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Yours Truly (Billionaires and Brides #2)

Page 28

by Krista Lakes

  I punched his shoulder lightly, glaring at him through my eyelashes. He chuckled again and kissed the tip of my nose. “Good. I'd have to go beat her up if she had hit you. Poor girl, getting dumped on vacation.”

  He pulled back, a frown creasing his face. “Don't feel sorry for her. She brought her pick ax to dig for gold on this trip. She didn't actually care about Jack, and everybody but him knew it.” He shook his head as if to banish any further thoughts about her before he smiled at me. “At least this Emma chick seems to like him. He says she doesn't know who he is. That she thinks he’s just some guy visiting his wealthy friend on the island.”

  “That sounds familiar...” I said, exaggerating a thoughtful twist in my mouth and tapping my chin with my index finger. “Handsome man meets girl and keeps his job a secret.”

  “Ha ha,” he said, rolling his eyes at me good-naturedly before going back to kissing his way up and down the side of my neck, his hands pulling my hips into him.

  “I'm happy for them,” I said softly, pressing myself against him. I could feel him harden at my movement. I really wanted Beth to finish up in there. “You still haven't told me what you want to do today.”

  “There's a great little touristy area to buy stuff from local craftsmen over by the resort,” Beth said, coming out the door. Noah and I both turned to look at her, and she blushed a deep red when she saw the position we were in. “Oh, but you weren't actually asking the question...”

  She hiked her very full messenger bag higher on her shoulder, and gave a nervous giggle. I glanced over at Noah to see his eyebrows raise at her. Her face somehow became an even darker shade of crimson.

  “Pretend I said nothing. Bye!” And with that, she scurried away and back to the main house. Noah groaned, putting his head on my shoulder.

  “Well, at least the house is ours again,” I said, arching my back to press my hips into him again. His hands tightened on my waist so I couldn't pull away. He lifted his head and looked into my eyes.

  “Actually, before we get to that, I have something I want to give you.” His eyes searched mine, and his handsome mouth curled into a smile as if he liked what he saw.

  “You don't have to do that,” I replied. An impish smirk crossed his features, making him devilishly good-looking.

  “Do what?” he teased.

  “Give me things. I mean, I know you can afford it, but you really don't have to.” I was having a hard time concentrating on our conversation. I wanted to be naked with him, not discussing gifts.

  “I know I don't have to.” He moved one hand to cup my cheek. “I want to. I want to give you everything.”

  Before I had time to say anything, he kissed me, his mouth sending me to heaven. I was giddy with happiness. It wasn't the gift that made my stomach do joyful flip-flops; it was that he wanted to give me everything.

  He stepped back, releasing me from his grasp and the wall. He grinned, excited like a proud child, and grabbed my hand to pull me indoors. I giggled and followed him, floating on air.

  The room was clean of all traces of work. The laptop on the desk had even been neatly stored in a bag off to the side of the room. Noah dropped my hand and held his up for me to stay while he ran into the bedroom. I heard a drawer open and close before he came out, grinning like crazy.

  He held his hand out to me, a small silver box with a shiny silver bow resting on his palm. It looked fancy. I took it with trembling fingers. Please don't be expensive jewelry, I thought. Since I worked on boats and in the ocean, I could never wear anything nice. I wanted to be able to use this gift, not just leave it to collect dust on my nightstand.

  I bit my lip and looked up at him. His eyes danced with excitement as I pulled the bow free and opened the lid. I pulled out the necklace inside slowly. It was a shark tooth hung on a strong, simple black, cotton cord.

  He took it from my fingers and undid the clasp before wrapping his arms around me to put it on. The point of the tooth hung right at the dip of my collarbone. I played with the smooth tooth between my fingers. This was something I could wear even at work.

  “The tooth is from a lemon shark,” he explained, watching my reaction. “The guy selling it to me told me to get the black cord instead of a chain so you could wear it in the water. Something about it not sparkling.”

  I smiled up at him. “Barracudas and sharks are attracted to sparkly things,” I stated, my brain going into Science Mode without me realizing it. “The flashing looks like a distressed fish to them.”

