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[Takhini Wolves 01.0] Black Gold

Page 16

by Vivian Arend

  Shaun sneezed and the herd swiveled their focus.

  Fudge. So much for waiting. Gem took a cautious step forward. Then another. Head held high, body erect.

  This wasn’t a hunting gait, she was taking a simple stroll through the tundra. A half-dozen paces brought her within lunging distance of one of the huge caribou. These weren’t the smaller southern herbivores that lived in Georgia. Like all northern animals, these were larger, bulkier. Built for the cold and danger of the north.

  The creature could kick her brains out with one well-executed thrust. Gem stood motionless for a long time.

  The caribou transferred its weight, then went back to grazing.

  She breathed a sigh of relief before heading up the trail toward the helicopter. They would have to stay in wolf for a while. Wait for the herd to finish moving past.

  They’d been in the wrong place at the wrong time, but as she worked her way slowly through the now-crowded landscape, Shaun beside her, Gem took in everything she could. The data might not be able to be reported and documented the same as if she were in human form, but talk about first-hand information. She counted pregnant cows, made a close-up inspection of the animals’ coats after the long winter.

  There were no words to describe her emotions. This was the pinnacle of her research, albeit not how she’d envisioned it. In wolf form, with a mate by her side?

  She couldn’t imagine how her life could get any better. Shaun nudged her lightly, his furry shoulder far higher than hers.

  They moved together away from the herd.

  Shaun had seen a lot of things during his years in the north, many awe-inspiring. Standing on the summit of a mountain, staring over the tips of the neighbouring peaks as the sun painted the crags with gold and crimson. The skies over Haines filled with enormous bald eagles as they congregated each November. He’d experienced heart-pounding excitement as they’d shot the Tatashini River in kayaks, marveled at the moon-like landscape at the top of White Pass.

  None of those situations had ever made him feel like he did right now. Because even with friends along, they’d been a side component to the event. This, being with Gem, was the event. It was so much richer and more—real.

  As if he’d been dreaming all his life, but now that she’d woken him up he could truly live.

  It took only a few minutes to leave the main mass of the pack. There were stragglers ranging farther out though, so Gem led them until they were far downwind. Her path brought them upward, where they could look back over where they’d come. She sat, staring for a minute then shifted. He followed her lead, the cool breeze carrying the scent of the herd straight toward them.

  “I think we’re okay.” Gem pointed to the side where their tent was surrounded. “But we might not be able to get back to our gear for a day or two. They’ve settled in—there’s no telling if they will move on as quickly or sit here for a bit before they decide it’s time to make another push.”

  “They don’t smell as if they’re upset.”

  She nodded, crossing her arms over her chest as she shivered lightly. “We got out in time.”

  Shaun tucked her into his embrace. Hmm, it felt marvelous to have her there. He nuzzled her hairline. “We’re going to have to share body heat.”

  An extremely un-Gemlike response escaped her.

  He twisted her to face him and gave her a mock dirty look. “Did you just snort at me?”

  Gem planted her fists on her hips. Naked, that looked good on her. Come to think of it, everything looked good on her, especially while naked.

  “Shaun, did you miss the part that we’re now stranded on the side of a hill, no clothes, no food. No idea when we’re going to be able to get back to our supplies. And you want to have sex?”

  He thought real hard. Was this a trick question? “Yup, that about covers it.”

  The sound started deep inside her before rumbling upward. A snort? A giggle? It soon changed into rolling laughter, quiet enough to not disturb the herd, but unmistakable and unstoppable.

  And contagious. He couldn’t resist joining her, amusement bubbling up and making his heart light. They could make it through this, and more than simply come out okay, they would rock it. No matter what had to happen down the road, they were meant to be together.

  He checked a grassy spot on the ground, moving aside pokey objects before he sat on his bare butt. Then he pulled her into his lap and cradled her close until her body stopped shaking.

  She wiped tears from her eyes, her dazzling smile making him happy inside. “Thank you.”

  “Anytime. You gonna share what set you off, love?”

