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Homo Britannicus

Page 28

by Chris Stringer

  Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire 6, 119, 130

  King, Sir David 164

  King, William 23, 126

  Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire 6–7, 8

  Kohn, Marek 88

  Kolfschoten, Thijs van 39–40

  Krapina, Croatia 101

  La Cotte de St Brelade, Jersey 104–6, 112, 117

  Lagar Velho, Portugal 130

  Lahr, Marta 51, 95

  Larkin, Nigel 115

  Lartet, Edouard 25

  Last Glacial Maximum see Devensian ice age

  Law, George, Bishop of Bath and Wells 9

  Le Gros Clark, Wilfrid 31

  Levallois see stone tools; Prepared Core technology

  Lewis, Simon 212–13

  Lewis, Harry 70

  Little Ice Age 63

  Lovelock, James 165, 178

  Lower Palaeolithic 22, 25, 68

  Lubbock, Sir John 18

  Lubbock, Sir John 18–19

  Lyell, Charles 10, 14–16, 18, 20, 23

  Lynford, Norfolk 89, 115–19

  MacEnery, Father John 11–12, 15, 18, 68

  Magdalenian culture 22, 137, 145

  Magdalenian culture 22, 137, 145–7

  Mammal Assemblage-Zones (MAZ) 59, 96, 109–110

  Man’s Place in Nature (Huxley) 18

  Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 93, 99, 101–2

  Marks Tey, Essex 85–6

  Marston, Alvin 70–71

  Mauer, Germany 27, 28, 29, 39, 51, 65

  Mayer, Professor F. 23

  Mercati, Michele 2

  Mesolithic 150–52, 158

  Middle Palaeolithic 22, 25, 68, 101

  Middle Pleistocene 29, 50, 65

  Milankovitch, Milutin 54, 55, 161, 162

  Minchin Hole, Wales 110

  Mindel glaciation 21, 54, 69

  Mithen, Steve 88

  Mode 3

  Hypothesis 95

  Moir, James Read 29

  Mortillet, Gabriel de 22

  Moulin-Quignon quarry, Abbeville 25, 101

  Middle Pleistocene 29, 50, 65

  Milankovitch, Milutin 54, 55, 161, 162

  Minchin Hole, Wales 110

  Mindel glaciation 21, 54, 69

  Mithen, Steve 88

  Mode 3

  Hypothesis 95

  Moir, James Read 29

  Mortillet, Gabriel de 22

  Moulin-Quignon quarry, Abbeville 25–7

  Mousterian culture 22, 119, 124

  Neander, Joachim 22

  Neanderthal Man

  adaption to cold 108

  at La Cotte 104, 106, 112

  in Britain 115, 117–19

  burial of 123

  characteristics 113–14

  comparison with Cro-Magnon 120

  disappearance of 130–32

  European competition 125–7

  and Homo antecessor 41

  and Homo heidelbergensis 29

  important sites 125

  interbreeding 128–9

  and the Neander Valley 22–7, 29, 41

  reconstructed bust 129

  stone tool usage 95, 123

  survival 180–81

  and Swanscombe 73

  teeth of 100–101

  Neolithic Age see Stone Age

  Norton Subcourse, Norfolk 45–6, 67

  Nyerup, Professor Rasmus 1–2

  Oakley, Kenneth 31–2

  Oase Cave, Romania 123–4

  On the Origin of Species (Darwin) 18

  Orce, Spain 40

  oxygen isotope analysis 56–7, 65

  Pakefield, Suffolk 45–51, 47, 67, 90

  Palaeolithic Age see Stone Age

  palaeomagnetic reversals 57–8

  Parfitt, Simon 42, 65, 193–6

  Paviland Cave, Wales 9, 22, 68, 119, 120,121, 124

  Pedersen, Roger 65

  Penck, Albrecht 21, 58, 68

  Pengelly, William 12, 14, 15, 68

