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Fear the Boss

Page 8

by Sam Crescent

  She took the stairs as the elevator was broken.

  He was still behind her as she placed her key in the lock and turned. There was nothing for her to do other than let him inside. He was far stronger than she was, and he’d already let himself inside once before using force.

  Locking the door, she placed the key on the hook beside the door before walking straight to her kitchen to fill up the kettle.

  Donna looked toward the sitting room to see Pearl sprawled out on one of her chairs.

  “What are you hoping to achieve?” she asked, finally turning toward the man who’d invaded her life as much as he had her body.

  Would a baby really be a bad thing?

  She didn’t think it would be a bad thing, providing he or she had both parents. Staring at Caleb, she didn’t know the first thing about him and couldn’t be sure if he’d stick around for any child they had.

  “I want you back in my bed without waiting for you to leave it every chance you get.” He folded his arms over his chest. Her gaze was drawn to all the ink he possessed. Again, did a standard businessman display his ink to the world? She must have watched way too many movies and stereotyped the perfect businessman.

  “You crossed the line,” she said.

  “I want you in my bed. You may as well give me what I want, Donna. If you’re knocked up, then there’s no getting rid of me.”

  And they said romance was dead!

  Chapter Eight

  Caleb wasn’t leaving without what he wanted. Today he was laying claim to Donna. He didn’t know how long for, but Henry was right. She was messing with his ability to do his job, which wasn’t good for him. The only way to survive in his business was to be always on his guard. With Elijah last night, he’d not been anything but careless and stupid.

  He was willing to risk everything just for a chance to call this woman his.

  “You can’t be serious. This is your argument? I may already be pregnant so what’s the point in denying us now?”

  “I want you, Donna, and I bet that sweet, tight, pussy of yours, is dripping wet begging for me.”

  It was time to take matters into his own hands. Stepping closer, he grabbed her arms and walked her back until she was standing next to the wall. Running a hand down her body, he cupped her breast thumbing the hard nipple.

  “Your tits want me. Your nipples are rock hard and aroused, Donna. It’s not cold, and there’s no excuse for this response.” He glided down to the bottom of her skirt that fell at her knee.

  Going under the fabric, he moved up. She squirmed in his hold. He wouldn’t release her. Sliding the edge of her panties aside, he ran the tip of two fingers through her creamy slit. He was right. She was soaking wet to the touch.

  Donna cried out, collapsing against the wall. If he didn’t have his arm wrapped around her waist, she would have fallen to the ground. He wasn’t letting her go.

  “You can be angry at me, baby. I’ll take your anger, your punches, I’ll even take your smart mouth, but I will not let you go.”

  “I don’t want you.”

  Thrusting two fingers inside her cunt, he watched her eyes dilate.

  “You’re lying. You want me even though you don’t want to want me. There’s a difference.” Pressing his thumb to her clit, he rubbed from side to side. There was enough lubricant that it was easy for him to simply touch her. “Your mind may be telling you to push me away, Donna. This cunt, she’s telling me another story. Do you know what she’s telling me?”

  She shook her head but he wasn’t going to stop now.

  “Your cunt is telling me to strip us both naked and fuck you right here, right now.”

  Releasing his hold on her, he tugged his shirt over his head. He stopped touching her, gripping the lapels of her shirt at the top and tearing open the offending item.

  “What are you doing?”

  “I’m going to do what I do best.”

  “What?” she asked. She tried to cover her body from his view. Caleb wasn’t having any of it. Her body was all his to touch and play with. Unbuckling his belt and the button of his jeans, he shoved them down to his knees. Hiking up her skirt, he pushed her panties aside, feeling her silky warmth.

  With one move he had her up against the wall, with her legs wrapped around him. He pressed the tip of his cock to her entrance and plunged inside.

  Ecstasy. Being inside Donna was like taking a drug and riding the joy to an unspeakable high. Her cunt clutched him tightly, and her cream soaked his shaft.