  Gem used his shoulders to brace herself, lifting and rearranging until she straddled him. “Just you being you. Sincere, but blunt. I find I like that, Shaun Stevens. I like you, a lot.”

  She snuck in closer, pressing her naked breasts to his chest. Her fingers slipped into his hair, and she brought their mouths together for a long, slow kiss, fires rising between them in an instant.

  That wasn’t the only thing rapidly rising.

  He tore himself away, hating to leave the warmth of her lips but needing to before things got out of hand. “Gem, if you don’t want to have sex, we need to stop—holy crap, woman.”

  She’d lifted her hips and rubbed the thickening length of his erection with her sex. Moisture and heat coated him. He cupped her ass in his hands and helped her make another pass.

  “Did I answer your question?” she whispered in his ear a second before she nipped the tip of his earlobe.

  Shaun’s heart pounded, each pulse echoed at the base of his spine. His cock was harder than he’d remembered, wanting more than just the tease of her body.

  Down, boy, not yet.

  He hoisted her far enough her breasts were presented like beautiful gifts for him to savour. A gentle lick to prime the tip before he wrapped his lips around one peak and sucked hard, pulling a gasp from Gem. Her hips pulsed against his belly, the crown of his erection feeling the heat of her core like a treasure. Lowering her an inch let him slip his cock head between her wet folds, and still maintain mouth contact with her nipples.

  Almost perfect. He let go of her hips to cup her breasts more easily, alternating sides with kisses and attention until her wiggling became too much and he couldn’t wait any longer.

  She pulled back and stared into his eyes as she lowered herself onto his shaft, sinking to the root.

  His brain went ninety-nine percent numb. The last tiny portion still working lit celebratory firecrackers.

  Incredible sensations floated over him. The pleasure of her body wrapped tight around his, the heat radiating from her torso, heavy breasts filling his hands. She moved, undulating up and down in a slow, steady rhythm as he fought to keep from coming in three seconds flat.

  Then she brought their mouths together again, and her tongue danced against his, shaking him to the core. It was more than a kiss. More than sex. Much more than simply another incredible experience in the wilderness.

  It was heaven on earth, and he’d found the secret entrance.

  Gem nipped at his bottom lip, and he smiled. Hands tight on her hips, he picked up the pace. “You looking for some biting, sweetheart?”

  Another nip, this time to his ear again. He’d never been one for letting the girls play with his ears before, and now he knew why.

  He’d been saving them for Gem, because holy fucking moly, did it ever feel good.

  She sucked the tingling lobe into her mouth and slammed their hips together harder. “I’m not ready to mark you, but damn if I don’t want to nibble you all over.”

  Sadness crept in, just a tiny bit. She was right though. They’d agreed to wait until they had all their cards lined up. “Okay. Biting is fine. No marking, just—shit!”

  She dragged her teeth down his neck and his cock grew two inches. Or more.

  “Hmm, you like that, do you?”

  “Didn’t think my southern lady had teeth.”

  She ni
pped again, and he wasn’t able to stop himself. He pounded into her, cock driving hard. Fastened his mouth on her neck and sucked for all he was worth. If he couldn’t officially mark her, he was damn well going to leave his signature another way.

  She canted her hips slightly, and his groin rubbed across her mound. With a twist, he slipped his hand between their bodies and pressed on her clit. She threw back her head and screamed, choking off in mid-cry.

  He would have laughed in delight if at that moment the freight train hadn’t hit him as well, release exploding out as his cock jerked deep inside her. Pleasure rose in waves that blurred his vision and drained all logic from his brain.

  Fuck, fuck. Wowity fuck.

  Sweaty and sticky and happy and mind-fuddled, they clung together, kissing and caressing until the heat of their joining cooled enough they could both sit upright without using each other as a brace.

  “I think you just killed me.” Shaun nuzzled the side of her neck where there was a nice big hickey.

  His wolf gloated with happiness.

  “You talk pretty good for a dead guy.”

