Cigar Bar
Page 21
“So, what does this have to do with me?” Tony inquired. “You think I want feds messing around in my business? I don’t think so. Trust me, Judge, I have way more to lose than you think.”
The men put him down as the judge walked up. “Well, check this shit out, Tony. If I find out you had anything to do with this shit, well, you don’t have to worry about anybody else because I’m gonna take you out myself. “ He blew a big smoke cloud right in Tony’s face.
Tony realized at this point if the feds were watching them, it was time to get the fuck out of town, because, even if they weren’t watching him, they were too close.
“Now, when they gave me these pictures, they hinted to me that they have a man on the inside. Me being the man that I am, I started eliminating suspects, then I came to you. I’m sure you don’t want any of your past indiscretions brought into play. This place you own here may have to change hands, and a new owner may be imminent.” He got in Tony’s face and said to him, “If I find out that you’re the motherfucker that’s trying to stop me from eating, I’m not only gonna take your club, but somehow, someway, I’ll drop cases on your fucking wop-ass family back in New York. Trust me: I have the power to make shit happen!” Then he handed the pictures to Tony. “Keep these. I have copies.” He walked out.
Tony leaned against the wall, and Becky ran down the stairs. “What the fuck was that about?”
Tony grabbed her arm and said, “Come here.”
He took her to the video room and showed her the tape of the judge.
“Oh shit, what are we gonna do?” she asked.
“Well, I think it’s time we close up the show and hit the road.”
“You wanna leave all this behind?” Becky asked Tony.
“I don’t have a choice! Shit is starting to fall apart. Flaco is stealing and using dope!”
Becky gasped. “Oh God, no! Really?”
“Yeah, I had to fire him, but I haven’t heard from him in a week. I hope he went back home. Not only that, but I could have sworn I seen a black chick on our balcony last night! Now this motherfucker wants to take us down! Fuck this shit! After this concert in two weeks, we’re gonna leave this place.” He grabbed the video.
Tony had a friend in the ATF he had met during an undercover sting back in Queens. He called him up and filled him in on what was going on with the judge.
“I’ll take a flight out tonight,” he said, “I’ll get a room and I’ll call you to come meet with me. And Tony? Thanks, man; this case could give me my stripes.”
“But wait,” Tony said, “don’t you wanna inform the FBI? Wouldn’t this be a case for them?”
“Fuck no! I want this. You have video. Why would I wanna give this to those G-Men? I’m gonna do this one myself. I’ll call my crew up, and we’ll talk about it. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay, you got it.” Tony said before hanging up..
He looked at Becky. “Well, we got two weeks. I’m gonna meet up with Bernie tomorrow, but until then, we have to stack as much as possible. How much are we working with now?”
“Well, I did a deposit yesterday, and that gave us about one-point-five million. If we wait ’til after the party, we should clear around one and a half mil, which should put us at around three, and with the bar, another twenty-five maybe.”
“Good, good. Okay, listen…I have to take a run to pick up some supplies later. I’m about to make some breakfast. Do you want something?”
“Whatever you make,” she said, leaning in to give him a big kiss. “I’m gonna take a shower. You sure you don’t wanna go for breakfast and take a shower with me?” She opened her robe and put her ripe, young body on display.
“How ’bout we do both?” he suggested, leaning in to suck on her firm breast. “But you have to make breakfast.”
With a smirk, she said, “Deal.” He pressed his face deeper into her chest. Then, like two young kids, they ran upstairs, stripped down, and jumped into the shower.
Peeking through the door, watching Tony and Becky run upstairs, was Flaco. Luck was on his side and he snuck in. He listened as he heard them get into their lovemaking. He knew no one else was around, so he snuck into the secret room in the Cigar Bar and made a copy of the videos. Just as he’d finished and placed the video in his pocket, he heard a cough.
He ducked behind the wall and peeked through the door and saw it was one of the barmaids. He straightened up and walked out, startling the girl.
“Oh shit, Flaco, what you doin’ here this early? I thought you didn’t work here anymore.”
