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The Lisa Series

Page 3

by Charles Arnold

  Several people at the bar had turned to watch. Deliberately Frank moved his hand to her waist then up along her dress until he cupped her breast, his thumb and index finger squeezing her nipple. She tilted her face up and closed her eyes. Her lips parted. I looked on, as my wife kissed the fat, ugly bastard.

  Chapter Three


  Frank started to rise, then smiled and sat down again. “Before your pretty wife gets what she’s so hot for, I think the three of us ought to have a drink in a place where there’s some action. Right, Billy?” He leaned across the table grinning at me.

  I began to object, “No, Frank, I think we...”

  He interrupted, “I want to give the guys down at Ryan’s a look at my new little piece, you know.” He laughed and pulled Lisa close to him. The familiar way he touched her as if she actually belonged to him was driving me crazy. “Going to show the boys that old Frank is doing Okay, ain’t we babe?”

  “I...I...I’d rather,” Lisa began.

  “Nobody gives a shit what you’d rather,” he said evenly.“Right, Billy?” I didn’t answer.“We had a good thing started. Let’s not lose it. Look at me, damnit!”Lisa turned toward him. She was terribly frightened. Once more I wanted to smash his fat face with a bottle or a chair. His big hand tightened on her shoulder. “Now, little Lisa, get this through your empty head. At Ryan’s you’re my woman.” He waited.

  “Yes,” she agreed. I could see that she was holding back the tears.

  “And you’re going to let the guys see that?”


  “And you’re going to do exactly what I tell you and act like you enjoy it?”


  “And you’re going to answer me with something better than a damn retarded ‘yes’?”

  “Yes, Frank, honey. I’m sorry.” She turned her head away and bit her lip.

  “And you’re going to do and say things to show the guys that you’re hot for me and you want it real bad? Cause if you don’t goddamn it, you will be serving forty days instead of thirty!”

  Lisa looked up at him and took a deep breath. “Yes, I’ll try...I mean yes, honey, I’ll try what you want.”

  “Now,” he licked his lips, “I want you to put your hand under the table and feel what old Frank got for you down there between his legs.” The color in her cheeks deepened as she did what he ordered. “Don’t just touch it, baby, squeeze it a little.” Frank grinned at me. “Yeah, that’s right. Your pretty little wife’s got her hand on my prick, Billy, and you’re sittin’ there watchin’. I bet your own prick is stiff as a poker,” he laughed. “Look at your husband, Lisa, and tell him what my prick feels like.”

  Lisa lifted her head but could not look at me. Her tear filled eyes focused on a place above me.“It’’s...”

  “Say the fucking word,” Frank growled.

  “His...his...prick is…it’’s big and it’s hard.”

  Frank continued to grin at me but he spoke to Lisa, “And you want my big, hard prick don’t you, Mrs. Lindal? You want Frank’s big, hard prick deep inside your hot cunt? Say it. Keep squeezin’ me and look at Billy while you say the words. And Goddamn it, this time look right at him.”

  The tears ran down Lisa’s burning cheeks. Frank watched her carefully. She swallowed and looked directly into my eyes, “I...I...want Frank’s big...big, hard...prick. I want it.” She glanced at Frank who nodded for her to finish. “I want it deep inside”

  Frank reached under the table and lifted her hand back onto the tabletop. “You liked that, didn’t you, babe. You like what your new man’s got for you?”

  “Yes, I like it,” she said. Frank waited. “I mean, yes, honey, I like what new man has for me.”

  “Okay. We’ll finish this drink here while Billy goes to Ryan’s.” He glanced over at me. “You know where it is, 7th and Railroad?” I nodded my head and, rising, reached out to touch Lisa’s hand. Frank grabbed my wrist. “She ain’t your woman tonight,” he whispered tightening his grip. “Tell him Lisa.” Frank stared at me. Lisa looked down at the table.

  “I’m Frank’s,” she said in a small flat voice. “I belong to Frank.”

  “And you better not forget that. For the next thirty days you better damn well remember it every fucking minute.” He paused. “Billy, you’re just there to watch. You go on over to Ryan’s and sit at the far end of the bar. You don’t open your mouth except to drink your beer. I’m going to put this wife of yours through a little test and if she fails...well, you both know the rules. Got it?”

