Defender's Blood Lexi's Trials: Book 7 Final Instalment of the Defender's Series

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Defender's Blood Lexi's Trials: Book 7 Final Instalment of the Defender's Series Page 6

by A. K. Michaels

  The thought of making her scream his name in rapture causing him to harden and grow within his linen trousers. He couldn’t wait for that day but knew he couldn’t rush her. The last thing Caim wanted was to push her farther from him and his love. However, his great need to conquer her warred with his need to nurture her. He shook his head trying to clear his thoughts as his manhood continued to harden.

  Caim curled his immense wings tight against his back then lay down on the bed next to Lexi. He took her into his arms and held her tight against his body as he ensured she didn’t wake. For the first time in his incredibly long life he ground his hips against someone for pleasure, the feeling exquisite and mind blowing. He clung onto her as his motions quickened, his hardness rubbing against her pelvic bone, one hand on her ass to hold her against his cock. He almost stripped her to enter her fully, only stopping himself in the last second. One of his hands grasped her hair, clasping her head against his bare skin in a parody of her kissing his nipple. His breathing became laboured as he rose higher and higher in ecstasy and far too soon reached a release. A release so incredibly vast that he bit down on his lip to stop himself from roaring her name.

  As Caim’s senses came back to him he continued to hold her as the last tremors of his orgasm shook his body. Clarity now in his head about the other species and their obsession with sex. He would do anything to obtain entrance to his little Angel’s warm folds, anything at all. Including lying to her about Michael being dead. Including keeping her captive here until she fell in love with him. He knew it was only a matter of time. Yes, a matter of time before she turned to him for solace.

  Caim smiled down at his sleeping love as his hardness grew again. He guessed he was going to be keeping her asleep for quite a while until he slaked his need and managed to get his body under control. He moved Lexi so that her back was to his front thereby gaining access to grasping one of her breasts as his other hand landed between her legs. He pulled her back into his body, her ass now tight against his cock as he started to move once more.

  This time Caim tried to make it last longer, caressing her skin underneath her clothing, his fingers dipping down inside her panties as he felt her sex. A groan escaped his lips and Lexi moved on her own accord as his concentration lapsed, his heart stuttering for a second before he used his powers to pull her under and into an almost coma like sleep. His fingers touched, prodded, caressed every part of her as he ground against her ass, the thought of taking her fully once more rising to the front of his thoughts.

  Could he? Could he plunge himself deep within her without her waking? He wasn’t a hundred percent certain, so fought to restrain himself from ripping her clothes from her body and dipping himself inside her. Another moan escaped him as he envisioned himself taking her as she lay naked beneath him, calling out his name as he brought her to her own rapture.

  Caim lasted longer this time, much longer, bringing himself to the brink and then slowing his motions to eke out his pleasure. He let out a long, drawn out groan as his orgasm encompassed his entire being, tremors shaking him as his seed emptied onto the linen of his pants. The wetness against him reminding him of what his little Angel could do to his body.

  As he felt her skin underneath his own, he hoped he had the patience to endure the time it would take for Lexi to accept him fully into her life and her bed. Patience wasn’t one of his virtues but he would have to try and curb his appetite if he didn’t want to push her away.

  He could, after all, whet that appetite as he was doing now, placing her into a deep slumber as he used her body to bring him release. A small chuckle rumbled in his throat as he thought Lexi would be having an awful lot of rest as he availed himself of her perfection.

  Finally he left the bed, after using her body to reach a further two orgasms. His legs almost weak as he stood up. He let his eyes roam over her body, fixing her clothing back into place, before going to get cleaned up. He couldn’t wait for the next time he could lie with her in his arms as his body took the pleasure it craved from her. At least she would be well rested whilst in his care, he laughed at the thought and turned to leave the room.


  Lexi came out of her sleep slowly, an arm snaking over to grasp Michael and finding the space empty and cold. Her heart hitched when she remembered where she was, and why. The ache in her chest was like a physical blow and she fought to control herself.

  She remembered crying for a long time while Caim held her safely in the confines of his wings and she shuddered at the memory. Lexi could well remember the way he had looked at her as she grew into adulthood and she wondered why it was he that the other Angels had left to look after her. Surely Rashnu would’ve been a better fit, his strength and caring never crossing the boundaries. Not once did she feel uncomfortable in Rashnu’s presence. Caim, on the other hand, sometimes made her skin crawl and she shivered at the thought of being in his presence on a daily basis.

  Lexi looked around the room she was in and rose from the bed. She opened the large wardrobe and found it stocked full of clothes. Although they weren’t actually her clothes, they were her size and most were her style i.e. casual jeans, tops and boots. She noticed several floaty dresses and wondered who had stocked the wardrobe. She guessed Caim and vowed to never wear any of those dresses, far too much skin would be on show for her to feel comfortable.

  She wandered around and found a large bathroom off to the side of the bed. The shower massive and inviting. She tore her clothes off and left them where they fell before turning on the shower and going in. The warm water soothed her body and hid the fresh tears that streaked down her face.

