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Convincing Emily [Wolff Pack 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

Page 9

by Alicia White

  Chapter 9

  The small package hit him in the face and Cole stood frozen in place, letting Emily leave. He needed to get his anger under control before he could deal with her. How was the pack supposed to accept her when she did something as foolish as trying to steal? He’d received a phone call from Harper, who worked at the store, and she’d told him his mate needed him. He’d broken quite a few laws to rescue her.

  Shaking his head, he knelt down, grabbing the small plastic container. He was so disappointed in her. Cole looked at the package and it didn’t take him long to realize what his little mate had been hiding in her pocket. He groaned as he stood up. It made sense now. She’d told him the truth.

  “Told you so. Shouldn’t trust a bear,” Ben muttered.

  Cole turned on him, his anger sparking. Before he could say anything, Charlie punched Ben in the stomach. The man leaned over, gasping for breath, and Cole smirked. Charlie…always the silent killer, and of course, he defended Emily’s honor when I didn’t believe her.

  “Don’t you ever talk about my mate,” Cole threatened, before walking over to Addison who stood behind the checkout counter staring intently at him.

  Cole didn’t say a word as he purchased the little vibrator for Emily. It was the least could do for not believing her. He hadn’t, not when she rose up on her tiptoes to tell him what had happened. Instead of trying to understand her reasoning, he’d been ready to throttle her. She must’ve recognized the look on his face. It sent her running out of the store. He just hoped that she would be at their house. He was ready to apologize. Hell, he’d wanted to go home after his chat with Gabe and Josh.

  Shoving the little plastic package in his pocket, Cole left the store. He didn’t have to wonder where Charlie was. His brother would follow him. He pulled the truck door open with such force that it creaked, almost snapping. Once he was seated, he hit the steering wheel, letting out some of his frustration. He had wanted to rush in and rescue her.

  “Feel better?” Charlie asked, shutting the passenger-side door.

  “No! She tried to tell me, but I didn’t believe her. I was so pissed. Ben accused her and then Emily told me that she did have something in her pocket. She just didn’t want Thomas to see what she planned to purchase. The excuse sounded ridiculous.” He scoffed, wishing that this whole silly situation hadn’t happened.

  Cole turned on Charlie then, “This is your fault.”

  “My fault?” Charlie arched a brow.

  “You took her toy. She came to the store to get a replacement. Damn it!”

  “Calm down, Cole. Emily is probably walking back to the house right now. Her temper will cool and then, we can apologize.”

  “I want you to give her back her toy. Emily should come to us because she wants us, not because she’s in heat and can’t control herself. Yeah, we gave her a choice, but still.”

  “Okay. I get it. Change of plans.” Charlie agreed and Cole could finally exhale and let a little bit of the self-loathing disappear.

  He’d been feeling a tad guilty about the way they had claimed and marked Emily. They had both used her heat as an excuse to take her and make her theirs. She didn’t complain, she begged and pleaded for more, but still, he would wait until it was more than just heat. He wanted it all, a real family with Emily at the center. It was time to step back and let her come to them. The wolf was calmer now that he had claimed his mate. The man was in complete control.

  Cole started the truck and headed home. He would apologize right when he walked in the door. If she wouldn’t accept it, then he would be the one begging and pleading. He should’ve heard her out. He should’ve been on her side and laughed it off. She wasn’t a criminal. No, she was just a woman who left her home to be with her mates. That took a lot of trust, and he hoped that he hadn’t ruined everything.

  She was part of him now, in his heart and soul. His loyalty would always be with his pack. They were family, but Emily, she was his life now. His loyalty was hers. With his mind made up, Cole stepped harder on the gas pedal. He needed to make things right. I love her and I should’ve taken her word as law. She’s our mate. She’s strong, honest, kind, and cares deeply about her brother and clan. I just hope that one day she’ll feel something for me, for us. I will always love and respect her above all others. I just hope she’ll give me another chance.

