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Fear the Boss

Page 5

by Sam Crescent

  “What are you doing?” she asked.

  “Tell me to stop.”

  Gritting her teeth, she shook her head. Heat gathered in her pussy as he thumbed her nipple.

  “Then I’m going to play.” He kissed down to her neck, sucking on her pulse.

  She couldn’t focus on any one sensation as he sucked at her neck then touched her breast.

  He went down until he sucked her nipple into his mouth. Crying out, she arched up against him needing more of what he could offer.

  Glancing down she saw him circle her nipple then suck her breast into his mouth. His other hand left her hair, sliding down her body.

  You need to stop this.

  Donna knew what she should do, but she liked his touch way too much. His fingers slid up the inside of her thigh then landed over her pussy.

  Crying out, she closed her eyes, opening her legs wider.

  “You’re so fucking wet, baby. Are you sure you want me to leave?”

  She shook her head. “No, I don’t want you to leave.”

  The words broke from her lips even though she didn’t want to say them.

  He pushed her panties out of the way, and he stroked a finger down her slit. Opening her eyes, she stared down. Caleb had her dress down to her waist and bunched up around his hand. She looked wanton, completely unlike her.

  His fingers pressed against her clit, pushing her closer to orgasm.

  “You’re going to come against my fingers, Donna. Give me that sweet cum.”

  She shook her head, denying him.

  Caleb released her breasts and slammed his tongue into her mouth. She kissed him back, needing him to finish what he started. He nibbled on her lip then went back to sucking on her nipples.

  There was nothing else she could do to stop what he’d started. Screaming out her release, she held onto him throughout. He kept her upright against the wall after each shudder of her orgasm.

  When it was over, she watched him suck the fingers that were on her pussy into his mouth. The scent of her arousal floated between them. His digits were slick with her release.

  “You taste as sweet as I imagined.”


  He silenced her with another kiss.

  “I don’t want to hear another word from you. If you don’t want to feel that again I understand.” She wanted to tell him to shut up. “But if you want to feel like that and better then meet me at the corner café Sunday morning. You’re not at work then, and we’ll see where this goes.”

  With one final kiss he left her apartment, closing the door behind him.

  Chapter Five

  Caleb closed his cell phone and ordered another coffee from the waitress as he stared out of the café windows. He had a full view of who was coming and going, just the way he liked it. Henry was nowhere in sight. He’d told his friend not to bother coming. Since the problem of Friday, he’d not spoken a word of Donna to his partner. He wasn’t afraid of being with Donna.

  She was the complete opposite of him, sweet to his mean, nice to his cruel. Thinking about her over the last day he’d gotten hard imagining her partially naked up against the wall. He could have taken her there and then. She wouldn’t have the time to tell him no, but he’d stopped. For once in his life, Caleb had decided to be the better man.

  He had blood on his hands, a lot of blood. In his fighting days he’d killed men for fun, and now he killed men to send a message. Drugs, women, all of that was all on him, and no one was ever going to change him, not even Donna. Henry’s fear was misguided.

  Running a finger along his lip, he recalled the sweet taste of her cunt. He’d never tasted a woman in his life. The women he fucked were not the kind he wanted to taste with his mouth.

  Would she be brave enough to come to him today?

  The anticipation was driving him insane. He’d wait all day if he had to just to get what he wanted.

  He didn’t know what would come after he fucked her. Most of the time, he lost all interest in the women he fucked after he’d taken them.

  “Can I help you, sir?” the waitress asked, smiling at him. Her chest was thrust out, inviting him in.


  Drumming his fingers on the table he waited for the woman he really wanted. She had to come. The disappointment he saw in Donna’s eyes when he’d walked away told him he was making the right choice.

  Donna needed to come to him before he went back to her. She’d been scared of him, terrified, yet she’d wanted him. Her cunt had been soaking wet, begging for his cock.

  One taste of her might not even be enough for him.