“No, who told you that?” he asked, rushing out the door. “I gotta go. I’ll talk to you later.”
The girl brushed it off and went back to what she was doing. She had left her books there and was coming back to get them. Tony had no clue what just went down because he was too busy inside of Becky.
Flaco pulled into a restaurant and took a seat near the back. The feds pulled up at the same time, and Sasha knew it wasn’t a coincidence. She couldn’t see what was being said, but she saw Flaco hand them something and she informed Spazo.
Inside the Diner
“Listen, Danny, we’re gonna need you to testify in court because when our bosses ask us how we magically got this tape, we can’t tell them it just appeared out of thin air.”
“No, I can’t do that. You told me you needed proof, and I got you proof. Now, the rest is up to you two.”
“That’s not how it works,” the agent said to him. “You can agree to come down when we call you, or we can take you now and hold you until you’re needed to testify. It’s your choice.”
“Damn,” Flaco said, “fuck it. I’ll be there. Damn, you don’t give a motherfucker no choice, do you?”
“We’ll be in touch,” the agent responded as they exited with the video.
Fuck! Flaco thought. I just won’t go and I’ll let the young boys rob the place. I’ll just get the fuck out of here. Then he thought about pretty-ass Monica and gave her a call on his way home.
“Hey, Monica. What up, baby girl?”
“Nothin’, just chillin’. What about you?” she replied.
“Check this out. We got interrupted the other day when the young boys shot up my damn house, and you and I never got a chance to finish.”
“Yeah, I thought about that too. So, what you want to do about that?” she asked.
“Well, check this out… How ‘bout I take you with me to Jamaica instead? Would that make me worthy? We could leave tonight, pretty girl. And don’t worry about clothes; I’ll get you whatever you need.”
“But what about the concert? I bought this sexy-ass dress, and I was gonna invite you back to my place to show you my appreciation.”
“Well, you can show me your appreciation on the sunny beaches of Jamaica.”
“Sounds good to me,” she said, and they hung up.
When Flaco got to his house, he ran in, packed a giant bag, and threw it in his trunk.
Sasha dialed Spazo. “Ay yo, Spaz, this cat appears to be fleeing town. How you wanna handle it?”
“Fuck it,” Spazo said, “we don’t need this motherfucker anymore. Put him on permanent rest.”
“Okay, but before I do, can I, you know, do it my way?” asked Sasha.
“You wanna do some nasty, bloody shit?! Well, no. Fuck that! Pop that nigga in the head and let’s bounce. Shit, we got bigger fish to fry.”
“Damn! Okay,” Sasha said, disappointment in her voice.
They decided to pack up and switch locations anyway. The rest of the team had gotten into town, and their only mission was to take out Mr. Y and Tony for all the nonsense they had put his little sister through,
While Spazo and Ghetto were packing their bags, they heard a knock at the door. The crew came in and took their bags as they headed out.
Just about 15 minutes from
where they were, Sasha saw Flaco run into a store, so she took advantage of the opportunity. As he walked out with his pack of cigarettes, Sasha got out her car, pretended to drop her keys, and bent over.
“Damn,” was all Flaco could say when he saw her. “What’s up, pretty lady?” he asked as he approached her.
“Hello. Can I help you?” she asked.
“Yeah; you can give me your number.”
“And what are you gonna do with it?” she asked seductively.
“What you think? Give you a call so we can do some things.”
“Is this your car?” she asked.
“Yea, why?”
“Well, I do have a man, and I wouldn’t want any of his people to see me out here talking to you.”
“No problem. Get in,” he said. “How ’bout we go for a quick drive?”
After they drove off, Sasha said, “I have a confession.”
“Oh yeah? What’s that?” Flaco asked, smiling.
When he stopped at a light, Sasha leaned in and kissed his neck. Before he even realized what was happening, he felt a wetness on his shirt. He tried to ask her what happened, but he couldn’t talk; all he could do was gag.