  “You are such a teacher,” he said with a chuckle. “Do you like it?”

  “I love it,” I answered honestly.

  He put his hands on my shoulders, admiring the necklace. “In the South Pacific, it's legend that a tooth from a man-eating shark will bring the owner a prosperous and long life, free of any evil, especially that of the sea.” He shrugged like what he was giving me was nothing special, but the thought was beautiful. “It will keep you safe in the water.”

  “Thank you,” I whispered, lifting my eyes to reach his. He beamed at my thanks and I kissed his cheek. I played with the tooth in my fingers, unsure if I wanted to tell him that lemon sharks weren't man-eaters.

  “What?” he asked, frowning slightly. I wondered if he could read my mind.

  “Lemon sharks...” I took a deep breath. “They don't eat people.”

  “You said one bit you.” His face split into a grin and he bounced on his toes with glee. He had been anticipating this. “So, while technically it's more of a woman-eater, I'm pretty sure it still counts.”

  I giggled. “Then it really is perfect. Thank you.”

  I stood up on the tips of my toes to kiss him. I had meant it to be sweet and full of thanks, but as soon as my lips touched his, I wanted so much more. I wanted him.

  He cupped my face in his hands, drawing back and smiling. There was sunshine and warmth in those blue eyes, and I couldn't look away. With gentle fingers, he brushed a strand of hair from my face, tucking it neatly behind my ear.

  “I love you, Izzy.”

  My world spun in happy circles. I was giddy and lightheaded and about to float through the ceiling with joy. “Really?” I asked, my breath catching in my throat.

  He caressed my cheek with his finger. “Yes, really. There was supposed to be flowers and candles...” He frowned slightly at himself. “I meant to tell you in a far more romantic way, but-”

  “I love you too, Noah,” I said, cutting him off. His face shifted into an ecstatic grin. I loved the way his eyes lit up as he looked at me. I raised my lips to his and we shared a breath before kissing again. “This is more than romantic enough for me.”

  He wrapped his strong arms around me and picked me up, spinning me in a circle. My feet swung out in a wide arc, our laughter and kisses mingling as we spun. I couldn't believe how fast this was all happening, but in my heart I knew it was all true. Loving Noah was simple and easy. It felt right, like he was always supposed to be a part of my life. Like the universe had meant for us to be together and had just waited until the timing was right. I was happier than I had ever been in my entire life when I was with him. This was what life was all about.

  Sandcastle Kisses: Chapter 15

  Instead of setting me down, he scooped me up in his arms, carrying me to the bedroom like a fair maiden. He held me gently as if I were a delicate flower, his strong shoulders and biceps not even struggling with my weight. His knees bumped against the big bed, but he didn't set me down. He just kissed me more, holding me close to him.

  I wiggled for escape, and he reluctantly released his hold on me with one arm so I was kneeling on the bed, our heads at the same height. He nipped at my lower lip, growling with want. The sound sent an electrical current through me. That noise had the unique ability to send me into a shudder just a millimeter below orgasm.

  Not taking my eyes off him, I reached for the hem of my dress, lifting it smoothly overhead. Just before the fabric cleared my eyes, he captured my arms in his. I struggled
to free myself, but his grasp was too strong. I couldn't see through the blindfold of my dress, my arms stuck in its straps.

  All my senses seemed to heighten with the loss of my sight. His tongue was wet and hot on my skin as he teased my sensitive flesh and then blew cool air on the wetness he left behind. I shivered, more with want than cold. Noah's breathing was ragged with longing; his every jagged breath made my body ache to soothe his.

  “You're all mine now,” he growled as I struggled slightly to pull the fabric off my eyes. He strengthened his control over my arms by wrapping the dress tighter. There was no way I was going to escape my cloth confinement.

  He kissed me, his lips soft at first, as the two of us melted together like butter. One hand trailed down my outstretched arms, down the curve of my neck, down to the stretch of skin exposed out the side of my swim-top, down to my hip where he undid one of the string ties of my bottoms. The fabric sagged away, barely still covering my nether regions as it clung to my other hip. His fingers gently caressed my bare hipbone. I moaned softly, wanting more.

