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Hearts and Diamonds

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by Nichelle Gregory

  A Total-E-Bound Publication

  Hearts & Diamonds

  ISBN #978-0-85715-473-6

  ©Copyright Nichelle Gregory 2011

  Cover Art by April Martinez ©Copyright March 2011

  Edited by Andrea Grimm

  Total-E-Bound Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Total-E-Bound Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Total-E-Bound Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 …as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2011 by Total-E-Bound Publishing, Think Tank, Ruston Way, Lincoln, LN6 7FL, United Kingdom.

  Warning: This book contains sexually explicit content, which is only suitable for mature readers. This story has been rated Total-e-burning.


  Nichelle Gregory


  Believe in love, trust your heart and never give up on a diamond in the rough!

  ~Nichelle Gregory

  Chapter One

  “Are you almost finished with your count, Tess?” Nia asked as she locked the sapphire and diamond display case.

  “Just counted my last ring, how ‘bout you?” Tess tucked a brunette strand of hair behind her ear and grabbed the bottle of glass cleaner.

  “Almost.” Nia glanced down at the platinum gold diamond rings gleaming under the spotlights. “I saved the best for last.” She stared at the sparkling stones, which seemed to twinkle along to the merry beat of the holiday music playing overhead in surround sound.

  “I’m hoping Santa will bring me one of those three carat solitaires we just got in.”

  “It is quite beautiful.” She took the opulent ring out of the case and slid it on Tess’s ring finger. “Why not ask for the four carat while you’re sitting on his lap.” The brilliant fire within the stone caught the light and danced as her friend wiggled her finger in utter adoration.

  Tess giggled. “I haven’t been nice all year; I don’t wanna push my luck.” They both laughed as she took the ring off and placed it back in the plush tray going into the safe.

  “Do you think he’s going to pop the question before Christmas?”

  Her employee broke into a smile brighter than the diamond bracelets she counted.

  “I think he’s going to do it tonight after dinner.”

  “Oh, Tess, that’s so exciting!” Nia predicted she’d be planning a wedding by spring and she was right. “Why don’t you go? I’ve got this.”

  “No worries. I told Scott to meet me here, but I do need to change.”

  “Which dress did you choose?”

  “The red one.” Tess grinned. “Wait until you see it.”

  Nia shook her head as her friend practically skipped towards the back office. Tess had met Scott at the store and soon the two of them were head over heels in a whirlwind romance.

  How did some people get so lucky in love?

  Nat King Cole crooned her favourite holiday jingle and she hummed along as she finished taking inventory of the expensive glittering stones. She hadn’t given up on love, but she was so sick of the dating game. Her last one had been a total disaster, ending with a kiss so sloppy, she was happy to be single for the moment. Besides, she didn’t need romance to enjoy the holidays, just a comfortable pair of heels. With a small moan, she slipped out of her increasingly uncomfortable pumps and flexed her toes on the soft, carpeted floor behind the display cases.

  “Where’s Roger? I don’t wanna give the ole guy a heart attack.”

  Roger had been the security guard for the store since it opened. Nia turned around and whistled as she looked at Tess.

  “So what do you think?”

  “Very sexy.”

  “Really?” Tess pivoted, showcasing the open back design of her party dress. The soft material hugged her slim frame in all the right places.

  “Really. Scott’s not going to know what hit him.”

  Tess winked. “Exactly. That’s the effect I was going for.” She flicked a glance at her gold watch. “Almost closing time. I can’t believe this is the last weekend before Christmas.”

  “I know.” Nia replaced a four-carat diamond bracelet in the glass case. “It’s going to be crazy around here.” She loved the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. Nothing made her happier than making sure her employees helped frantic shoppers find the perfect gift for somebody special.

  Tess rolled her eyes as she slid into her strappy black heels. “Impatient customers, no lunch breaks—” She let out a delighted squeal. “Here comes Scott.”

  Bells hanging from the door handle jingled as he walked into the store. He always reminded Nia of a surfer dude in disguise with his easy-going personality, rugged blond good looks.

  “Hey, Scott.”

  “Hi, Nia.” He smiled as he wiped the snow from his coat. “Man, it’s getting cold out there.” His attention shifted to Tess as he moved towards the glass counter. “My, my, my, you look beautiful. Thank goodness, its closing time.”

  “Perfect timing,” Tess said with a devilish grin.

  The festive bells jingled again and Nia looked past Scott to see a tall, dark-haired man entering the store in a swirl of snow flurries.

  “Good evening, welcome to Fletcher’s Fine Jewellery.” The words flowed automatically as their handsome guest wiped his snow-covered shoes on the monogrammed rug. She recognised him immediately. His deep brown hair, so thick it appeared black was spiked with snowflakes and Nia’s pulse quickened as he flashed a perfect smile in her direction.

  Why, hello, gorgeous!

