Defender's Blood Lexi's Trials: Book 7 Final Instalment of the Defender's Series

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Defender's Blood Lexi's Trials: Book 7 Final Instalment of the Defender's Series Page 7

by A. K. Michaels

  She nodded her head. “Yes, but I’m tiring much quicker now. These little ones are quite a bundle to be carrying around.”

  Caim followed her as she took her seat and started to pick which food she wanted. He sat down staring intently at her. “Are you okay? You look tired, Lexi.”

  She popped a piece of fruit into her mouth, the tartness making her mouth water. “Yes, I’m just a little tired and I need to talk to you about the babies, Caim. Just when are we leaving here and where are my babies being born? I’m almost due and I’m not going to argue with you, but, they are not being born here. I just won’t allow it. You can say what you want, you can argue ‘til you are blue in the face, but I want to go and see a doctor and organize for my children to be born in a hospital.”

  Lexi watched as Caim’s eyes widened slightly at her tone. She knew she had been sharp with him but she needed for him to know she wasn’t going to be fobbed off this time. She needed answers and was determined to get them.

  Caim’s jaw clenched as he watched her, staying silent for more than a few moments before he finally answered. “Rashnu visited last night and said that it is too dangerous for you to leave. There were far more Demons that escaped Hell than any of us thought and they are wreaking havoc on earth. As soon as you leave here they will sense you and you will be their target so they can get their hands on the babies. Lexi, do you want to put the babies in danger? Never mind that you would also be in danger, but are you really willing to put those two babies within the grasp of the Demons that destroyed their father? Are you?”

  Lexi recoiled as Caim’s voice rose, ending on an angry shout. Never before had he spoken to her in such a way and she was shocked to silence. That lasted only a few seconds as anger overtook her. Her niggling doubts about never, not once, seeing any of the other Angels coming to the fore with gusto.

  She pushed her chair back with such force that it flew across the room and smashed into the wall, falling broken to the floor. Her heart rate picked up at about the same pace as her anger. “Don’t you dare speak to me about putting my children in danger. You hear me! Don’t you fucking dare! I’ve been cooped up here for months and not once, not once have I even had a glimpse of any of the other Angels. Why is that? Why has Rashnu not even stopped by to see how I am? I’ve got a very bad feeling in my gut, Caim, and I don’t like it. Now you better...”

  Lexi stopped short, her ears picking up something that was an impossibility. She felt the colour drain from her face as her hearing picked up, as a voice called to her. No, it couldn’t be! Her eyes found Caim’s and saw his anger boiling up inside of him as he looked at her.

  “What’s wrong?” he spat out, his eyes glaring down at her.

  She took a step back, one hand on her belly and one held out in front of her. “Stay away, do you hear? Stay the fuck away from me!”

  Realization dawned as her mother called to her, telling her to move to her now. Caim had been lying. Nobody was dead and she had to come to her this very instant! The tone was one of fear but also anger and she knew she had to go now, before Caim realized what was happening.

  She took another step back, her blood rushing through her system so fast she could hear it thudding in her ears. Lexi saw the second Caim knew something was wrong and she honed in on her mother and moved. As she appeared in a field behind Unity she almost collapsed when she saw Michael. A low groan escaped her as she fell into his arms.

  Lexi heard Conall curse as Michael held her tight. “Thank fuck!”

  She almost laughed as her mother admonished him. “Conall! That’s enough of that.”

  A second later her father’s cursing had her pulling away from Michael’s body. “I’m going to fucking kill you!” her father was roaring and she saw the reason why.

  Caim. The Angel stood before them, shaking in anger as he took in the scene of her in Michael’s arms. She stared into his eyes and saw emotions she had grown to know well over the last few months. Grief, pain, anger, all were showing in his eyes as he stared back at her.

  As she spoke she realized the situation they were in. Caim could destroy them all in the blink of an eye. “Why? Why would you do this to me, Caim?”

  He snarled back at her, his face unrecognisable as it filled with hatred. “Why? You ask me why? Because you should’ve been mine! That’s why! He took you from me! He betrayed both of us and took you for himself!”

