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TSN: Epiphany (Terran Space Navy)

Page 17

by Paul Phipps

  “Thank you for the advice, Commander. I’ll remember it.”

  “Did Commander Thomas talk to you yet about doing a UNREP with the Guadalupe and topping her off with JP-5?” Ansel inquired.

  “Yes sir, and Epiphany informed us earlier that we would be performing that evolution at 1330L. It will be different giving the Guadalupe fuel instead of taking it from her.” The Chief said with a laugh.

  Just then Epiphany contacted Ansel. What was unusual is that it was audible to both Chief Duncan and the Bridge Crew too.

  “Commander Webster, the President of the United States is on the line, will you take it here or in your cabin?”

  Ansel looked around the room and gave a little grin. Then he said to everyone within ear shot. “I’ll let you know what he had to say afterwards. There’s no need in a bunch of rumors flying around unnecessarily”

  Then he said as he headed for the door, “Epiphany, please inform President Richardson that I will be with him momentarily.”

  Pentagon – 1145L Sunday, November 8, 2026

  President Richardson was in the same secure conference room that all of the various briefings on the Terran Space Navy had been given. He was chatting with Admiral Caparelli while waiting for Commander Webster to come on line.

  “Well, Admiral now that I have had a few minutes to get over the shock to my world view, I would like to ask you some questions.”

  “Mr. President, I am yours to command. But my personal opinions are still just my own. So go ahead.”

  “All right then, from the Naval point of view. Should we keep this Ship, this Epiphany?”

  “Yes sir, most definitely. That ship literally cost us nothing. It NEVER needs to come into port. If the reports I keep getting from Admiral Crane are correct then that one ship is worth at least five Nimitz class carriers and all of their escorts combined.” Admiral Caparelli said.

  “And if we keep it we are committing ourselves to becoming a recruiting service for the Terran Space Navy?”

  “Yes Sir, that’s how I understand it.”

  “How do you expect me to sell that to Congress and the American People?” The President asked rhetorically.

  “I believe that Admiral Webster just offered us the biggest bribe possible.”

  “I must have missed that, what was it?” Said President Richardson

  “They are offering us a whole new Earth to Colonize. Actually, several of them. Do you realize what this will mean to those people in our population that chafe under our Government or any other Government for that matter. It’s a way to be pioneers again. With all the benefits and dangers that entails. Only this time there are no people that are there before them. They will be the first. Just imagine that!” Admiral Caparelli said in wonder.

  The President was silent as he tried to contemplate the idea of a planet empty of all people. Well, maybe some people would like that, He didn’t think it was for him though.

  Then the video monitor was showing an incoming transmission from the Epiphany. There appeared a young man dressed in a Black coverall with the rank Rings of a Commander.

  “That must be Commander Webster” the President thought.

  The Screen then split and an older man in his late 50’s wearing an Admiral’s Uniform Jacket appeared. The legend at the bottom of the screen stated that he was Admiral Crane.

  Commander Webster then spoke, “Mr. President and gentlemen, I extended your invitation to Admiral Crane on my own authority. Although I am a TSN officer, I am also under his authority and I believe that he needs to be in the loop.”

  “No problem Commander Webster, I should have specified that Admiral Crane be in this conference.” The President replied graciously.

  “Thank you sir.” Admiral Crane said on his own behalf.

  “In addition Commander Webster, congratulations on your appointment to the Epiphany.” The president continued smoothly.

  “Thank you Mr. President, it was neither sought after nor ever expected. I will however do my best to rise to the expectations of those who appointed me and the crew of the Epiphany.” Ansel replied back just as smoothly.

  “I must say that being here and talking to anyone from the ‘Terran Space Navy’ was something I certainly didn’t think I would ever do. But after being briefed for several hours and watching a replay of your teleconference with Secretary Dunbar and Admiral Caparelli. I must say that if it had to happen then it is a pleasure to talk to professionals rather than politicians.

  You at least will tell me the truth as you believe it to be. Politicians on the other hand just tell me what they think I want to hear.”

  Ansel said with a small quirk to his lips, “The TSN appreciates the compliment Sir.”

  President Richardson kept a non-committal smile on his face while thinking furiously. “This young man is scarily competent. How did he get that way? Something else to put forward to his political research group. Find out more about the Webster’s.”

  The President then sat back a little bit to reorganize his thoughts and then said. “Commander Webster, Admiral Caparelli is of the opinion that you can contact Admiral Webster of the Terran Space Navy when needed. If so, could you have him contact me here in the Pentagon?”

  “Certainly Mr. President, would you prefer a contact such as we are currently doing, that is, a teleconference or would you prefer an in person contact?” Ansel replied.

  The President thought for a moment. “Is an in-person contact doable today?”

  Ansel said out loud, “Epiphany contact Admiral Webster and find out if he can come to the Pentagon today.”