Sasha slid him over and drove and parked the car to the back of a crowded mall. She stood there until the crew came, and they dropped her back off at her car and took care of the recently departed Flaco. Nobody would ever know.
Hotel Drama
The Hyatt Regency Bellevue was where Don Veto, Paulie, and Sal checked in. Don Veto had the presidential suite. The next customer came in and was enraged that he couldn’t get the best room in the hotel.
“Do you know who I am?” the man questioned in his heavy Ukrainian accent.
“Sir, I’m sorry, but whoever you are is not gonna change the fact that the presidential suite is already booked. But what I can do for you is give you the honeymoon suite.”
Mr. Y looked at the man behind the counter and threw his hands in the air. “Did you say the honeymoon suite? You have to be fuckin’ kidding me! Do I look like I’m about to fuck a woman?” he asked angrily, gesturing toward his men, who were standing at attention.
“I’m so sorry, sir, but there is nothing I can do. If you’d like, I can call around to another hotel to see if they can accommodate you.”
At that moment, Don Veto and Paulie walked out of the elevator behind him. When they were walking toward Mr. Y, he dropped his head on the counter, and his face was hidden. Don Veto wasn’t paying attention and walked right by. He paused at the door to spark up his cigar.
When the car pulled up, Paulie’s phone rang. “Hello?” It was Sherry’s sponsor, who informed him that Sherry had been gone for almost a week.
He stood outside the car, yelling at the poor woman until Don Veto screamed at him. “Hey, get your fuckin’ ass in the car!” They left the hotel.
As the car pulled off, Mr. Y looked in that direction but missed whoever it was. All he saw out the corner of his eye was a car door close and a Lincoln pull off.
“Okay, give me the fuckin’ room!” he said to the front-desk clerk. “I can’t believe this shit!” Then he looked at his man who stood behind him, waiting. “I thought I told you to book me the room, you stupid shit! Now you can go sit in the fuckin’ car! That will be your room while we are here!”
The soldier obediently saluted Mr. Y, turned, and went to the car. The clerk witnessed this exchange, and a tinge of fear immediately came over him. His hands shook as he handed over the room key. He stuttered and said, “Ro-oo-oom three-two-six, sir. Go just down that hall, and take the elevator on your right.”
Mr. Y laughed as his men hauled his bag, and he headed to the elevators. Just as the elevator door closed, Sal’s door was opening. Sal was headed to the bar; that is, until he saw her sitting at the table. He pumped his brakes extra hard and said to the lady, “Well, well.”
The young woman was beautiful. The first person that he thought of when he looked at her was Christina Applegate in her Kelly Bundy days. Damn, Sal thought to himself, what an incredible body!
“Well, well yourself,” she said. “Hi, I’m Linda.” She extended her hand and asked, “And you are?”
“I’m Sal. Let’s get right to the point, Linda. How much do you want and are you ready?”
She laughed. “Damn, I see you don’t waste time, do you, Sal? How about we sit here and have a drink first, then we can go back to your room? I don’t want people to—”
He cut her off midsentence. “Hey, fuck what people think! They could kiss my fuckin’ ass! Come on!” he said, pulling her chair out. “We can have drinks in my room.”
She liked that he took over and made her do what he wanted. Any other time, the stiff convention men came down, but they were so afraid of approaching her. Sal was forceful and it turned her on. She felt a twinge between her legs after he tossed a 20 on the bar and pulled the back of her arm.
He checked out her body as they walked. “Holy fuckin’ shit,” he muttered to himself, “this fuckin’ broad is hot!” While lusting after the woman, he was biting his bottom lip so hard that he drew blood. Linda turned, saw the blood, and observed the lustful look he had on his face. This turned her on even more. She reached up and wiped the blood from his lip. Then she bit his top lip and said, “Damn, I don’t think anybody has ever made me feel like this.”
The elevator doors opened and they got on. When the doors closed, she hit her knees, squatting in front of him. Sal hadn’t expected it and was caught off guard. “Hey, hey, hold on!” he said as she professionally unzipped his pants and inhaled his already-hard member.