  She had seen him in the store yesterday afternoon. Weekends at Fletcher’s were always busy and Friday night had been a madhouse, but she never forgot a face, especially not a chiselled work of art like this guy was sporting. Her eyes followed the strong line of his jaw to the sensual lips beneath a trimmed moustache. He had the kind of untamed sensuality about him a woman could sense from a distance.

  “Good evening, ladies.” Light brown eyes shifted from Nia to Tess. “I’m looking for something special.”

  “I can help you with that. I’m Nia.” She moved forward with a smile as he walked up to the glass case. Without her heels, she had to lift her chin to meet his eyes. “You were in here yesterday, right?”

  An eyebrow lifted as his lips curved upwards in a subtle grin. “I was. You guys were so busy. I’m surprised you’d remember me.”

  Under the track lighting his dark hair appeared to glisten, wet from the snow. A swath of it fell across his forehead in beautiful contrast to his deep olive skin. Up close with his full attention directed at her, he posed a danger to her sinus rhythm.

  Heat flared across Nia’s cheeks. “Is there anything in particular you’re looking for, Mr.—”

  “Call me, Quin.” He offered his hand as he unbuttoned his coat. “I want to look at your best engagement rings.”

  Best meant bigger and that equalled a very nice commission.

  “Of course, you’re in the right spot. Why don’t you take a look at these,” she tapped the glass with one pearl polished nail
, “and I’ll be right back.”

  “Thank you.”

  She left him at the counter and walked over to Tess and Scott talking quietly on the other side of the store. “You two have fun tonight.”

  “We will,” Scott said, taking a step back. “I’m going to the restroom.” He kissed Tess hard on the lips. “Be ready when I get back.”

  “Nervous?” Nia asked, noticing a tremor in her friend’s hand as she wrapped her scarf around her neck.

  “It’s a big moment.” Tess glanced at Quin, tapping her finger on her watch with a frown. “It’s almost closing time and he doesn’t look like the type to rush and buy.”

  “It’s okay. I don’t mind. How often do I get to sell anymore?” As store manager, she spent the majority of her time handling customer issues or knee deep in paperwork. She leaned towards Tess. “This could end up being a great night for Fletcher’s.”

  “If anybody can sell the big rocks it’s you. Too bad he’s looking at engagement rings.”

  “And why’s that?” Nia cut her eyes over to Quin.

  “Oh, c’mon.” Tess lowered her voice to a whisper. “Don’t tell me you didn’t notice he was attractive.” She gave a little sigh. “I always did love a man with an accent.”

  Nia chuckled. “Get going before I tell your soon-to-be-fiancé to put you on the naughty list.”

  “Not a bad list to be on sometimes,” Tess said with a mischievous wink. “Do you want me to put any of the diamonds in the safe before I go?”

  Nia shook her head. “Our guest may want to see more than engagement rings.”

  “I can’t believe I might get my own tonight!”

  “I know and just think…it might be the one you wanted.”

  Tess rolled her eyes. “Yeah, right.”

  “Don’t forget your secret Santa gift.” She walked away with a small chuckle, mentally checking off her to-do-list before closing the store as she approached Quin. “What can I show you?” Her heart skipped a beat as his warm, brown eyes flicked over her. Tess was right, Quin gave tall, dark and sexy a whole new meaning. Her eyes flitted over his tan sweater beneath his open coat.

  Smooth chest or hairy? Definitely muscular.

  She glanced up to find him studying her as well and swallowed down the sudden lump in her throat.

  “Are these the biggest engagement rings you have?”

  Some lady somewhere was damn lucky.

  “We also offer loose stones—”

  The obnoxious bells announced yet another customer. Make that two customers, both male, dressed in dark business suits.

  “Good evening, gentlemen, welcome to Fletcher’s Fine Jewellery.” The other men echoed greetings as Nia turned back to Quin. “Can you hang on one second while I at least point these two gentlemen in the right direction?” She stared at Quin as he glanced into the huge mirror behind her. “I’ll be—”

  She sucked in a breath as his large hand snaked out to grab hers on top of the glass showcase. His eyes seemed hypnotic and for a moment Nia simply stared at him.

  “Stay here.”

  The two words surprised her more than his strong grip around her wrist. She glanced down at his long fingers encircled around her skin then up at his face. How could she have thought his eyes warm? They were hard…ruthless.

  He held her gaze without blinking. Nanoseconds ticked by as Jingle Bell Rock played cheerily overhead. “When I say duck, duck.”

  “Excuse me?” Where was Roger when she needed him? She tore her eyes from Quin’s to see Scott around the corner from the bathroom as Quin stroked his thumb across her thundering pulse. He was freaking her out and yet her body reacted to his touch. She attempted to snatch her hand away, hoping to get Tess’s attention as she exited the office and walked from behind the glass counter. Her heart sank when she didn’t look her way as she joined her boyfriend by the door.

  Where was Roger? He never took this long in the bathroom.

  “We’re looking for diamonds.”