  Penkman, Kirsty 50

  Pettitt, Paul 147

  Philp, John 12, 13, 14

  Pike, Alistair 148

  Piltdown Man 30, 119, 120,121, 124

  Pedersen, Roger 65

  Penck, Albrecht 21, 58, 68

  Pengelly, William 12, 14, 15, 68

  Penkman, Kirsty 50

  Pettitt, Paul 147

  Philp, John 12, 13, 14

  Pike, Alistair 148

  Piltdown Man 30–34, 72

  Pithecanthropus erectus see Homo erectus

  Pleistocene interglacial 21–2, 68–9

  Polly, David 207–9

  Pontnewydd Cave, Wales 98–101, 124

  Prehistoric Times (Lubbock) 18

  Prepared Core technology see stone tools

  ‘presapiens’ line 72

  Prestwich, Joseph 17–18, 26

  Principles of Geology (Lyell) 10, 15

  Purfleet, Essex 93–7

  Qafzeh, Israel 124

  Quaternary 21

  racemization 50

  ‘Red Lady’ see Cro-Magnon Man

  Reliquiae Aquitanicae (Lartet/Christy) 25

  Reliquiae Diluvianae (Buckland) 6, 8, 9

  Richards, Mike 144, 157, 214–15

  Rigollot, Dr Jérôme 17, 26

  Ripoll, Sergio 147

  Riss glaciation 21, 54

  Roberts, Mark 65

  Robin Hood Cave see Creswell Crags, Derbyshire

  Roebroeks, Wil 39–41, 50–51

  Rose, Jim 43, 49, 196–8

  St Acheul, Amiens 17

  Santa Luca, Albert 73

  Sanz de Sautuola, Marcelino 25

  Savin, Alfred 42

  Scheuchzer, Professor Johann 5

  Schlotheim, Friedrich von 81

  Schmerling, Philippe-Charles 15, 18, 22

  Schmitz, Ralf 24

  Schoetensack, Dr Otto 27, 29

  Schöningen, Germany 80–81

  Schreve, Danielle 59, 198–201

  Shackleton, Nick 56, 58

  Short Chronology 39–41, 50

  Sima de los Huesos (‘Pit of Bones’), Spain 73–7, 81, 95, 101, 124

  Skhul, Israel 124

  Smith, William 10

  Smith Woodward, Arthur 30–33

  Stanley, Reverend 98

  Star Carr, Yorkshire 150–51

  Steinheim, Germany 72–3

  Stone Age 2–3, 18–19, 22, 158

  stone tools

  at Cheddar 145

  at Lynford 117

  at Westbury 61

  early finds 38

  eoliths 29–30

  hand tools see handaxes

  leaf points 119, 124

  Prepared Core technology (Levallois) 94–5, 97, 101–3, 105

  scrapers 105

  suprainiac fossa 73, 76

  Sutcliffe, Tony 58–9

  Swanscombe, Kent

  attractive to early humans 86, 91

  handaxes 26, 81, 89, 95

  Hoxnian period 68–9

  human remains 38–9, 59, 70–73, 76

  interglacial mammals 77–9, 81, 96

  Sykes, Brian 154–5

  Symmons, Robert 210–212

  taphonomy 7–8

  Thames, River 39, 44, 59, 70

  Thames terraces 91–3

  Thatcher, Margaret 170–72

  Thieme, Hartmut 80

  Thomson, Christian 10–11

  Tournal, Pierre 14, 18

  Upper Palaeolithic 22, 25, 68, 119, 124, 136, 119, 124, 136–7, 150

  Ussher, Archbishop 4

  Vedel-Simonsen, L. S. 10

  Venetz-Sitten, Ignaz 19

  Vézère valley, Dordogne 25

  Victoria Cave, Yorkshire 109

  Warren Hill, Norfolk 44–5, 91

  Waverley Wood, West Midlands 44

  Weidenreich, Franz 72

  Weiner, Joe 31

  Weinert, Hans 72

  West Thurrock, Essex 101–2

  Westbury Cave, Somerset 59–63, 65

  White, Mark 204–7

  Wolstonian ice age 58, 69
  Würm glaciation 21

  Wymer, B. and J. 71

  Younger Dryas stadial 149, 156, 162




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