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Single Ladies 2

Page 7

by Blake Karrington

  “Boy, stop playing. You gon’ love this dick suck,” she said, reaching for it.

  She didn’t have the slightest idea that she was about to suck a postgonorrhea dick, which may still be infected. Gonorrhea of the mouth was highly possible to contract. Lamar felt like if she did get it, hell, she deserved it.

  She scooted down on the steps to be on the same level as his dick was. It wasn’t even semihard at that point, but that quickly changed once she put his soft dick, along with his balls, into her mouth. It took seconds for him to rock up.

  “I been thinking about doing this for a long time,” Carol said, taking his dick out of her mouth and kissing the sides of it.

  She twirled her tongue around his head, then grabbed his long black dick from the base. She pulled his skin back, making it stretch out even longer, then once she saw that he was as hard as he was going to get, she took him into her mouth. Her gag reflex was on 100, because she made his whole ten-inch monster disappear like it was nothing.

  With both her hands holding on to his waist, Carol began to suck his dick from the base to the tip at a nice pace. The inside of her mouth felt like some good pussy. It was feeling so good that Lamar was starting to enjoy it. He had to stay focused though.

  “Tell me where she’s at,” Lamar demanded, looking down at Carol doing her thing. “Come on, Carol, where’s Falisha?”

  Just hearing him say her name made Carol go even crazier. She kept sucking his dick, even harder now, pushing his manhood all the way to the back of her throat with every thrust. She looked up at Lamar and could tell that he was loving it. Precome oozed out into her mouth, and when she got a taste of it, she wanted to chase the rest. She pulled his dick out of her mouth and licked around the tip again.

  “Come on, Carol,” Lamar said looking down at Carol French-kissing his dick.

  “She’s with Fox now,” she said without taking her focus off his dick. “I thought you knew.”

  Lamar hadn’t heard Fox’s name in a long time, and now that he thought about it, it all started to make sense. The nice car, the extra money she’s been having, going out every night getting drunk. Lamar felt like a nut. She’d been playing him for a fool this whole time, and Lamar didn’t know a thing. It was over between them, but he still felt resentful.

  “I guess you about to go running after her?” Carol said, attempting to get up.

  “Hold up, you gotta finish what you started,” Lamar shot back grabbing the back of her head before she could move.

  He was mad as hell, but at the same time, he was turned on by Carol’s dick suck. She did it like a pro, and at this moment, thoughts of busting a nut in her mouth was all Lamar could think of. Carol didn’t have a problem with it either. She took the length of Lamar’s dick back into her mouth with a smile on her face.

  * * *

  Chris had agreed to meet up with Tammy and the kids at a park near her house. He had an eight-hour pass, so he wanted to spend as much time with the children as he could before he had to leave to take care of some other business. The halfway house was about to let him go on home confinement, so he had to get things situated at the house on Walton Street for the probation officer’s visit.

  “You lookin’ nice today,” Tammy said as Chris walked up. He had on a pair of Capri khaki shorts, a V-neck white Polo tee shirt, and some Gucci sneakers. A pair of Ray Ban shades covered his eyes, and surprisingly, around his neck was a stomach length white gold chain with a large diamond-crusted C hanging from it. He smelled like Creed, and it looked like he was fresh out of the barbershop.

  “How did you get here?” Tammy asked, wondering if he was driving, and if so, what kind of car.

  “I bought a li’l lemon,” Chris smiled.

  Their conversation was cut short when Anthony and Sinniyyah ran over from the jungle gyms. They were as happy to see their dad as he was to see them.

  “Dad, can I ask you something?” Anthony said.

  “Yeah, son, you can ask me anything,” he answered.

  Little Anthony climbed up on the picnic table to be face-to-face with his dad. “When can we come home with you, so we can be a family again?”

  The question took both Chris and Tammy by surprise, and neither one of them wanted to be the one to answer the question. Anthony had shot the question right out of left field and sat there waiting for an answer. Tammy decided that she was going to take the lead on this one.

  “Anthony, we are still a family. Just because we don’t live together doesn’t mean that we are not a family,” she tried to explain.

