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Defender's Blood Lexi's Trials: Book 7 Final Instalment of the Defender's Series

Page 4

by A. K. Michaels

Lisa turned to the jet, planning on doing a visual check outside before doing after flight checks inside the cockpit. She started humming as she looked over the front of the jet first, turning her head every few seconds to see the Vampires getting smaller and smaller, as they moved farther away using their supernatural speed. Her stomach did a little somersault as she hoped the mission went well and everyone got back safe and sound.

  Shaking her head to rid herself of those thoughts, Lisa turned her attention back to her own mission...ensure the plane was safe, guarded, and ready for take off at a moments notice. Her mind wandered, for just a second, as she remembered the smile Vlad had given her. Jeez, she was sure that man could make an eskimo buy ice! Especially if it was a woman.

  A small laugh erupted from her as she continued her visual of the sleek jet, everything looking as it should. She was almost all the way back around to the stairs when her Wolf senses picked up noise, a lot of noise...many footsteps coming in her direction.

  Her head whirled around to the side, seeing nothing, before she completely turned around. Her heart nearly stopped beating in her chest as she saw hordes of the most disgusting abominations leaving the large, run down logging station building...and they were coming her way. She couldn’t help what happened next, she had no control over it at all, as her mouth opened and a scream tore from her throat.


  Vlad slowed down, the road ahead starting to meander down to his left, toward a small, quiet town. There was no sign of anything or anyone there, the town having a feel of being totally abandoned. Zach moved to his friends side, sending his vast powers outwards to sense anything below them.

  Zach shook his head, “I don’t feel anything down there, Vlad, and there’s definitely no Witch hiding out in any of the houses.”

  Vlad frowned, where the hell was that Witch, hiding? Fuck, it looked as if they were going to have to split up and start searching the surrounding forest. “Okay guys, this is what...”

  Vlad stopped as a blood-curdling scream resonated in their sensitive Vampire ears. All present turned around to face the way they had just come from, seeing the jet as a speck in the distance. James roared as he took off back towards the jet, “Lisa!” fear and anger prevalent in that one word.

  Alex didn’t think, only reacted to her friend’s scream, using her unique ability to move between places and disappeared as the rest of the Vampires took off after James. Zach knew the second his mate had left them but he had other ideas, using his powerful legs to catch up to James in seconds and grasping his arm tightly as he moved them both.

  Alex appeared at the foot of the steps her eyes scanning for Lisa, finding her at the very rear of the jet. Lisa stood as if frozen in place and Alex’s eyes saw why...a horde of the undead were stumbling along in their direction. The sight caused Alex’s stomach to clench and heave as she fought for control. Using her speed she was next to Lisa in a flash, grabbing her arm tightly.

  Lisa squealed loudly before realizing it was Alex who held her. “Come on, we need to get you locked up in the jet. Come on!” Alex was shouting now as Lisa still seemed rooted to the spot.

  Alex started to use her immense strength, pulling Lisa after her as she made her way to the stairs leading up into the jet. As they reached them Zach and James appeared, James’ face a mask of worry until he saw Lisa. He moved forward grasping her in his arms for a brief second before pushing her towards the cabin.

  Lisa tripped on the first step, James hauling her upwards and pushing her roughly inside. “Close it up, now!” he ordered as Lisa was shaking her head. “I said close it up now!” the tone he used wasn’t one either Zach or Alex had heard from him before, full of dominance and command. The effect on Lisa was visible and immediate, as her eyes lowered and she nodded her head once, as tears streamed down her face.

  James threw the stairs up as his mate secured them, “Stay in there, no matter what happens, you stay inside. If the worst happens then you take off and you do not look back. Understood?”

  Lisa looked as if she was going to argue before she agreed. “Okay, please, please, be careful, James. I can’t live without you, you know that!”

  James gave her a small smile, “Yes, I know that, my little Wolf. Now, get this fucking door locked and let us take care of these monstrosities.”

  Zach waited the precious few seconds it took for Lisa to secure the door before he spoke. “We need to take the fight to them, get out in the open space back there, let’s go folks and we’ll try to hold as many off until the cavalry arrives.”

