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Page 6

by Nicole Austin


  In every way.

  Until Michael collapsed from exhaustion. All the physical exertion added to the mental strain of maintaining the illusion of their private island and easing her through change. But he got her through the rough part. Explaining her new abilities would have to wait. He needed to sleep first.

  As he tucked her against his body, she yawned and snuggled in close. “Where are we?” she mumbled.

  “Back at home in the penthouse.”

  “Mmm.” She wiggled her butt against his groin until she got comfortable. “I liked the beach. Wish we could’ve stayed there forever.”

  Too bad he couldn’t maintain the fantasy forever. After they rested he would have to teach Lis what it truly meant to be vampire. Now that should be an interesting conversation, he thought, a smile pulling at the corners of his lips as he drifted off.

  * * * * *

  Lis couldn’t remember much about the past few days as her body changed and she figured that might just be a blessing. She had vivid recollections of the sex though. Lots and lots of amazing sex. With Michael. He had held her close, soothing her with his velvety voice and gentle touches. She had thought they were on an island so waking in a huge bed came as a surprise.

  Michael’s warm body pressed against her from behind, one arm held her close, his hand cupped her breast. She wondered how long they’d slept because she was starving. And not for food.

  No, her cravings were very different. Now she only needed Michael’s essence and sex to sustain her immortal body. Lord, what a concept—life without end. The two of them together for all time. Frightening and yet also exciting. The possibilities were endless. She envisioned herself taking on new challenges, mastering many different creative endeavors, writing thousands of books.

  There would also be huge downfalls to consider. Lis hated the thought of watching friends and loved ones grow old and die while she remained young, confiding the truth to only those closest to her. Moving and changing names as Michael had over the years. Considering history and the current state of world affairs, there was a good chance some warmonger would blow the whole damn planet straight to hell some day. She had no desire to witness such a horrible event. Yet no matter what the coming years held, Michael would be with her. Facing an uncertain future didn’t seem like such a hardship knowing he’d be by her side.

  With her head pillowed on his strong shoulder, the steady beating of his heart and swish of blood through his body tantalized her senses. Her hunger peaked. She longed to feed, partake of his essence, draw him deep within herself. The small tastes of him she’d had were not enough. She needed more. Much more.

  Lis knew he must be exhausted from her long ordeal and he slept so peacefully that she didn’t want to disturb his slumber. Instead she contented herself with lying in his arms and recalling their lovemaking.

  Balmy water lapping at her feet as they made love at the water’s edge. She found it odd sand didn’t work its way into the crease of her ass or create abrasive friction on her skin. Some innate sense told her Michael made it so, indulging her in the romantic setting with none of the inherent irritants. However he managed the feat, it was one hell of a handy skill.

  His thick length had parted her flesh slow and easy, in no hurry to reach the pinnacle, both enjoying the pleasure of simply being together. He gave a mischievous grin then lowered his head to take an achy nipple between his sexy lips. Heat shot through her body and she arched closer, tangling her fingers in his dark hair.

  Lis shot off the bed as her pussy clenched and spasmed with sharp jolts of arousal. If she continued thinking about sex, Michael wouldn’t be getting any sleep and she knew he needed to rest. Instead, she attempted to focus on her surroundings. Decorated in earth tones with solid, dark wood furniture, the room was very masculine. On top of the tall dresser she found a handsome mahogany valet. Nestled safely inside were several designer watches, along with assorted cuff links and other accessories. She pulled the stopper on a fancy glass bottle and took a deep breath of the woodsy cologne Michael wore. Tingles danced along her spine.

  The walk-in closet revealed an array of clothing from fine tailored suits to jeans and T-shirts. She pulled one of his shirts on only to be enveloped in his familiar scent. The fibers caressed her skin and hugged her body. Two realizations hit her suddenly, almost knocking her over. Her senses were sharper than ever before and she felt different. Very different. She could clearly distinguish each separate thread of the plush carpet beneath the bare soles of her feet. Vitality the likes of which she’d never possessed pulsed within her muscles and sang in her blood.

