’ ass ready!” she exclaimed, then slammed the phone down.

  At nine o'clock p.m., Teesa and Bobby were parked in a dark blue rental around the corner from Delilah's luxurious home in Fort Lee, New Jersey.

  “How long do we have to sit out here?” Bobby asked.

  “If Delilah doesn't call me, I will call her at ten thirty,” Teesa answered.

  Bobby's dick was hard just thinking about finally having Delilah. “Teesa, mama, put your lips on it, baby. I'm about to bust I am so excited. Come on.”

  Bobby pulled down the lever next to the driver's seat, which reclined him all the way back. The thought of Delilah's demise made Teesa horny, too. She put Bobby's penis inside her mouth, and her thoughts drove her to suck fast and hard.

  Delilah won't be little Mrs. Perfect after tonight, she thought. Bobby won't be so quick to say, “Why don't you grow your hair out like Delilah's, “or “Maybe you should shriek your hair like Delilah's. “ Trey won't be able to say, “Baby, you could stand to put on some weight. What's your friend's name—you know, the pretty one? Yeah, Delilah, she is a good size.”

  The more she thought of her cruel plan, the hotter she became. She hiked up her skirt and hopped on Bobby's dick. She pounded her narrow frame into his. She used short and forceful strokes, digging her nails into the seat for leverage.

  “That stupid young bitch can't fuck you like this, huh?” Teesa taunted.

  Bobby thrashed up into her with equal force. As he began to climax, he grabbed her ass and slammed it into him harder.

  “No, baby. That young stunt ain't got nothing on you. You know you're my number one bitch. I love you, Teesa.”

  “Delilah ain't going to fuck you like this either. Only I can— say it.”

  The mention of her name sent a message to his scrotum, and sperm filled his dick.

  “Teesa, Teesa, get up quick. I'm cumming.”

  She turned over to the side and he came all over the driver's window. Teesa was worked up to the point of no return and needed to release. She reached into a plastic bag, grabbed the first thing in it, rammed it inside of her vagina, and humped it. It was a tube of Nair. She continually pulled it in and out of her, and Bobby's dick instantly became hard again. He pulled the Nair bottle out of her hands, licked it, and then threw it on his seat. With his dick hanging out the opening of his pants, he got out of the car and fumbled around to the passenger's side. He yanked Teesa out and slammed her against the car. As he picked her up, his muscles flexed and she nearly lost it. They pounded into each other, and after five minutes of rough strokes, they came together.

  Teesa looked around for any spectators, and couldn't remember the last time she was so horny. Out of breath, she entered the car and was embarrassed for herself when she looked at the discarded bottle of Nair in the seat.

  I can't front, she thought. I love makeup sex, though, and that was so intense. She glanced at her cell phone, and the message indicator on it flashed red. She grabbed it and scrolled through her missed-call list. Delilah's number appeared four times. This is going to be too easy. I knew she would call. She's such afuckin baby. She's probably scared and worried and shit. She is such a fuckin spoiled brat.

  Teesa calmed down, gathered her composure, put her game face on, and returned her call.

  “Hey, Delilah,” Teesa said. “What's good?”

  “There's something wrong with Guy!” Delilah cried frantically. “I have been calling him all day, and he hasn't returned my calls. I can't believe this shit.”

  “Why are you crying? It's only ten o'clock at night. He's probably out with his boys.”

  “He would have called by now. He should have been back.”

  “Do you want me to come over there and wait with you? You sound really worried, honey.”

  Delilah put a pause on her emotions and had a moment of clarity in the midst of her tears. Guy would kill me if he knew I had company over while he wasn't home. But Teesa is like a sister to me, and God forbid something happened to him. I couldn't bear receiving any bad news alone. “Would you? I really don't feel like being alone right now,” Delilah decided.

  “I will be there in twenty minutes.”

  Teesa hung up the phone and nudged Bobby in the side. He was dead asleep. He struggled to keep his eyes open when she woke him and went over the plan for the third time that night.

  Thirty minutes later she pulled the car around the corner. She jumped out of the car with a bottle of Hennessy and a bottle of Alize.

  “Make sure you call me in twenty minutes, and don't get out of this car until I come back and give you the okay.”

  Bobby grunted in reply and drifted off to sleep.

  Teesa walked to the door and knocked. Delilah answered it wearing a pair of cut off jeans shorts and a wife-beater. Her face was red and her eyes were swollen and puffy.

  “Hey, girl. I got here as fast as I could, and I brought us some drinks,” Teesa said, holding up the bottles.

  “I am so worried! I don't know what I would do without him,” Delilah sobbed.

  Teesa reassured Delilah that Guy was just being a man, and reminded her what a good man he was as they sipped their drinks. She also reminded her what line of business he was in, and that maybe he wasn't able to call. An entire hour passed before Bobby called Teesa on her cell phone.