  Alex turned to look down the road, seeing the rest of the teams as small specks in the distance. She breathed heavily and hoped to Christ they’d get here quick. Zach placed a hand on her shoulder, “They’ll get here as soon as they can, little one. But for now we can start to deal with the ones that are out front of the main bunch. Just remember, Alexina, don’t hesitate and always, always, go for the kill. Use your blade and take their heads off as quick as you can and try and not think, just do. Come on, we need to get started.”

  Alex looked at the hoard coming their way, a good few were out in front and she prayed she’d be able to do what she knew she must. James patted her back before moving passed her and towards the shambling abominations. She forced her feet to move and followed, Zach at her side.

  As they drew nearer to the beings before them Zach could hear his mate’s laboured breathing. Her heart rate had rocketed and he was under no illusions that she was in trouble. He wished she was safe and sound within the cabin of the jet with Lisa, instead of standing at his side ready to take on these foul smelling undead. Her thoughts jumbling through his mind as he tried to send calming thoughts in return.

  The sight before them was enough to turn even the most brave warriors’ stomach and he hoped they made it out of this unscathed. Their intel was sorely lacking as the numbers seemed to increase again and again. More of the shuffling, disgusting things joining those already visible.

  James cursed, “Fuck! I think we’re gonna need a bigger boat!” he quipped and Zach frowned as James actually chuckled, “Jaws, Zach, it’s a quote from Jaws, the film.”

  Zach shook his head, “Not the time.” he said as James smirked.

  “I think it’s the perfect time, because, my friend, I think we’re in deep shit. There’s not enough of us to deal with these things and I’m just hoping Lisa isn’t going to be a widow very soon.”

  Alex actually whimpered, “Zach, what do we do? There’s too many of them, what do we do?”

  Zach watched as the things before them drew closer, still a definite space between the ones out front and the large crowd at their backs. “We fight, that’s what we do. We fight until the rest get here, so come on.”

  Zach moved with such speed that it was difficult for even James and Alex to keep him in their sights. They moved a second after him and he was already using his sword to decimate the loathsome walking dead that were within it’s arc. Heads rolled all over the place and Alex tried hard not to trip over any and after standing on one and having the mess cover her combat boots she redoubled her efforts to keep away from them.

  Alex held her blade to the side, ready to use her strength to destroy whatever came her way. She was breathing through her mouth, as Zach had instructed, but even that seemed too much, the scents assaulting her senses to such an extent that she gagged several times. If she wasn’t a Vampire she knew damn well she would be vomiting all over the place. She watched as Zach took out most of the first few rows all on his own, with James picking up the few her mate missed. Alex hadn’t, as yet, bloodied her blade but knew she would have to soon, too soon.

  The large hoard was now very close and her heart stuttered in her chest as she saw two children at the forefront, coming right at her with their arms outstretched and fingers grasping in mid-air. Her heart ached for them, children torn from this word and thrust into the role of mindless zombies. She baulked at the thought of taking their heads with her razor sharp blade...even if she
knew deep down she had to.

  As the figures grew ever closer she felt Zach getting closer to her, keeping only enough distance between them for him to wield his sword. She didn’t think she had ever felt more grateful for anything in her life before. She sneaked a quick glance and saw his handsome face set like stone as he watched the beings drawing closer. His jaw muscles twitching as he ground his teeth.

  Zach turned slightly, his eyes meeting hers, “Don’t think, honey, they’re beyond redemption, the only thing we can do for them now is to take them out of their misery.”

  Zach then turned and lifted his sword arm, ready to take on what he knew were odds so long that he felt, for the first time on a mission, that they were going to lose. The two girls were almost upon them and he worried that Alexina wouldn’t be able to do what was required. Her love, especially for children, would get in the way. He knew this as sure as he knew her name.

  Zach moved slightly, “I’ll take them,” he spoke quietly, knowing she would hear.

  Alex almost sobbed with relief, “Thank you.” was all she managed to get out before all hell broke loose.

  Zach was just about to strike with his sword when there was a roar from their rear, “Get back! Get back to the jet!”

