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Lust Magick

Page 3

by Willa Okati

  All the while, the kiss went on. Pedri could sense it when the Magus drew back his powers and let it be just an ordinary kiss, showing off what a big man he was. Heads tilted to opposite sides, the Magus had every access to Pedri’s mouth he might have wanted. Sucking at Pedri’s lower lip, then biting at the upper, he slid his tongue inside rough and fast, time and again, mimicking what Pedri’s body cried out for him to be doing. He tasted sweet as the apple he’d been eating, and tempting as the one in the Garden that had caused mankind to fall. If you believed in those old stories.

  If Eve had been as tempted as Pedri to give in, he understood her better now. He was beginning to understand Lust, capital L, as opposed to casual desire. It was a powerful force, one requiring careful handling in case it got out of control… and as Master of the power, he would be a respected Magus in his own right. Oh, yes, he was staying, no matter what Dominic tried to do to drive him away.

  He’d master this challenge or die trying.

  Visions of fucking and being fucked, riding the Magus like a wild animal, filled his mind as the man kissed Pedri. More mind tricks. Good ones, too. All the same, Pedri held his ground. Don’t give in. Don’t give in. Don’t give in.

  Not yet.

  When the Magus drew back, he looked ever so slightly impressed. “You’re tough, aren’t you?”

  Pedri nodded. “I am.”

  The Magus gazed at him for a long moment, then finally nodded. “All right. I’ll teach you.” Before Pedri could relax in relief, he held up his hand. “But you don’t know anything about what this involves. To spare us the tedium, I’ll tell you. You learn Lust Magick by awakening it in a Master. We’re pretty damn jaded, as a whole.” He turned aside, heading for his bowl of fruit and his reclining chaise. Back to Pedri, he added, “If you can make me Lust after you, then I’ll grant you the Mastery and give you what you’ve come here looking for.”

  Pedri shook his head, confused. “It’s that easy?”

  “It’s not that hard.” The Magus cupped his loose cock, leering back over his shoulder at Pedri. “Go on, then. Get started.”

  Pedri blinked. “What, you mean now?”

  The Magus spread his hands. “No time like the present, is there? Go on, go ahead. Do your best, or your worst. With any luck, you’ll be on your way and I’ll be asleep before the next sunrise. Alone.” He touched his chest. “No one has infected me with my own power or touched my heart in three hundred years. If you can be the man who accomplishes the feat, wonderful.” Again, he gave his mocking smile. “But I doubt you can.”

  Pedri squared his shoulders. “You don’t know me very well. I accept the challenge.” Fingers going to the neck of his shirt, he traced the collar and smiled. “You might just be surprised.”

  The Magus leaned back. “Call me Dominic,” he said. “And go ahead. Entertain me.”

  Pedri showed his teeth. “Let’s get started.”

  Chapter Four

  I know your game.

  Pedri positioned himself in front of the Magus -- no, Dominic -- and stood casually, hands loose at his sides, as if he were about to let a gust of wind blow back a long coat to reveal a gun slung at his hip. Dominic cocked an eyebrow at his pose and gave a small smirk, but said nothing.

  Pedri echoed his silence. Lifting one hand, he focused on a word of power, pushing the energies forward without saying a word. The Magickal knife Dominic had been using to cut his apple lifted and separated from the fruit, hovering for a moment between Master and Supplicant, then flying toward Pedri. The blade aimed itself at his heart, but Pedri caught the object by its ornately carved handle and let it rest easily in his palm.

  Dominic made a small noise. Pedri couldn’t tell if he was impressed or simply bored. He’d said he’d seen it all before, hadn’t he? Jaded, was he? He’d be in for a shock. He hadn’t met Pedri before, and Pedri had a few tricks up his sleeve… plus enough power in his hands to make even the stoniest Master fall down and praise him.

  Lifting the knife, Pedri pushed the deadly tip underneath the travel-worn T-shirt he wore, then paused just a moment to glance up at Dominic. The man shifted in his chair, watching Pedri carefully. Perfect. Without any warning, Pedri slipped the knife blade through his shirt and cut it cleanly, from hem to collar, without once slipping and damaging his flesh. The knife should have only responded to its Master’s hand, but it went along with Pedri like a tamed jungle cat.