  “Well, why can’t you and my dad get married instead of you and Darious? And do you still love my daddy?” he asked, hitting Tammy with another blow.

  Anthony had laid it out nice and thick today, and Tammy stumbled over her words, trying to get the best answer out. Chris decided to step up to the plate on this one.

  “Me and ya mom love each other very much, but we aren’t together right now. Darious is a good man, and he and your mom are together for the time being. And who knows? Maybe one day in the future, me and ya mom will get married. And guess who’s going to be my best man?” Chris said, putting his hand in the air for a high five. “You. And ya sister will be the flower girl.”

  Anthony gave Chris a big high five, then jumped off the table and ran back over to the swings. Chris picked Sinniyyah up and started kissing and making fart noises with her cheeks. She was cracking up with laughter.

  Tammy’s eyes watered to the point that she had to get up and walk off. It was moments like this when she wished that she could go back in time and do it all over again. Surely, this time, she would have waited for Chris, and more than likely, it would have been him she was marrying next week. Darious was a good man all the way around, but at the end of the day, there was nothing like being bonded by family.

  * * *

  Lisa never made it out of Nate’s apartment complex parking lot. She really didn’t want to leave. She just needed to get some air. She sat in her car looking at pictures of Ralphy she had stored on her phone. It made her even more depressed to where she rested her head on the steering wheel. As much as she tried to move on, she still found it to be the hardest thing she ever had to do. It was always the little things that made her think about Ralphy and how happy they used to be. A part of her also felt like she was responsible for Ralphy’s death, and to a certain degree—she was. It was her infidelities that made Ralphy kill, and caused another man to retaliate. It was something Lisa would never be able to forget, nor will she ever forgive herself for the part she played. This was part of the reason she didn’t want to be in a relationship at all. She didn’t want to hurt the next person the same way she had hurt Ralphy.

  A tap at the window got Lisa’s attention, causing her to pick her head up from the steering wheel. When she looked over and saw Nate standing there looking worried, she wiped her tears and unlocked the door. Nate was right there to help her out of the car.

  “I’m sorry for just leaving. I was—”

  “You don’t have to explain,” Nate said, cutting her off. “I know that you are going through a lot right now. I just want you to know that no matter what’s going on in ya life, I’m here for you when you need to talk. You gotta understand that I’m not here to hurt you, Lisa,” he concluded and reached out to take her hand.

  Lisa didn’t know why, but for some odd reason, she believed what he was saying. His words were genuine and comforting. She didn’t know how much of her life she was willing to share with him, but what she did know was that she needed a hug right now.

  Without her even asking, Nate was on top of it. He grabbed Lisa, pulled her into his arms, and held her tightly; exactly the thing that she needed and wanted.

  * * *

  As Lamar was leaving Carol’s house, Kim was coming out of Ms. D’s house at the same time. She’d been home for a few days and really hadn’t had a chance to sit down and talk to him the way that she wanted to. Their relationship had ended on a messed up note
, but on Kim’s part, it was water under the bridge.

  “Why you lookin’ so mean?” Kim smiled, coming down the steps and walking over to Lamar. “I see you got straight baby mama drama.”

  Lamar shook his head. “Yeah, if it ain’t one thing, it’s another,” he said, leaning against the ear of one of the neighbors. “Right now, I’m trying to find this crazy chick so I can get my son back. It’s been a few days, and she’s not even answering the phone. Got me pissed the fuck off right now.”

  The love he had for his son was obvious to Kim, and nowadays, it was rare for men to step up and care for their children the way that Lamar did. Kim respected him for that, among other things.

  “What in da hell happened with y’all two?” she asked, thinking that this whole time, Lamar and Falisha were happy.

  He still didn’t feel like putting their business out there, but Kim was a good friend and could be trusted not to go run her mouth about the situation.

  “Yo, between me and you, K, ya girl is foul. She cheated on me and gave me gonorrhea last week—and wasn’t even going to tell me. She was burning like a furnace,” Lamar vented.

  “You lying!”