  Epiphany replied, “Yes Sir. Please wait a minute while I find out.”

  There was quiet on the teleconference circuit as everyone waited for an answer back.

  “Admiral Webster is currently at our Titan Base sir. He can be at the Pentagon for a meeting in three hours.” Epiphany announced to Ansel less than a minute later.

  “Thank you Epiphany. “ Ansel said warmly.

  “Mr. President, Admiral Webster can be at your location in three hours or so. Would you like his arrival to be a quiet one or would you prefer him to be obvious?”

  The President was a bit startled, he really didn’t expect an answer so soon or one that showed such a casual degree of technology far beyond what the United States could do. General Owens, the Air Force Chief of Staff was trying manfully to keep his jaw off of the floor. He on the other hand knew exactly what had just been demonstrated. Faster than light communications and the ability to travel from the Rings of Saturn to Earth demonstrated technology that the Earth had nothing to compare with.

  “Commander Webster, I think that a quiet visit would be more appropriate today. I also need to gather a Few Senators and the Speaker of the house together also. Would five O’clock Eastern Standard time be acceptable?”

  “I’ll be pleased to pass that along to the Admiral, Sir. Would you like him to go to the Pentagon’s Helipad or do you have a different location in mind? Ansel asked.

  The President looked around the room for anyone to say something. Nobody did or they just shrugged their shoulders.

  “I’ll have someone get back to you if we need to make a change, but for now the Pentagon Helipad is acceptable.” The President said.

  Ansel just nodded his head and waited for more.

  The President nodded his head also and said. “I believe that will be it for now Commander Webster. I am looking forward to talking to you in person in the future.”

  Ansel gave a smile and a said, “I’m looking forward to it also Mr. President.”

  “Until next time then, Good-bye and good luck to both of you.” President Richardson said.

  “Thank you Mr. President.” Ansel and Admiral Crane said almost simultaneously.

  Then the Comm link was broken at the Pentagon end. The video monitors went black and the President sat back in chair. He looked around at the men in the room.

  President Richardson was thinking furiously and
tapping his fingers on the arm of his chair. (A nervous habit he only displayed when worried.)

  He looked up at the Secretary of Defense and said, “We need the Vice President, Speaker of the House, the heads of both parties in the Senate and House. Anyone else you can think of? He said looking around?”

  “Admiral Crane has forwarded the names of three Navy Captains that Commander Webster and the Epiphany’s A.I. think will be acceptable to the TSN as the Navy Captain for the Epiphany. If we can get them here in time I think that would be a good thing.” Admiral Saunders put in.

  President Richardson just nodded his head and looked to the Secretary of the Navy. “If it’s possible, please get them here. I would like to meet them in person first before sending them out.”

  “Anything else you gentlemen would like to discuss while we have a few minutes?” He continued looking around the room.

  General Owens spoke up at that point. “Has anyone thought about what the effect will be on the other Nations as well as the populace here and abroad about what we’ve been briefed on today? Think about it, a Terran Space Navy that isn’t under the control of ANYONE here on Earth.

  The offer of the TSN in taking excess national populations and those who are malcontents to worlds of their own. The possibility of Life Extension to those who ‘enlist’ in the TSN. New Technologies, faster than light communications.

  And of course the potential threat of Extra-Terrestrials who have managed to kill or eat all humans in every other Alternate Dimension this TSN has explored. Let alone the ‘fact’ that we humans have managed to wipe ourselves out time and time again.

  Lord above, it’s enough to give me a Migraine.” General Owens just blurted out.

  Admiral Caparelli looked at his colleague and smiled sadly, “Rick, I did think about those things earlier. I mean…. Well, let’s face it, I’ve had more time to think about this than all of you.

  About the best analogy I have come up with so far is dropping the bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Those actions changed the world forever. We learned to live with it and for the most part have adapted to it and have still managed to prosper. We didn’t kill ourselves off through Nuclear War or Biological War.

  And Commander Webster said it earlier on, We’re either fantastic survivalists or just luckier than everyone else. I prefer to think that we are Survivalists. We survive and even thrive despite everything that gets thrown at us.

  And we’ll get through this too.”

  “Well said, Admiral Caparelli.” President Richardson said with approval. Then he was more serious, “Now we need to get the Congress and Senate on board too. That gentlemen, may prove to be tougher than anything else.”

  TSN/USN Epiphany – Sunday, 1300L November 8, 2026

  The Honor Squad of Sailors and their four lone Marines were being dismissed as Ansel shook hands with Captain Steele and the men he had brought along.

  “Thank you for coming over Captain Steele.” Ansel said.

  “Thank you for inviting us, Commander Webster.” Captain Steele Said in turn. “What is your itinerary for us?”