  The truck skidded to a stop as Cole slammed on the brakes and threw the gear into park. He opened the door as he shut the ignition off and ran toward the house. He opened the front door and looked around before heading to the bedroom.

  “Emily…Emily!” he called out as he looked through the house for her.

  A large lump formed in his throat. She wasn’t at their house. Maybe she was still walking. He hadn’t noticed her on the side of the road. Then again, his mind was on getting home and not looking for her. What if she left them? His mind was a mess. Ever since meeting her, he hadn’t been himself. He hadn’t been prepared to be a mate. Emily had changed his life in such a short period of time. Calm and rational is what he needed to be at this moment.

  He walked back into the kitchen and sat down. She would probably be walking up within the next couple of minutes.

  * * * *

  In bear form, Emily could gallop quite fast, but she couldn’t maintain that speed. She used up most her energy running and was now ambling slowly through the thick trees. She wasn’t really sure where she was at this point. She wasn’t going back to the house though, that much she knew. She wasn’t sure if she ever wanted to go back. Here she was in a strange new place, and once again she was alone. It seemed that she would always feel that way.

  The only time she hadn’t felt alone was over the last couple of days. Cole and Charlie had made her feel as if she belonged, and she did in a way. She was their mate, but that didn’t mean she was their partner or lover. Did being a mate automatically equal love? She scoffed. What did she know about love? Nothing.

  Ever since she was a cub, she’d been waiting for her mate. She imagined the man or men appearing and whisking her away to their castle. They would love her, claim her and live happily ever after. She hated those silly dreams now, hated how naive she’d been. Real life wasn’t anything like those fantasies and it never would be. She had a choice to make. She could live with her mates and feel like an outsider forever, call her Alpha and hope to be accepted back home, or start over someplace new.

  Lying down on the ground, Emily stayed in her bear form. She didn’t have any clothes, so she was pretty much stuck where she was for the time being. She needed to rest and clear her mind before she decided what to do. This was the type of decision that couldn’t be made without a great deal of thought. This was, after all, the rest of her life, and shifters lived a damn long time. Closing her eyes, she listened to the sounds of nature gently lulling her.

  The sound of a fire crackling and the smell of roasting meat woke Emily from slumber. She opened her eyes as she ambled up onto her paws. She was a tad disoriented at first and felt a moment of panic. What if there were hunters in the woods? She was a polar bear…she didn’t belong in Minnesota.

  “Hi. I’m Harper. Thought you might be hungry.”

  Emily stood frozen. What the hell? Taking a deep breath, she smelled sizzling meat and relaxed a bit. This young woman was obviously from Cole and Charlie’s pack. What was she doing out here? Where the hell was here? The girl looked young, reminding Emily of an innocent teenager more than an adult. She had long, straight brown hair that hung loosely around her waist. She knelt on the ground by the fire, turning large sticks covered in meat. Her light brown eyes gave her age away. They looked a tad haunted, and Emily wondered what her story was.

  “I brought you some clothes. You’re way taller than me, but it’ll have to do,” she said and Emily stayed where she was. It just didn’t make any sense. How had this woman found her? “You’re a shifter, you can’t be that modest. Seriously? Would you change already? The meat is done.” The sweet-faced girl sound
ed annoyed, and Emily wanted to laugh. Looks could be deceiving.

  Emily shifted and reached for the clothes that Harper held out to her. She put on the long-sleeved T-shirt and sweatpants in record time before moving to sit by the fire. She stared at the flames and watched the beautiful colors dance.

  “Here…I caught a couple of rabbits.” Harper handed her meat on a stick, and Emily nodded her thanks and took a bite. “Drink?” she asked, and Emily finally looked up and smiled.


  Harper passed her a canteen.

  Emily took a huge gulp. Liquid fire burned her throat, and she started coughing, her eyes watering immediately. “What the hell?”

  “Sorry.” She shrugged. “I thought you might want something stronger than water.”

  “Jeez…are you even old enough to buy alcohol?”

  “I’m older than I look.”