  “You know if I’m dead, you have to haul my carcass with you to the shores of Lake Laberge and cremate me.” Shaun grinned as she slipped her hands around his neck and gave him one final kiss.

  She pulled back and batted her lashes. “No. I’m not going to listen to you sizzle as you burn, thank you. Instead, I will be forced to weep copious amounts of tears while I pile rocks on your body and leave you here where the little animals will chew on your remains and continue the circle of life.”

  Impressive. “Is that your sweet innocent role-play persona? Because, like, I totally thought you meant that.”

  “I did mean it.” Gem patted his cheek then rose off him, her warmth disappearing far too quickly and making him sad. She stretched and his mouth watered again. Hmm, how long was it possible to survive naked in the Alaskan wilderness if they had sex non-stop?

  She was a researcher. Maybe she’d go for finding out.

  Shaun glanced around. Below them, the herd had settled in, and he doubted there was any way they could get back to the tent for at least a day.

  “Okay, love. Time to make a decision. You want to hang out for the next few days in our wolf skins?” She rotated to face him, the sky-blue background a stark contract with her dark skin. He dragged his gaze off her full breasts, forcing himself to focus on the current discussion. “Food and shelter would be a snap—it’s not a bad solution. We can keep track of the beasts and gather our things as soon as they leave.”

  Gem hesitated. “Is there another option? I enjoyed my time as a wolf, but…I’m not sure I’m ready for more.”

  Shaun stood to take her hand. “How about this? We shift to run back to the chopper. In our wolves it should be around four hours. I’ve got an emergency stash there—everything we need to return to civilization for a few days. Once my sources tell us the herd has moved on, we’ll come back and retrieve our things.”

  Gem gazed at their campsite. “You’re not worried about abandoning our supplies?”

  “Nah. The only thing that could cause a mess is the food, and it’s all tucked away in bear-proof containers. What about your notes and research?”

  “All safely packed up.” She brought his hand to her mouth and kissed his knuckles. “I’d feel more comfortable with that plan. If you don’t mind.”

  Shaun hurried to reassure her. “Don’t feel bad you don’t want to live wild for a few days. There are a lot of wolves who grew up in the Yukon who have never done an extended trip in wolf form.”

  Gem nodded. “May…maybe someday. I’m not sure, but I think I’d like to. Someday.”

  The fluttering sensation in his heart—was that a heart attack about to happen? Or the realization she had just implied they’d be together for long enough for there to be a someday? Even staying in the north?

  Shaun tugged her to face him. He had to say it. “Gem—I want you to know…”

  “We need to be going, right?” Gem stepped back, antsy. Nervousness surrounded her. “I’m starting to get hungry, and we need to be far away from the herd when that happens. I mean, if the wind changed right now, it would be terrible. You lead the way, okay?”

  She shifted before he could respond. Before he could find out why all of a sudden she’d gone from sounding as if she had offered him the moon to shaking the dust from her feet as she fled.

  She waited in wolf, tail twitching. Body shivering. He would go insane wondering what was wrong. Nothing physically had changed in the last few minutes. He must have said something to offend her, and the idea stabbed him in two.


  He thought at her as hard as possible. Nothing.

  He shifted to wolf, moved to her side and held himself still. Breathing slowly, willing her to calm down. In spite of what he’d done to upset her, he wanted her to know how much he cared.

  When she finally relaxed and licked his muzzle once, a tentative touch, he blew out a long breath. Whatever bullet had just passed, he was going to be very careful until he knew what was going on in that complicated head of hers.

  They headed toward the chopper, two-plus days of hiking as humans eaten up under their much faster wolf gait. After two hours of travel, they’d already covered more than half the distance back. The still-illuminated sky helped as well, and other than the occasional side trip to nab a snack, they made good time.

  Somewhere in the middle of the night they arrived. They were both tired, turning the corner into the clearing where they’d left the helicopter. Shaun was sure sleep was Gem’s only focus. It was pretty much the only thing on his mind as well.

  Which was why he didn’t see the trap until it was too late.