  Taking a sip of his coffee, he looked up as the doorbell chimed.

  Donna stood there, looking as nervous as she had the night before last. When she saw him, her cheeks went a beautiful shade of red.

  Come on, baby, be strong.

  Bowing her head, she walked toward him, pulling out a seat and sitting down. She removed her jacket to reveal a simple white shirt over her jeans. She clasped her hands together and looked at him. “I’m here.”

  “You’re here.” He took a longer sip of his coffee, looking at her over the rim of his glass.

  “You didn’t give me a time, and I didn’t know if I was going to turn up.” She licked her lips, glancing left and right.

  He signaled to the waitress, who came immediately.

  His cock hardened at the sight of Donna. Part of him couldn’t believe she’d come, but then another part knew how he was going to spend the day with her. This was not going to be a long courtship. The curiosity in her eyes told him that.

  When a coffee was placed in front of her, he leaned on the table.

  “You turned up. So what does that mean?”

  “I don’t know.” She shrugged, lifting her cup to her lips. “I was hoping you’d tell me.”

  Caleb smiled. “Well, we can either take this slowly or we can go fast.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You liked what I did to you?” he asked.


  “Do you want to feel that way again?”

  She tucked some hair behind her ear. “Yes.” Her word was a small whisper.

  “I didn’t hear you. You’re going to have to speak up.”

  “Yes, I want more of what you did Friday night.”

  “I’m not a forever kind of guy. If we’re doing this then we’re doing it my way.” He reached over taking her hand. “I’m never going to love you. Don’t expect me to love you or to settle down with kids. I also expect you to get on birth control. I’ll wear a rubber the first couple of times, but then I’m going to expect you to take care of protection.” She opened her mouth to speak, but he continued on before giving her chance to speak. “There will be no other men for you. We do this then you’re mine, and I won’t allow scraps that other men leave behind.”

  She opened her mouth and then closed her lips. “This was in fact a mistake.”

  He held her hand as she made to get up. “You’re not leaving.”

  “Yes, I am. You’re a pig. A sexist, horrid pig. I can’t believe I was looking forward to seeing you again. You’re horrid and disgusting.”

  “But you came because you wanted me.”

  “No, I wanted the man who was with me Friday night, not this. First, you can wear a rubber. I’ve tried birth control, and it messed with my body. I was sick, and I can’t be on it. Second, how dare you tell me this when you’ve slept with no end of women? I’ve never been with anyone, and yet you want me to allow your diseased penis inside my body? You’ve got to be kidding me.” She tugged out of his hold and stood. “This was a mistake.” He watched as she threw a bill down on the table. “Forget I ever came here.”

  He should just let her walk out of the café, but he couldn’t. Throwing more bills onto the table, he rushed out to follow her. She was heading in the direction of her apartment. Grabbing her arm, he pulled her down an alleyway that was clear.

  “Fine, I’ll wear the fuck
ing rubbers,” he said, pressing her against the wall.

  “This isn’t just about the rubbers. You’re being a jerk, and I’m not signing on with anyone or anything when they’re being jerks and vile.” She spat the words at him, and for the first time since he’d seen her, Caleb witnessed the fire inside her. Her eyes sparked anger, glinting in the shade.

  His cock awakened to that fire, and he knew he couldn’t let her go before he had a taste. She’d drive him crazy. Henry was right. She was different, but even as he thought all of this, he couldn’t help but need more.

  “Then I stop being a jerk to you.”

  “You can’t just stop.”

  “Yes, I can. I can be whatever you need me to be.” He pressed his lips to hers, running his tongue along her lip. “I’m not giving up.”

  “No, you’ve got to stop.”

  “Are you not hot for me right now? Is your pussy dry or wet for me?”

  She shook her head. “Stop this, Caleb.”

  “I’m not stopping anything. I get what I want.” He pulled back seeing the fight still in her eyes. “I won’t be a jerk. I’m used to dealing with women like this. I don’t offer them anything else.”