  “Bitch gave me an STD, then started messing around wit’ dat cat Fox again.”

  “Oh, God, I can’t believe she would do something like that to you. And where’s the baby?”

  “I don’t know where dis bitch got my son. Probably ova dat nigga house right now,” he answered, shaking his head.

  Kim had come back to all kinds of mess going on. It was a lot to digest, and this was nothing compared to what she was in store for. She had been gone for over a year, but she wasn’t totally in the clear yet. Lamar had some stuff he wanted to get off his chest with her too.

  “Why da fuck did you have to leave me?” he semis-napped at her, really getting Kim’s attention.

  “Excuse me?” she responded with a frown. “Why da fuck did I leave you? Did you forget that we was supposed to move to Philly together? Wasn’t you the one who decided that you was going to stay with Falisha and the baby? Nigga, I wish you would try to blame this shit on me. This is ya drama,” she spazzed.

  “Yeah, but you didn’t even put up a fight. You knew how stressed out and confused I was. You know I wanted to go with you.”

  “Yeah, but the fact is that you didn’t . . . You know what? We’re not gonna do this shit right now. You made ya bed, now lay in it,” Kim said, rolling her eyes at him before walking off.

  She stopped at the rental car, which was only a few cars down from where Lamar was. “Don’t forget that at one point you had the best part of me. So if you wanna place the blame on somebody for your relationship not working out, then you need to take a look in the mirror, because it was you who fucked up,” she concluded.

  She got into her rental car without giving him a chance to respond, and in the blink of an eye, she was pulling off down the street, leaving Lamar looking stupid with even more to think about. Her words were cold, but they were the God’s honest truth, and as much as Lamar hated to, he agreed with her 100 percent.

  * * *

  “Hey, babe, can you tell ya sister to drop my son off at my mom’s house tonight?” Falisha asked Fox, while staring at Lamar. “Thank you, and can you come pick me up right now? I just wanna come home,” she said, then hung up when Fox said that he’d be there in twenty minutes.

  “Go pick him up from my mom’s house sometime in the next hour,” Falisha told Lamar. “And I’ll be back to pick him up in a few days.” she finished, then grabbed her things and headed for the door.

  Lamar wanted to break her jaw for the way she was talking so reckless. Calling Fox, “babe,” and talking about going “home” to him and having his sister watch Jordan. Lamar and Falisha hadn’t been broken up for two weeks, and she was already in another relationship. Lamar was hot, but he couldn’t focus on that right now. All he wanted to do was go pick up his son and take him home, which he immediately left and was on his way to do.

  Chapter 9

  Chris woke up at 1:00 a.m. in a cold sweat. He looked over and saw Amy lying there asleep along with Najjiyyah in peaceful bliss. He thought that he would be happy with his new family, but actually, he wasn’t. Amy was a good woman. Beautiful, smart, business oriented, and had some of the best pussy he’d ever had, but she lacked in an area where Tammy had excelled. Tammy had captured his heart in so many ways that couldn’t be explained, and although he had love for Amy and his daughter, his heart was still caught up somewhere else. It was impossible for him to allow Tammy to get married without letting her know how much he still loved her.

  Chris grabbed his phone from the nightstand, climbed out of bed, and headed downstairs. He wasn’t sure if Tammy would answer the phone with it being so late at night, but Chris was going to try anyway. It rang twice before she picked up.

  “Who’s calling?” she asked with a groggy voice.

  “It’s me, Tam, can you talk?” Chris asked, walking out onto the back deck.

  Tammy looked over at Darious, who was lying there snoring like a grizzly bear. A freight train could have driven through the bedroom blowing its horn, and he wouldn’t have rolled over. That’s just how hard he slept at night.

  “Give me a minute,” she said, putting Chris on hold while she got up and used the bathroom.

  Chris sat down, looking up into the sky and noticing how beautiful the night was. The sky was clear, and the stars were out, along with half of the moon lighting up the earth. The weather was great too. Warm enough that Chris didn’t need a tee shirt on.

  “Hello,” Tammy said coming back to the phone.