  “You’re not wearing a condom,” she said.

  Gritting his teeth, he rested his head against her shoulder and slammed inside her once again. He couldn’t pull out to grab a condom as leaving her tightness was out of the question. He knew he was being a bastard, but he couldn’t stop.

  “I’ll wear one next time.” He pressed his lips to hers, sliding his tongue inside. One hand was underneath her ass as the other went to her pussy. Caleb touched her clit, watching her head fall against the wall. Her eyes closed, and her mouth opened. “Come for me, Donna. Come all over my cock.”

  She shook her head.

  Ramming inside her, he went as deep as he could. Each plunge into her cunt had her gripping him tighter than ever before.

  “So fucking good.”

  Donna screamed as he stroked her clit. Her cum soaked his cock making it easier for him to slide deep within her core.

  He kissed her lips as he fucked her hard against the wall. Caleb didn’t stop as he plundered inside her. His tongue and his dick worked together to push her over the edge a second time.

  When she screamed in orgasm, he groaned as his cum spurted inside her body. He rested his head against hers, not wanting to let her go.

  “That was amazing,” he said, groaning.

  “Again, you didn’t use a condom.” She started to push him away.

  He wasn’t ready to be pushed away from her. Taking hold of her hands, he pressed them to either side of her head. His body and his cock inside her kept her propped against the wall. Holding her in place, he stared into her eyes.

  “Let me go,” she said.

  “No. I’m not letting you go. You’re mine, Donna.” He was shaking. Something stirred in his gut, and all he wanted to do was carry her off to the bedroom.

  “You’re not being fair.”

  “I don’t play fair. You wanted this, baby.”

  “I wanted you to wear a condom.” She glared at him, tensing underneath him. When she tensed, amazing things happened to her cunt.

  Gritting his teeth, he thrust inside her. “You better stop as otherwise I’m going to fuck you once again and you’re not going to have any say in what I do.”

  He swiveled his hips giving her an idea of what he was talking about.

  The time passed. He didn’t know how long he stayed like that in the same position to keep her there.

  Slowly, she started to relax, and the anger left her gaze.

  “You’re not a very nice person.”

  “I never claimed to be a nice person. You don’t need to like me to want to fuck me.” He released her hands and pulled out of her warmth. The skirt she wore was still hiked up around her waist.

  He saw the white of his cum slid down her thigh. Did other men feel possessive when they saw that sight?

  “You like that?”

  “What?” he asked, thinking she meant the sight of his cum sliding down her thigh.

  “The fact I don’t love you or even like you.”

  Caleb shrugged. “I’m sure in time you’ll change your mind.”

  He took hold of her hand and started to walk through her apartment. Pearl caught his attention as the feline stared at him.

  Shaking his head, he opened one door to find her bedroom, and at the next door he found her bathroom. The apartment was small.

  “How much do you pay for this place?” he asked.

  She told him a sum that pissed him off. His woman was being ripped off. Donna was paying more mone
y for a piece of shit apartment when she could be in a much better place.

  He turned on the light and found the small shower room. Cursing, he turned on the shower to allow water to cascade into the stall. Turning back to her, he pushed the rest of her clothes off her body. Kicking off his jeans, he climbed into the stall, taking her with him.

  “I can walk and do this myself.”

  “I’m not having you run from me or risk you calling the cops on my ass.”

  “I wouldn’t do that.” She stared him in the eye, and he knew she told him the truth.

  “Then you’re a fool.”

  She frowned. “Why am I a fool?”

  “Most women to get rid of me would call the cops. They’d try to make my life as miserable as possible.” He grabbed the soap from the shelf and started to wash her body. At first she started to fight him, shoving his arms away. Turing her against the wall of the stall, he trapped her in place. “Stop fighting me.”

  “No. You’re a horrid person, and I don’t want anything to do with you.”