  “Good boy,” Pedri said softly. All instruments were to be petted, praised, and sweet-talked, so they’d be inclined to help you. He had a feeling this one was male, with its long, hard handle and cruel blade. With a flick of his wrist, he threw the knife back toward Dominic, who didn’t even raise a hand to ward himself, but watched flatly as the knife re-settled itself inside the apple.

  No response was disappointing, but Pedri could overcome. He watched as Dominic cut himself another slice of fruit, popped the wedge into his mouth, and chewed. The fragrance drifted over to Pedri as if in challenge.

  Go on. Impress me.

  Fine, then -- he would. Giving his shoulders an easy roll, Pedri shrugged off the remains of his shirt, letting it flutter to the floor. With his chest bare, he knew he looked even better than before, muscles starkly outlined in the cave’s candlelight, tiny flames glinting off the piercings he wore on his torso. Gold rings through each nipple, two of them, so that they chimed softly against one another, and a hoop through his navel. A thin golden chain linked the three and trailed below the waistband of his jeans, hinting at further surprises down below.

  No response from the Magus. Or, wait, no -- the man shifted a little. Just the tiniest reaction, but Pedri considered that to be a good sign. He fingered the tight brown nubs on his chest, setting the rings to jingling, then ran his thumb down the chain to the lower hoop. He paused before going further, glancing up at Dominic.

  The man swallowed his segment of apple. “Go on, then,” he said, sounding bored. “What’s behind curtain number two?”

  Something you never dreamed of, I’ll bet. I know your game.

  There was just no graceful way to shuck off a pair of jeans, so Pedri didn’t try for anything fancy. He slid down his zipper and stepped out, one leg at a time, and then went for the flash, crumpling them up into a ball in his hand and, with a word of power, made them vanish.

  “Nice trick,” Dominic said, a faint smile teasing at one corner of his mouth. Still not impressed, and letting Pedri know about it.

  “You haven’t seen everything yet. Or weren’t you looking closely enough?” Pedri gave a nasty little shimmy of his hips, setting his chains to swaying. This was his show of magick, and he meant to make the most of it, summoning the decorations from “nowhere,” but in reality calling them across space and through time from his training sessions with the Magi. He felt them settle into place with a surge of sexual excitement. The one leading from his navel had ended just above his cock, but with another word and gesture, a gold piercing appeared through the end of that organ, a solid, thick ring, with the chain attached. A round band appeared on his balls, encasing the sac and lifting it high, as if in offering.

  Pedri didn’t look at Dominic any more. This was his show, and the Magus could respond, or not, whatever he felt like. He was proving himself worthy, and if Dominic was any kind of Magus at all, he’d know Pedri had earned his apprenticeship by the time he finished.

  Naked as Dominic himself, and just as unashamed, Pedri stood upright, pulling his chains tight. The stinging pain in his freshly pierced cock drew a grimace to his face, but he let the sensation ride until it eased into luscious pleasure. He fondled himself, slipping his finger through the wide ring and teasing the tip of his prick, letting himself roll with the sensation of a finger just there.

  “What is it about a man who’s just been shaved?” Pedri asked idly. He knew the Magus could hear him, but almost didn’t care. This was self-love brought down to an art form, and he was in his element. “Soft… smooth… slick… nothing to get in the w
ay of a mouth, to tangle around fingers… I think I might just be due for another dose of the razor.” He snapped his hips. “Or I could do it this way.”

  Beginning just below his neck, Pedri ran his right hand, the hand of power, over his chest. He covered the tight pectoral muscles, setting his rings to chiming again, then slowly, inch by inch, glided down over the thin trail of dark blond hair leading to his groin. The curls didn’t fall away, but simply disappeared, as if they’d never existed. They wouldn’t grow back until Pedri permitted them to.

  Lustful men liked their toys clean-shaven.

  I know your game.

  Pedri cupped his hand over cock and balls, pulling the chain tight. “Fresh and clean as if I were a newborn,” he said to himself. The words weren’t necessary, but he used them anyway. He gave the chain a tug, savoring the delicious burst of pleasure-pain, then took his hand away, leaving his manly jewels gleaming in the candlelight.

