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The Lisa Series

Page 18

by Charles Arnold

  “Billy,” she said, “this pussy you are looking at is for Silk to use. He can have it any time he wants it. Do you see how I’ve shaved it for him? Do you see how wet it is? Do you know why it’s wet, Billy? It’s wet because all day I’ve been thinking of only one thing. I’ve been thinking that I belong to him. The idea that I belong to him disgusts me. Sometimes it terrifies me. But also in some horribly strange way being Silk’s woman excites me...You can see how it excites me. I’m always wet. I can’t help it. I’m always ready. In the pit of my stomach there is always this...this feeling. I...I...just kind of...kind of...I can’t tell you, Billy. I can’t begin to understand it myself. I can’t explain it.”

  She dropped her hands to her knees and bowed her head. “You’re right about Silk,” she said. “He’s old and ugly. He smells bad. He really does hate me, and you too. He’s sometimes crazy.” We sat in silence for a few moments. Then, once more clasping her hands behind her neck, she lifted her head. “But, Billy, I’m now his woman. Everything you see up here on this stool is his. It’s Silk’s. It belongs to that filthy old man. He never bathes. He has these awful purple splotches all over his wrinkled skin. His teeth are just rotten stubs. He’s usually drunk and always mean. But, Billy, he slides his filthy...cock into my pussy anytime he wants to. Do you see how I’ve made up my mouth, Billy? My mouth is his. His breath stinks, Billy. He smells of whiskey. But when he kisses me, I open my mouth. I hate when he wants me to kiss him. But because I belong to him, he can make me do anything no matter how disgusting or humiliating. I know you don’t understand. I don’t understand either, but that’s the way it is. Do you know what other things he makes me do for him, Billy?”

  “No, please Lisa, no,” I shook my head and tried not to hear her.

  “I cook wonderful dinners for him, Billy. I fix myself up real pretty for him. I wear these clothes for him. I put on this leather collar, these shoes, the painful metal clips on my nipples because Silk wants me to. When he comes home for dinner, Billy, he attaches a leash to my collar. He calls me his little whore. After I’ve served him his dinner, I kneel on the floor by his chair. When he tugs on the leash, I degrade myself by crawling under the table and kneeling between his legs. I zip down his fly, Billy, and while he eats and drinks, I...I... suck his cock. His cock is dark brown and thin. It smells bad. Since he’s old, it’s not easy to make him hard. But I suck his cock, Billy. I lick his wrinkled balls, Billy. I hold them in my mouth. I’m under the table, kneeling between his legs, Billy, and while he’s eating the dinner I’ve made him, I’m licking his balls.” She shuddered. “That’s the way it is here, almost every evening of the week.”

  “Please Lisa!” I cried. “For God’s sake, stop it!”

  “Billy,” she went on in the flat monotone I remembered from the nights when she came home from Frank’s, “you’ve seen me with Silk before. You know what pleases him most don’t you?”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  “Say it, Billy.”

  “Silk...he...he likes to put it in your ass.”

  “That’s right, Billy. And he does. Every night, Billy. Every night he...he...that dirty old man fucks my ass. Every night of the week, no matter whether he’s drunk or sober, he fucks my ass. I know that every night is going to end with me kneeling before Silk begging for it, begging him to fuck my ass. Do you remember that first time at Frank’s when Silk said I would one day beg him to fuck my ass? Well, now I do it. I beg him. I beg him every night to put his filthy cock in my ass.”

  “Oh, Lisa, my poor Lisa,” I said. “You’ve got to let me get you out of here. Maybe a psychiatrist?”

  “No, Billy. I’m Silk’s woman. Every part of me belongs to him. My mouth, my pussy, my ass...all his.” I convinced myself she had been made to rehearse all of this for the cameras that whirred above us. “Am I wet, Billy. Look at me. Am I wetter than I was when you came in?”

  I could see a thin milky-white strand oozing from the pink lips of her tiny pussy. “Yes Lisa,” I said, “you’re wet...very wet.”

  “Frank was so right, Billy. Talking about it...about the sex and belonging to Silk makes me wet, makes me hot. All day when he’s gone I think about him, about what he will do to me when he comes home, about how I am his woman. I’m wet all the time, Billy.”

  We heard footsteps on the stairs. Lisa sat up straight arching her back so that her nipples pressed tight against her blouse. I could see the clips now and the thin chain that connected them. “He’s bringing someone with him,” she said. “He often does. That’s why I’m wearing the blindfold. He doesn’t let me take it off until after.”

