Magic in Our Hearts
Page 8
“But I can’t ski again.”
“Maybe not, but you can coach and you will be able to walk, hike, and bike. If you work really hard you might be able to ski again. Or you can choose another profession. You’re a smart woman.”
“I’m a forty-two-year-old has-been skier,” Brett responded, with a sardonic laugh.
“No, you’re a forty-two-year-old woman who’s had some setbacks.”
“Setbacks! Jesus, Taylor!”
“Brett, we’ll figure everything out. Let’s take it one day at a time.”
“’Kay, you’re the boss.” Brett was resigned, at the moment. She loved both Taylor and her mother and would do anything she could to justify their faith in her.
“And don’t you forget it!” Taylor teased, pulling her hand away from Brett’s and waggling a forefinger in her face.
For the rest of the afternoon, Taylor worked out a plan for Brett’s physical therapy. Brett and her mother sat in the sunshine out on the back deck enjoying the warmth and the impressive view. It had been a long time since mother and daughter had been able to sit and just talk. Roselin couldn’t remember the last time she had seen a smile on her daughter’s face. Brett was also finding that her usual need to submerge herself in alcohol to keep the pain at bay was starting to disappear. She was actually looking forward to getting up in the morning.
For dinner, Helen made prepared chicken breasts, rice, and vegetables, and Brett and Roselin shared a meal for the first time in months. Taylor left them alone for most of the afternoon and evening. She knew how much they needed to spend time together right now. She came back downstairs just before Roselin got ready to leave, and the pleased look on her face when Brett hugged her mother tightly made Taylor smile. Both mother and daughter relished this time. For Roselin, it was a time to cherish and say goodbye to her only child. For Brett, these were precious moments to share and value, knowing time with her mother was growing short.
“Is that all you can say, ‘Just one more’?” Brett panted as she lifted the weight attached to her left leg.
“Yep, now get going.” Taylor cheerfully urged her on. True to her word, Brett had put her head down and for over a week she had faithfully followed Taylor’s exercise and therapy plan. She had not had one sip of alcohol, though there were times when she craved it desperately. Her body ached, and her knees kept her awake every night, the pain undiminished by the medication she took. She cried herself to sleep every single night.
“You are mean. You know that.”
Taylor laughed and continued to spot Brett. They were working out together twice a day, and Taylor was enjoying every moment of her time with Brett. They talked about Brett’s years of skiing and Taylor’s business. They argued about politics and laughed over bad movies they’d seen and good books they’d read. It was a time of sharing and getting reacquainted. Neither woman was wholly conscious of the bonds being formed but, as Brett stretched and strengthened her arms and legs, they were learning to trust each other and enjoy each other’s company. They were becoming friends again, and that meant everything to Taylor.
“When you finish exercising, we’re going for a hike. Helen made a lunch for us to take along,” Taylor announced with a big grin. She expected Brett to complain.
“I can’t go on a hike.” Brett looked at Taylor in disbelief.
“Of course you can. I have some walking sticks for you to use to help you keep your balance.”
“A hike?” Brett’s eyebrows rose up under her bangs.
“Yep, and then I’m taking you to get your hair cut. You need a trim.”
“A haircut! Why can’t someone come here to do it?”
“Because it’s time you got out of the house.”
“Is that part of the program?” Brett looked at her skeptically. She recognized a ploy when she saw it.
“Yep, and you’re going to have fun.”
“Is that an order?”
“Yes, it is. Now come on, just one more.” Brett snorted as she huffed out ten more reps before coming to a stop, breathing heavily.
“Okay, go take a shower and meet me on the back deck in thirty minutes.”
“Yes, boss.”
Taylor sailed out of the room, her red hair flowing behind her. Brett’s eyes stayed on her back until she disappeared. It was getting harder and harder for Brett to be around Taylor and not act upon the attraction she felt bubbling through her body. She struggled to her feet and headed for the bathroom. It surprised her how much stronger her knees felt as she stretched and prepared to shower. Brett had to admit she was feeling a whole lot better.