  “Then forget about them. I’m not most women, and I refuse to be treated like that.” There were tears in her eyes.

  “Are you coming with me?”

  Donna stayed silent. She pressed her lips together, closing her eyes. “I don’t think I should.”

  “Don’t think, baby. Let your body do all the talking for you.” He pressed his cock against her stomach. “This is what’s driving me, Donna. This is how you make me feel. I don’t want to give this up. I need you, baby.”

  “You’re confusing me.”

  “And you’re driving me crazy.” Never, not once, not even in the ring, had he begged a person for something. He was more than willing to beg now to get what he wanted, what he needed.

  “Okay.” She spoke after some time had passed. He didn’t know how much, only that he was desperate to hear her voice speaking the words he wanted to hear. “I’ll come with you back to your place, but you’ve got to promise to let me go when I’m ready.”

  He nodded. There was no chance of him letting her go. Caleb knew what he wanted.

  “Come on. My car’s parked a few blocks from here.” He took her hand, feeling the shake within her fingers.

  Was she still scared of him?

  Donna remained silent as she walked beside him. They passed many people on their way to his car. He didn’t give them a passing thought. Moving quickly, Caleb didn’t want her to change her mind. This was happening now, and the excitement was pulsing within his veins to get her alone.

  Pulling out his keys, he beeped the car, and helped her into the passenger side of his vehicle. Locking her inside with the child lock, he circled the vehicle to his own side.

  Without saying a word, he pulled out of the parking lot and headed into the center of the city. He wasn’t going to take her back to the club where there was a risk of other people invading their space. The brothel never closed, and he’d been with women who walked in and out of the apartment. He did allow it but not with Donna. She was different.

  Glancing toward her, he saw her hands were clenched into tight fists that were leaving her knuckles white.

  Putting his foot firmly on the accelerator, he tried to get to his place as fast as he could.


  What the hell are you doing, Donna?

  Closing her eyes, she tried to think of all the logical reasons as to why she shouldn’t be sat in this car with a man she barely knew. All of her old teachings of getting into cars with strange men came rushing back to her. She shouldn’t be there, but yet, the tingling along her lips left her wanting more.

  Caleb made her want things she didn’t think she’d ever want. It was all insane, exciting, and she couldn’t stop herself from wanting more.

  “You don’t have to be afraid. I won’t hurt you.”

  Wouldn’t he? During their last couple of conversations he’d said stuff that hurt her. He was gruff, crude, and rude. She didn’t like him, and yet her body was alight whenever she was around him. The city went by, and she was aware of the closeness the car provided them. He could reach out and touch her. She craved his touch as much as she craved her next breath.

  What’s wrong with you?

  He turned off to the right and followed the road down to an underground parking facility.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  “We’re at my apartment. Henry’s got a place a couple of floor down. I’m on the twelfth floor.” She saw a signpost next to one of the parking spaces with Caleb’s name.

  “Does owning your own club make good money?” She slapped her palm against her mouth. “I’m so sorry. I can’t believe I asked that.”

  He chuckled. “I make enough.”

  She noticed he didn’t actually answer the question. Staring at him, she waited to see if he’d add more. He didn’t.

  Caleb parked the car and opened his door. He didn’t give her chance to back out. She followed him outside, and he was beside her door within moments, slamming the door closed. Taking the hand he offered, she moved behind him toward the elevator. Not once did he speak, leaving the silence to stretch between them.

  Do you know what you’re doing?


  Does Lydia at least know where you are?


  He could kill you and no one would know or care.

  Gritting her teeth, she tried to fight the fear suddenly gripping her.

  The elevator pinged open. This was her last chance to leave without fear. Glancing at Caleb, she stopped. There was no way she could leave. She wanted to know where this would go a lot more than she wanted to leave.