  Lexi stayed within the scalding hot water until she felt a little more in control. Her thoughts spiralling at the thought of never seeing anyone that she cared about again. As she envisioned raising her babies on her own her heart almost broke again as she stifled back even more tears.

  She bit her lip almost hard enough to draw blood as she gave herself a good talking to. ‘You’re alive and the babies are alive. That’s all you need to focus on, Lexi. Get a grip and deal with things.’ She shook her head, her jet black hair throwing droplets of water all around as she finally left the warmth of the water.

  Lexi pulled a large, fluffy towel from a rail on the wall and wrapped it around herself as she used a smaller one for her hair. She looked at herself in the steamed up mirror and grimaced...she looked awful. Not surprising seeing as everyone she loved had been ripped from her. ‘Enough!’ she chastised herself as she turned and walked slowly back through to the bedroom.

  She stopped dead, Caim standing looking out of the window, his wing covered back to her. Lexi frowned as she spoke. “We need to set some boundaries, Caim. You can’t just come in here whenever you like. It’s not proper and I won’t allow it. In future, please knock and if I don’t answer please don’t just come in.”

  Lexi knew her tone was sharp as the words left her mouth. Caim’s body tightening as he turned towards her, a look his eyes? His mouth was a thin line as his eyes bored into hers before he finally nodded his head.

  Caim stepped away from the window and took a few steps toward her, she moved backwards and bumped against the wall as he smiled. “I think you are forgetting yourself, little Angel. I am the one in charge, as always. However, I will try and respect your wishes. Now, hurry up and get dressed, I have a meal prepared for you downstairs.”

  Lexi watched as the Angel left the bedroom, giving her one long look at the door before he disappeared. She let out a long breath, not realizing she had even been holding it in. Her stomach fluttered with a feeling she was not used to...fear. It pooled deep inside her as she quickly closed the door before drying herself and getting dressed.

  She found brushes, combs and other hair things on top of the large dresser in the corner, where she had found underwear in the drawers. She quickly got rid of the tangles in her mane of black hair before using a band to pop it into a ponytail. The mirror showed her face as chalk wh
ite and her eyes red rimmed before she turned and also left the room.

  The smell of food wafted up the stairs and she was surprised when her mouth watered. With everything that had happened she was darn sure she would never eat again. However, her body was disregarding her completely and she followed her nose into a large dining area. A huge table in the middle of the room with Caim sitting at the end, platters of food in front of him.

  Caim stood up and moved to the chair on his right, a place set for her. He pulled the chair out and she reluctantly sat down as he pushed the chair underneath her. He returned to his seat and watched as she started to place some food onto the plate in front of her.

  The platters were enough to feed a large family and she could only manage a little of what was on offer. Caim watching closely as she began to eat. Once again she wondered at the logic of leaving her in the care of this Angel as his eyes never wavered from her.

  She swallowed the morsel of chicken in her mouth before speaking. “How long will we be here? I need to go and get their bodies and organize funerals. I can’t just leave them there.”

  This thought had been swirling around in her brain since her shower. The thought of leaving Michael’s magnificent body lying broken and bloodied on the street almost bringing her to her knees. Caim took a moment or two to answer, his jaw clenching tightly before he relaxed it.

  He stared for another second before answering. “It’s already been dealt with. The others gave everyone a burial but it’s not safe for you to leave here just yet. You and the babies are shielded here and I’ve been instructed to keep you here until we’re told otherwise.”

  Lexi scowled as she looked at Caim, sure he was lying. About what she had no idea only that he was. Once again she wished Rashnu were here as she continued to eat. Her mind working overtime going over and over what had happened. She had so many questions her head was spinning as she placed her fork on the plate and turned once again to the Angel.

  She tried to be careful as she spoke, not wanting him to even guess she thought he was being untruthful. “Why didn’t we just move? I’m pretty sure if I saw a horde of Demons destroying the town I would’ve thought on the babies and hightailed it outta there? Or my parents, or Conall, why didn’t they move and get out of there?”

  Caim lifted an eyebrow as he studied her as the questions poured out of her mouth. Again his jaw clenched before he replied. “I’ve no idea why none of you didn’t just move, possibly the thought of leaving everyone to the mercy of the Demons? After all, your parents would never do that, now would they? You? I don’t know, Lexi, why didn’t you get out of there?”

  His words hit home and she tried to remember why she and Michael hadn’t gotten out of there. Her mind tried and tried but she just couldn’t grasp much detail, other than death and destruction all around. Lexi’s body started to shake as the images played in her mind. Bodies and blood everywhere and Michael’s hand being ripped from hers as they ran.

  Lexi fought to control herself, not wanting to dissolve into tears again as she remembered the moment she turned to see the love of her life lying dead before her. Her stomach lurched and her chest ached as she tried to shut out the images. Caim was at her side in a second, his hand gently stroking her hair as she tried to stem the tide of grief.