  A sudden snap rang out, followed by the scream of a rope through a pulley. Gem’s eyes, which had been closing in near sleep, flew open. Her hind left paw lifted in the air, caught in something, and she scrambled away, rolling to the right as hard as she could, all her senses waking up in a hurry.

  The wolf that was Shaun howled, and she glanced upward to see him wrapped in a net like a fly in a spider’s web. He warned her to hide, the simple communication they used in their wolf forms enough to get that message across loud and clear. She didn’t bolt into the cover of the low-lying brush, instead dropping to her belly and lowering her head.

  The scents on the air and the sounds reaching her ears told the story. There were bear shifters in the area. Their aroma seemed vaguely familiar as their human voices drew closer. She scrambled back, staying low to the ground, hiding where she could keep an eye on Shaun.

  “Yoo-hoo, sweet lady. Lovely to finally meet you in person. You’ve led us on quite the trip.” A voice rang out from the right as one of the shifters came into view. A Coleman lantern hung from his hand, brightening the twilight until he and his two companions were easily visible. “You may as well change, Gem. You’re going to be with us for a while, and you’ll be much more comfy in your human form.”

  “Didn’t expect she’d travel in her wolf, Bruce. That’s not what the report suggested.”

  “Where’s the guide?”

  “The guide is right here, you asshats.” Shaun shifted, clutching the netting to pull himself to vertical in the wiggling trap. “What the hell do you think you’re doing? Let me down.”

  “Shit, caught the wrong one.” The skinniest of the three bear shifters came over to stand beside the net, his head level with Shaun’s butt.

  “Don’t worry about it, Vince, she wouldn’t go anywhere without him.” Bruce stared at the scrub, his gaze passing within a few feet of where Gem lay hidden. “And we’re not leaving without her.”

  “So we’re at an impasse?” the third bear asked.

  Bruce turned, his voice lowering. “You’re not going to start that business again, are you? I thought I told you two no more quoting from The Princess Bride or I’d rip your fucking ears off.”

  “It’s not my fault this
time,” Vince whined. “Norm started it.”

  “Sorry, Bruce.” Norm crossed his hand over his heart then pressed a finger to his lips. “Not another word.”

  Gem locked her jaw together to stop from whimpering in fear. Shaun spun in a slow circle, the net he was caught in suspended from a cross post that had been attached to the airstrip’s wind-kite tower. The bears had set a trap?

  Bruce paced a step closer to Shaun. “Where’s the lady?”

  “I killed her and left her body for the crows.” Shaun jerked the ropes harder.


  “Idiot! You know how the hell much she was worth?” Norm smacked a fist into Shaun’s back. A harsh grunt escaped Shaun as he attempted to twist away.

  “Stop it, he’s bullshitting us.” Vince blocked another kidney punch from landing. “There’s no reason for him to kill her.”

  “That’s what you think,” Shaun growled. “You didn’t have to deal with her highness in the backcountry. Now let me down.”

  His insults slipped off like she was a duck who had fallen into the Takhini Hot Springs. He was trying to pull a fast one, and she needed to trust him. And help him.

  And get them both out of this mess.

  Bruce grabbed the net, stopping its steady swing. He twisted the trap until Shaun faced him.

  “You’re lying through your teeth. I can smell her on you—hmm, you’re a little taken with the lady. Trying to move up in the world, wolf-boy?”

  Shaun glared down at him. “What do you want with Gem?”

  “Just doing a job. We caught wind of her arrival the minute she landed in Whitehorse. I hear her family is loaded. There are things we need to do in the next while that require cash. You do the math.”

  Gem froze. They were using her to get money? This wasn’t happening. How had she gone from a simple-research-project/spread-her-wings outing to finding her mate and being used as a pawn?

  She was not going to let this happen.

  Shaun shrugged. “Good luck on that. The finding-her bit, I mean. She’s a wolf, she can shift and go a lot faster than you bears, especially since she knows the territory better than you now. It will be days before you even spot her.” He never glanced her way once, but she’d gotten the message. She could go back to the tent, she could hide and get away—it was true.


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