  “I take it you didn’t just find me by accident. Is there a search party or something?” Emily took another swig from the canteen and looked around, wondering where the other wolves were.

  “Nope. I followed you when you left the store. Nobody knows where we are, at least not yet anyway.”


  “I figured if you were running away that I could go with you.”

  “Really? A bear and a wolf out on their own…” She stopped.

  Her voice had been filled with sarcasm, but now, she wondered how foolish of an idea it really was. They could go to a big city and blend right in with the humans. Nobody would know, and she wouldn’t be alone. She would have a friend, Harper. She’s a small, innocent-looking wolf that has probably never been without her pack before. Nope, this wasn’t a good idea.

  “Why would you want to leave here? You have an entire pack.” Emily didn’t have her clan, for if she did, she wouldn’t even think about running away. Thomas was here, but that was temporary. Cole and Charlie were her mates, but it wasn’t really working out so well.

  “It’s a long story.” Her voice sounded bleak, and Emily handed her the canteen.

  Harper took a long drink before handing it back. It looked like tonight was going to be full of talking and drinking. She came to the realization right then that she wasn’t going anywhere. The snap of a tree branch got her attention, and Emily jumped up, prepared to fight. A young man stepped into the small clearing. He was around five foot ten, with wide shoulders and brown shaggy hair. His hands were shoved into his pockets, making him appear nonthreatening. His eyes were on the ground, and Emily could tell he was nervous.

  “Hey, Braxton. What are you doing out here?” Harper chirped happily and Emily sat down. Ugh…more lost little wolves.

  “Nothing…just wanted to let you know that Adrian and Evan are looking for you, Harper. They looked mad. You know that you can’t be out running by yourself.” He focused solely on Harper.

  “Don’t worry about Adrian and Evan. I don’t. I’m not alone. I’m with Emily. Emily, this is Braxton.”

  “Hi.” He gave her a shaky smile, and Emily reached out and took her hand. He had a nice, firm handshake, so she decided he could stay.

  “Hey,” was her only response.

  “I heard you talking. Are you really planning on leaving?” He took a seat on the ground next to them, and Emily passed him the canteen. He sniffed it before taking a drink. Smart guy.

  “Maybe. I’m trying to talk Emily into taking me along.”

  “Well, I’d like to go, too. There really isn’t anything here for me. I don’t really belong.” He sounded just like Harper. How was she attracting all the depressed shifters?

  “We could start our own little pack slash clan. We could call ourselves…clap.” He took a long drink and Emily couldn’t help herself. She laughed.

  “Clap…like the human sexually transmitted disease?” Harper giggled. It seemed that the alcohol had finally gotten to her.

  He smiled then. “No…I was just trying to think of a way to put clan and pack together.”

  “We need a better name,” Emily grumbled and took the canteen that Braxton offered.

  She took another mouthful and leaned against a nearby rock. How did she end up in the middle of nowhere with two wolves asking her to take them away from their home? As much as she would like to run away herself, it seemed irresponsible to take these two with her. They were both adults, that much was clear. She didn’t want to help them escape their problems, whatever those might be.

  “So…why do you both want to leave home? I want real answers…none of that crap about it being too complicated or not fitting in.” They both opened their mouths to talk, but she cut them off. “Whatever it is…I’m sure I can understand.” Just like that, both of their mouths closed. “Start talking. The canteen’s almost empty and it’s getting dark.”

  “I brought a bottle.” Harper grabbed a bag off the ground and lifted a full bottle of rum in the air. Well, it looks like we’re getting shitfaced tonight.

  “Perfect. Open it up, take a drink, and pass it around. You start first, Harper. Then, it will be your turn, Braxton.”

  “What about you?” Braxton challenged.

  “Fine…” she scoffed. “I’ll go last.”

  Harper screwed off the lid and took a drink, grimacing before she passed it off to Braxton. She took a deep breath, rubbing her face. Emily wasn’t sure if she wanted to push, but maybe these two just needed someone to talk to. She could play campfire therapist.

