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Abducted at the Altar

Page 24

by Charlene Sands

  “I don’t think you need to worry about Dorie anymore,” Shane said, “but isn’t it funny how one little woman’s got you putting up guards around the church?”

  Barkley grunted and didn’t respond. When the organ music began, he said, “I’d better get to my place in church. Marilee is being stubborn. I won’t be walking her down the aisle this time, but I’ll be in the front row.”

  Shane watched him leave then drew a big breath. This was his cue to walk to the altar and wait for his bride. With forced steps he made his way inside the church and stood on one side of the altar. All eyes seemed to focus on him.

  He took a deep breath.

  When the music stopped, heads turned toward the back of the church. Marilee stood there wearing veiled white, holding a bouquet of yellow roses.

  The organist began playing again.

  Marilee took a step toward him.

  Shane looked at her, without really seeing. He wanted to be anywhere but here.

  She took another step then another moving slowly, as if she too were walking toward her own execution.

  Shane’s gut clenched.

  Marilee continued on, only steps away from the altar.

  Shane silently prayed for strength.

  Marilee finally made her way to stand beside him.

  Shane knew that this time no one would dare stop the wedding.

  Marilee turned toward him, her full lacy wedding gown rustling softly in the stonily silent church.

  “Shall we begin?” Reverend O’Malley asked.

  Slowly, Shane nodded.

  Marilee lifted her veil.

  And smiled.

  Shane’s heart thumped hard in his chest. He looked straight into the beautiful blue eyes of Dorie McCabe.

  “Are you okay with this?” she whispered urgently.

  Shane didn’t know how she managed it, but he’d never been happier in his life. “More than okay. I’ve dreamed of this.”

  “Oh, Shane. So have I, but this isn’t a dream.”

  By then the entire congregation had caught on. Their shocked mumblings were immediately outdone by Tobias Barkley’s boisterous outrage. “Wait a minute! What have you done with my daughter! Where is Marilee?”

  Dorie spoke softly to Shane, unmindful of Barkley’s rantings. “She’s with her beau. They are probably married by now. She needed this time to get away.”

  “Married? Where?” Barkley’s face nearly exploded with fury. “This is unacceptable. Graham, we had a deal!”

  Shane ignored him and stared into Dorie’s eyes. “The deal’s off.”

  “I’ll ruin you! You won’t have a dime to your name when I get through with you! You owe me!”

  “No, he doesn’t, Barkley,” a voice boomed with clarity. “He doesn’t owe you a dime.”

  Shane and Dorie turned to see Oliver Parker standing in the back of the church. He looked at Shane squarely. “My wife and I are paying off his debts as a wedding present. And we’ve bought the Whitaker place. Seems they’d like to spend some time with their grandkids back east. Jeremiah will be your partner, Shane, if you desire. He’ll help you run both ranches as one. You won’t need Barkley’s grazing land or anything else he’s held over your head.”

  Barkley’s eyes bugged out then he narrowed them on Oliver Parker. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Dorie’s kin and there’ll be no more threats to her or Shane from now on. Kindly leave the church. The preacher has a wedding to perform.”

  Barkley darted his gaze around the church. He opened his mouth to speak then clamped it shut. He’d been defeated and he knew it. Everyone watched as he strode out of the church with purposeful steps.

  Once he was gone, Shane turned back to his love. “Dorie McCabe, let’s make it real this time. I love you deeply and I’m asking you before God and all these fine people, to be my wife.”

  Dorie beamed him a beautiful smile. “Yes, Shane. I’ll be your wife.”

  Shane smiled also then kissed his bride-to-be. Reverend O’Malley cleared his throat and Shane apologized. “Sorry, but it’s an engagement kiss.”

  “Shall we proceed with the wedding?” the minister asked.

  Shane and Dorie turned to the Parkers. They were seated with Jeremiah in the back of the church, smiling.

  Dorie and Shane smiled back. Then they turned to the Reverend, and Shane said, “Please, go on. I’ve been waiting all my life for this woman.” He turned to Dorie. “And I don’t want to wait another second.”

  Holding Dorie’s hand in his they spoke vows from the heart ensuring that she’d never need a temporary husband again.

  Dorie stood beside Shane at the front desk of the Silver Rose Hotel as he registered for their room. “Mr. and Mrs. Shane Graham.”

  “It’s nice to have you and the Mrs. back, Mr. Graham,” the desk clerk said.

  “It’s nice to be back,” Shane replied.

  “Will you be needing anything?”

  Shane shook his head then peered into Dorie’s eyes. “No, I have everything I need now.”

  Dorie’s heart rippled with joy. They walked up the stairs together with smiles on their faces and once they reached the door to their room, Shane lifted her up into his arms. He carried her over the threshold and set her down gently, placing a kiss on her lips. “It’s for real now, sweetheart.”

  “I’m truly your wife,” she said breathlessly.

  “Finally.” Shane took her into his arms.

  “Marilee came up with the perfect plan. I slept inside the church last night and when she arrived two hours before the wedding, we switched clothes in the bride’s room. It was all terribly easy.”

  “My thanks go to Marilee.” Shane removed his hat.

  “And what about Helene and Oliver coming to our aid just when we needed it. I surely misjudged them.”

  “Uh-huh.” He loosened his string tie.

  “Did you see how happy Jeremiah was? I’ve never seen him grin so much in his life.”

  “Yep.” Shane unfastened his belt.

  “And what of the Whitakers? I’d never have guessed they’d want to sell their ranch. I suppose Alberta wanted to spend her days with her children. But Iggy? I wonder if he’ll be happy—”



  “Get naked.”

  “Oh!” Dorie gasped at her husband’s blunt command. Then she giggled and turned around, her gown swishing between them. “Undress me, Shane.”


  An hour later, Dorie stood above the man she loved with her whole heart, admiring his form, the sated peaceful look on his face as he lay across the bed. She’d never tire of looking at him, of appreciating his strength and dignity.

  He opened his eyes and stretched lazily. “I’m a lucky man.”

  Dorie bit her lip. She still had doubts, not of his love, but at the way they’d entered into this marriage. “Are you sure about that?”


  “Because, well, most men don’t get, uh…”

  Puzzled, he lifted his head and looked up. “What, honey? What don’t most men get?”

  Dorie hesitated a moment wondering if she should speak her mind. After all, Shane had married her. He’d spoken vows and made incredible love to her just minutes ago, yet she still needed a measure of reassurance. “They don’t get shanghaied, Shane. Not just once, but twice.”

  Shane sighed then with undeniable pleasure. “I know, sweetheart. As I said, I’m a lucky man. Now, come over here. There’s something else we have to do twice and it has nothing to do with the butt end of your gun, and everything to do with making me dizzy.”

  Dorie smiled and lowered herself down on the bed.

  She had an understanding husband after all.

  She’d shanghaied her groom.

  And he’d stolen her heart.

  ISBN: 978-1-4603-0938-4


  Copyright © 2006 by Charlene Swink

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