She scrubbed off quickly and then climbed into a pair of jeans. They hung on her slender frame, but she assumed hiking would require jeans and this was the only pair that came close to being suitable. Thirty minutes later, Brett was standing on the back porch waiting for Taylor. The view of the mountains was breathtaking, and Brett missed being on the mountain especially during the winter. She hadn’t been up on the slopes since her accident. Up until that time, being in the mountains had been the main source of her happiness.
Brett turned around and her breath froze in her chest. Taylor looked so damned beautiful that she could only stare. Brett had seen Taylor in just about every kind of outfit and, at one time, completely naked. That image was forever burned into her mind. But it was the casual look of a pair of faded jeans and tee shirt that Brett liked the best. Taylor had two walking sticks in her hands and a heavy pack on her back. Her smile was breathtaking, her pale blue eyes full of delight.
Unknown to Brett, Taylor’s reaction was equally as overwhelming when she saw Brett wearing a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. She looked so much like the woman that Taylor had spent the day at the zoo with. She missed that woman so very much.
“Yes, boss,” Brett responded, with a grin of her own.
“Here you go.” Taylor handed the walking sticks to Brett and then trotted down the back deck stairs heading for the foothills at the base of the mountains.
Brett had to hurry to keep up with her, but she wasn’t about to ask her to slow down and she certainly wasn’t going to complain.
For over an hour Brett followed Taylor along the well-traveled hiking paths.
The trees had new shoots and buds during this earliest part of spring, and everywhere were signs that the earth was renewing itself. Wild flowers and new baby animals would soon be seen along the twisting trail. Brett had grown up hiking in the mountains and started to remember how much she missed being outdoors.
She was quickly becoming exhausted, her legs trembling from exertion, when Taylor came to a stop.
“I think we should stop here for lunch.” Brett just nodded her head as she immediately took a seat on a downed log in a clearing in the trees.
“How are you doing, Brett?”
“Brett, how are you really doing?” Taylor patiently waited for her to look up at her.
“I feel like my legs are going to fall off,” Brett admitted with a groan, trying to keep her legs from cramping up.
“You haven’t used them like this for quite awhile. You’re doing very well, honey.” Taylor kneeled next to Brett, pulling her pack off and rummaging through its contents. “Here, drink this while I get Helen’s lunch out.” Brett took the offered bottle of juice, noticing that it was her favorite lemon-ade and secretly thanked Helen for her thoughtfulness.
“Here’s a chicken sandwich, and we have some orange wedges.”
“What no chips?” Brett’s face was set in a perfect pout, which drew a grin from Taylor.
“Nope, sorry, no chips,” Taylor chuckled. She knew potato chips were a favorite of Brett’s.
“Ah, come on. You’re being so mean,” Brett teased as she took a big bite out of her sandwich. She couldn’t remember the last time she had been this hungry or this exhausted. She almost felt good as she stretched her legs out in front of her and felt the war
m sun begin to ease some of their tightness. Taking a big deep breath, she drew the spring freshness into her lungs. It felt really good.
“That’s my job, to be as mean as possible,” Taylor quipped as she sat down next to Brett and took a bite of her own sandwich. “Boy, Helen is one great cook.
I don’t know how you keep so slim with her cooking.”
The remark was not meant to be critical of Brett and she knew that, but her response was full of bitterness. “Alcohol doesn’t make you very hungry.”
“Honey, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.”
“Let’s be honest. I’m an alcoholic.”
Taylor didn’t respond, she just reached out and touched Brett’s face in a gentle caress, her eyes soft with compassion. It was all Brett could do to keep from kissing Taylor. She wanted so very badly to touch Taylor that, sitting so close to her, even her skin ached. “I have to take responsibility for myself, starting with my drinking.” Brett turned away from Taylor before she started to cry. She knew Taylor wasn’t available to her but it didn’t make her want her any less.
