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Fear the Boss

Page 10

by Sam Crescent

  Squeezing her legs together, she waited for the pleasure to stop, but it only increased.

  It wasn’t fair. He only cared about her while she was falling in love with him.

  “What have you eaten?” he asked.

  “Nothing. I couldn’t stomach food.”

  “I’m going to nip out and get some food. I’ll be back before you know it.” He dropped a kiss to her head and climbed off the bed.

  She waited until she heard the door to her apartment close and lock before reaching over to grab the phone beside her bed. Dialing Lydia’s number she waited for her friend to pick up.

  “Hello,” Lydia asked, sniffling.

  “Lydia, are you okay?”

  There were sounds over the line, and she heard a male voice in the background.

  “Why are you calling?”

  “I needed to talk to you. You’re my friend, Lydia.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t mean to be a bitch. Shit, Darren broke up with me.” Lydia broke down, sobbing across the line.

  “Honey, I’m so sorry.”

  “It’s okay, really. He told me I wasn’t good enough, and he just upped and left. The bastard.”

  She listened to Lydia curse and rant about her current boyfriend.

  “I can’t believe he did that to you.”

  “Well, I bet he was cheating on me. I’m going to the health clinic for a checkup and test. I don’t want to get any diseases. Bastard couldn’t keep it in his pants.” Lydia blew out a breath, laughing. “What about you? Why did you call?”

  “Erm, I’m pregnant.”


  “I know. Caleb went and got a test. I’m knocked up.” She watched Pearl enter her bedroom and jump up onto the bed.

  “Are you happy about it, or are we sad?”

  “We’re … I don’t know how to feel about what’s going on.” She smiled and stared down at her pillow.

  Pearl nudged her hand out of the way and sank onto the pillow. She stroked her cat rather than her pillow.

  “Is he happy about it?”

  “He’s gone to get some food. I think he’s going to marry me. At least, he’s talked about marrying me.” She shrugged, knowing that Lydia couldn’t see her. “He’s not run off yet. I guess I’ll see.”

  “Maybe you’ll be the woman to change him.”

  “I doubt I’ll change him. He’s set in his ways.”

  Lydia mumbled her agreement. “About today, I think it’s best that we don’t talk about it ever again. I’m not interested in pissing anyone off.”

  “I think that’s a good idea. Lydia, you don’t have anything to be afraid of.”

  “I know. Erm, I’m going to go and have a wash. I smell.”

  Chuckling, Donna said her goodbyes and hung up the phone.

  Stroking down Pearl’s back, she sighed. “I don’t know what’s going to happen. I can’t believe I’m pregnant, and now I’m talking to my cat hoping you’ll tell me what to do.”

  Life was passing by so fast, and if she wasn’t careful she wouldn’t have gotten a chance to live.

  When her door opened she climbed off the bed and went in search of Caleb. He held a box of Chinese.

  “I got all of your favorites.”

  For three weeks he’d been learning everything about her.

  “Thank you. I’m starved.” She smiled, tucking some hair behind her ear.

  “Come and sit.” He walked into her small kitchen area. She owned a small dinner table only suited to two people. He opened the correct cupboards in her kitchen and pulled out two plates. She watched him navigate her area as if he had an intimate knowledge of her space. “I’m going to start looking into getting a house. Our apartments are not suited to raise a kid.” He placed an egg roll along with noodles and sauce onto a plate. She took it from him and the chopsticks from his hands.

  “Do you want me to come with you?”

  “Yeah, we’ll pick a place together.”

  Eating some noodles she looked up at him and wondered what to think. Four weeks ago he walked into the jewelry store to get a bracelet for a woman he was going to end a relationship with.

  Now, she was pregnant by him, discovered he was involved in criminal activity, and about to move in with him.

  He joined her at the table.

  His legs brushed hers, and he reached out to take her hand. She stared at his fingers then placed her hand within his.

  “We’re going to get through this, Donna.”

  “Lydia called, and she said Darren has left her.” She watched his jaw tense.

  “Baby, I’ve got to tell you something.”

  Donna listened as he told her everything that happened with Darren, Lydia, and Henry. Tears filled her eyes as she thought about her friend being held with a lunatic who had a gun. “Why would she lie to me?”

  “You’re her friend, and Henry was trying to protect me. He knows how important you are to me. I’m not going to do it. I won’t keep secrets that involve you. Lydia’s your friend.”

  Donna nodded. She understood both points. She still felt weak and exhausted from their fight.

  Nodding, she took another bite of noodles. Caleb changed the topic of their conversation.

  “We’ll start looking tomorrow for a place. I’ll pay, and I’ll make the necessary arrangements for us to be married.”

  “You don’t need to marry me.”

  “I’m going to marry you.”

  Donna looked up to see him staring at her. “No man is allowed to touch me?”


  “What about you?” she asked.

  “I’m not going to be touching any other man,” he said, smirking.

  “What about women? You’ve told me often enough that you’ve been with other women. I want to know whether you’ll be faithful or not.”

  He stared at her. “And if I say no?”

  “Then we’ll bring a child up together, but you won’t be touching me. I can’t do it, Caleb. I’m not going to be the kind of woman who turns her back.”