  His hand left my hip, and went to the swimsuit tie at the nape of my neck, and gave it a gentle tug. The top fell forward, exposing me to his gaze. I shifted my weight on the bed, waiting as he looked his fill, my arms still tangled up in the air. He took my left breast into his mouth, making me gasp with the surge of pleasure.

  My nipple hardened under his warm, teasing tongue. It was like I had guitar strings running through my body and he was using my hardened nipple as a pick to strum them. I arched my back to give him better access, and he bit down lightly. It wasn't enough to cause pain, but just enough to make my core heat like a furnace.

  “Lay back,” he commanded. Even if I had wanted to resist, his voice left no room for argument. Happy to give him complete control, I surrendered my body willingly.

  I fell to the bed, his arms guiding me down as my own were still tangled above my head. Once I was flat, he grabbed my hips and pulled me toward him so that my ass was just hanging off the edge of the bed.

  “No peeking.” That commanding, powerful tone again. Without even meaning to, my arms froze. I wouldn't have lifted that dress off my eyes if I heard a marching band go by. But then again, I was so captivated by Noah that I probably wouldn’t have heard a marching band at all. I shivered with anticipation as I contemplated the wonderful things he was going to do to my body.

  His strong hands started their caress at my shoulders and worked their way down. Down the swell of my breasts, the curve of my waist and out to the flare of my hips. His touch gave me the most delicious goosebumps. With a quick tug, he released the second tie on my swim bottoms and pulled them away.

  I bit my lip, feeling his gaze on me. I wished I could see his face, see what he was thinking. A hand went to each of my thighs and pushed them wide as he wedged his broad shoulders between them. One finger traced the line between my legs that must have been right at his eye level. The promise of what those fingers could do made me squirm with anticipation.

  “So wet...” he whispered. I could hear the smile in his voice mixed in with sheer desire. My stomach tightened with want.

  “Noah-” I started, but the sentence in my mind was cut off by one perfectly placed tongue, reducing me to a whimpering puddle of yearning. He did it again, taking all my powers of speech. I was lost to the pleasure of his flexible tongue.

  He sucked. And nibbled. Tasted and tickled. And drove me out of my mind with want and pleasure.

  To be honest, it wasn't a long drive.

  The muscles deep in my stomach started to clench and vibrate; the ecstasy was almost too much to handle. Colors started to whirl through my vision and I was barely aware that I was squeezing my thighs together with every ounce of strength I possessed. He didn't stop his tongue from flicking and teasing my poor, swollen nub. Time paused for a glorious, golden moment as I capsized into a sea of pleasure.

  When I came back to the surface of the world, I lay there gasping for breath. It was quite possibly the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced. Mind-blowing, earth-shattering, and universe-expanding kind of good. Noah pulled back with a chuckle and planted one last kiss on my still very sensitive, quivering pleasure nub.

  His shoulders left my thighs as I struggled to compose myself again. I heard the crinkle of plastic and the sound of his clothes hitting the floor. I wanted to peek so badly, to see his naked body. I wanted to see him ready and wanting me, but I didn't dare move the dress. I squirmed slightly. I was torn between liking the surprise of being blindfolded and wanting to see his handsome body. Maybe, if the dress happened to fall off my face...

  “No peeking,” he reminded me, pinning my arms again. His body pressed against mine. I could feel him, rock-hard and more than ready against my leg. His body was firm and strong. I arched my hips into him, letting him know that I wanted him as much as he obviously wanted me.

  He kissed me briefly, giving me just a taste of his tongue, before rising back up and reclaiming his spot between my legs. My breath hitched as I felt him press against my opening. I wanted to feel him inside of me, joining me. I needed him. Now. But he just teased, giving me just a taste of his velvet length without entering. I arched my hips up to capture him, but he just pulled away and remained just on the edge of my opening. I squirmed with sexual frustration as he toyed with my lust.

