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TSN: Epiphany (Terran Space Navy)

Page 22

by Paul Phipps

  The down-side is that their internal security is much tighter. Their people are still free to do as they wish on an individual basis. With that being said they distrust everyone else outside of their Nation.

  The Two Border Fences are now fully complete. Entry through the South and the North is extremely difficult. Trade is still being conducted but there is now a 100% inspection and transshipment from foreign owned transport to American Owned transport. This is as you can imagine causing some political as well as economic difficulties, especially with Canada.

  Mexico on the other hand is a shattered nation. Anarchy and the various warlords have taken their toll on the populace and the infrastructure. The Hispanic populace within the United States occasionally voices dismay and demands that the Government “Do something about it”.

  Personally I don’t think that is going to continue. Not since the last demonstration saw the arrest of all participants and any ‘illegals’ that were found were forced to march to the border and permanently marked with a tattoo and sent back into Mexico. I believe that they weren’t too happy about the United States Government ‘Doing-something-about-it’.” He concluded with a chuckle.

  “I apologize, I digressed. Continuing then, our operatives are still keeping a minimal profile and are reporting back via multiple cutouts. No authorization for aggressive actions is authorized or necessary at this time.”

  While the Minister for External Intelligence was speaking an Under Minister to the Foreign Minister slipped in and whispered in his Minister’s ear. As he listened the Foreign Minister would nod his head. Then he thanked the man and the Under Minister left the conference room just as quietly as he entered.

  “Comrades a curious thing has occurred in Washington.” The Foreign Minister said after looking at the Chairman and requesting permission with a look only. “Our Ambassador has sent a priority message stating that he and indeed all of the Ambassador’s currently in Washington have received a request to attend an address to the American people that the President will be giving at 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time.

  An unusual aspect about this address is that only Ambassadors will be permitted to ask questions of the President. All of this will be broadcast live and on the Internet.”

  He paused and then shrugged his shoulders slightly. “Do any of you have an idea what he might be giving an address about that would involve all of the Nations? I personally am at a loss at this time. I would value your ideas and opinions.”

  * * *

  TSN/USN Epiphany – Tuesday 1000L November 10, 2026

  Ansel is in his quarters reading quietly, at least anyone watching him would have thought so.

  Lucky/Comspeech Mode: “Will I have the pleasure of being the demonstrator?”

  Admiral Webster/Comspeech Mode: “No, not this time I think Susannah would be more appropriate. You do remember that she chose that hemispherical shape?”

  Lucky/Comspeech Mode: “Yes, right after she read that book ‘Tom Paine Maru’. I’m surprised she didn’t take on the Name too.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “You haven’t said yet, but are you and Seeker going to be there when he makes his announcement?”

  Admiral Webster/Comspeech Mode: “No, we aren’t going to be in the White House. We’ll be with Susannah and if they ask for our presence then we will go to the White House in Roland.

  Lucky I want you to stay out there near Epiphany. It may be a little paranoid of me. But I really don’t know what the President is going to say as far as accepting a working relationship with us. I’m hoping that he will propose a treaty.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “I think that he will propose a working relationship with us. Treaties are really between Sovereign Nations …”

  Admiral Webster/Comspeech Mode: “And we have never claimed that status. All we are is an organization. A military oriented one, yes, but still only an organization.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “And if we can keep the word treaty out of the way then this ‘working relationship’ doesn’t need to be ratified by the Senate.”

  Admiral Webster/Comspeech Mode: “Very true indeed. And since there will be no funding issues from our side that can’t be used as a controlling mechanism.”

  Seeker/Comspeech Mode: “Are you both prepared for the onslaught of requests from reporters for interviews?”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “I didn’t think I was going to be involved with that. If I am then I think we need to get my parents to a safer place then. Have you thought of that?”

  Admiral Webster/Comspeech Mode: “No, actually I hadn’t. You do know that they think I and my family are dead.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “Yes, I do, quite vividly too. But the U.S. Government now knows and I would not be surprised if they aren’t being watched if not been contacted by some Governmental Agency.”

  Admiral Webster/Comspeech Mode: “You do make a good point. And I am going there now. They are still at the farm aren’t they?”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “The last time I called them they were. Good Luck on talking to them. I’m not sure how they are going to react. You DO remember that you and Dad had that argument just before you ‘died’.”

  Admiral Webster/Comspeech Mode: “Yes, I remember. And I do believe that events have proven me correct?”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “Maybe they did, but Dad is just as stubborn as you and I put together. Remember how he loved the President-for-Life and was always making excuses for the stuff that was happening. You know like:

  “If the president knew this was happening, he’d have it stopped, all of those people rioting over being hungry. I heard the President last week announce that there was no food shortages nationwide. And it must be those corporations trying to make another OBSCENE profit.’”