  “There won’t be any other woman,” he said. “You’re the only person I need. The only person I’ll ever need.”

  He squeezed her hand.

  Was there any way for her to believe him?

  She ate her food knowing in her heart and mind that she didn’t have much of a choice. Her only option was to believe him, as otherwise she wouldn’t be able to cope with such an uncertain future.

  Chapter Ten

  Time passed slowly, and Caleb took the time to look for houses to arrange their wedding. Lydia and Henry both agreed to be their witnesses. Donna refused to have a big wedding, and she didn’t want a honeymoon either. Looking for a place to live was also proving to be rather difficult, or the truth was, Donna was being difficult. The places they’d visited she found something wrong with them.

  The rooms were too small, the garden too dangerous or the price too steep. He was patient knowing he was taking her out of her comfort zone. Henry wasn’t sticking his nose in to shit that didn’t concern him, and work was moving by peacefully. He hated the peace. In his line of work he knew something big was going to happen, but he didn’t know what.

  Thinking about his friend, he was reminded of the time he’d told Henry he was going to pay a visit to Lydia. Henry had gotten angry and told him to leave shit well enough alone.

  In all of his life, he’d never been able to leave shit alone. Taking a visit to her place one night he found Lydia alone. He warned her what talking would do. She wasn’t going to be telling anyone. The thought of losing Donna or his kid because of someone running their mouth filled him with fear. He couldn’t lose either of them. When he was at the club late at night, his thoughts would always return to Donna. She was his reason for continuing on with his life.

  She gave him a reason for fighting another day to keep the bad shit at bay. The rumor mill was running riot with news of his upcoming wedding. He employed a guard to keep Donna safe whenever he wasn’t ther
e. She didn’t know she was being followed, but he’d always been overly cautious. As the days passed, turning into weeks, she stopped being so cold toward him. Last night they shared his bed, and she didn’t push him away. He felt closer to her than ever before.

  On the thirtieth house when Donna found more than three reasons not to live there he lost his temper. When the realtor left the room he turned on her.

  “What the fuck are you doing?” he asked.

  She turned toward him. “I’m not doing anything.”

  “Every house we’ve been to is a problem. I want to know what your game is. Are you going to wait until you’re ready to drop to pick a place or are we going to go around in circles?”

  Donna looked at the floor. He saw the red in her cheeks.

  “You were.”

  “No, I mean yes. Erm, I didn’t want you to make a rash decision.” She tucked some hair behind her ear. “Buying a house is a huge deal, and I’m not going to be able to be part of it. This is your decision, but I don’t want you to come home one night hating the fact I’ve stolen you away from your life.”

  Staring at her, Caleb tried to see if she was telling him the truth or lying. “This is all about me?”

  “Lydia told me you’re not the man to settle down. This was before you told me the truth. I don’t want you to think that I got pregnant on purpose.” She was fidgeting where she stood.

  Reaching out, he cupped her cheeks. “Baby, I’m the one who forgot protection. If anything, I don’t want you to hate me.” He pulled her within his arms. “I’ve been giving you time to get accustomed to me.”

  “You’ve not touched me, Caleb. Ever since you found out about me carrying your child you’ve been cold toward me.” Tears filled her eyes, and he watched them fall. He wiped her tears away.

  This was all a big misunderstanding.

  “I’ve been giving you space, baby. Fuck, if I’d known you wanted me I’d have been on you sooner. After everything we’ve been through I didn’t want you to think I was using you.”

  She smiled. “You were being sweet?”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, don’t tell anyone. I lose my mind when I’m around you. And I’ve got a hard rep to keep up.”

  Wrapping his arms around her, he stroked her cheek.

  Donna opened her mouth then closed her lips. He wondered what she was going to say before she stopped.

  “Pick a house, baby.”

  “This one.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. I like the size and the garden.” She rested her head against his chest. “I think this one is perfect.”

  Stroking a hand down her back, he inhaled the scent of her. This was heaven to him. He couldn’t live without her, and he needed to keep her close to him, protect her.

  “Can we go back to your place?” she asked.

  “We can go back to my place. I’ll go and speak to the realtor.” Cupping her cheek, he dropped his head and kissed her lips. “Go and get in the car.”

  He joined her in the car after he dealt with the house. Donna was sitting waiting for him with some soft tunes on. Caleb didn’t waste any time heading toward his apartment. Henry was in charge of business while he spent time with Donna.

  She didn’t speak as he navigated traffic. His cock was rock hard at the chance of being with her. Tapping his hand on the wheel he tried to think of something else while the time passed. All he could see was the beauty of her cunt open for him.

  “Did you like the house?” she asked.


  Would she be wet for him? Every time he touched her, she melted against him even when she tried to be cold toward him.

  “I want you, Caleb.”

  He chanced a glance toward her. She rested her head on the seat and smiled.

  “Baby, I’m holding on by a fucking thread here. Tell me if you’re being serious.”

  “Yes, I want you.” She let out a little moan. “What have you done to me?”

  “I’m not going to complain.” He parked up at the underground parking facility. In quick time he had her out of the car and was escorting her toward the elevator. He didn’t waste any time in talking to the security guard.