  Lexi moved slightly, “No, he didn’t, Caim. I never felt for you like that. Never. Michael didn’t take me from you, because I was never yours to begin with.”

  Caim roared like a caged animal and everyone saw the moment he decided to act. Conall acting a nano-second before her father. Her brother flung himself at Caim and he locked his arms around the powerful being as Zach attacked too. Caim threw both of them away easily, their bodies flying through the air for many feet before crashing to the ground.

  Michael pushed her towards her mother as he closed the distance between them and Caim. His large body tackling the Angel and landing a solid punch to the Angel’s face, knocking his head backwards with the force. Caim snarled down at him and Lexi screamed, the intent in Caim’s eyes very clear. He was going to destroy Michael.

  “No!” she screamed and waited for the death blow she knew was coming.

  “Now!” Michael shouted and Rashnu and two other Angels appeared as Caim grabbed Michael by the throat and flung him high into the air, his body crashing to the ground like a rock. Lexi ran to him, falling to her knees and taking his head onto her lap. Blood seeped from his mouth and trickled down the side of his face from a large gash on his head. Immediately she called on her powers, laying her hands upon the face of her love and felt her healing invade his body. A mere second later Michael’s eyes fluttered open and he smiled up at her.

  Lexi tried to laugh but it stuck in her throat as she fought to get words out. “Are you okay? Michael, tell me, are you okay?”

  He nodded his head as a hand moved to cup her face. “I am now, my little Angel, I am now.”

  As a sob broke free from her throat as she leaned down and gave him a kiss on his lips, before he pulled away and rose. His eyes following the fight behind him as Rashnu and Rafael, two of his brothers, fought with an enraged Caim.

  They traded blows with such power that with each one they would fly through the air for many feet, landing in a heap only to get up and continue. Caim’s anger seemed to give him even more strength and Michael worried that two would not be enough to contain him.

  Lexi followed the fight and watched as her father and Conall became involved, Caim now being attacked by all four. It seemed to go on for hours but, in all honesty, probably lasted mere minutes. Caim taking a beating from the Angels, her brother and her father, until blood soaked the white feathers of his wings. The sight of him like this brought tears to her eyes as she blamed herself. Her thoughts running wild and trying to work out if she had ever given him reason to believe that she cared for him in that way.

  Michael’s arms pulled her back and into his body, his voice reaching her troubled mind. “It’s not your fault, Lexi. I knew a long time ago how he felt and I should probably have reported it. However, at the time I was going through those very same feelings, so I let it go, hoping he would see you didn’t care for him as he did you. If anyone is to blame, it’s me.”

  Lexi looked up and over her shoulder, shaking her head. “It’s nobody’s fault, Michael, other than his.”

  When they turned back they saw Caim on his knees with Rashnu and Rafael at his sides, a hand on each of his shoulders. Rashnu gave her a small smile before all three disappeared, as they took Caim to face his punishment.

  Lexi blinked her eyes, checking to make sure Caim was gone and that they were indeed safe. Her mother ran over, pulling her into her arms as tears wet her cheeks. Lexi patted her mum’s back, trying to calm her down. “I’m okay, really, I’m fine and I’m just so happy that you’re all alive and ...”

  Lexi stopped abruptly as pain lanced thr
ough her belly, a moment before warm liquid gushed down her legs to leave a dark pool on the grass. “Oh shit!” she said as another pain hit.

  Michael grabbed hold of her, his voice in a panic as he saw her waters breaking. “Holy crap! This can’t be happening! I only found out we were having babies yesterday! Now they’re on their way, holy shitting crap!”

  Lexi smiled up into his panic stricken face, “Yesterday? I’ve been gone for months, haven’t I?”

  Michael shook his head as her mother answered. “No, honey, you were taken less than a day ago, but looks like we better get you to the clinic.”

  Conall’s voice was the next one she heard and it swelled her heart, even if his words were typical Conall. “Eeeewwww that is gross!” he laughed as she tried to swat him, staying just out of reach as he dusted himself down.

