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TSN: Epiphany (Terran Space Navy)

Page 20

by Paul Phipps

  TSN/USN Epiphany – Monday 0800L November 9, 2026

  All hands on board were briefed via e-mail with the plan of the day detailing what was to occur with the SHOOTEX. Admiral Crane had granted permission for Commander Webster’s elaborate plan and had detailed the Seahawk LAMPS helicopters to place the drone packages at a distance of 20 miles to the North of Task Force 14. All of the available Hawkeyes were to be aloft providing full sensor and Photographic recording of the exercise.

  Commander Webster was in the Pilots briefing room listening to Captain Johansson go over the operation plan for the upcoming exercise.

  “We will be launching all F-47’s at one time in a simulated emergency sortie at 0830L. We’ll be using BugEye for our call signs today.”

  “Excuse me Captain?” Ansel said.

  “Yes, Commander?” Captain Johansson said with a smile.

  “BugEye?, as in Bug Eyed Monster?”, Ansel asked incredulously.

  “Exactly, Commander. Lt. Marsh came up with that one. And everyone thought it was good if not appropriate.” Captain Johansson said straight faced.

  Ansel turned and looked at Lt. Anne Marie Marsh. Who started to blush and looked him straight in the eye. He then looked at the ceiling and said out loud. “You knew about this didn’t you.”

  Epiphany replied with a chuckle. “Of course I did. I even had a Bug-Eyed alien Logo put on their planes.”

  “What!”, Captain Johansson yelped. “Oh dear God, we’re going to be called BEM’s for the rest of our careers aren’t we?”

  Ansel just smiled beatifically allowing the Captain to continue.

  “We are going to use four of the lateral Linear Induction Catapults and four of the Forward ones. After launching we will continue to 20K ft. and form in two flights of four in right Echelon. We will then climb to 50K where we will individually exercise the Rail-guns at 50% power. This should give each munition a forward trajectory of 80 miles.

  Once all aircraft have exercised their rail guns we will proceed to this point here and begin a figure eight orbit at 75K. Once the Surface drones have been deployed and we are authorized to proceed we will climb to 85K feet and go to full thrust.

  At this point here I will doing two Maximum power shots with the ROD’s, Remote Observation Device. If you didn’t look it up this is what it looks like.”

  A slender device with a Sharply pointed nose cone was displayed, there were no noticeable fins on it. After the ROD re-enters the atmosphere from its short Sub-orbital flight it will deploy these two set of contra rotating vanes. These vanes will provide rotational power to a small generator here in the tail; this generator will provide the ROD with enough energy to transmit back its findings to both the launching F-47N and any other receiver with the correct encryption codes. Some directional control is also provided to the ROD as a whole.

  The nose cone will detach and the Optical Sensor Package will be sending us back images. Infra-red through the visible spectrum into the low ultraviolet are available. This ROD unlike the ones that the 8 inchers here on the Epiphany can deploy has no active sensor capability.

  Depending on Atmospheric conditions this ROD will take between 45 minutes and 100 Minutes to reach the surface. It can be programmed to self-destruct at a pre-determined altitude or once it hits the surface. So no usable trace of the technology will be available to Hostiles.”

  He paused and drank some water.

  “As you have been briefed on before the Rail-guns at this power setting will not affect your flight performance and there will be a minimal plasma bloom from each shot. This will NOT be true of a full power shot at 85K feet. There WILL be a significant plasma bloom for each shot and you will lose a significant portion of your forward air-speed. As long as you fire at a +45 degree angle and immediately go to a -10 degree angle you will regain air speed quickly. This necessitates that we will have to fire each gun in quick sequence before doing a dive to regain air speed.

  Therefore we will not be firing en-mass but in succession from left to right with the succeeding BugEye firing as soon as the preceding one has started his dive. This should allow us to maintain a reasonable unit coherency.