  A sudden influx of stimuli assaulted Lis. She dropped to the floor, wrapped her arms around her body and tucked her head to her chest. Her awareness extended through the tall building. The discordant thrum of multiple heartbeats roared in her ears. Fierce hunger grabbed her stomach in a tight fist, causing her to cry out in agony.

  Oh God. What was happening to her? Something was very wrong.

  Shh, my love. I’m here! Michael’s soothing voice eased into her mind and pushed the rest out. Firm hands lifted Lis. The world spun and moments later she was back in the big bed, held close to his side. Tender fingers played over her temples bringing immediate relief of the overwhelming sensations. I should have prepared you before I slept.

  Michael proceeded to help create filters to keep unwanted excess information from bombarding her, but with her head pillowed on his chest she kept getting distracted. Need went from slow simmer to boiling within the space between one heartbeat and the next. God, he was the most beautiful creature she’d ever seen.

  Sharply delineated muscle and sinew. Tall, dark and handsome beyond belief, but his eyes were like bright gems easing the hard features of his rugged face. From the cute little cleft in his chin to his hairy toes, she loved every inch. Especially the hard, satisfying length of his cock.

  Lis couldn’t suppress a satisfied grin as she watched his cock swell and stretch out over his washboard abdomen. Eavesdropping on my thoughts again, I see.

  He flashed a lopsided smile that amped up her heart rate. Mmm…your thoughts are too delicious not to share, my love. Do you mind terribly?

  I guess it’s all right since the results are so very nice.

  His palm brushed over a puckered nipple in the lightest caress. Lis arched her back, seeking more. Do you have any lingering pain, Elisa? Michael’s hand skated down her quivering belly, fingers sifting through the dark curls covering her mound before cupping her damp sex.

  No, but you’re going to be in a lot of pain if you keep teasing!

  Michael’s robust laugh was the finest music to her ears. She intended to make sure their lives were filled with laughter and joy.

  Having you by my side is all the happiness I’ll ever need, my love.

  God, Michael. You say the sweetest things, but if you don’t shut up and fuck me, I’m going to spend the next century kicking your ass. On second thought…never mind. In one rapid movement human eyes wouldn’t be able to follow, she rolled on top of Michael, straddled his hips and pinned his arms to the mattress. I’ll just take what I want.

  Lis rubbed her wet slit along his hard shaft, enjoying the extraordinary sensitivity, one of the many benefits of becoming a vampire. Her heightened senses took each stimulus and amplified it a hundred times over. What previously created a delightful spark now electrified her, making her feel as if a high-voltage live wire had been touched to bare flesh.

  Sharp fangs broke through her gums and the brief taste of blood fogged her brain with aggressive lust. Under her hard gaze, Michael’s beautiful blue eyes changed, his pupils reshaped, elongated. A heady wave of bloodlust crashed over her. Captured in his intense stare all else faded away.

  Do not hold yourself back, love. Take what you want. What you need.

  Something shifted in Lis, almost as if she became someone else. Elementary particles changed, carried throughout her body by her blood vessels. A ne
w, violent passion exploded within her. She wanted to bite, taste, possess. Tender lovemaking held zero appeal. What she longed for was wild, forceful fucking. Savage mating. Vicious claiming.

  “Yes!” Michael hissed as wickedly sharp fangs descended and pierced his full lower lip. She froze, captivated by the twin drops of bright red blood that erupted. She didn’t remain paralyzed for long. Without conscious thought, her fingers threaded into his hair to hold him still as she captured his lip and sucked…hard.

  Lord, he tasted better than she remembered but the miniscule pricks in his flesh didn’t provide nearly enough to satisfy her greed. Heedless of her enhanced strength, Lis fisted one hand in his hair and gave a fierce yank to expose the glorious column of his neck, corded with thick muscle. His pulse beat a potent cadence—an irresistible siren’s call. Saliva pooled in her mouth, driving her to plunge forward.