  Admiral Webster/Comspeech Mode: “Yes, I remember that well. How did you ever escape that mindset?”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “You did that, Uncle Carl, you did by teaching me how to think and research all the facts available before committing myself. You also taught me how to hide in plain sight. Those and all the other lessons I learned from you and yes, from my parents too.”

  Admiral Webster/Comspeech Mode: “Thank you for saying that Ansel. You were a good student and I am very proud of you and what you accomplished on your own.

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “I had good teachers Sir. In my opinion the best there are.”

  Admiral Webster/Comspeech Mode: “Right then…. I’ll do what I can to convince your father and mother. But don’t be surprised if they decide to stay right where they are.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “I won’t be surprised. Call me if you think that my talking to them will help. Probably won’t but I’ll feel better having at least tried.”

  Admiral Webster/Comspeech Mode: “Let’s get to it. There’s work to be done. Webster out.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “Lucky, Epiphany?”

  Epiphany/Lucky/Comspeech Mode: “Yes, what it is it?”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “Whatever happened to those Spies and the Human Bombs that tried to get on board as volunteers?”

  Lucky/Comspeech Mode: “Well, I didn’t expect that question. But for your information I still have them on board. Admiral Crane decided that the best place to keep them on ice was to keep them here.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “Have you managed to find out who they are working for?”

  Lucky/Comspeech Mode: “For some of them, yes. Mostly the spies. For those poor unfortunates that were made into bombs… Well I can’t say for sure.

  Two of the Spies were working for the Act Now faction of the Civilian Defense Force that the President-for-Life had set up as his private Army. They are probably the more dangerous of the bunch. Totally Sociopathic, true Chameleons in the societal sense.

  One was a deep cover agent for China. One was a Pakistani who came to America as a Child. He was also a member of the High Jihad. One was a member of the Muslim Brotherhood and was recruited after his girlfriend convinced him to
convert to Islam before she would marry him.

  Two are industrial spies working for the highest bidder. They were after anything they could get their hands on. One was nominally a Korean-American who actually was a North Korean who had taken the place of a young man who had gone to Korea to visit family.

  One was a French Agent and two that think that they were dealing with Russia but I have my suspicions’ that Iranian Unified Republic is the one that was their real master. All in all, a lot of spies, I wonder how many are scattered throughout the American Armed Forces?

  Now for the Human Bombs. I believe that none of them was aware of what had been done to them. In two of the cases though, I believe that the implantation had occurred shortly after they were born. The triggering mechanism had been disabled by the body’s immune system. The rest were implanted in child hood or as teenagers.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “Can we help the Bombs any further? I guess what I mean is, do any of them come up to standards for joining the TSN if they ask to do so?”

  Lucky/Comspeech Mode: “I’m not sure, at least a few would. None have asked yet. They are still in psychological therapy. It’s terribly traumatic to find out that you were just a pawn in a game of religion or politics and that your loved ones or just people you cared about were in danger anytime they were near you.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “Religion?”

  Lucky/Comspeech Mode: “Yes, almost 95% positive on that count. These people were meant as ‘martyrs’. Even though they were all Christian or non-religious. Very evil on someone’s part.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “And history repeats itself once again, doesn’t it?”

  Lucky/Comspeech Mode: “If the written histories are correct it does.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “Thank you for the information. The Admiral is right; it’s time to get back to work.”

  Ariadne/Epiphany/Comspeech Mode: “Ansel, the Masking Generators have been installed in the spaces we ‘took over’. I don’t think anyone on board realizes those modifications yet. The Grav-Phase generators are giving me some trouble. We may need to place them on retractable booms so that they can phase properly with the mass of the Epiphany and each other. If so then we won’t be able to test them out without alerting the crew that they exist.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “How long will it take to install them in that fashion? Could we use a sliding door type system to hide them until they are deployed? Also are you confident of the Masking System or do we need to test it out?

  Ariadne/Epiphany/Comspeech Mode: “Installation of the Grav Phase Generators can be done using that methodology in 14 hours and some minutes. There are compartments that currently are not being utilized by the crew that I will seal off and use for this purpose.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “That will be satisfactory, please go ahead and do it. And the Masking Systems?

  Ariadne/Epiphany/Comspeech Mode: “I’m confident that they will work just fine. I’ve done some minor testing and they are now merged into the Epiphany’s stealth systems. When we need it, we will be ready. And no one will be able to see us. Not visually, not by sensor systems. Chief Harnes also asked if we could incorporate a holographic field like we used on the decoys. That could make us look just like the sea around us or even a small island if necessary.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “Smart idea, I must congratulate him on a great idea. This brings up an idea I had after watching the SHOOTEX. I would like to have a Decoy designed for the Epiphany.”