  “I understand,” I said. He looked at Lisa.

  “Yes, honey.”

  Frank gestured toward the door. I went out into the bitter cold. A strong wind was blowing the snow around in circles. I thought about Lisa’s bare legs and her bare body under the thin dress.

  Ryan’s is a hangout for young jocks and the old macho types, mostly guys who wear caps and drive pickup trucks. I never go there. The place is usually filled with loud, crude drunks. Tonight was no exception. They were yelling at the huge television screen which Ryan, the bartender, kept switching from boxing to basketball to wrestling.

  Following Frank’s directions, I sat at the end of the long bar. I ordered a beer. Two fat heavily made-up women wearing boots and short, tight skirts sat at a table in the corner. They were in their late forties and obviously on the make. The men ignored them. There were no other women in the place.

  After five minutes, the door banged open and Frank, holding Lisa close against him, shouted a greeting to Ryan and several of the men. Lisa quickly spotted me and just as quickly looked away. She seemed like a frightened deer, so frail and small. I thought she was about to bolt back out into the street. Her lovely face was pale, making the gloss on her lips shine in bright red contrast. Once more, I was struck by her beauty and her almost childlike innocence.

  Most of the men turned away from the television to stare as Frank led her to an empty stool near the middle of the bar. He was obviously pleased with the reaction their arrival had caused. “Hey, Frank,” one of the young guys yelled, “who’s that, your daughter?”

  Frank was about to answer, but instead he leaned over and said something to Lisa. I saw her hesitate and glance at the door. Then she turned to face Frank and reached up to put her hands on the back of his neck. She drew his face down to hers. Her lips parted as they kissed.

  By now, all of the men were watching. They shouted their approval. Frank raised his arms, laughing. “Any of you guys got a daughter who kisses you like that?” he shouted. “Yeah, right!” He laughed again. The men at the bar joined in.

  “Goddamn! That’s one hot looking little woman, Frank,” someone called out.

  Frank winked at the admiring onlooker. “Take your coat off,” he said to Lisa, “and show these poor horny bastards how sexy you got dressed up for old Frankie.” Lisa removed her coat, revealing her bare shoulders and naked back to where the ‘V’ ended at her waist. The men whistled and shouted. I could see the color rise to Lisa’s cheeks.

  An older man sitting alone at a table pointed at her legs, “Jesus!” he exclaimed, “she’s got no stockings on. Her feet must be froze.”

  “Yo, Frank, she got panties on?” The speaker was a husky young man standing next to me.

  “I don’t know, Al,” Frank grinned. “Maybe she’ll let old Andy here find out?” He put his hand on the shoulder of a grizzled drunk who was sitting next to Lisa. Andy smiled up at Frank with a toothless grin, not sure of anything except that they were talking about him. The room became suddenly quiet. The men sensed that Frank was serious. Everyone waited for Lisa to respond. I could see Frank’s fingers tighten on her wrist.

  She nodded her head, the color once more coming quickly to her cheeks. Then, slowly she slid off the stool and stepped over to where Andy sat. Still grinning foolishly, the old man turned to face her. “I think Andy forgot where it’s at,” Frank said. There was no laughte
r. Some of the men had climbed up on the bar for a better view. Frank reached out to squeeze Lisa’s arm. “Maybe you ought to help the simple minded bastard,” he said.

  Lisa stood before Andy, not looking at him, her head bowed. She lifted the hem of her dress. Spreading her legs and taking the old man’s bony hand, she placed it on the inside of her bare thigh. “Ahhhh,” he sighed, nodding his head. He continued to grin at her as his hand moved up her leg. She gasped and shut her eyes when he reached her pussy. He kept his hand between her legs as he turned back to Frank.

  “What’s she wearing?” Frank asked.

  “Nothin’. No panties,” Andy rasped, grinning around at the others.

  Lisa had not looked up. Her face was crimson. I’d expected the men to erupt in laughter, but they remained strangely silent. Everyone, even the two women at the table, stared intently at the toothless old alcoholic with his hand between Lisa’s legs. The young man next to me finally broke the silence. “How do we know crazy Andy ain’t lying?” The question was directed at Frank.