  Your on-board A.I. will be assisting you in the timing and power level for your shots. This is a necessity due to the range and your general unfamiliarity of this particular weapon system. Don’t let it bother you, in my own case I and my on-board A.I. came up with a name for him and I look upon him like my Systems and Weapons Officer. He saves me a lot in distractions as I pilot the plane and try to keep an eye on the rest of you.” Captain Johansson said this last bit with some humor.

  A general laugh went around the room.

  “Now on to the munitions being carried for this exercise. To re-emphasize, there are two magazines that can cross feed to either Rail-Gun. For my F-47N I will be using TSN model Air to Air Capacitor Darts with in-atmospheric terminal guidance capability in Magazine #1 and Magazine #2 will have 4 RODS in the queue with the rest being Air to Surface High-Explosive with the equivalent of 750 Lbs. of conventional TNT.

  The remaining BugEyes' will have not carry any ROD’s only the Air to Air and Air to Surface Ordnance.

  Each Magazine will also be at full combat capacity of 250 rounds per magazine. This effectively makes each F-47N the equivalent of the Entire Air Wing of the George H.W. Bush in terms of firepower and ordnance delivery capability. Plus a Mach 6 supercruise with stealthy characteristics, Sweeeett.” He finished up with a grin.

  “Onward then… Once the ROD’s have acquired our bogies and accurate targeting data is computed we will initiate a ripple fire of Air to Surface Ordnance with BugEye 2 through BugEye 8 sequentially. I’ll still have two ROD’s in the Queue before I can expend my own Air to Surface ordnance, so I won’t participate in this portion of the exercise.

  Hmmmm, that brings up a thought. Epiphany?” Captain Johansson asked.

  “Yes, Captain Johansson?”

  “How difficult is it to wedge in another smaller carousel magazine for use with specialty ordnance like the ROD’s into the F-47’s”

  “I’ll check on it. It probably can be done but it will definitely be at the cost of reduced magazine space for 1 and 2.” Epiphany replied.

  “Alright then, Please check on that. Now where was I…… Oh yes, Each BugEye will fire their Rail Guns Sequentially, dive for speed and then pop up for another salvo. It will take approximately 40 seconds in between each salvo. This means that the target area will have twelve hostile surface ships and be receiving a total of 28 round of Air to Surface Ordnance.

  Theoretically Salvo one will eliminate all targets with Salvo two having nothing to do but self-destruct before our Friendlies get whacked by our Thor’s Hammer. On the other hand we are going to assume nothing of the kind and that it will take both Salvo’s to do the Job.”

  He paused once again and took another drink of water. Then he observed his Pilots closely and saw that they were following him attentively and nodded to himself.

  “This will end Phase one of the Exercise. Shortly after the destruction of our twelve Surface Hostiles a flight of four UCAV’s will be detected by one of our Hawkeyes. They will each be armed with two Sea Skimming missiles with the flight characteristic of a Sunburn missile. Using the three starboard six inch railgun batteries Epiphany will shoot two Salvos of Surface to Air Capacitor Darts at the Hostile UCAV’s.

  They will unfortunately have launched their ‘Sunburns’ at our Surface Friendlies. Each BugEye will have a ‘Sunburn’ to shoot down. We will utilize Air to Air Capacitor Darts to do this.

  Any Questions?”

  “Do you have any preference on the energy discharge for the Capacitor dart used to shoot down the ‘Sunburns’?”, LtJG Michelson asked.

  “Good question, and the answer is no I don’t. We’re still learning here and energy usage will be gone over in the Debriefing.”

  “Anything else?” He looked around and saw no takers, “Good, Let’s go strap on a Jet.”

; * * *

  Guangzhou, Swimming Dragon Class AIP Submarine, Monitoring American Task force 14, November 9, 2026 1545L

  Captain Wen was taking a long delayed rest in his cabin. It had been nerve wracking to break with the stealth protocols to catch up with the American Task Force called 14. Three hours earlier they had slowed down from the high-speed run with no obvious signs from the Americans that they had been detected. Either the Americans were getting worse at ASW or they didn’t care to show it this time. Both thoughts were worrisome.