He held on to the wall and the small rail of the elevator. “Oh shit!” he moaned as she swallowed him. He looked down at her. Linda looked back at him. Her beautiful, green eyes held him captive, and he almost emptied his load right in her throat.
The elevator doors opened. Right in front of them was a family of five waiting for the elevator. The mother and father covered the youngsters’ eyes. Their older son tried to pull his cell phone out to snap a picture.
Sal pulled his pants up, and Linda rose to her feet. “So sorry!” she said apologetically, frantically pushing the button to close the door. She and Sal laughed like crazy when the doors closed.
“So, do you live around here anywhere?”
“Yeah, I have a little place on the east side, but, trust me, it doesn’t look anything like this place,” she replied. She didn’t know why she was telling a complete stranger all her business, but there was something about him that made her want to become more familiar with him. She also felt like he could protect her.
“So then why the fuck is you doing this shit?” Sal asked.
Then she caught herself. “You know what? Maybe this is a bad idea.” She pushed the button to exit on the next floor.
“Hey, come on! What are you doing? Okay, listen: I won’t ask you no more questions about what you do. Mum’s the word, I promise. Here’s a bonus.” Sal pulled his wad from his pocket and put $1000 in her hand.
She looked at the money and said, “Okay, but let’s just stick to business.”
Sal said, “Hey, no fuckin’ problem.” The elevator doors opened on his floor.
When they got inside the room, she said, “Well, since you gave me this much, you can do whatever you want to me. I usually only charge three hundred, so I’m yours.” Linda let her dress slip from her shoulders and exposed her sexy, young body. Underneath her dress, she wore a pair of white cotton panties.
A smile crossed his face as he examined every inch of her. Sal exclaimed, “Damn!” He bit his bottom lip again. “I want you to a dance for me.” He pulled out a fresh pack of cigarettes, took a seat on the couch, and banged the cigarettes on the table. Never once did he take his eyes off of the beautiful, young lady.
She walked over to the stereo and turned it on. Eric Benet was
singing “Femininity.” She gyrated to the music ever so slowly and on time to the beat. Sal sat back and lit his cigarette. He inhaled and blew out a lungful of smoke as he watched. She moved so smoothly and sexily to the song. From the way she danced, he could tell that she was no amateur.
Then Eric Benet and Tamia belted out their song “Spend My Life with You.” Sal listened to the lyrics and began to have feelings for the woman who danced seductively before him. He wondered what her story was and why she did what she was doing. He imagined that she had two babies at home who needed to be fed, and that’s why she was hooking in the hotel, but that was far off.
She dropped to the floor and crawled in front of him unzipping his pants with her teeth. He was standing at attention the moment he saw her drop her dress. He just sat back and let her do her thing. She eased is manhood out with just her mouth and swallowed him whole.
“Oh shit!” He felt his toes begin to curl. She spit a juicy glob onto his manhood and then licked it off from each side, swallowing him once again.
“Fuck!” Sal managed to say. She pleased him better than he had ever felt before. It was at this point that he decided that she’d be cumming with him.
Sal rose from the couch, lifted her from the floor, and bent her over the couch. He dropped down to his knees behind her. When she felt his tongue enter her, she squealed, “Ooh, so good!” He returned the favor and expertly ate her from behind. She got an extra surprise as he tongued her ass. She spread her legs as wide as possible to allow him access to all that she had. She reached back and pushed his head deeper into her hole, wiggling it in his face.
“Fuck this!” he yelled as he stood and shoved his rod deep into her. They both moaned, expressing their desire for one another. Her cavern was hot; it felt like a volcano was brewing inside. Sal was surprised at how tight she felt as her walls cuddled his penis. “Damn!”
He slowly moved up and down, in and out, as cum oozed from her. She was so excited that she started to squirt, and he slowly rotated his manhood in every way possible. “Oh, man! Mmmm, baby, are you gonna cum with me?” she said, moaning passionately. “Are you gonna cum with me?” she asked, pushing her ass higher.