  The door banged open. We could hear Silk cursing the weather and telling someone where to hang the coats.

  Lisa’s face was crimson. She bowed her head for a moment, then lifted it. Her jaw tightened. The footsteps started down the hall. She forced herself to relax as she spread her legs wider. It seemed like a nightmare to me. My beautiful wife sitting there on the high stool, displaying herself, her knees spread to expose her shaved pussy, her small breasts thrust out, the blindfold, the collar, her breathing coming faster, her nipples stiffening...all for this cretin, this repulsive old drunk.

  I turned to see Silk in the doorway. He looked uglier and filthier than I’d remembered. He stared at Lisa then at me, his eyes hard, unblinking. He coughed up some yellow phlegm and spit it on the floor. Then, grinning at me, he wiped his nose with the back of his hand. Beside him stood what I, at first, took to be a stocky child. But, as he stepped into the light, I saw that it was a filthy old man who couldn’t have been four feet tall. His head was very large. His matted gray hair hung to his hunched shoulders. On his back, between his shoulders, was a hump. He swung his arms back and forth, nervously.

  I started to rise. Silk motioned for me to stay seated and brought his fingers to his chapped lips as he pointed at the stranger. “Ah, Billy, I’m glad you could come,” he said. “I bet your wife here was happy to see you.” He laughed, showing his yellow broken teeth. “That is, if she could see you. But she will, Billy boy, she will. All in good time. A little reunion: Lisa, her husband, and me, her new lover. Right, Lisa?”

  “Yes, that’s right honey.”

  Silk laughed again. “You hear that, Billy? Calls me ‘honey’ all the time, and I only had to tell her once.” He brought the disgusting little man forward. “This here’s Mr. Leavy, Billy. Frank found him and sent him with me as a kind of present for little Lisa.”

  “No!” I began to protest.

  “Sit the fuck down, Billy!” Silk shouted. He lurched over to Lisa. I noticed he had on worn sneakers that were soaked from the rain. He wore no socks. His bony bare ankles were streaked with dirt. His trousers were also wet and dirty, the cuffs frayed. “She ain’t your woman no more,” he sneered. “The sooner you get that through your fuckin head the better.” Standing next to her he said, “Now, let’s just ask my hot little woman what she would like to do for Mr. Leavy.”

  “I’ll do whatever you say, honey.” I could see Lisa felt his presence. Instinctively, she drew back slightly.

  Silk put his hand on her knee. She flinched. “Well, Lisa, suppose you tell Mr. Leavy what’s available, you know, tell him what you have to offer. Then, he can tell you what he’d like you to do. Speak up cause he don’t hear so good.”

  “Mr. Leavy,” she began in the flat, rehearsed tone, “you can undress me. When I’m naked you can touch me, feel me. to be touched. If you wish to kiss me, you can. If you want me to kiss you, my tongue in your mouth, I’ll do it.”

  The deformed little man limped forward to stand beside Silk. He unbuckled his pants and pushed them down over his short, muscular legs.

  “What else, Bitch?” Silk asked.

  She responded in the same monotone, “I...I’ll suck your...your cock. Or you can fuck me, Mr. Leavy. I need to be fucked.” Leavy had stepped out of his pants. His thick cock was dark red, and hard, and surprisingly long. He pulled at i
t and grunted something.

  Silk squeezed Lisa’s knee. “Leavy can’t talk good,” he said. “But I think he wants to fuck you. Where’s your goddamn leash?”

  Lisa grew tense, “I...I’m sorry, honey.” The fear in her voice was obvious. “I forgot.”

  “Yeah, well, that’s gonna cost you.” Silk crossed the room and took from a hook on the wall a long leather leash, which he angrily snapped to a ring on Lisa’s collar. “You’re nothin but a fuckin bitch in heat so let’s see you act like one.” He pulled on the leash. Lisa, still blindfolded, quickly got down on the floor and lowered her head as she raised her ass. She reached back and slid her skirt up. Silk nudged the man, “Is that what you want, Mr. Leavy?” Leavy grunted.

  He moved behind Lisa, his cock level with her pussy. Silk smiled. “I think Billy ought to tell Mr. Leavy to fuck you.”

  “No,” I said.

  “Lisa,” Silk asked, “are you my woman, my hot little whore?”

  “Yes...yes...that’s what I am. Please, Billy,” Lisa said, “tell him.”