  She took one step in front of the other, following him down the long corridor. He didn’t release her hand even as he grabbed the key from his pocket and opened the door.

  This was entirely on her if she passed over the threshold. Licking her lips, she stepped over the line, and Caleb followed. He closed the door, and they were entirely alone. No one would interrupt them. They only had each other for company.

  “Give me your jacket.”

  Turning her back to him, she removed her outer jacket and gripped her purse tightly. She wasn’t scared of him stealing from her. Keeping a firm hand on her purse meant she was able to ground herself. It was strange, but holding her purse stopped her from doing anything stupid.

  He took hold of her purse. “Let’s put that down, baby.” He took her last security blanket with him.

  You can do this.

  Caleb turned back to her, reaching out to grab her arms. He walked her back, and she couldn’t tear her gaze away from his. His eyes were so dark they were almost black, and his touch was firm, not painful.

  Her heart raced as the noises around them faded into nothing.

  He moved her into the main sitting room. There was no coffee table to stop their movements.

  “Stop panicking.”

  “I’m not.”

  He cupped her cheek, tilting her head back with his thumbs underneath her chin.

  “Your skin is so smooth and flawless.” He stroked her cheek with the back of his fingers before returning to hold her head at a particular angle.

  Her mouth dried up as his head got closer. His lips brushed across hers, lighting a fire she didn’t think was ever going to be put out.

  He slid his tongue along her bottom lip, gliding around then pressing inside. She opened her mouth accepting him inside her lips. Closing her eyes, she melted against him the moment he touched her. His left hand left her face to move down her body. The backs of his fingers grazed her breast. He went down until he held the bottom of her shirt.

  Jerking back, she looked him in the eye.

  “I want to see you, Donna.”

  She didn’t stop him, nor did she help him to remove her clothing. He tugged the shirt up her body then over her head. I
nstinctively, she covered her breasts wanting to hide herself from him.

  He wouldn’t let her hide away from his touch. “Don’t ever cover yourself from me. I want to see what belongs to me.”

  Donna couldn’t dispute him. He gripped her wrists and forced her hands away from her body. Taking in several deep breaths, she waited for him to finish what he started. Caleb didn’t rush to do what he wanted. He took his time staring at her. She wore a simple white lace bra and a pair of panties to match, but he hadn’t seen them yet.

  “They’re so sweet, and modest.”

  Her cheeks heated under his gaze.

  “On you, it looks beautiful.”

  “Haven’t you ever seen a woman with white underwear?”

  “No. I haven’t.” His dark gaze returned to her. “This is all new to me, baby. I’m used to whores and women who don’t want fuck all from me but a nice stiff cock and some money.”

  She jerked back but stopped herself from covering her body.

  Caleb reached for the buttons on his shirt and started to reveal the expanse of his chest and the ink all over him. He tore the shirt from his chest, and she saw the array of ink. His body was like a canvas for a tattoo parlor. The ink on his arms caught her attention first. Down his left arm she noticed the cross, and below it was a graveyard, each tattoo so intricately designed to the point she could see the strips of wood.

  “You like to get inked.”

  “I like a hell of a lot more, baby.” He lifted his arm up and ran fingers through his hair. His left arm had two pictures of the same symbol, the devil. One devil was in the male form while the other in a female form.

  His chest and abs had small designs that were not related to any other.

  He stepped closer wrapping his arms around her body.

  “You’ve got to leave those inhibitions out the door. I’m not your judge, juror, or executioner. I’ve done shit I’m not proud of, Donna. I’m here because I want you. Do the same.”

  With one quick move he released her bra and pulled the straps down her arms. The cool air stroked across her breasts. Staring into his eyes, she forced all of her inhibitions out of her body, trying to focus on their here and now. Nothing else mattered in her life. The only person who cared about her was her work colleague, Lydia. Her cat Pearl meant something to her. Both her family and foster family were dead. The only person she could rely upon was herself.


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