  Not yet, my love. Michael countered the move, reversed their positions and tore open the shirt she wore. His aggression served to increase the carnal appetites ravaging Lis. They waged an all-out, balls-to-the-walls battle for sexual supremacy, neither willing to abdicate control. Had she still been human, her fragile body would not have been able to handle his primitive sexual onslaught. Their wild coupling would have seemed harsh and abusive before, but the tenderness and love he felt refused to be hidden beneath the rough treatment. Now, with her altered body, it had the opposite effect. His power and strength excited her, showed he recognized her as an equal capable of handling his unrestrained passion.

  She braced for a harsh impact with the floor as they rolled right off the mattress but it never came. Instead, Michael held them suspended midair. Holy shit! Can I do that?

  Later, he growled within her mind. I’ll teach you later. After we fuck.

  Yes, damn you. Fuck me now. Get that cock in me.

  Ah, feeling emboldened by your new strength. That’s good. Go ahead…discover what you are capable of. You cannot hurt me.

  She’d flex and test her muscles all right. Perhaps I can show this old vamp a new trick or two. No sooner did she imagine slamming him up against the wall when a shockwave reverberated through Lis, accompanied by the crunch and tinkling of glass as the mirror shattered.

  Michael appeared stunned for a moment—just long enough for her to seize the advantage and imprison his pulsing cock in her fist. When she would have guided the head to her pussy, he jerked back, flipped her and provided a close-up look at the carpet. On her hands and knees, she prepared to spring out of his grasp but Michael moved fast. He made one brutal thrust, filling her with his cock and effectively pinning her to the floor and used his weight advantage to hold her in place.

  Is this what you had in mind, darling? As he powered into her she slid, the carpet abrading her skin, surely giving her a wicked case of rug burn, but she didn’t care. Lis screamed as one hand snaked around her ribs to pinch her nipple so hard she saw stars. His teeth nipped at her neck, shoulder and back, leaving his mark on her.

  Oh hell no! To throw him off balance she dropped her shoulders, pressing her cheek into the carpet. Then she reached behind her thighs, took hold of his balls and slammed her ass against his pelvis. His guttural roar had her pumping harder. Faster. Each backward slam resulted in a loud slap of flesh on flesh. With her forward movement came a wet sucking noise as her pussy drew him in. Animalistic fucking—the sweet, primitive music of life. Her thirst for his blood eclipsed by the voracious needs of her body.

  The walls of her pussy quivered, stretched by every pass of his broad cockhead, then closed in around the shaft. Flexing internal muscles, she gripped him tight, reveling in the magnificent friction. She was so close. A few more of his frantic thrusts and her orgasm would soar. She let his balls go, then whimpered as they collided with her clit to set off sparks that shot down her legs. To gain leverage, she curled her toes in the fibers of the carpet and dug her fingernails into his inner thighs, placing her own marks on him. Yes, yes, yes, she chanted as her entire body clenched. She braced herself for the next punishing drive as he drew back, way back, slipping from her body, denying her pleasure.

  Lis screamed in frustration. “Michael, no!” Need coiled, and she released the pent-up frenzy in a blast of energy. He didn’t release her hips, taking her with him as they hurtled upward. The ceiling stopped their momentum with a jarring thud. They would have fallen onto the dresser if Michael had not propelled them toward the bed at the last possible second.

  That’s it, Elisa. Set yourself free. Vampire sex is neither polite nor reserved.

  Twisting to face him as they bounced on the mattress, she held on to his biceps and wrapped a leg over his hip. Her gaze zeroed in on the rapid beat of the artery in his neck. Oh yes, this face-to-face position would be much better, allowing her to slake all her needs simultaneously.

  “Give it to me, Michael,” she demanded. “I want it hard and fast. Now!”

  “No! He barked out a challenge. “Take it!”

  Michael knew he’d finally pushed her far enough for Elisa to stop fighting her nature, reject human convention and truly accept the reality of what it means to be vampire. Her small fist clamped around the base of his cock and she wrenched him into position at the mouth of her pussy. Right where he wanted to be. The other hand grasped his nape, her greedy gaze focused on his carotid artery.