  Something about the loud statement sent a chill up Nia’s spine. Quin squeezed her hand as she looked at the two men staring at her. Something was off. The thought crossed her mind in the same second the lanky bald guy pulled out a gun from behind his back. “Oh, my g—”

  Nia saw Tess scream as Scott grabbed her. Quin released Nia, leapt over the glass case and shoved her down. She hit the ground hard, flattening her body on the floor as the roar of gunfire and the sound of broken glass filled the store. Instinctively, she covered her head as shards of glass rained down over her and Quin.

  This wasn’t happening. This couldn’t be happening. She lifted her head to see Quin crouched on his heels with a gun of his own. Terror splintered through every cell in her body as he grabbed her arm.

  “Get up.” His voice was as cold as the fear in her heart as she got up on her knees. “Move to the office.”

  She flinched as more shots rang out over her head.


  Everything was happening so fast. What choice did she have with a gun in her face and gunfire above them? There was nothing else to do but obey. She crawled in stocking feet to the office, stifling a scream as Quin returned fire before slamming the door shut.

  He launched to his feet and locked the door. “We’ve got two minutes, tops. Stay low and put on those boots.”

  She watched him tumble weeks of work off her desk in a cloud of papers fluttering to the ground.

  “Now, Nia.” He heaved the desk up on its side and pushed it flush to the door.

  Indiscernible shouts came closer to the office as she tugged her boots on. She looked up as Quin rushed to the safe against the back wall.

  “Give me the combination.”

  Nia hesitated as she stared at Quin’s gun, which was pointed at the office door. She heard Tess scream again and let out a strangled sob before giving him the combo.

  His fingers flew over the lock, opening it faster than she did most days with no bad guys threatening her life. He emptied trays of loose diamonds into his pockets as the wail of police sirens grew louder and bullets splintered through the door.

  “Time to go.” He returned fire and one of the men let loose a howl of pain.

  Nia saw Quin’s tight smile of satisfaction as he yanked her towards the back door leading to the alley. Snowflakes pelted her face as he pulled her outside. Her mind struggled to grasp what was happening as he led her further from Fletcher’s. The sight of headlights at the end of the street gave her hope.

  This was her chance to make a break for it.

  She wrenched her arm away from Quin, surprised to be free and ran. His violent curse only fuelled her to pump her legs faster in the blinding snow.

  Just keep running, just keep running.

  She was only a few feet away from the idling sedan. Whoever was inside would help, call nine-one-one, at least. Her lungs burned with each frantic breath, making screaming impossible as she slipped on ice. She struggled to regain her balance in the freezing cold as strong hands gripped her waist. This time she found her voice and screamed as Quin hauled her towards the bright headlights of the vehicle she had been trying to reach.

  She started to struggle again as Quin rustled up keys and the sedan doors unlocked.

  Heaven help her, it was his car!

  She was lifted and thrown in the backseat as one of the men from inside raced into the alley, firing at them in the narrow alley.

  “Stay down,” Quin said, sliding into the front seat. “And hang on.”

  Her heart was pounding, her fingers frozen as she struggled to strap the seatbelt around her waist. She suppressed a scream as the car hurtled backwards at breakneck speed, throwing her against the back of the front seat. Dazed, she clung to Quin’s seat as they backed out onto the street. Cars honked in protest as he cut them off and manoeuvred the vehicle through evening traffic.

  “You can buckle up now.”

  In numbed silence, Nia pushed back into her seat and fastened her seatbelt as Quin
talked on his cell phone. She shivered as he gave detailed descriptions of the two gunmen, including Scott and Tess.

  “We’re not being followed. Are you all right?” Quin asked, casting her a quick look in the rearview mirror.

  “You’re a cop?”


  She let out a slow, shaky breath. “Did the cops get those guys?”

  “They managed to escape.” He pulled the car into a parking lot and got out.

  Her door opened and Nia shuddered as a blast of frigid air swirled around her legs.

  “Come up front with me.”

  He offered his hand and she took it before hurrying to get back inside the warmth of the car.

  Tears welled up in her eyes as she turned to look at him. “Oh, my God, Roger!”

  “Roger will be fine. He’s being transported to the hospital for a mild concussion.”

  “Tess and Scott…?”

  Quin adjusted the heat towards her. “Scott’s part of the heist.”

  “What?” Her mouth fell open. No way was that possible. Scott—Tess’s soon-to-be fiancé—a jewellery thief?

  “This wasn’t a random jewellery heist. I’m afraid your friend’s boyfriend is not one of the good guys. He’s part of a highly sophisticated theft ring that we’ve being tracking for a while.”

  Nia gasped. “I don’t believe it.”

  “Believe it.”

  The serious look on his handsome face spoke volumes. There was no mistake. Scott was a liar, thief and who knew what else.

  Poor Tess.

  She stared out the window, watching snowflakes hit the glass and melt as Quin answered another call. There were important calls she had to make too. Donovan Fletcher would want details on what happened in his premier jewellery store and how she planned to handle it all.

  “Are you any warmer?”

  “You didn’t say anything about Tess.” She turned away from the window to look at him.

  “There’s no sign of her at the store.”


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