  “Lt. Commander Thomas and I are going to give you a quick tour of the Rail Guns and Defensive Armament of the Epiphany. Then at 1330 one of us needs to be on the bridge when we do our UNREP of the Guadalupe. You’re invited to watch from there if you like.

  After that evolution I would like to sit down with you and your men and go over some ideas for our SHOOTEX tomorrow.”

  “Sounds busy.” The Captain said with a smile.

  “Yes, sir. Sometimes time is not our friend.” Ansel replied back with a similar smile. Knowing full well that his uncle, Fleet Admiral Webster and Commander McAndrews, also known as seeker to her intimates, were in the process traveling back to Earth for a meeting the President and his party at the Pentagon.

  They then headed for the Hatch in Tower #2 that opened out onto the Flight Deck. As they were getting ready to go in Ansel held up his hand and pointed toward the bow. Six F-47N’s were lined up on the six forward facing Linear Catapults. He then shouted above the howling Engines.

  “This promises to be impressive, we’re going to launch these six in echelon from Left to Right. I believe Captain Johansson is in #1.”

  Just then there was a whine in the air as the F-47N was accelerated down the deck and off it went tucking in its undercarriage. It was followed immediately by the others with only a 2 second space from the time The first plane had been catapulted off and the next fighter was on its way down the deck. 20 seconds later all six fighters were in the Air and were forming up in V formation.

  “Now that is impressive.” Captain Steele said admiringly.

  “Thank you sir”, Ansel said with some pride. “Now let’s go look at a Rail Gun.”

  Shortly they emerged into a Gundeck space on the Starboard side that was covered by a semi-transparent clamshell. The rail gun itself was on right side of the Gundeck as they looked out at the Ocean. By getting closer to the edge they could see straight ahead down the Epiphany Starboard side toward the bow. Looking toward the stern also showed a clear line of sight and they could see the Guadalupe starting to maneuver into position to come alongside.

  On the left side of the Gundeck was the close in Defensive armament. This was no CWIS utilizing a Gatling Gun like weapon. Instead there were four large boxes that were on a set of arms that appeared to rotate them around. They in turn were mounted on either side of a mad scientists idea of a Vulcan Cannon made out of glass.

  “Excuse me Commander Webster” asked GM1 Rogers, “But what is this weapon here?”

  “That? That’s our version of a CWIS. The Four Boxes are Metalstorm Guns . These here are loaded with 50 Caliber rounds. Each Box has 250 Tubes with 40 rounds per tube for a total of 10K rounds per box. The gun can shoot them individually, in groups or expend them all in one burst. A Metal Storm you could say. These have a range of about a mile or so. Two Boxes are ready to fire and as soon as one is expended the ready box is rotated into position for firing.

  The gun in the middle is actually a Gatling Laser. It’s line of sight only. Each “round’s” energy is provided by an individual power cartridge. The output is approximately 10K Watts at one half second per round. The rate of fire is 5,000 rounds per minute. We could go higher on the wattage or rounds per minute but then it would melt down catastrophically.”

  “I see… Where’s the Guidance Radar?”, Rogers asked.

  There are four arrays faired into the hull around each Gundeck. They provide all radar tracking for the Guns and are also tied into the Epiphany’s overall sensor network.”

  GM1 Rogers nodded his head and kept looking at them.

  “On the other hand this is a Rail Gun, Ansel said waving at it. This one is an eight incher. The power required to operate and fire this is amazing. If you look closely at the Turret you will notice that it actually sitting flush to the deck. When in operation it will utilize magnetic levitation using opposing magnetic fields to raise it off the deck and to rotate it at speeds that are quite frankly, scary. It’s like watching a cobra strike.

  The rail gun itself utilizes electricity to power the rails that also use a form of Linear Induction to accelerate the munition and out of the ‘barrel’. The power is stored in ‘super’ capacitors and is released in one microsecond. Quite impressive and dangerous to be around when in operation. The gun will require 25 Megawatts of constant energy to operate in the full auto mode of one round every two seconds at maximum range. If we are doing anything less than that the Caps have a chance to be charged up at a lesser energy requirement,

  These guns have a range of approximately 250 miles using a sub-orbital trajectory. The main restriction on distance is atmospheric friction on the Munition. If we tried to go further the munition would self-immolate from induced heat from friction. Now then, we have six of these Gundecks. This will give us quite a punch don’t you think Captain Steele?

  “Hmmm, yes, Commander. It does give you an admirable punch.
I believe you also have vertical launch cells too?”

  “Yes Sir, we do there are four 25 cell units . One in each of the propulsion Outriggers. They all are configured for Standard Missiles.” Ansel said with a straight face.

  “Commander Webster, it is 1320L Sir.”, Epiphany announced.

  “Thank you Epiphany, I’m on my way to the After Bridge to observe.” Ansel replied.


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