  “Well…it’s kind of a long story so I’ll just sum it up.” Harper exhaled loudly, “I’m treated like a little piece of glass. Everyone here in the pack believes I’ll break at any moment, but in truth, I’m stronger now than I ever was.”

  “What happened?” Emily asked, wondering what exactly her story was. Harper’s voice was firm, but there was still that haunting look in her eyes.

  Chapter 10

  “I was taken by an older man when I was sixteen,” Harper began. “There was a wolf that came into North Ridge, claiming he was looking for a pack to join. Actually, he was rogue, but no one was aware of it at the time. He said I was his mate. I wasn’t scared at first. I wondered if maybe he was and I just couldn’t feel the pull the way he did. When I didn’t respond to his come-ons, he took me and locked me inside this little broken-down shack a short distance from here. When I told him I needed to check in with my sister and Alpha, he punished me and became abusive.” The last word was whispered, and Emily didn’t push. She wanted Harper to explain and she was. The pang in her chest grew and she dreaded hearing the rest.

  “He wasn’t a good man. He started out nice and then morphed into this demon right before my eyes. It was as if I could see the evil.”

  “Why didn’t you leave?” Emily asked quietly.

  “I tried to escape. That was the worst mistake. He took me then. He had been planning on waiting, but when I was going to leave, he snapped. He threw me on the bed and raped me, hit me repeatedly, and marked me.”

  Braxton took a gulp and passed the bottle back to her. “Oh…God. Harper, I never knew all the details. Shit, I’m sorry.”

  She was shaking, her small body racked with tremors. Some of the dark liquid escaped, spilling down the front of shirt, when she brought it to her lips. She took a few deep breaths and tried again, successfully. The sounds of the forest came alive around them. Emily could hear wolves howling in the distance and wondered how much time they had left before they were found.

  “When…when he marked me that was the worst pain I’ve ever felt. It was a burning that rushed through my body, like lava, consuming everything in its wake. My wolf rejected him immediately, howling in rage that this man had taken what wasn’t his. He wasn’t my mate. He was sick and demented. It seemed like forever before Gabe and Josh found me, but it was only a day or two. They rushed the shack, killed him, and rescued me from hell.” Harper cleared her throat, and Emily could tell she was trying desperately to remain calm. No doubt she was reliving the nightmare.

  “Anyway, since tha
t day, everyone has treated me like a child. Breakable. Adrian and Evan…they’re my real mates, but they refuse to admit it.” Harper reached up and rubbed her shoulder where Emily assumed the mark was. “They follow me around, give me rules to adhere to, but they won’t touch me or claim me. Nope. Just rules, rules, rules, and if I don’t listen, they go to the Alpha.” She scoffed and rolled her eyes in a defensive manner.

  “I’m sorry, Harper. I’m sure there is a lot more to that story, but I get it. Your innocence was taken from you, and now, your mates are here and they won’t claim you. I can imagine the pain you’re feeling.”

  “They probably think I’m dirty…soiled. That fucking man took me.” Her voice broke and tears leaked down her cheeks. “It wasn’t my choice! I don’t want to be here anymore. I don’t want to live with the shame it causes me to feel.”

  Emily wanted to go to her and hold her. To tell her everything would be okay, but she didn’t know if she believed that herself.

  “I’m sure that’s not true, Harper. Adrian and Evan know you belong to them. Maybe they just want to give you time. They don’t want you to fear them. Maybe they are waiting on you to approach them, when you’re ready.” Braxton’s voice was low and Emily could see the obvious pain on his face.

  “I agree with Braxton. I don’t know your mates, haven’t met them. I have no doubt they want you though. It wasn’t your fault. Nothing that happened with that horrible bastard was your fault.” Harper held out the bottle, and Emily swiped it, taking a drink.

  Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea after all. Here I thought I was helping. She felt a tad guilty for even having this conversation. She thought it would be something easy, like when she spoke to Emma about her mates.


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