  James moved as soon as he heard Vlad’s command, as Zach grabbed Alex’s arm and dragged her after him, back towards the plane. Vlad was coming their way with Dmitri at his side, both had some of Vlad’s ’toys’ in their right hands and Vlad held his backpack loosely in his left. As soon as Zach, James and Alex were clear they brought their arms back and let fly, with small silver orbs.

  Zach kept his eyes on them as they arced through the air and landed in the midst of the undead horde. The noise deafening as explosions ripped through the throng, body parts and gore flying in all directions. Vlad and Dmitri dipped their hands back into the bag and soon more bombs were winging their way towards the shambling bodies. Again and again they lobbed the small metallic balls and soon the horde dwindled until there were only a few still on their feet.

  The ones that were left were having problems walking over the fallen and destroyed bodies littering the ground. They fell, got up, fell again, until they were almost at the edge of the destruction. Vlad turned around to face everyone, “We need to clean up guys, some are still ‘alive’ if you can call it that.”

  Zach pushed Alex behind him, “Go to the plane and check Lisa’s okay, we’ll get this.”

  Alex stared up into those ice grey eyes with such relief that she thought her legs were going to give out. Fighting Demons, she could handle, fighting other supernatural beings, she could handle, but this...she definitely couldn’t. James walked over, turning her towards the jet and giving her a little push, “Go and check on Lisa for me, please.”

  Alex walked slowly back to the door of the jet as everyone else made their way to the disgusting mess ahead. Her Vampire hearing picking up the moment swords and blades went to work killing off any remaining ‘alive’. As she rattled on the door, shouting for Lisa to open up, she was shocked to see her hand shaking uncontrollably.

  She clasped her hands together to still their obvious tremors as Lisa wrenched the door open, her face white as a ghost. “Are you okay? Is James okay?”

  Alex put a hand out to keep Lisa within the confines of the plane as she let the stairs down. “Stay inside, Lisa, you definitely do not want to go outside. I’m coming to join you and I need a shower right now.”

  Alex kicked off her combat boots and left them on the ground before making her way into the cabin. Lisa’s eyes wide and her nose wrinkling as the smell finally hit her sensitive Wolf’s senses. Alex tried to smile but failed miserably as her body started to join in her hands and shake uncontrollably. Lisa moved to grab her in a hug but Alex shook her head. “No, don’t, I’ve gotta have a shower, won’t be long.”

  Lisa nodded as Alex continued to the rear of the cabin and went on through to the first bedroom, availing herself of the shower inside. She stayed under the water for a long time trying to get her body back under control. Alex’s heart continued to thud for quite some time before she finally felt anywhere near back to normal. She used one of the large towels to dry herself before she pondered on what to wear.

  If she had known what today was going to be like she would’ve brought a change of clothes. However, she hadn’t and she knew she couldn’t put on the clothes that now lay in a pile on the floor. Alex flopped down onto the corner of the bed as she tried to come up with a solution. Her first instinct was to just move back home, but she didn’t want to run out on either Lisa or Zach. She knew he would worry if she did that.

  A gentle knock on the door brought her out of her thoughts, Lisa popping her head inside, a small bag in her hands. “Alex, here, I’ve always got a bag with clothes in case of an emergency lay over, or if a mission last longer than we thought. I know we’re not the same size but, hopefully, you’ll be able to find something to do you ‘til you get home.”

  Alex smiled a thanks as she took the bag, nodding her head as Lisa disappeared. After placing the bag on the bed she looked through it, finding a pair of panties that would do together with a t-shirt and a pair of jeans. Everything was a little big for her but she would make do until she got home. Her leather mission jacket was still on the sofa in the main cabin, with that over the top it wouldn’t look so bad, even if her feet remained bare. Alex dressed quickly, picking up her clothes and carrying them back through with her.

  She walked straight to the open door and threw them outside, not even wanting to take them home with her. Alex saw dark smoke and surmised the guys were burning the remains of the bodies that littered the ground. She kept her head inside the cabin, not wanting even a glimpse of what was going on outside.