  I hissed and tried again, using my legs to pull him into me. He evaded me just as easily and had the nerve to chuckle. I was ready to burst into flame with the heat in my core. I needed him so badly. He gave me the smallest fraction of an inch, letting me think I was going to have him inside of me, only to have him pull back. I was being driven mad with lust. Having him inside of me was the only thought in my entire brain.

  “Please...” I begged, struggling to find the word amid my longing.

  “Say my name,” he said, voice low and ready as he poised yet again where I wanted him.

  “Please, Noah...” I begged again, arching my hips and reaching to find him. At his name he dove deep, making me cry out in pleasure.

  My body responded almost immediately, rising up toward another climax as a result of finally getting what I craved. He pumped again, filling me completely. His hand cupped my breast, finger and thumb rolling my nipple into a tight ball of delight.

  “Come for me, Izzy.” My name on his lips, the sound of lust and need coursing through it, was enough to send me flying yet again.

  Every part of me contracted as liquid pleasure surged through every nerve, fiber and vein. Noah groaned, burying his face in my shoulder as my body caressed his. The addition of his manhood inside me was exquisite and made me fly even higher.

  Hands still pinned above me, legs wrapped around his thighs, I called out his name as he pistoned in and out. Sweat coated our bodies, making us slippery and sticky at the same time. Our bodies collided and found each other in the most amazing way.

  Noah released his grip on my wrist and pulled the dress from my eyes. I opened them only to be lost in the kaleidoscope of blue that was his eyes. I wanted to dive into the ring of lighter blue and gold just around his pupils. There was so much emotion in them: lust and something soft, something I was almost afraid of, but desperately wanted. Love. Pure, simple, and true. Love and lust spiraled in blue and gold down into the depths of his soul.

  His breathing was ragged, and I felt my heart rate speed into overdrive as his pupils dilated and constricted. I nodded, ready for him. I kept my eyes open, wanting to see him. I could feel him swelling, losing himself, but he didn't close his eyes either.

  “Izzy,” he gasped as sensation finally overtook him. I watched, transfixed as pure ecstasy filled his face. It was incredibly erotic. I kissed his lips, but he was too enraptured to return the kiss. I loved the way his body was surging and shuddering into mine.

  My breath was rough and hard, matching Noah's. The muscles in his arms were shaking slightly, but he didn't pull away from me. He smiled down, all the emotions I had seen before still
sparkling in his eyes. If anything, the love was shining brighter.

  “I love you,” he whispered, planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

  “I know,” I replied. I had seen it in his eyes. Felt it with my entire body. “I love you, too.”

  He chuckled softly, the sound masculine and sexy as he nuzzled my jaw with his nose. “I know.”

  I unlatched my legs from his hips, feeling a tension in my muscles that surprised me. I was going to be sore later, but I let my feet fall to the floor. He raised up slightly, still connected to me as he pulled the dress from my arms and freed me. I whimpered when he left my body, feeling full and empty at the same time.

  His hands went to my waist, and he lifted me higher on the bed so that my head rested on a pillow. The sweat on his chest from our exertions gleamed slightly, accenting each pectoral muscle, each ab, and the delicious V that went down his hips.

  He frowned slightly in concentration as he messed with the condom, taking it off and throwing it away. It was sweet how unpracticed the motion was. When he had disposed of it, he joined me in bed, pulling me into his arms and then tracing my skin with his fingers.

  I took a deep, content breath in, held it for a moment, and then let it out slowly. I was happy. Thoroughly and completely happy.

  Sandcastle Kisses: Chapter 16

  My cheek stuck to Noah's chest, the combination of sticky skin and close contact making it so I couldn't leave. I didn't want to. Our bodies were tangled together and wrapped in what was once an orderly bed. I could hear his heartbeat, strong and hard, in my ear as we cuddled and relaxed. I was breathless and completely satisfied. The afterglow was almost as good as the sex.

  Noah's fingers traced slow, lazy designs on the bare skin of my back. The ocean shushed at us through the open window after what I knew had been a rather loud session. I didn't care if the mainland had heard us. I was with Noah. He loved me. I loved him. Everything was how it was supposed to be.


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