  “I hope I’m not getting you in trouble or anything,” he began. “I just needed to talk to you about something.”

  “At 1:00 in the morning, Chris?” Tammy asked, opening the refrigerator door. “You sure pick a fine time to wanna talk.”

  “Yeah, I know. Sometimes a nigga wake up when he realize he’s ’bout to lose something. Tammy, I know that this might sound crazy coming from me wit’ ya wedding already here, but you can’t marry that guy,” he said, waking Tammy all the way up.

  “What? What are you talking about? I’m getting married on Sunday, Chris. What do you mean, I can’t marry him?” she said in a low tone, trying not to be heard by Darious if he woke up.

  “You don’t really love him. Ya heart is in the same place mine—”

  “No no no, Chris. You can’t do this to me,” she spoke. “I do love him, and it may not be with the same amount of love I had for you, but I’m okay with that.”

  “So, you telling me that you don’t want us to be together? You don’t want us to be a family again?” Chris asked.

  “I did want us to be a family, and I gave you plenty of chances to marry me before, and when you was locked up. You turned me down when I begged you.”

  “I know, Tammy, I know.”

  “No, you don’t know, Chris. That’s ya fuckin problem right now. You play all these little mind games thinking this shit is cute.”

  “I love you, Tam Tam,” he said, cutting her off.

  Tammy wasn’t trying to hear it. She wanted to keep blasting him. “And I can almost bet anything you laid up over that bitch’s house right now. The same bitch you cheated on me with and had a baby with. Since when did you start liking white girls anyway? Dis bitch cool with your mom and everything. What you think, we about to be one big happy family? You got Tammy fucked up. I’m not the young girl you used to know, Chris. I’m grown now, and I do grown woman shit,” she blanked.

  “You don’t love me no more? Tell me, Tammy, you don’t love me no more!” Chris yelled into the phone getting a little mad at the way she was talking to him like he wasn’t a factor.

  Tammy got quiet. She could hear the seriousness in his voice and knew that he was upset. But Tammy was upset too, and she was tired of playing Ping-Pong with her heart. What she was about to say may have been the hardest thing she ever had to do, but in her eyes, it was the right

  “I got love for you, Chris, but I’m not in love with you,” she said, and then hung up.

  * * *

  Carol walked into the bar slinging her ass from side to side while sucking on a blow pop. She knew she wouldn’t have to pay for one drink tonight. Half the bar was looking forward to a dick suck from her to cap their night off, but what they failed to realize was that Carol had one target in mind.

  “Heyyy, Fox,” she sang, walking up to the bar where he was having a few drinks with some friends.

  He turned around, and all he saw was Carol taking the blow pop out of her mouth. She licked the corners of her mouth just to show him how wet her tongue was. Fox immediately got turned on, remembering the last time Carol sucked his dick in his car.

  “Damn, yo, get the lady a drink,” Fox told the bartender. “Who done let you off the leash tonight?” he joked, sizing her up.

  “You know I’m a bitch without an owner,” Carol shot back as she licked her soft, wet lips. “So am I riding wit’ you tonight, or are you going to let me roam the streets until somebody else pick me up?”

  Fox looked down at Carol’s sexy body. He wasn’t trying to pass up the opportunity to get the best blow job in the city tonight. He could see himself now riding around the city all night getting head from her.

  “The quicker you finish ya drink, the quicker we can get up out of here,” he told her, grabbing a handful of his dick.

  Fox had told Falisha that he wasn’t going to be fuckin’ the hood rats, but he didn’t say anything about getting his dick sucked. He just knew he was being slick, but if he had any idea that Carol had gonorrhea in the mouth and didn’t even know it, he would have thought twice about letting her give him some head. He was going to learn the hard way.

  * * *

  Tammy couldn’t go back to sleep for nothing. Chris, with his nonsense, kept her awake, thinking about all the what-if’s. Him talking about them getting married and being a family really had her questioning whether she was making the right choice. On one hand, she had the opportunity to marry and start a family with Darious, but then, on the other hand, Tammy was capable of reestablishing and bringing back her old family.


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