“Honey, you’re going to be okay. I know you can do this.”
“Taylor, be honest with me. I’ll never fully recover from my injuries, will I?” Taylor reached out and turned Brett’s face until she was looking directly at her. “I won’t lie to you, ever. You have a long recovery period ahead of you, but I firmly believe you will be able to do almost anything you want. You won’t be able to ski like before, and I’m sorry for that. But you have a long life to look forward to, and I know you. You’ll be okay.”
Brett watched Taylor’s expressive face. God, she loved that face so much.
“Why do you believe in me?”
Taylor was caught completely off guard by the question. She couldn’t tell Brett she was still in love with her. Brett had moved on and what she was feeling for Taylor right now was gratitude. She couldn’t afford to have her heart broken again. It would be too painful. But she would help Brett heal and love her silently until she had to leave. “Because I know what kind of drive it took for you to be a world-class skier. That drive is a part of you, and we just need to re-channel that energy into your rehabilitation.”
“That’s asking an awful lot,” Brett responded, her eyes wide with doubt.
“Yes, it is,” Taylor admitted, as she went back to eating her sandwich.
The two women sat for over thirty minutes while they finished their lunch and enjoyed the spectacular view. There was no need to talk. They absorbed the quiet beauty around them, and Brett let go of some of her deep-seated anger. She had missed the mountains, having spent her childhood in them, and a part of her had grieved when she turned her back on them.
“We’d better head back to the house. You have a hair appointment at three o’clock.”
“I do?”
“Yes, and then we’re meeting your mother for dinner.”
“We are?” Brett hadn’t been out of the house for so long, she wasn’t sure if she was ready to be out in public. People tended to ask too many personal questions or they just stared. Everyone in the small town of Boulder knew what Brett had done to herself. She wasn’t sure she could deal with another outing so soon.
Taylor didn’t have to be told that Brett was scared. She saw her every feeling on her face. “You’ll be fine, honey.”
They stood up as Taylor settled the nearly empty pack back on her shoulders, while Brett gathered her walking sticks and stared around her at the jagged, snow covered peaks that towered over them. “I forgot how peaceful it is up here.”
“It is incredibly beautiful. I thought we could hike a couple of days a week. It’s good for your legs and back.”
Brett didn’t respond as she started to follow Taylor down the path. Taylor didn’t miss the slight smile on Brett’s face, and it made her heart trip in her chest.
She was beginning to heal. Slowly but surely, Brett was healing.
“I want just a little bit taken off the tops and sides. I don’t want it too short.” Brett nervously rambled on as they entered the hair salon.
Taylor stood next to her smiling the whole time. For two very good reasons, Brett was very uncomfortable getting her hair styled in town. One was the woman at the front desk whom Brett had known intimately for a couple of weeks of fun and games. The other reason was because coming into town required her to interact with people, something she had been avoiding for over two years.
“Hi, baby, long time no see.” Rachel slid her hand up Brett’s stomach as she moved against her, a sexy smile on her face. Brett snagged the hand before it drifted much higher and pushed the woman away.
“Uh, hi Rach, how are you?” Her more than amorous greeting had been unexpected and unwanted.
“Good, but I’d feel much better if we could get together some night. I’ve missed you.” Rachel’s eyes were locked onto Brett’s face. Taylor felt all but invisible as she watched the woman attempting to seduce Brett in a very public way.
Taylor’s hackles rose, and anger made her blue eyes shoot sparks.
“I’m sorry, Rach, but I’m swamped.” Brett moved further away from Rachel, but Rachel just moved with her until Brett bumped into Taylor. “Uh, Rach, cut it out, please?”
Rachel’s face showed dismay and puzzlement. Brett had always been ready to party with her. They didn’t take each other too seriously, and that was exactly right for both of them. And then she took a closer look at Brett. She had seen her several times since her injuries but hadn’t noticed how emaciated and pale she had become. “Brett, baby, are you okay?”