  He’d taken the liberty of adding a coat of oil. Artistic license.

  Pedri could hear the Magus shifting in his chair, but paid him no attention. He could feel the beginnings of the Lust Magick he already knew flowing through him, crisp and sharp, and he let the wave wash over him in a burst of fresh energy, tilting his head back with a gasp as if the power had been cold water.

  His body responded as if his imaginings had come to life. Pedri stroked himself, willing his cock to respond to the tingling of Lust. To his surprise, a fresh well of the Magick untapped itself inside him -- but he didn’t hesitate to wonder about the source of the gift. Instead, by simply running one fingernail down the length of his cock… down, down, and down… he brought himself to a full erection, jerking the chain tight. His balls, bound as they were, began to ache. He knew they’d be growing a dark purple, like a plum hanging beneath his prick. A beautiful sight, for someone who liked that kind of thing.

  He couldn’t tell if Dominic did or not. He wasn’t looking to find out.

  Rolling his head, rotating it on his neck, Pedri prepared for the next step. Closing his eyes and whispering, “Come to me,” he levitated a small pot of ochre from one of Dominic’s niches where he’d spotted it earlier. The clay container floated gracefully to Pedri, landing in the palm of his hand. Oil and mud gleamed up at him, challenging Pedri to go ahead and take the next step.

  He did, no hesitation. Calling on the memory of a symbol he’d learned long ago, Pedri drew the sign for Eros on his naked chest. The wet ochre gleamed red, but it was already quickly drying. It was a crude replication, much like a cave painting, something someone might have done two millennia ago to tempt Lust down upon their shoulders.

  His cock burned with the need for another, stronger touch, but Pedri told it, silently, to wait its turn. Oh, yes, this was Lust. He had other things to do besides touch himself. He had the Magus to attend to, now that he’d prepared the way.

  A look up at the man found him sitting stiff as a board in his stone chaise, legs parted. His cock stood at half-mast, as if watching this show play out in half-silence had started working at his reserve. Pedri allowed himself a small smile. Good. I gave up Tomnas for you, you bastard. Make this worth my while.

  Dominic’s cave held many things, one of which Pedri had noticed in particular when he’d first entered. He turned with a glance over his shoulder, daring the Magus to watch him, and headed for the Catherine Wheel he’d seen resting up against one wall. When he was close enough, Pedri reached out to touch the instrument, running his hands over the old wood and smooth grips. This had seen a lot of hard use. By who? Pedri wondered. Dominic, or some other student?

  What did it matter? Backing up into the wheel, positioning himself just so, Pedri extended his arms and braced his legs far apart. Levitation was easy if you knew how to manipulate the molecules of air that surrounded you, and he rose easily into position, within reach of the ancient leather buckles which would fasten him into place.

  He ignored those. Calling on the Magick he knew once again, Pedri formed golden shackles out of sheer nothingness, lashing his arms and his ankles to the Wheel. He felt the old instrument of dominance and submission creaking beneath him, but it held his weight. As an afterthought, Pedri formed a loop around his neck, fastening his head in place. The gold was tight around his throat, keeping him from moving, but he could still breathe.

  And now, he could look upon the Magus. At Dominic, who sat upright as if amazed at Pedri’s nerve, but still blank-faced, like it didn’t mean a thing. Pedri knew different, though. Cocks didn’t lie, and the gorgeous example between Dominic’s legs was full and hard now, jutting out like a monolith, an instrument of Magick.

  I know your game.

  Temptation. The promise of passion. Vulnerability. I am yours. Do what you want with me. Can you resist what I’m offering?

  Slowly, ever so slowly, Dominic got to his feet. He stood watching Pedri, who waited for him, for a long stretch of time. “You think you’ve won, don’t you?” he said at last, his voice startlingly loud after the extended hush. “Tying yourself up like a toy for me to play with. You haven’t done a thing except get yourself trapped. And do you know what a Master of Lust does when he has a small, helpless animal in his grasp?”

  “Does he fuck him?” Pedri shot back, arching his hips even though it meant his restraints dug into his flesh. “Can he resist what’s on the table? This succulent cock, and no, I’m not bragging, all laid out for you to do whatever the hell you want to with. I’m here in your Wheel. Suck me, fuck me, whip me, beat me, do whatever you want.”