  “Hello,” Teesa said, answering the phone. She paused before saying, “You're outside of my condo? You should have called first. I will be home as soon as I can, baby.”

  Teesa hung up the phone and then turned to Delilah.
  “That was my friend. He's waiting for me outside of my place. I have to go,” Teesa lied. “Are you going to be okay?”

  “I guess,” Delilah said with doubt.

  “Here, I have something that will help you sleep.” Teesa pulled two blue pills out of her bag, went into the kitchen, and poured Delilah a glass of water. She purposely took her keys out of the bag, left the purse on the kitchen counter, and came back into the living room. “Here, girl. Drink these down. I'll call you in a few to make sure they kicked in.”

  Without hesitation, Delilah swallowed the blue pills with the water and let Teesa out of the house. She was already feeling tipsy from the three glasses of Alize that she sipped while talking to Teesa. She closed the door behind her friend and retired to the couch.

  Within minutes she felt sexually bothered and was warm. She got up and became a little dizzy. She turned up the central air and used the scrunchie on her wrist to pull her hair up. She went into the kitchen to get some more water and noticed Teesa's bag on the counter. She hurried to the phone to call her.

  “Teesa,” she moaned, then giggled. “You left your bag on my kitchen counter. You gonna come back and get it?”

  “Damn.” Teesa sighed. “Yeah. I'm not that far away,” Teesa lied as she smiled. She was still parked around the corner. She popped a little blue pill herself, and Bobby smiled. She lay back and waited for the effects of the pill to kick in. Within seconds she was hot and bothered.

  “I am coming in there in twenty minutes, so don't wear her ass out, you hear me?” Bobby warned.

  She walked to the door and rang the bell. When Delilah opened the door Teesa smiled and said, “Are you feeling better, Lilac?” She hugged Delilah tightly. When she released her embrace, she placed a kiss on Delilah's lips. “I hate to see you so worried.”

  Delilah kissed her back passionately and pulled her into the house. Teesa pulled in the front door behind her but made sure to leave it cracked. She had used and dated several women for money and never felt pleasure from any of their touches. But a mixture of the Ecstasy and the desire for Delilah's demise turned her on. They laid on the couch kissing each other and took turns pleasing each other orally.

  Delilah led Teesa to her bedroom and got her vibrator. Teesa blindfolded Delilah. The darkness excited her even more. She heard a click, and a loud buzzing followed directly behind it. Teesa gently maneuvered the buzzing rod in and out of Delilah's wet pussy as she sucked on her perky nipples. The house phone rang and, as Delilah put little effort into reaching for it, Teesa smoothly grabbed her hand and placed it between her own legs. The ringing phone was now the last thing on her mind. If she had answered it, she would have realized that it was Guy on the other end of the call. But he was sexually drained from his escapades with Entice, and figured that his Lilac was fast asleep, so when she didn't answer his call, he hung up the phone and did the same.

  Minutes after the phone rang, Delilah jumped when she heard the door slam and a male voice yell, “Teesa? Are you okay, mama?”

  “Damn,” Teesa whispered. “I forgot my friend was in the car. He is probably worried.” She licked Delilah under her navel and slid her tongue between the vibrator and her clitoris. Delilah screamed out in pleasure and Teesa moved to the side. “He has a really big dick and is good in bed. Should I invite him up?”

  “Don't stop, Teesa. Keep on lickin’ it,” Delilah panted.

  “I am upstairs to the left,” she called as she placed the vibrator inside of Delilah and then began to suck on her clitoris.

  Bobby came up the stairs with his dick in his hand. He shoved Teesa out of the way and stroked Delilah's hair.

  “Hey, sexy,” he whispered. “This isn't going to hurt a bit.”

  Bobby wasted no time as he eased his dick inside of her, and she welcomed it. It was a lot bigger than Guy's, and Delilah had never felt such pleasure. She moaned and clawed Bobby's back as she pushed up against him. Teesa sucked on her breasts and held her hand but became instantly jealous as she watched how careful Bobby was inside of her. He kissed her face gently and licked and stroked her hairline as he made love to her. Teesa and Bobby always engaged in rough sex. She got up, smacked Bobby in the head, and pouted like a six-year-old. Bobby pointed at the DVD recorder that he had placed on the dresser as he came into the room. Teesa got up and turned it on.

  After an hour of sex, the effects of the X started to wear off. Delilah called for Teesa, but she didn't answer. As she begged the stranger inside of her to stop, Teesa got up, turned the DVD recorder off, popped out the disc, and placed it on the bed next to Bobby.