  Keeping hold of her hands, he glared down at her. “I’m such a horrid person, yet I’ve done nothing to hurt you.”

  “You might have made me pregnant.”

  “But I’ve never hurt you. I could have hurt you that first night. I can take what I want. I’ve got you held against the wall with no way of you getting away.” He pressed his point home by pushing his body against hers. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

  She stared into his eyes, and he hoped she saw the truth that he wouldn’t harm her.

  “Believe me.”


  “I need you to believe me.” He trapped her hands against the wall, pressing his cock next to her stomach.

  She sighed and shuddered beneath his touch.

  Caleb tried to wait as long as he could.

  “Fine, I believe you. What do you want?” she asked.

  “Admit to me that you want me as much as I want you.”

  “I want you.”

  “Do you crave me?” he asked.


  He kissed her lips, sliding his tongue inside her mouth.

  “Then give us a chance, and I promise you, I’ll wear a rubber, and if you’re pregnant I’ll do the right thing by you.”

  She let out a breath. He refused to look away from her and wouldn’t back away.

  “Tell me your answer,” he said.

  “Okay, I’ll give us a chance, whatever this is.”

  Releasing her hands, he picked up the soap and started to wash her body. He’d won the battle, but he had yet to win the war.


  Three weeks later

  Lydia still hadn’t quit her job in the three weeks Donna had been dating Caleb. Donna finished serving the latest customer, who’d bought an engagement ring. Glancing at the clock she saw it was a little after three. In an hour Caleb would be by to pick her up. For three weeks he’d been attentive and giving. There were times she forgot about the way they’d met or how he’d behaved. The fear of pregnancy was still there. It had been four weeks and she still hadn’t gotten her period, but she’d never been regular.

  After work she intended to go to the pharmacy to get a test. She hated not knowing, but, however, she didn’t want Caleb to be there when she told him.

  Their time together had been spent doing pretty mundane things. He took her to the pictures to watch the latest movies, and she spent a great deal of time at the club in the VIP section while he worked. Henry kept his distance from her. She didn’t believe he approved of her involvement with Caleb. Donna did her best to stay out of his way. When she was at the club, Lydia and Darren joined them. She still didn’t know the full extent of Caleb’s business, but she’d seen the scars on his body.

  Many of his scars were faded though some were still visible.

  At night Caleb took his time bringing her alive. She had come to crave the nights when they were alone. He’d start by stripping her naked and kissing every inch of her body. Her cheeks heated as she remembered the way he opened her thighs and forced her to watch him lick her out. Caleb had taken a mirror and made her watch every moment of him devouring her.

  Biting her lip she turned away from the window to glance at her friend. In the last three weeks all Lydia did was worry about her.

  “Are you sure you know what you’re doing?” she’d often asked.

  The true answer was no, Donna didn’t have a clue what she was doing? When she was with Caleb the whole world faded into the background until they were the only two people in the world. Even Pearl, her cat, adored him. Many nights they were curled up on the sofa with her cat on his lap, demanding he stroke her.

  Gone was the vulgar man he once had been. She noticed he tried to keep himself in check around her. He didn’t talk about his previous lovers or the women in his life. Donna learned not to ask, as he only ever evaded the question.

  “Donna, I need to talk to you,” Lydia said, putting her phone back into her pocket. The shop was vacant of any customers.

  “Sure, what did you want to talk about?” Donna stood up and stretched out her muscles.

  “Caleb, he’s not all he seems.”

  “Lydia, don’t. We’ve talked about this, and I know you’re not one of his fans. I like him.” She put her feet back into the pumps and wriggled her toes.

  “He’s dangerous, Donna. I wouldn’t tell you about this if I wasn’t worried.”

  She stared at her friend and saw the fear in her face

  “What are you talking about?” Donna asked.

  “I’ve been talking to Darren. I asked him to talk around. Caleb is not all he seems.”

  Donna stood and listened to what her friend had to say even though it was killing her to know more.