“I’m fine, Rach,” Brett sighed, pushing Rachel away from her so they were no longer touching.
“Call me if you want to get together.” Rachel spoke softly, as she moved back behind the receptionist’s desk. Brett was obviously not interested in hooking up.
It was then that Rachel saw the gorgeous redhead standing behind Brett shooting daggers her way. “Oh, I’m sorry.”
“I’ll bet you are,” Taylor muttered under her breath, as she exchanged looks with Rachel.
“Ah, hah.” Rachel grinned when she noticed the look on Brett’s face. Brett was in love with the redhead. She couldn’t mistake the look on her friend’s face.
And if the anger directed her way from the redhead was any indication, she returned Brett’s love. “Why don’t you follow me, Brett? We’ll get your hair washed.”
Brett stayed a safe distance from Rachel so they couldn’t touch. She didn’t want Taylor to think she was still playing around with Rachel. It was really important that Brett prove to Taylor she was no longer the player she had once been. Rachel gave directions to the woman who began to wash Brett’s hair and then came through the main part of the salon to find Taylor moving restlessly around the waiting area.
“Hello, my name is Rachel Moore. I’m an old friend of Brett’s. Can I get you a latte, water, or anything?”
“Hello, Taylor Aronson, and no I don’t need anything.” The words were curt but polite. Rachel didn’t need to be told that the woman didn’t like her.
“Why don’t you sit over here? Brett’s stylist will cut her hair in that chair.”
“Thanks.” Taylor’s voice was tight, the single word full of anger.
Rachel reached out and touched Taylor’s arm gently as she spoke. “Brett and I haven’t gotten together for quite awhile and it wasn’t important to either one of us. How long have the two of you been together?”
“We aren’t,” Taylor responded, her body relaxing as she listened to the woman.
Oh, honey, you two are so together, you just don’t know it yet! Aloud she asked, “How’s she doing?”
The genuine concern made Taylor smile and answer her civilly. “Better, she’s doing a lot better.”
“Good, she’s a good woman. I wish her nothing but happiness. If she needs anything, please call me. I would do anything for Brett. Here’s my number.” Rachel handed her a piece
of paper after scrawling her telephone number on it.
Taylor slid it into her pocket.
“Thank you, Rachel.”
“Here have a seat. She should be done with her shampoo in a couple of minutes.”
“Rachel thanks again.” Taylor’s anger melted away as she recognized deep concern in the woman’s manner.
“You’re welcome.” Rachel went back to the reception desk, a big grin on her face. She really did consider Brett a friend and wanted more than anything for her to find happiness. She had been so lost for many years, never quite finding what she was looking for. Rachel was willing to bet a week’s pay that she would find it with the stunning woman who was with her today.
The stylist, Marc, grinned at Brett and laughed as she sat down in his chair.
“Marc, I don’t want it too short, just a little off the sides and top.”
“Shut up, Brett. I’ve been cutting your hair for almost ten years. I know how you want it. By the way, you look like hell, girl.”
“Thanks a lot.”
“Well, your hair looks terrible, but we can fix it. How are you? I haven’t seen you in town for ages.”
“Good, I’m doing fine.”
“Who is that stunning woman watching you like a hawk? Her hair is amazing. Does she color it?”
“That’s Taylor Aronson, and her hair is natural.”
“The Taylor?” Marc whispered as he began to trim Brett’s hair.
“Oh, my, now I see what you mean. Those eyes could make a person melt. So are the two of you back together?” Brett had commiserated with her hairstylist when she and Taylor had broken up. He was someone she had always been able to talk to without reservation. They had known each other for years and shared many secrets with each other.
“No. She’s here to help me with my physical therapy. My mother hired her.”
“Oh, honey, she’s not here to help you recover. Those eyes are only on you. She’s watching your every move. And I thought Rachel was going to burst into flames at the looks Taylor gave her. No, honey, she wants you.” Marc whispered as he flitted around Brett’s head with his scissors.