  Her father did it for her, giving Conall a slap on the back of the head. “Don’t talk about your sister like that! Now, come on, we’ve got some babies wanting to be born.”

  Chapter 8

  As they arrived at the clinic, bursting through the doors, Michael and Zach bellowing for David, the doctor ran out, his eyes wide at the sight. Only the day before had he given them the news that Lexi was pregnant and now here they were presenting her full term and in labour. The doctor took it in his stride motioning for them to bring Lexi through.

  All four went with her, Michael carrying her in his arms as she protested loudly. “Put me down! For goodness sake I’m pregnant not hurt!”

  Michael ignored her and simply carried her as he followed behind David. The doc turning into a side room equipped with everything required for a birth. “Here, put her on the bed and I’ll examine her and we’ll see how far along this labour is.”

  Alex stopped at the doorway, barring Zach and Conall from entering. “Stay out here for a few moments, David needs to examine Lexi and I’m sure she doesn’t need you two while he does it. I’ll come get you in a few moments.”

  Zach nodded while Conall looked very unhappy but stayed outside in the corridor. Alex turned back into the room, closing the door and going to stand at the head of the bed. Lexi already lying on it with a sheet over her legs. David was at the sink thoroughly scrubbing his hands before turning back to the bed.

  Michael held Lexi’s hand as he stayed at her head, opposite Alex, all three watching David. The doctor did his exam and then addressed them. “Okay, so your waters have broken and you are definitely in labour. However, I’m afraid it’s only the start, you’ve a ways to go so I suggest you get comfortable because you’re going to be here for a while.”

  Lexi groaned loudly, “Really? How long doc?”

  David chuckled, “As long as it takes, there’s not a timetable when it comes to giving birth.”

  Alex gave Lexi’s hand a squeeze. “It’s okay, we’ll all be here and I’ll send Conall and your dad to get you some things.”

  Lexi nodded as her mother left and sat up straighter, moving her legs over the side of the bed. “Well, if I’m going to be here for a while I’m having a shower. David, where can I clean up and do you have something I can wear until they bring me my own stuff?”

  David pointed to a door in the corner, behind the bed. “Full bath in there, Lexi, and there’ll be a hospital gown hanging on the door. I’ll come back and check on you in a bit.”

  As David left, Lexi allowed Michael to help her into the bathroom where he turned on the shower and then helped her undress. A blush crept up her neck and over her cheeks as she realized that he hadn’t seen her like this. The large mound sticking out from her lean frame and she was very self conscious.

  Michael stared, his eyes wide as he took in the dramatic change in Lexi, a hand moving to rub the belly that housed their babies. “It’s amazing, kinda hard to take in, but amazing. You look beautiful, my little Angel, absolutely beautiful.”

  He moved his other hand, tipping her chin up to place a gentle kiss on her lips as fresh tears filled her eyes. “I thought I’d lost you.” she whimpered as he brought her within his strong arms.

  “I’m here now, you’ve not lost me and we’re going to be parents. Lexi, I was so worried when I knew it was Caim that took you. I should’ve done something about him sooner but I thought he had accepted us. I’m sorry I was wrong but he’ll be dealt with now and we need to get ready for these little ones. So, come on, we’ll shower together then get you settled.” Michael stepped back, undressing quickly and taking her hand and pulling her into the shower. It was a tight fit but they managed somehow and once they were done he dried her carefully.

  As he finished getting dressed another contraction hit and Lexi almost doubled over at the pain. It wasn’t something she was used to...pain...and she found she didn’t like it one bit. She bit her lip and rode through it hoping things didn’t get much worse.

  Unfortunately, they did. The labour was long and arduous and even with her enhanced abilities and strength Lexi was flagging, fast. Her hair was soaking wet with sweat and Michael continually wiped her brow down with a cold cloth trying to ease her discomfort. Zach and Conall paced the room like two caged lions and Alex sat at the side of the bed muttering encouragement.

  A nurse hovered around, keeping a check on Lexi and the babies, saying little but her calm demeanour helping everyone involved.