  Before replying, Frank sipped his drink. Then he turned toward Lisa who had not moved. “Well, if the lady wants what I got here,” he grabbed his crotch, “she’ll just step over there by you, Al, and prove Andy ain’t lying.”

  Lisa shook her head, “Please, Frank don’t...”

  “Let her go, Andy.” Frank’s voice was harsh. Andy quickly withdrew his hand from beneath Lisa’s dress. Lisa waited a moment longer, then staring straight ahead crossed to stand before Al, who was seated next to me. I moved between them. “Back off, boy, if you don’t want to get hurt,” Frank said evenly. Lisa glanced at me and shook her head. I stepped away.

  The young man quickly and easily lifted her and sat her on the edge of the bar, her back toward Ryan, the bartender. Her dress had slid up over her knees. Al placed his big callused hands on Lisa’s ankles. “Well?” he asked. She nodded. Slowly he moved his hands up along her legs. I felt a helpless rage building inside me. There was nothing I could do but stand there while these drunken bullies humiliated my wife.

  “For a little girl, she sure got fine legs,” Al said, “and smooth, oh yeah, very smooth.” He hooked her hem under his thumb and spreading her knees, pushed the dress up until it covered only her pussy. He paused, his hands resting on Lisa’s bare thighs. Ryan had moved behind her. He glanced at Frank who nodded. Ryan placed his hands on Lisa’s waist and moved them along her back. Then he slid them under her dress. She made a small sound as he cupped her breasts. He leaned forward and kissed her shoulder. Lisa kept her eyes focused on Al’s blunt fingers.

  “Can I show the boys here what they want to see?” He kept looking at Lisa, but his question was directed to Frank.

  “Ask her,” Frank said.

  “How about it?” Al asked.

  “Yes,” she said in a whisper only those of us close to her could hear.

  “Well, then,” Al said. He lifted the hem of her dress and folded it back fully exposing her pussy. “Open wide,” he ordered. Lisa hesitated, then spread her knees.

  “Tell them what you’re going to do with that cunt hair tomorrow,” Frank shouted.

  Lisa was staring at the back wall. “I’m going to shave it off,” she said, like someone drugged, her face expressionless.

  “Tell them why,” Frank ordered.

  “Because Frank wants me that way.”

  “What way?” Frank asked.

  “Bare, completely bare.”

  “Well,” Al said, “maybe Frank will bring you back tomorrow night so we can all see your shaved cunt.” Lisa’s body stiffened. She started to turn toward Frank.

  “We’ll talk about that later,” Frank said with a wave of his hand. The men had crowded around Al to stare at her pussy.

  “How about tonight then!” someone shouted. “Maybe Frank will make her dance for us.” I could see that under her dress Ryan was squeezing her nipples.

  “Yeah, a fuckin strip!” a huge, bearded guy who had pushed in next to Al yelled. Ryan tongued her ear. Lisa shut her eyes. Al began to push a thick finger inside her. Everyone could see that she was wet. Some of the men were rubbing their crotches. They were getting worked up and mean. I looked for a phone but couldn’t see one.

  “She don’t dance,” Frank said.

  “What does she do?” Ryan asked.

  “She pees,” Frank answered. For a moment, they didn’t grasp the significance of what he had said. Lisa began to tremble. Ryan withdrew his hands from under her dress and reached beneath the bar for an old, blue, enameled basin.

  “She going to pee for us?” Al asked. Frank shrugged his shoulders and winked. Al lifted her so that she now stood on the bar.

  She turned toward Frank, “Please Frank, I can’t...please don’t.”

  “You want fucked tonight?” He looked up at her unsmiling. “Or you want to make old Frankie unhappy?”

  She couldn’t answer for a few moments. “Yes,” she said softly.

  “Yes, what?” Frank asked.

  “Yes, honey, I want...I want you.”

  “How bad?”

  “I don’t...I don’t…” she looked around the room and glanced at the door. There was no way out.“Bad,” she hung her head, “real bad.”

  “Then hike up your dress and hunker down over the pan and show the boys how nice you make pee pee.”