  “Why should I?” Dominic’s tone was cold, but his eyes were wary, as if he hadn’t expected the game to take this turn. “What’s in it for me?”

  Pedri undulated again, gazing at the Magus. He was a gorgeous man, and even without the power, he thought he would have been hard for Dominic. Those sleek, lean lines of his hips and legs, the rippling muscles in his chest and arms, the broad hands capable of doing so… many… things… Pedri gave a long, hungry sigh. “You know you want me,” he coaxed, as if he were offering up a bite of apple. “You can already feel me. Taste me. You’re itching to take what you want.”

  “Don’t you ever!” Dominic snapped. He marched over to Pedri and seized his chin between two fingers. The grip was hard, but the rest of his body shook, as if he were almost unable to hold himself back. Eye to eye, Dominic glared at Pedri. “Don’t you ever presume to tell me what I want and don’t want. You know nothing about me.”

  “Yet,” Pedri said without hesitation. “I’m offering myself up to you, though. Go ahead. There’s a flogger hanging on the wall. The leather’s old, and it’ll cut my clean flesh into ribbons -- if that’s what you want. I don’t care. I can heal myself afterwards.” He blew a kiss with his lips. “There’s Lust in the air, Magus. Does it come from you, or from this place?” Glancing down at the heavy cock bobbing between Dominic’s legs, he allowed himself a smug grin. “I guess we know the answer to that question.”

  Dominic gripped Pedri’s chin harder. His stare turned one hundred percent murderous, as if he’d throttle Pedri right then and there… but couldn’t quite bring himself to take the final step. A moment passed between them, a stretch of seconds seeming to take a lifetime, and then, then, then --

  Dominic brought his mouth crashing down on Pedri’s, demanding a kiss.

  Pedri surrendered his mouth eagerly, tongue reaching for Dominic’s and staking his own claim. Their lips clung together for a space of several breaths, and then the Magus pulled away. Not for long, and not far, though. He kissed Pedri again and again, mouth demanding answers with the touches of his flesh and with angry words: “How did you know?” Kiss. “Who told you?” Kiss. “Someone must have let you in on the secret. You thought you’d come down here and just undo me without letting on, didn’t you?” Kiss. A deep, long, wet press of mouth to mouth that time, pressing in so hard Pedri could taste the flavor of apples and forbidden fruit. Kiss. “You think you’re powerful enough to master Lust? You know a lot of
fancy tricks, but you don’t… you don’t…”

  “Yes,” Pedri said, struggling for breath. God, but Dominic could kiss. The man had been born for it with his talented lips and tongue. If Pedri hadn’t been hard already, Dominic would have gotten him there just by those hard touches of mouth to mouth, demanding everything but unable to help giving back. Tingles of Lust Magick ran through Pedri’s veins, making him want to arch his spine and thrust his cock forward, the organ ravenously hungry to be taken in any way possible.

  He gazed at Dominic, taking in the man’s darkly angry eyes and the deep flush on his cheeks. “I’ve won, haven’t I?” he asked, his voice soft. “You’re aroused. I can see it.” He inhaled deeply. “I can smell you. You want me.”

  “Someone must have told you,” Dominic insisted, putting a hand over each of Pedri’s wrists, pressing him into the Wheel. “Who was it? Who?”

  Pedri laughed, the sound echoing off the walls of the cave. “I figured it out all by myself,” he responded, knowing Dominic wouldn’t believe him. Or would he? “I’ve earned my right to apprentice to you. Admit it, and take me. I’m yours.”

  Dominic searched Pedri’s face, his own unreadable. “Willingly?”

  “Very,” Pedri breathed, canting his hips forward the inch or two that he was able to. “You’re one hell of a man, Dominic.”


  “You said I could call you Dominic earlier.”

  “That was then. This is now.” Dominic pressed harder on Pedri’s wrists, almost bending the soft gold of his shackles. Pedri let out a soft moan at the thought of the force ready to overpower him, to fill him up with the Magick he sought.

  “Fuck me,” he whispered. “Let me down and put your cock inside my ass. Take me for the first time and find out what it’s like to do someone who’s just beginning to learn everything you’ve mastered.”


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