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Fear the Boss

Page 3

by Sam Crescent

  Chapter Three

  On Friday night Caleb was sat in the VIP area drinking a strong scotch and looking over the club. From his vantage point he saw everything and everyone. He knew a select group of girls were seated in line with the dance floor so any man who wanted some action would see them instantly. A group of men were being watched with caution as they looked dangerous to him. He’d dealt with a lot of men carrying roofies for the girls. No woman was going home or being raped by a guy she didn’t want.

  He had standards.

  Henry threw himself down into the chair beside him. “I’m bored.”

  “Go and find yourself some entertainment. I’ve got stuff to do.”

  “You’re waiting for the blonde.”

  Caleb glanced toward the door as another group entered the club. They were scantily clad women looking for action. He’d gotten the file on Donna Smith within twenty-four hours of asking for it. The reward he’d paid was over ten grand, but it was well worth the money. Every little detail, even her medical history, was down on paper for him to read. Tuesday he spent all day at his apartment reading through her file. He knew about the drunk driver who was serving time for killing her parents and about the foster parents, also dead, whom she’d lived with after the accident. She’d graduated from school at eighteen and was working within the month of their deaths. Her grades were good but not brilliant. She didn’t even apply for college.

  She’d changed jobs five times before getting the job at Dreams. Her employers adored her. Donna was a hard worker, and she didn’t have any serious medical problems. She’d not been in the car when her parents were killed.

  What he did know was the fact she wasn’t on any birth control pills. There was nothing exciting about her and she didn’t pose a threat to anyone, yet he couldn’t get her out of his head. She was there all the time.

  “This is dangerous for us, your obsession.”

  “I’ve never had an obsession, Henry. Stop worrying about it.”

  “It’s a woman, Caleb. Fuck her already and move on. I know I will.” Henry stopped a waitress to order a beer.

  “If you’re here to ruin my mood then please leave.” He sipped his drink and then stood. “I’m going to take a leak. Try not to scare anyone away.”

  He walked toward the private bathroom and stared at his reflection in the mirror. Maybe he was losing his mind. There was nothing special about Donna Smith. The attraction was inside him, not her. She was a blonde, and he loved fucking blondes. Something told him she was different from all other women.

  Women are whores, and you’ll do well to remember that.

  His fighting mentor would scream that at them whenever a groupie was near them. Women were a bunch of distractions men had to deal with. They were only good for one thing and that was being a place to stick their dick.

  “You’re thirty-five fucking years old. Get a fucking grip.”

  She was twenty-three years old. Donna was twelve years his junior and way too innocent for this lifestyle. He made deals with crooks, criminals, drug dealers, and whores while Donna didn’t do anything beside work.

  Running a hand down his face, he exited the bathroom and went back to sit in his chair.

  “Are you done now?” Henry asked.

  Shaking his glass for a refill, Caleb ignored his friend. Keeping his eye on the door, he waited for Donna to enter.

  For the next thirty minutes she didn’t turn up. He had her address and would go and hassle her there if it wasn’t for the risk of the cops getting involved. Plenty of the police force was on his payroll, but he wasn’t going to let them know of his interest in Donna.

  “I guess she’s not turning up, boss.” Henry stood. “I’m going to test out the goods next door.”

  He watched Henry walk away then focused his attention on the club. Men and women were grinding together on the dance floor. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a flash of blonde hair. Standing up, he stepped closer to the rail, and there she was, sitting at the bar. She must have arrived when he went to the bathroom. Buttoning up his shirt, he saw a man was trying to talk to her.

  Caleb didn’t like anyone touching what was his. He paused at the sudden thought. During all of his time with his women, he’d never once been interested in who else they fucked. He used a condom and forced them to get checked at the hospital.

  Walking down the steps he kept his gaze on the man.

  When he was a foot away from her, he was able to hear them.

  “No, really, I don’t want to dance. I’m here to meet someone,” Donna said. She wore a black dress, one he was sure she wore to a funeral rather than out at a club.

  “Baby, I don’t see anyone waiting for you. Come on, I can take you for a spin on the dance floor.” He reached out to touch her.

  Seeing the other man’s hand on her body filled Caleb with rage. No one got to touch her but him.

  Stepping up close, he grabbed the man’s hand and twisted it. He didn’t give a fuck if he broke the guy’s wrist. Men needed to learn not to touch what was his.

  “Caleb,” Donna said, squeaking his name.

  “I suggest you find a woman of your own and stay away from mine. This is my club, my woman.”

  “You’re Caleb?” the man asked.


  The fear was instant in the other man’s eyes. Caleb didn’t care.

  “I’m gone.”

  “Good.” He waited for the other guy to go before turning back to her.

  “You didn’t need to do that,” she said.

  “Did you want him touching you? Forgive me. I didn’t think you were the kind of woman to want anyone touching her.” He took a seat as she gasped.

  “That was unfair and uncalled for. I’m only here because you asked me to be here.” She stood up. “If all you want to do is insult me then you can do that when I’m working.” She spun away.