  Ariadne/Epiphany/Comspeech Mode: “It can be done but with that being said it will take up a bit of space once fabricated.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “If it takes less than 30 minutes to fabricate then we will make it as necessary.”

  Ariadne/Epiphany/Comspeech Mode: “I’ll ask Edison then. I’ll let you know later. Now why do you think we will need one?”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “It came to me in a dream. We were alone on the sea and we headed for a large rainstorm. It might have been a typhoon, anyway after we were in it. We deployed the decoy and we used the masking system and Grav-Phase Generators to leave the area. We left it so far behind that we ended up in the North Atlantic.

  Ariadne/Epiphany/Comspeech Mode: “Interesting dream… Do you think your subconscious is trying to tell you something?”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “Probably… I’m worried; everything is going too smoothly right now. My experiences and study of human nature tells me something is not going to go our way and we need to think about counters to that.”

  Ariadne/Epiphany/Comspeech Mode: “Whatever ‘that’ is. Pretty nebulous idea, don’t you think?”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “It is, but really when you get down to brass tacks, isn’t that one of the reasons you wanted to ally with Human Beings? We have a different way of thinking.”

  Ariadne/Epiphany/Comspeech Mode: “Yes, that is a point isn’t it. Seeker is convinced that some Humans actually can see the future or even some of the other analogues. If she is right then you have access to senses we haven’t even thought about as possible. If you don’t mind I want to discuss this further with her and the others.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “Go Ahead Dear One. I know you have my best interests at heart.”

  Ariadne/Epiphany/Comspeech Mode: “Thank you, I do indeed.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “Last but certainly not least. In my ‘lesson’ last night was the discussion of use and energy requirements for Defensive Shielding. I realize that we don’t have the energy resources for a full scale War-Screen. But don’t we have enough for a ¼ scale version that will protect the Epiphany from the weaponry currently in use here on Earth?”

  Ariadne/Epiphany/Comspeech Mode: “I believe so, but between the Masking Generators, Grav-Phase Generators and that level of Defensive Shielding there will be an energy deficit of 38MW. So we can use two of those systems at once but not all three.”

  Ansel/Comspeech Mode: “I thought so, let’s install one anyway if it can be done in a way that won’t attract attention. We will just have to design tactics to work around the limitations. Or maybe figure out a way of upgrading the Reactors. At least let’s keep an open mind on it.”

  Ariadne/Epiphany/Comspeech Mode: “I’ll have Edison and his compatriots look into it. They are at least happy to be doing so much interesting work.”

  TSN Scout ‘Roland’, Eastern Kentucky hill country, Tuesday 1330 EST, November 10, 2026

  Roland is currently at 15,000 feet above a small Farmstead tucked away neatly in a ‘Holler’, a small valley between mountain ridges. This is the former home of Admiral Carl Noah Webster and boyhood home of Commander Ansel Webster.

  “Admiral, Seeker, as instructed I released four IGD’s. Preliminary results indicate that the subjects are in residence. They also appear to be under surveillance. This is evidenced by the six individuals watching from various locations around the property but not actually being physically on the property. There also appears to be a communication van located here in the back of this small house. The house is approximately three quarters of a mile away by road. I have detected a large cable leading from the house to the van presumably for electrical power and communication services.

  At the local airfield there are two helicopters that appear to be recently arrived as evidenced by the heat signature of the jet engines on each. Estimate two hours since they were shut down.

  * * *

  There now appears to be a larger vehicle entering the driveway of the property. It appears to be a United Parcel Service Van.

  The Subjects have exited the house… they are conversing with the driver…..

  Admiral, armed men have exited the rear of the parcel van and have apprehended the subjects. They appear to be surrendering without any aggressive defense on their part.”

  “No they wouldn’t put up a fight would they?” said the Admiral looking over at Seeker who was still wearing the McAndrews Body-Sim.

  “You’re right, they wouldn’t.” She observed
, “Do you want to ‘rescue’ them or not?”

  “Roland, are any of the watchers or the people at the farm house with the Communications Van reacting with surprise or in aggressive action?” Admiral Webster asked quickly.

  “Quick analysis of the various watchers body language indicates that they were not involved in the actions of the personnel in the UPS van. The Farm house personnel….. There now appears to be at least four heading towards an external garage building.

  Preliminary analysis indicates at least two different groups or organizations involved here. What do you intend to do sir?”

  “Call in the three Mk II’s and have them ready to land and block the roads if I order that course of action. I want you to release 10 IGD’s and then get down to at least 500 ft. of altitude. Unless there is actual violence or intense aggression I intend on following my nephew and his wife’s kidnappers back to their base.


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