  She stood with her legs apart. Ryan slid the basin between her heels. She looked around the room once more, her eyes filling with tears that slowly ran down her cheeks. The men were silent and unmoved, staring up at her, waiting. Bowing her head, she bent her knees to squat over the pan. I had to turn away. After a few moments, I heard the first small trickle and then a stronger stream as her urine splashed into the basin.

  When it stopped, the silence was suddenly broken with the men laughing and shouting and pounding on the bar. As I turned around, Al was reaching to lift her down to the floor. Ryan was placing the chipped basin on the back bar. “I’m going to have this engraved,” he laughed, “from Frank’s girlfriend, with love.” Lisa did not glance in my direction. Frank motioned to her. She ran to him and almost disappeared as he wrapped his arms around her.

  She seemed to be sobbing against his chest. “What do you want to do, baby?” he said in a loud voice. “How about we stay here with these horny folks and party?” Unable to speak, she shook her head violently. Frank’s hands moved down to her buttocks and pulled her against him. “Well, stop that damn blubbering and look up here and tell me what you’d rather do.” Frank leaned back but still cupped her ass with his big hands. Lisa began to speak in a small choking voice. “Speak up so everyone can hear,” Frank said. “And talk nice, you know.”

  She got control of herself and looked up at him. Then she lifted her arms and held his face between her tiny hands. “Please, Frank honey, take me home with you.”

  “But we got the makings of a good party right here. What you going to offer better than a party at Ryan’s?”

  Lisa seemed to understand what had become obvious to all of us. Frank wasn’t kidding. He was ready to party, and if he did, Lisa would be the reason for the party. She would be forced to provide the entertainment. The men were excited by what they had already seen. It was clear to her that staying here meant the worst things imaginable would surely happen.

  She stood on her tiptoes, her arms around Frank’s neck, her pelvis pushing hard against his crotch, as she tongue kissed him. When they parted, the men clapped and cheered. She waited until the noise died down, then speaking in a voice filled with desperation, “Please, Frank honey, I’ll be better than a party. Please take me home!”

  “You want to fuck?”


  “Well, say it.”

  Lisa looked down at the floor, her face turning red. When she spoke again there was a tremor in her voice that suggested she might be on the verge of hysteria. “I want you...Frank honey, I...I want you me.”

  The men laughed. “Frank, you sure are on
e lucky son-of-a-bitch!” someone yelled.

  “Ask her does she give head,” someone else shouted.

  “Yeah, maybe she could show us.”

  “Come on, Frank,” Ryan said, “let’s party with your little girlfriend.”

  Once more Lisa put her arms around Frank and, looking up at him, the tears streaking her cheeks begged him, “Please, Frank, take me home. Please...whatever you want...I’ll do it good...I promise, Frank honey...I’ll do it good.” I couldn’t stand it any longer. I started toward them. Frank saw me and held up his hand. “Okay, baby, we’ll go.” He reached for Lisa’s coat and draped it over her shoulders. “While I finish my drink, you get yourself together and put on fresh lipstick.”

  Lisa searched through her purse for a handkerchief and wiped her eyes. “Thank you, honey, thank you,” she said. She found her lipstick.

  “You can thank me later,” Frank smiled, “on your knees.”

  The men laughed again. “She going to suck it, Frank?” one of the men shouted.

  “Of course she is, ain’t you, babe?”

  Lisa was applying her lipstick attempting to steady her trembling hand. “Yes, honey.”

  “Say it,” he demanded.

  “Yes, honey, I want suck.” I don’t believe she fully understood what that meant. She was ready to agree to anything in order to get Frank to leave.

  “Suck what?”

  “I...I...don’t...” Frank grabbed his crotch. “I...want to…to suck your...your...penis.” The men howled with derisive laughter.

  “Your penis!” Al shouted. “She gonna suck old Frank’s penis. Shit, Frank, do you know where the fuck your penis is?” They laughed again as Frank once more grabbed his crotch. Lisa’s eyes were filling with tears. “Guess I gotta teach the little lady some vocabulary,” Frank said. He sat his glass down and, placing his arm around Lisa, led her toward the door, waving to the cheering crowd with his other hand.

  “Anytime she has to pee, Frank, you just bring her on down to Ryan’s!” Al shouted.


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