  Without remorse, Lis impaled herself on his cock at the same time her fangs pierced his skin. Their height difference made it impossible for her to feed at his neck while impaled on his cock. Instead she claimed a spot on his chest, just above his nipple. Her mouth opened wide to encompass the taut nub. As she drank, her tongue swirled over his nipple sending tremors shooting straight to his cock.

  His body jerked as if he’d be shocked by a defibrillator and four hundred joules of electricity jumpstarted his nervous system. Because she had not yet mastered shielding her mind, everything she felt was transmitted to him, joining with and amplifying his pleasure to incredible heights. The intensity of it all threatened his sanity and yet Michael could not resist the call of a true vampire mating.

  His fingers dug into her hip as he drilled his cock into the welcome of Elisa’s pussy. Michael lifted her wrist to his lips and his fangs punctured her delicate skin. Her body spasmed along with his and her screams of bliss filled his mind. The shared sensations intensified their lust for both blood and sex. Her warm lips sucked, ravenous for the taste of his blood. He tasted his own essence just as she tasted herself through their bond. With his next thrust, Michael canted their hips. The base of his cock grazed her clit, tugged at the tender bundle of nerves and produced convulsions that wreaked havoc on his mind and body.

  Oh Lord, Elisa moaned. I feel your cock. Blasts of pleasure reverberating through as the head crashes into my cervix. The ripple of my pussy along the length. The painful swelling as it becomes more engorged with blood. The friction as the silky skin is dragged over the taut muscle below with each thrust. She whimpered, her body trembling against his.

  I feel you too, my love. The tension coiling tighter in your core, building toward release. The nerve endings in your clit exploding with sensation. The firm pull of lips on your wrist and the taste of my blood flowing down your throat. We are one now in all ways. One for eternity.

  His balls tightened as lightning streaked down his spine. Elisa was right with him. Every muscle tensed and she went rigid in his arms a split second before orgasm washed over them both. His balls clenched and propelled hot jets of cum through his cock to bathe her womb. The release of her tension felt to Michael like a bomb detonating. Tremors raced outward from her core like a powerful earthquake. There were so many overwhelming sensations. Too many for him to assimilate. Just retracting his incisors took great effort.

  Elisa had also stopped feeding and blood trickled over his ribs. Lick the punctures to close them, love. When she didn’t immediately respond, he spoke the words aloud and added a bit of compulsion to his voice.

  Limp, sweaty and thoroughly s
atiated in the aftermath of their extreme mating, Michael collapsed against the mattress, fighting for control of his breathing. All the strength had been drawn from him. He couldn’t even reach the sheet at the end of the bed to pull it over them. Perhaps in a decade or two his muscles would have rebuilt enough to allow movement.

  “Mmm,” Elisa purred. Her fingers danced around his nipple. She licked and nibbled a circuitous path over his chest then smiled up at Michael with mischief shining in her eyes. “That was amazing. Can we do it again?”

  Shock paralyzed his vocal cords. He grunted and rolled his eyes. “Soon as I recover, my love.”

  Her lower lip pressed outward in a pout and her brow furrowed. “How long’s that going to take?” Elisa’s warm tongue made a broad sweep along his shoulder and up his neck, not stopping until she sucked his earlobe into her mouth.

  His cock twitched as he imagined her lavishing it with the same treatment. “Keep doing that and I’ll quickly rise to the occasion.”

  She laughed and her fingers traced the sections of his abdomen before dropping lower, bypassing his cock to palm his balls. His cock lengthened and bobbed, which only made her laugh more.

  “I am starting to think eternity with you will not be long enough, my love. It will take a great deal more time to ever satisfy my desires.”

  When she met his gaze a tear rolled down Elisa’s cheek. “You make the sweetest pillow talk.” Choked up with emotion, she couldn’t continue but Michael heard her thoughts through their bond.

  My very own sugar-coated, sweet-talking candyman. And I’ve got a golden ticket into a world beyond my wildest dreams. Scrumdiddlyumptious! I want to eat you up.

  Michael laughed as she started to sing the theme song from the family classic Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory.

  His laughter quickly died as she proceeded to work her way down his body, putting action to thought, tasting every inch of exposed skin. Yes, forever was looking like a very short time indeed.


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