  Beijing had transmitted them the satellite data from the last two days and a very large vessel had joined the Americans but it was of a unknown design but showed some characteristics of an Aircraft Carrier. That was the focus of their assignment now. Get in close and get as much information. Especially the hydrographic data that was essential for long range Sonar Tracking.

  “Captain we are now within basic Sensor range of the American Task Force.” The messenger sent from the Control room said through the closed door.

  “Inform Lt. Li that I will be there shortly.” He said as he sat up in his bunk and rubbed his face. ‘New Uniform?, Yes, that is appropriate. New Uniform and a hand wash will do.’ He thought as he fought back fatigue.

  * * *

  TSN/USN Epiphany – Monday 1600L November 9, 2026

  Video Conference Rooms On Board the George H.W Bush, Epiphany and Pentagon are in a three way Conference.

  “At this point in the Exercise the Fafnir’s from a starting range of 30 miles at 50,000 feet fired their Air to Air Ordnance. Each aircraft in the Squadron was assigned one of the ‘Sunburn’ to shoot down. It took 65 seconds for the first round to reach the target and all ‘Sunburn’s’ were destroyed within an additional 40 seconds. There were two misses but the follow-up rounds were successful in acquiring and destroying their assigned targets” Captain Welles who was leading the evaluation team announced.

  “This concluded the first portion of the SHOOTEX and all initial objectives were met, by the Epiphany and her indigenous F-47N Fafnirs.”

  “You’ve used the term Fafnir several times in this briefing Captain Welles. Where did that name come from?” asked Admiral Saunders at the Pentagon.

  “I’ll be pleased to show you sir. This is video taken from one of the Bush’s Hawkeyes.”

  A wavering image from below of an F-47N fighter group was in and out of focus. Suddenly each Fighter in turn belched out a plasma Bloom at least a ¼ mile in length twice in quick succession for each fighter.

  “The crew of the Hawkeye said that it reminded them of what a Dragon Flame was supposed to look like. And Captain Johansson who was listening in said in a mock Norwegian accent. Ja, das ist Fafnir’s flame, You Betcha.”

  At which point everyone listening burst into a laugh or chuckle. Everyone except Captain Johansson who grimaced and just blushed fiercely.

  Admiral Saunders looked amused also, and then spoke. “F-47N Fafnir it is then. It’s appropriate and quite different. Just like everything else associated with the Epiphany. A hearty well done to you Commander Webster and your crew. Captain Johansson you and your squadron are to be commended especially since you aren’t intimately acquainted with your aircraft and all of its capabilities. Well done indeed!”

  “Thank you Sir” Ansel and Captain Johansson chorused together.

  “Now to continue,” Captain Welles said, “Admiral Crane had 12 new surface drones placed in the starting Area and had an additional four UCAV’s armed with two ‘Sunburn’ missiles each.

  The entire scenario was replayed using only the Aircraft and escort Ships of the George H.W. Bush and Task Force 14.

  The results were two surface Friendly ships heavily damaged by the Speed Boat/Gun Boats. Four Hostile Gunboats destroyed, six heavily damaged and two undamaged before retreating to their ‘home’ waters. The UCAV’s then attacked at the same range they had done before. Results were all four Friendly vessels sunk. Two Sunburns were destroyed before impacting. All UCAV’s were undamaged as they left the Exercise zone.”

  All conference participants in Task Force 14 were quiet as they watched the Officers at the Pentagon sit back in shocked silence. After a couple of minutes the Secretary of Defense said.

  “And you are telling me that there was that much difference in the results of the same exercise conditions using two different weapon systems?”

  Admiral Crane answered for Task Force 14, “Yes Mr. Secretary, there was that much of difference. I will grant one thing though. The second portion of the SHOOTEX was planned on the fly with the Aircrews of CVW-8 notified only one hour before being deployed.