  Alex jumped as Lisa’s hand touched her shoulder, her friend’s words quiet as if not wanting to spook her. “Are you okay, Alex? I’ve never seen you like this before?”

  She turned, giving Lisa a small smile. “I’ll be okay but that’s the worst thing I’ve ever seen and I hope to hell I don’t ever have to deal with that again. I’m not sure I could, deal with it again I mean. I feel bad for the guys, leaving them to escape in here, but I thought I was gonna lose it, Lisa. It was awful, truly awful.”

  Lisa turned away, taking the couple of steps that took her to the galley where she grabbed a bottle of wine from the fridge. Alex watched as Lisa opened the bottle and got a large wine glass, filling it to the brim, before bringing it back over. “Sit down, Alex, drink this and try and relax. You’re as white as a sheet.”

  Alex gratefully did as she was told, gulping down half the glass of wine as she sat on the sofa. “Ditto.” she said as she curled her feet up under her backside.

  “What?” Lisa frowned, obviously having no idea what she meant.

  Another sip of wine and Alex answered. “I meant, you’re as white as a sheet too.”

  Lisa half laughed, “Oh, I see, yeah well I kinda freaked out earlier. Especially as I knew you were all quite a ways away. I totally forgot about you and Zach, ya know, the moving thing you two do. I froze, freaked and screamed like a kid. I’m embarrassed bout that.”

  Alex patted the space beside her and Lisa sat down, a slight blush on her face. One of Alex’s hands found one of her friend’s, giving it a squeeze. “Hell, honey, I freaked too, don’t be embarrassed bout that. I’m just glad Zach had the forethought to actually bring James back with him. I just reacted and I shoulda thought to bring at least one back with me. Preferably Vlad, ‘cause we all know he’s always got his ‘bag of tricks’ with him. But, I didn’t I just reacted and then freaked out myself.”

  Lisa peered at Alex through her hair, which had come loose and flew around her face with the draught from the door. “I’m just glad everyone’s okay.”

  Alex finished her wine then got up to refill the glass, “Me too. I want to get home and see what the heck’s going on with Conall. He’s still not replied to my text and I’m getting worried. It’s not like hi
m to be out of touch for so long.”

  Before Lisa could respond James appeared, his face drawn and tight. Lisa squealed, jumping up and straight into his arms. Alex watched as James enveloped her, pulling her close as his forehead rested on his mate’s. “You’re okay? I mean really okay?” Lisa asked quietly and James grimaced.

  His voice as tight as his face as he answered. “I wouldn’t say okay but I’m unhurt. I hope to never deal with anything like that again. How are you? Are you okay?”

  Lisa gave a shy smile, “Yes, I’m fine now I know you’re not hurt. How long will it be ‘til we can go home?”

  Alex sipped her wine as a thought came to her, interrupting before James could answer. “What ‘bout the Witch? Did you find them?”

  James moved slightly, turning his head to take in Alex. “Yes, we did. Let’s just say he’s not coming back to base with us.”

  Lisa gasped at the obvious meaning but all Alex could think was ‘serves him bloody right’.

  The rest of the Vampires started to appear, one by one, all looking a little worse for wear and heading towards the rear of the aircraft for a shower. Vlad, Dmitri and Zach were last to board and she could clearly see the strain in each of them. Zach gave her a small smile, raising an eyebrow at her clothes.

  She put her hand out to him and he moved to grasp it, still standing. “Can we go home now?” she asked and he nodded his head, picking up his leather coat and pulling her to her feet. “We’re going now guys, see you later.”

  With that they moved as one, appearing in their bedroom. Zach leaned down, placing a gentle kiss on her lips before pulling away. “Hey, I was enjoying that.” she quipped as he turned away.

  “Shower, I have to shower.” was all he said as he entered their bathroom, pulling off his clothes as he went.

  Alex knew what he meant and let him go, picking up his clothes and taking them out to the trash-can out back. She wasn’t even going to try and clean them. When she came back in she started to undress as she made her way through to the bedroom. After the day they had just endured she could think of no better way to relax than joining her Vampire in the shower!


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