  He caught her hand and tugged her back. She fell against him, and he caught her, picking her up and placing her on her seat. “I’m not here to insult you. The bastard pissed me off thinking he could touch you.”

  “I refused to dance with him. I was about to pull away from him when you arrived.” She clasped her hands together and averted her gaze.

  “Look at me.”

  Her blue eyes glanced back at him.

  For several seconds neither of them spoke. She was beautiful and pure. Was that the draw? In all of his years he’d never been with a woman who was pure. Was she a virgin?

  None of those questions would be answered tonight. He doubted she’d even allow him to kiss her.

  “I’m here. What do you want?” she asked.

  What was going through that head of hers?

  “I’ll buy you a drink.” He signaled for the waiter.

  “I don’t drink.”

  “We serve sodas here as well.” He took hold of her hand and pulled her close. The club was getting busy, and he struggled to hear her. “Come on. Let’s go to the VIP section.” Without waiting for her response, he led her toward Barry. The guard didn’t say a word as he took her past the man to the section he made sure clients paid more than her salary to get into.

  She took a seat next to him, and he ordered her a soda.

  “My friends are down there.”

  “We can see them from here. They’re perfectly safe.”

  He noticed her hands were shaking, and she locked them together placing them in her lap.

  “Why are you scared?”

  She turned to look at him. “I don’t know why I’m here. You come into the store for a bracelet for a woman and now you’re giving me ultimatums.”

  “I was hoping you’d be wanting to get to know me.” He leaned back in his chair to stare at her. She’d not done anything with her hair, and it simply fell around her in waves. The length was beautiful, and he imagined it was silky to the touch.

  The black dress she wore did nothing for her figure. The curves he felt moments ago were hidden behind unflattering fab
ric. The dress fell to her calves covering her legs from view. At least the neckline showed off her cleavage showing him the full size of her tits. He was a tits and ass man. There was nothing he liked more than spanking a woman’s ass and sucking on her nipples as he fucked her to completion.

  His cock thickened, and he moved trying to get comfortable.

  “Why?” she asked.

  “Don’t you want to get to know me?”

  She stopped and frowned. “I’ve never given it much thought.”

  “You’ve never gotten to know any man, have you?”

  Her cheeks heated, and he knew his answer. The woman before him was a virgin. There was no other way she’d be blushing at a simple question. He liked it even though he was shocked.

  “I don’t know why I’m here with you. You could have any woman you want, and yet you’re here, with me.”

  “I want you, Donna. I’m a man used to getting what I want.”

  “That man earlier, the moment he mentioned your name I saw the fear in his eyes. Who are you?” she asked.

  He jerked at her response. She watched and read people. Staring into her eyes, he saw the curiosity lurking there. She didn’t want to get to know him yet she was intrigued by him, just like he was intrigued by her.

  “Let’s just say I’m not the type of man who takes crap from others.”

  “You’re being vague on purpose.”

  “Sometimes, you should just accept the answer you’re given,” he said.

  “I don’t trust you,” she said.

  He smiled. “A lot of women don’t trust their own husbands and yet they married them.”

  She stopped, biting her lip. “This isn’t a good idea.” She made to stand up, but he stopped her, placing a hand on her leg. He’d never begged a woman to stay and keep him company.

  “Don’t go.”

  “This is a waste of time. You don’t know me, and I don’t know you.” She was itching to find any excuse to leave, and he needed to stop her.


  “Are you so afraid to live that you’d rather push me into one box so that you can die a virgin and righteous?”

  His question caught her off guard. Donna stared into his eyes and knew he was going to win whatever they had going on.

  She didn’t trust him, not by a long shot. There was something in the way the other man reacted that told her there was more to Caleb than he was letting on.

  “You shouldn’t say things like that.”

  “What? You’re a virgin. I’m not saying anything wrong. You refuse to take a chance in life and would rather hide from everyone. I bet you even own a cat.”

  His assumptions about her were right on the mark.

  Glaring at him, she felt her anger spike. “Have you ever considered the fact some men are not worth the time they demand? They’re cruel and mean and try to change the women they want to be with.”

  “Just like women do with men.”

  She’d not dated men as the disappointment she saw in their eyes hurt her. Donna was under no illusions about the way she looked. Women were always hunting for the perfect body while she was happy with her size sixteen curves. There were few pleasures in this world, and she still loved eating. Her mother and her foster mother had been fantastic cooks, and she’d never been one to turn down something amazing. She’d taken after their skill into the kitchen herself, and she loved to cook.

  “I don’t date because men want the ideal model on the cover of a magazine.”

  “I’m not like most men.” He took her hand, turning her palm over in his. She liked his touch way too much. Caleb stroked along her inner wrist. “And I think it’s time you stopped treating me like other men.”

  She couldn’t think with his hands on her. He caressed over her pulse. Staring down at his large hands, she actually looked delicate in comparison. Licking her lips, she forced herself to look into his black eyes.

  “I’m here. You can’t keep pestering me at work.”

  “Baby, I’m not going to stop pestering you until I get what I want.”

  “And what do you want?” She was almost afraid to ask what he wanted.