  “He’s a pimp, a drug dealing criminal.” Lydia looked around the store. “He owns half of the city. He’s the kind of man you don’t want to fuck with.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  Caleb couldn’t be a pimp or drug dealer, could he? The bruises on his knuckles and the respect he gained wherever they were suddenly made some form of sense.

  “No, he can’t be. You’re wrong.” Donna shook her head even as she started to see things she wasn’t sure were possible.

  One of the nights she’d been sitting at the bar, she’d watched the barman hand a little white bag of powder to a woman who handed him a wad of cash. She had been going to ask Caleb about it when he’d appeared as if from nowhere taking her onto the dance floor.

  “He used to be a fighter back in the day, Donna, and when he got older, he and his friend Henry started their own business.”

  “This can’t be true,” Donna said.

  “Why can’t it be true? What do you actually know about him other than the fact he owns a club? Nothing, you can’t tell me anything. Darren found out more about him. He’s bad news, Donna, and I think he’s using you.”

  She shook her head. No, it couldn’t be possible, could it?

  “You’re wrong.”

  Her cell phone started to ring, and she looked at the screen to see Caleb’s name. He’d bought her a cell phone when he discovered she didn’t have one. She’d never had a cell phone as she’d never needed one. Why buy something she didn’t need?

  “Is that him?”

  Answering the call she put the phone to her ear. “Hello,” she said.

  In the background she heard a lot of men grunting. Frowning, she turned away from Lydia so her friend didn’t see her expression.

  “Hey, baby. I’m not going to be able to pick you up. I’ll pick Chinese up and stop by your place tonight.”

  “What’s the matter? How come I can’t come to you?” she asked.

  “I’ve got work, babe. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to go.” He hung up before she could say anything else.

  “How are you so sure?” Donna turned back to Lydia.

  “Darren is never wrong. He’s been to a couple of the illegal fights. Don’t t
ell him I told you that. It’s not hard to start hearing gossip.”

  Changeover was in less than ten minutes. Donna grabbed her bag and looked at her friend. “I’ve got stuff to do. Is it okay if I leave you to finish up here?” she asked.

  “Donna, I don’t think you should go looking for him. He’s bad news.”

  “He’s my bad news. I need to know what’s going on.” She quickly put her jacket on and hitched her bag on her shoulder. “Are you good here or not?”

  “I’m fine. Go.”

  Turning her back on Lydia she walked toward the door. She didn’t give herself a chance to think. Hailing a cab outside, she gave directions to Caleb’s club then sat back to think about everything Lydia had said.


  Drug dealer.


  None of them made sense, and yet they did. What was going on with him?

  He sported bruised knuckles, and he’d yelled a lot down the phone. Henry always kept his guard up around her.

  It had to be true. There was no other explanation.

  “Here you are, love.”

  Glancing out of the window she saw Ecstasy’s sign on the doors. The club was closed, but she saw some of the staff cleaning up the crap outside.

  “Could you stay here? I don’t know how long I’m going to be.”

  “Sure, doll. It’ll add to the price.”

  “No problem.” Climbing out of the car, she walked up to the door. For several seconds she stared wondering what the hell to do. When she couldn’t handle the curiosity anymore, she opened the door and walked inside. She saw the bartender cleaning glasses and chuckling with a brunette dressed in a skirt that didn’t even cover her ass.

  “Donna, can I help you?” he asked.

  She couldn’t remember his name even though Caleb had told her.

  “I want to see Caleb. Where is he?” She tucked her hands in her skirt pockets and blanked everyone else out.

  The bartender visibly tensed. Did they know who he was?

  “He’s out at the moment, busy. Can I take a message?”

  Glancing at the brunette, she saw how the other woman looked at the counter. Did everyone know who he was but her?

  “Yeah, tell him not to bother coming around tonight unless he’s prepared to tell me the truth.” She turned on her heel and made her way out of the club.


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