  His voice full of concern as he talked down to her. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to upset you again. Lexi, try and forget what happened, it won’t do you or the babies any good getting upset again. Maybe you should go and lie down again?”

  Her tear filled eyes lifted to his and she saw nothing but worry and sympathy reflected in his. She nodded her head and slowly got up, leaving the Angel standing at the table watching her as she left.

  Chapter 7

  The days that followed were hard for Lexi, her grief seemed an insurmountable mountain and she wasn’t sure she would make it through. ‘How the hell am I going to get through this?’ she asked herself time and time again as her chest ached and her breaths would still until she felt as if she would pass out. Never in a million years did she think Michael would not be a part of her life, or be there to help her bring their children up.

  Lexi just couldn’t comprehend losing absolutely everyone she cared about. Tears would run down her cheeks as she thought on her parents and brother never getting to meet her babies. Caim was also close by, offering words of sympathy and support. Telling her he would care for her and make sure she and the babies were safe. His words would, at times, help and at others make her angry.

  More than once she wondered at the wisdom of him being the one looking over her and she longed for the smiling face of Rashnu or one of the others. If she thought too hard on things she found herself becoming tired and would return to her room to sleep for hours. On awakening, she always felt a little ‘off’ as if she had been drugged in some way, but put it down to her grief.

  Caim provided lavish meals and she would force food into her mouth knowing she had to for her babies’ sake as Caim looked on with an inscrutable look. Those days turned into weeks, months, with Lexi and Caim settling into a kind of routine. Not once did Caim leave her alone, not that she knew of anyway, he could’ve gone elsewhere whilst she slept but she doubted it. He seemed to keep himself in check whilst around her though and she never again felt as if he was lying to her.

  She wasn’t sure that he didn’t lie again but if he did then he hid it well. She still didn’t like the way he would look at her but her thoughts were on her babies and trying to come to terms with her loss. Lexi just didn’t have the time to worry about Caim’s affections, one way or the other.

  He catered to her every need, food, clothes, books to read to pass the time and even her medication to stop her morning sickness. She had stopped taking that some time ago as her pregnancy progressed and her belly swelled. Lexi’s hands would gently rub her stomach as she spoke to her babies about their father, uncle and grandparents. Vowing that they would know as much as possible about each and every one of them. Her sadness that they would never see them still so very fresh in her, each and every day.

  Lexi would go for long walks along the mountain that the house was perched on, Caim chastising her every time. His worry that she could fall and harm herself evident in his words. However, she couldn’t stop herself, she needed to get out of the house and as it was located on the mountain she had little choice of where to go for a walk.

  Her longing for some contact with anyone other than Caim grew daily and she constantly asked when they could leave. “Soon, little Angel, soon. My brothers say it’s still not safe for you.” was his answer each and every time as her desire grew.


  Caim stood at the doorway waiting on Lexi’s return from her morning walk, his mind a shambles as he went over and over each and every day they had spent together. At times his anger and frustration ruling his body so that he would place her into a deep sleep and pleasure himself against her warmth. He didn’t know how much longer he would be able to hold back from taking her completely, fully, sinking inside her instead of rubbing himself along her body.

  The first few days were awful, his little Angel crying and distraught at the loss of her loved ones. Every tear she shed for the betrayer, Michael, stabbing him in the heart. If she grew to care for him even a small fraction of what she seemed to care for Michael then he would be ecstatic.

  The days turned to weeks then months and although he still availed himself of her to give himself release and pleasure, he was growing tired with waiting. She would constantly question him about leaving and he would put her off time and again. Always using the safety of the babies as the reason.

  Now she was heavily pregnant, the babies birth imminent and he knew she was becoming more and more concerned about where she would give birth. However, he had no intention of letting her leave. They would be born here and he would help her to raise them. After all, he now considered them his children and all thoughts of their father gone from his mind.

  Caim was cer
tain once the babies were born and he helped Lexi with them that her view of him would change. She would grow to love him and soon he would be sharing her bed. He moved inside, checking his wings in the large mirror to the side of the door. After his liaisons with Lexi had started he noted grey feathers marring their white beauty. Ahh yes, there was one, he reached around and pulled it free before ripping it to shreds and going outside again. He opened his hand and the remains of the grey feather floated off on the breeze.

  As he watched them flutter and fly away on the wind he heard Lexi’s heavy breathing as she returned from her walk. He turned to watch and take in her glorious body as she closed the distance between them.


  This morning she had gone for her usual walk before breakfast and noticed it tiring her out more than normal. Her pregnancy now so far along that she was grateful for those floaty dresses she so despised. They were the only thing she felt comfortable in nowadays and she began to think on where her babies would be born. Not here. Definitely not here, she decided, as she arrived back to the smell of her breakfast waiting on her.

  As usual Caim stood at the front door, his eyes following her as she walked the last few yards. His look inscrutable as she gave him a small smile and made up her mind to broach the subject of the babies birth, whether he liked it or not.

  “Good morning, little Angel. Did you enjoy your walk?” Caim asked as he moved to the side to allow her entry.


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