  Delilah started to cry. Bobby pulled out his pistol and placed the barrel in her mouth. Teesa became nervous. She got up, stood in the doorway, and watched quietly.

  “Delilah, if you listen and cooperate I won't have to use this,” Bobby said as he stroked the side of her face with his gun. “What is the combination to the safe?”

  “Where's Teesa?” Delilah demanded to know.

  “I had to shut that bitch up for good because she was trying to protect your ass. Now, if you don't want to end up like her, you will give me the combination to the safe. …”


  When Entice exited the hotel it was a bright and beautiful Thursday morning. She looked up at the sky and exhaled. She relaxed the muscles in her face and smiled. She was free of false eyelashes, layers of makeup, and imaginary love with real men. No longer would she have to pretend. When she reached Merc's house, the moving truck was pulling off and he stood in front of the house. She smiled and didn't feel the need to look seductive or sexy. She was just herself.

  “Hey, Entice. You look really good today,” Merc said. “There's something different about you.”

  “Really?” Entice blushed.

  “Yeah, baby,” he said, looking her over, trying to figure out what was so different about her. “You have a natural shine. But anyway, we have a flight to catch. Are you ready for Miami, beautiful?”

  “The question is, is Miami ready for the new me?”

  He hugged her tightly and whispered in her ear, “I know I am ready for you.” He really wanted their relationship to work, and Entice felt it. When they kissed her emotions tingled from her head all the way down to her toes.

  Guy reached into his back pocket, ripped up Entice's card, and threw it in the sewer as he approached his house. That's the only way I won't ever see her again, he told himself.

  “Lilac!” he called, entering their house. “I'm home, lovey, and I'm missing you.”

  He stopped at the bottom of the steps, covered his face with his hands, and inhaled deeply as he dragged them down to his chin, waiting for her response. She's probably mad as shit, but that was well worth it. I'll never cheat again. I had to sit in that hotel for an extra day just to drum up enough nerve to call Entice. I'll just tell Lilac that I had to stay out of town longer than I expected and am getting a new phone because I think this one is tapped.

  The walk to his bedroom seemed to take an eternity. He slowly turned the knob and pushed the door open. He walked in to find the bedroom a mess.

  “What the fuck?” he whispered as he looked around his room. “Lilac!” he yelled. “Delilah!”

  The top and bottom sheets of his bed were on the floor, and empty liquor bottles were littered about. As he walked to the bed he stepped into a pool of vomit, then threw himself onto the bed, unsure what to think. He bowed his head for a moment, then looked up at the television, which was on. The screen was filled with snow, and the lights on the DVD player indicated it was on.

  Suddenly an uneasy feeling overtook him and he ran to the safe that was inside his closet.

  “They fuckin’ got me!” he yelled. “Yo! Delilah!” He grabbed his cell phone and dialed her cell phone number, but it went straight to voice mail.

  Instinct pulled him toward the DVD player. He pushed the play button, only to view his wife listless and blindfolded, with her hands tied to the top of the bed and a black ass ramming ins
ide of her. As disgusted and angry as he was, he couldn't tear his eyes away. He zeroed in on the kinky balls of hair on the man's ass. Angry energy filled his body, and he began to breathe heavily as he made notice of how dark his ass was in comparison to the rest of his body. He played back the DVD several times and listened to his wife's slurring pleas for him to stop over and over again. Then his next thought hit him so hard he was winded.

  Entice! He gasped. They probably sicced her ass on me and my dumb ass fell straight in. But who set me up?

  He savagely ripped through his wallet for her card. “Fuck!” he yelled harshly as he realized he had shredded it mere minutes ago. He fell on the edge of the bed and yelled loud and hard. He scrolled through his call list, searching for her number, but Delilah called him so many times the night before that Entice's number had been bumped. He dialed Delilah's phone again, only to hear her sweet voice on the voice mail. As he ended the call the house phone rang. He picked it up slowly and was quiet.

  “One hundred grand, nigga,” he heard a male voice say. “You have until a quarter past noon to put that together. There's a white Maxima parked on the corner of St. James Place and Fulton Street in Brooklyn. Place the cash in the trunk. Come alone or your wife is dead. Call the cops and your wife is dead. Bring heat and your wife is dead.”

  Guy looked at the phone for fifteen minutes after the call had ended. He didn't know where to begin.

  Who? Why? Who? What? What the fuck am I going to do? Guy thought as he let another hour pass, trying to figure out what jealous nigga would do this to him. He looked at the clock on the DVD player and it read 11:15 a.m. He shot up and his head pounded like the police kicking down a door at a drug raid. He dragged his body outside to his car, picked up his cell, and dialed.

  “Jay,” Guy said into the phone. I need some fuckin’ paper. How much you got in the crib, son?”

  “Why?” Jay asked.


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