  Otherwise all starting positions of all units participating were identical except for the starting altitudes of the CVW-8 which were at their nominal operating altitudes.”

  “I see, this really is a game changer in Naval Air Combat isn’t it?”, Secretary Anderson said thoughtfully.

  Admiral Crane replied, “Yes Sir it is.”

  “Commander Webster,”, Admiral Caparelli asked, “Do you have any tricks up your sleeve in regards to Anti-Submarine Warfare?”

  “We are kicking around a few Sir. ASW is a bit trickier you must admit. Although we are currently tracking the Guangzhou since she resumed her position around 45 minutes ago. The Chinese have a definite winner in the design of that Submarine. It’s exceptionally stealthy. And since it has no reactor the normal noise associated with that type of power plant isn’t available.” Ansel replied.

  “Hmmm, well if you do have any ideas please continue to coordinate with Admiral Crane.” Admiral Caparelli said with a smile.

  “Aye Aye, Sir” Ansel told him.

  * * *

  Guangzhou, Swimming Dragon Class AIP Submarine, Monitoring American Task force 14, November 9, 2026 1700L

  “That’s enough for now. Get all data and photography prepared for burst transmission. We will use a disposable transmitter buoy since we are still heading north.” Captain Li told his Communications Officer.

  “Lt. come with me, I want your insights on this matter.”, Captain Li told his exec, as he headed for his small office.

  Captain Li walked into his small office and a fresh pot of tea was awaiting him. He smiled to himself that his steward was just one step ahead of his Captain in anticipating his desires. He turned and nodded to his exec and then poured a cup of tea for each of them.

  For a few minutes they engaged in small talk about the status of the Guangzhou and then got down to the meat of the matter.

  “Do you have any theory about what we have seen?” Captain Li asked his Executive Officer

  “I have one, but I am loath to speak of it because it….. Well, you know.” The Lieutenant started out slowly.

  “Yes, I do know. But this is between us. We will entertain ideas that are …. Uncomfortable.” The Captain said carefully.

  “Very well then, I will use questions then. My first is, Could the Americans build a giant floating base without our intelligence agents hearing about it?”

  “I believe that we could do it. But it would also be a massive undertaking to build the infrastructure first and that would be unavoidably noticed. So there must be some evidence somewhere that can be searched out. Plus people talk, someone would have bragged about it.” The Captain mused.

  “Could the American’s be mining the Ocean floor for their raw materials? That would be breaking many treaties that they have signed onto. That is however one place where they could hide their construction efforts.” The lieutenant continued.

  “Yes, that is a possibility. We might mention that in our report.”

  “Although that first gigantic ship is nowhere to be found, we have found this smaller yet still huge ship with the American Navy. Could they be the one and the same only using some sort of camouflage?”

  “That’s a hard one isn’t it? Maybe our theory of a giant hologram isn’t so far off. We know this ship is real, we see Jets taking off and landing and we hear them do so with our Sonar. The other
one? No, we didn’t hear anything. Or see anything happening on it.” The Captain said.

  “And this new Aircraft Carrier, It looks to be at least twice as big as a Nimitz Class Carrier, maybe even two and half times as big. Yet it is so smooth, much like a stealthy Frigate. The American’s have always built their Aircraft Carriers to be big and blocky. Hiding them was never an option. This is a radical direction for them.

  Could this be an indication of a return of them to World Affairs after withdrawing during their recent ‘Unpleasantness’?” The Lieutenant questioned.

  “Possibly, very possibly. We too have been hurt by their withdrawal. So many of our people are out of work, our factories that were built to cater to the American appetite for cheap and plentiful goods, are shut down and falling apart.

  But some good came of that too, now we are building items for use in our own country where our own people can purchase them. ‘Chinese Goods and Ideas for Chinese’. This is good, I felt like we were servants working for some far away master. Now I feel pride again in what we do for ourselves.” The Captain said smugly.


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