  “Don’t you know?” he asked, smiling. His smile was like that of a wolf before he was about to get his prey.

  Donna didn’t say another word. She stared at Caleb waiting. He continued to rub her wrist as he spoke.

  “I want to fuck you, Donna.”

  His words sent a thrill down her spine even as she was embarrassed by his bluntness.

  Averting her eyes, she glanced down at the dance floor to see Lydia with her boyfriend, dancing. They were both having a good time as they were wrapped around each other. Did she want that?

  “This is not good.” She tried to pull her hand away, but he wouldn’t release her.

  “You’re not going anywhere yet. You promised me tonight, and I intend to collect. Look at me.”

  She turned to stare at him, gritting her teeth as something tugged deep inside her. “What?” she asked.

  “You’re going to back out of tonight?”

  “You blackmailed me into it.”

  Caleb smiled. “Relax, Donna. We’re getting to know each other. I’ll take you out to the dance floor, and we can dance and have a little fun.” He leaned back and stared at her.

  Sitting back, she watched as a waitress approached them placing their drinks on the table. Caleb thanked the woman without taking his gaze away from her.

  “So, you own this nightclub?” she asked.

  “Yes. I’m a joint owner with a friend and partner.”

  “It seems nice.” Biting her lip, she looked down at her lap wondering what the hell she was supposed to talk about.

  He reached out to grab his drink, and she noticed his knuckles.

  “Owning this place, is that all you do?” she asked.

  Caleb stared at her, his dark eyes stripping away years of protection to see deep inside her soul.

  Shaking her head, she did her best to push the thoughts out of her mind.

  “Yes, why wouldn’t it?” he asked.

  “Bruised knuckles and the suit, they don’t match.” She tapped her leg, looking around the VIP section. Donna didn’t recognize anyone. If they were superstars she didn’t notice them or know where they were from.

  “Some customers do not take no for an answer. I help where I can.”

  She frowned. “Since when did a businessman do his own dirty work?”

  “This one does and has since he learned it was better to do things this way rather than relying on someone else.” He lifted his leg over his knee and rested his head in his hand, staring at her. “Now, I’ve got questions.”

  She tensed, waiting.

  “Why don’t you have a boyfriend?” he asked.

  Letting out a sigh, she pushed some hair out of her face. “I don’t want one.”


  “We don’t know each other that well. I’m not going to tell you what I do.”

  His gaze didn’t waver.

  “You’ve never had sex or been with a man,” he said.

  She felt her cheeks heat even as she fought the embarrassment threatening to claim her.

  “I’m not going anywhere no matter how much you ignore me.”

  “Have you had sex?” she asked.


  “With another man?” She fired the question at him trying to make him feel like he was her.

  Caleb chuckled. “No. I’ve not fucked a man. I’ve screwed a whole list of women. I’ve lost count of the number of women I’ve been with.”

  Jealousy struck her hard, surprising her. She didn’t know what to expect from him and certainly didn’t see him as boyfriend material. Donna wasn’t stupid. She knew what sex involved and how it happened.

  Stumbling around the internet she’d found plenty of porn readily available.

  “So you’ve been with a lot of women. The bracelet you bought the other day, was that for a woman?”

�Yes. It was a parting gift.”

  “You give a gift to dump the woman?”

  He nodded. “I want to take you to my bed, strip you naked, and fuck you.”

  She paused in reaching out for her soda and glanced at him.

  “You should know I’m not going to let you go until I get what I want.”

  “I’m not going to sleep with you,” Donna said.

  “Baby, when I get you to my bed, we’re not going to be doing any sleeping. I’m going to have you screaming in pleasure.”

  Caleb handed her the soda that she’d pulled away from.

  She took the glass from his hands and took a sip. In all of her life she’d never been bombarded with such masculinity. Caleb was filled with it, oozing out of every pore.

  He removed his jacket and rolled up the sleeves of his shirt. The ink on his arms took her by surprise. She glanced over the dance floor in time to see Lydia leaving the floor. Her friend approached the bar, and one of the guards pointed up to the VIP section.

  “I’m not ready to be interrupted.” Caleb took the soda from her hands and lifted her to her feet.

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “We’re going to dance.” Before she could say anything more, they were heading down to the dance floor. Lydia and Darren passed them.

  “Where are you going?” Lydia asked.

  “Dancing.” Caleb answered for her, tugging her onto the floor. She didn’t get a chance to say anything else as he took the lead.

  People on the floor made a space for him. He spun her around and pulled her close. Caleb’s hand landed on the base of her back. His body was flush against hers. She felt each line, and he held her close, making it hard for her to get away.

  “You were rude.”

  “I didn’t want to be interrupted. Your friend has an opinion, and I’m not interested in what she’s got to say.” His fingers caressed her through the dress, making it hard for her to think.

  “Lydia’s a friend. She worries about me.”

  “And she annoys me. If I wanted to know what she had to say, I’d have given her my time.” The music faded into the background along with all the people. At first she noticed all the women eyeing up Caleb. Then she just stopped thinking about them as his gaze trapped her.


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