  Finally, after a very long few hours, David announced. “Not long now, Lexi, are you getting the urge to push?” he paused as she nodded frantically, “Good, from now every time a contraction hits, you push, for as long and as hard as you can. I can feel the head of the first baby and we’re on the home stretch now. I know you’re tired but we’ve got to get these little ones born and that’s your job, mother, so let’s get started.”

  David sat at the end of the bed, a sheet covering most of Lexi’s modesty, as she grunted and pushed with all her might. The nurse stood to the side, a table set up with warm water to cleanse the babies and pristine white towels to wrap them in.

  Slowly, so very slowly, she felt the small baby move within her. Downwards it went until finally David told her to stop pushing while he did goodness knew what. Then he looked over the sheet and up into her eyes. “Come on, one more big push and we’ll have baby number one.”

  Lexi almost screamed as she fought to bring her first child into the world, her mother holding one hand and Michael the other. David lifted his head, “Michael, come down a bit so you can see.” he said quickly before going back to the job of delivering the child.

  Michael kept hold of her hand but moved downwards, standing beside David and saw the blood covered head of a very small infant, it’s eyes closed and face screwed up as David worked with Lexi to deliver the child from her body.

  One last push and Michael watched as the small baby slithered free, David cradling it in his hands, before expertly cutting the cord. “Congratulations, you have a daughter!” David announced before the nurse quickly took the child. She turned her back to the room as she carried out whatever was necessary for a newborn, turning around a few moments later.

  The nurse moved to the bed, holding out the small bundle to Michael. “Here you go, daddy, mom’s going to be busy for a little while yet.”

  Michael took the child, holding the bundle close to his chest as he stared down into the now almost clean face. Light hair curled around the scalp and he guessed this little one was going to take after her grandmother as a tiny hand fluttered around, peeking out the top of the towel. A feeling overcame his entire being, a love so fierce and vast that it almost brought him to his knees. He held the child towards Lexi to allow her a glimpse before she continued the work of delivering their second child.

  Conall and Zach had stopped pacing, both staring at the small bundle in Michael’s arms, as Alex fought to control tears overflowing from her eyes. David brought their attention back to Lexi as he urged her to push, push, push harder. Her response not words that any child should hear.

  After far too long David motioned for Michael once again. He stretched
over the bed and handed his bundle to Alex who held it tight against her chest while she oohed and aahed down into the tiny face. Michael watched as yet another blood covered head popped free of his mate’s body, her loud curse filling the room.

  The white blonde hair that this child had was unmistakable, this little one obviously taking their colouring from him. He sent his senses out and realized both babies were human. Completely, one hundred percent, human.

  As this little one popped free and David once more announced, “It’s a girl.” Michael knew why, they were the new Defender’s and this time there were two of them.

  Lexi was laughing, crying, mumbling utter rubbish while Conall and Zach stood with great big grins on their faces. Alex still held daughter number one and her tears had broken free and were running down her cheeks.

  As the nurse sorted out the newest arrival Michael moved back to hug Lexi, kissing her gently and murmuring sweet nothings down at her. She looked him in the eyes, “They’re both human, I can feel it.” she whispered and he nodded.

  “Everyone, our babies are human, all human. Only one reason for that folks, can we please welcome the new Defender’s.” Michael whooped like an idiot, Conall jumped around like a fool, Alex cried tears of happiness and Zach stood back taking it all in with a smile on his face and the look of a very proud father, and grandfather, on his face.

  “This time we do things right.” he said quietly, Alexina hearing him and nodding her head in agreement.

  This time the Defender’s of Man would be brought up prepared for their destiny. With a mother that was one of the most powerful to walk this earth, a father who was almost as powerful. Grandparents, uncle and a host of other strong and mighty beings around them, they would be looked after and protected. Until it was their time to take on the role they were born to do. Defend mankind from evil.

  Author’s Note

  Well, here we are, at the end of the Defender’s series. Thank you so very much for coming on this journey with me and I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. I loved writing it and feel a teeny bit sad that it’s come to an end.


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