  The elevator ride took so long that he thought he was going to lose his mind. He held her arm as he made his way down the long corridor. Inserting the key, he opened the door and closed it by pressing Donna up against it.

  “Tell me this isn’t what you want and I’ll stop,” he said. In his mind he was begging for her to tell him to continue.

  “I don’t want you to stop.”

  “Tell me to fuck you.” He pushed the jacket she wore from her shoulders.

  “Fuck me, Caleb.”

  Growling, he tugged her close and started to tear at her clothes to get her naked. He needed to feel her close against him.

  “Please,” she said, moaning. Donna attacked his clothes, and for several minutes they were all hands and mouths as they moved together across the room. He was careful not to hurt her, taking his time as he moved into the bedroom.

  Stepping out of his jeans, he watched her wiggle and remove her underwear. There was no real sign of her pregnancy yet, but that would come within weeks. He looked forward to seeing her with a rounded bump showing off his child.

  “Fuck, Donna, I need you. It has been too damn long.”

  She charged at him, circling his neck and dragging his lips down to hers. “Please, no more talking. Take me, fuck me.”

  Dropping her to the bed, he crawled up the bed and opened her thighs. He stared at the perfection of her pussy staring up at him. She was slick, her cream coating the fine hairs covering her lips.


  “Shh, I’m going to taste this pretty pussy of mine.”

  He opened the lips of her sex to see her clit swollen glinting at him, begging for him to suck.

  Sinking down onto his front, he licked the creaminess of her slit. The taste of her exploded on his tongue. “So beautiful.” He muttered the words against her pussy.

  Caleb sucked her clit into his mouth, biting her clit, then smashing his tongue against her nub. She cried out and thrashed underneath him. He held her down with his grip on her hips as he tongued her pussy.

  “Please … please … please …” She begged him over and over again. He loved hearing the sounds from her.

  Sliding his tongue into her core, he plundered her warmth, drinking her down.

  He changed his movements, first plunging into her core then sliding up to stroke her clit. Caleb moved up and down, drawing her closer and closer to orgasm. His cock was rock hard. The tip of his cock leaked pre-cum over the sheets. He was desperate to be inside her.

  Forcing himself to take his time, Caleb dined on the sweetness of her cunt. She thrust up to his waiting tongue, and he licked her out, drinking down her cum.

  He flicked his tongue over her clit, and she splintered apart in his arms. Holding her down, he forced her into a second orgasm before he released her body. Pressing a kiss to her clit, he smiled up at her.

  “Do you feel better, baby?” he asked.


  “Yes, I do.” Donna had been waiting for him to make the first move. She didn’t know what to do to get him to see that she wanted him. Did she go to him or wait until he made the first move? Did he even want her now that she was pregnant with his kid?

  Nothing made any sense to her. He kept his distance when they were looking at the variety of houses. She felt like he was there in person but in his mind elsewhere. Watching him crawl up her body, she smiled down at him. He had this look on his face that made things inside her tighten.

  “If you ever need me I’m always here and prepared to do whatever needs to be done for you.” He rested between her thighs.

  When he kissed her lips, she licked her cream from his chin, moaning as she did.

  “Do you like the taste of yourself?” he asked.

  She nodded, kissing him back.

  He ran his hand
s down the side of her body going to her hips. He plundered her mouth with his tongue. Opening her mouth, she accepted him inside, whimpering as he rubbed against her. The length of his cock was between the lips of her sex rubbing up and down. He bumped her clit making her gasp.

  Caleb kissed from her mouth down to her neck then back up again. “God, I love the taste of you.”

  She whimpered as he continued to bump her clit and send the pleasure shooting through her body. “Please, Caleb, fuck me.”

  He reached between them, and she watched him grip his cock then place the tip at her entrance. Lying back, she stared up into his eyes. Dark eyes that had once scared her now made her feels things that terrified her. Over the weeks they’d been together, house hunting, getting to know one another, she’d somehow managed to fall in love with him. When no one was around to witness them together, Caleb was one of the nicest, sweetest men she knew.

  Slamming in deep, he groaned as she gasped. He was so deep within her that it took pleasure to a completely different dimension.

  “Donna, I love you.”

  His words took her so completely by surprise that she stopped thrusting up against him and stared. “What?”

  “I love you. I’ve loved you from the first moment I saw you.” He pushed the hair off her face. “I want this, baby. I want you in my life, with my ring on your finger as my wife.” He kissed her lips, sliding his tongue into her mouth.

  “You’re being serious?” she asked, pulling away.

  “I’ve never been more serious in my life. I know my line of work is dangerous, but your protection is the most important. I will take care of you and look after you for the rest of our lives.”

  “What are you trying to say?”

  “I’m asking you to marry me, not just because you’re pregnant but because you love me and you want to be with me as much as I want to be with you.”

  She smiled, cupping his cheek. “I love you, Caleb.”

  He took her lips in another searing kiss before she could say anything else.

  “I know I don’t deserve your love, but I promise you I’ll work for the rest of my life to make it better for you. I’ll make up for the mistakes I’ve made.”


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