  “Lisa, I can’t.”

  “Please tell him, Billy,” she repeated.

  “Fuck her, Mr. Leavy,” I said.

  “Yeah!” Silk shouted, “Fuck Billy boy’s wife! Fuck her good. That hot little cunt’s been waitin all day. Right Lisa?”

  “Yes, honey.’s been waiting all day.”

  With one grimy hand, Leavy held the base of his cock as he shoved it in. Lisa gasped. He then grabbed Lisa’s ass and pulled her tight against him. He thrust quickly back and forth just as a dog might. Spittle flew from his mouth and he kept grunting. In less than a minute, he came.

  “Lick him clean,” Silk ordered.

  Still on her knees, Lisa turned around blindly reaching for Leavy’s cock. He straddled her face. She opened her mouth to take the last drops of his cum. Silk stood behind her and, while Leavy’s cock was still in her mouth, Silk removed the blindfold. Lisa’s eyes widened and she jerked her head back and cried out in fear and loathing. She started to rise and push Leavy away. Silk quickly yanked on the leash pulling her forward on her hands and knees. Leavy’s cock was going limp. He stood there looking bewildered. Lisa began to cry.

  “Goddamn you!” Silk hissed. “You ain’t learned nothin. Wait till Frank sees this.” He smacked her hard across the face. I stood up and grabbed his arm.

  Lisa twisted around to face me. “Sit down, Billy,” she said. She quickly reached for Silk’s hand, the one he had struck her with. Trembling, she put it to her mouth kissed it, telling him how sorry she was and begging him to forgive her.

  I sat down. Silk grinned at me. He looked down at Lisa. “You want to make things right?”

  “Yes, please. I want to make things right.”

  “Tell Leavy you’re sorry. Get him over to the couch. Tease him, you know, get him hard again. And do it good, you understand.”

  “Yes,” Lisa said looking up at Silk, tears forming in her eyes, “yes, I’ll try.” She stood, unsteady on the spike heels. Taking Leavy by the hand she led him to the leather couch which was against the far wall. As the other spotlights dimmed out, one in the ceiling over the couch came on. Leavy sat while Lisa kneeled at his feet and removed his shoes and socks. He looked across at us and smiled. He had no teeth. All I saw were his purple gums.

  Silk nudged me, “Beauty and the beast,” he whispered.

  Lisa knelt there for several minutes rubbing the little man’s ugly feet. She looked up, “Your feet are cold,” she said. Leavy reached down and unbuttoned her blouse. Roughly, he pushed it off her shoulders and it dropped to the floor. I noticed how the clamps bit into the pale skin of her breasts so that her nipples stood out, dark and hard. Her small breasts were high and firm. The chain that connected the nipple clips drooped down between them. Levy took each swollen nipple between his thumb and forefinger and suddenly twisted them. Lisa screamed.

  “Goddamn, stop it!” I yelled. “Leave her alone!’I started to rise again, but Silk quickly moved in front of me. With one punch I could have smashed his face.

  “Billy,” he said evenly, “if you don’t fuckin stay in that chair and keep your fuckin mouth shut, I’m gonna put your wife through stuff that will make this look like a church supper.” I remembered Dooley was downstairs in the deli. I sat down.

  Silk turned around and leaned toward Lisa, “Tell him you want more,” he said.

  Lisa, still on her knees between Levy’s legs, arched her back and thrust her breasts up toward him. She placed her hands behind her neck. “Please,” she said, “more.” He twisted her nipples a second time. She sucked in her breath and made a small sound. She glanced at Silk, who nodded. She repeated, “More.” She offered him her breasts again. Leavy viciously pinched and rolled her nipples between his fingers. Lisa shut her eyes and bit her lip but did not pull back.

  “You like it don’t you?” Silk asked. “It makes you hot? A little pain makes you hot?”

  “ makes me hot.”

  “Touch yourself,” Silk ordered. “Is the cum dripping out of your cunt?”

  Lisa put her hand between her legs. “Yes, honey. I’m wet. I’m very wet.”

  “Well, now that you got no blindfold on you can see what a handsome lover I brought you. You’re probably wanting to get him hard again so that this time you can watch him fuck you?”

  She turned toward us, “I...I...don’t....”

  Silk shook his head in disgust, “Jesus, Billy, I think this wife of yours is the dumbest fuckin bitch I ever seen!” He pointed a finger at her, “Do what the fuck you’re supposed to do!” he shouted.

  She inched forward to kneel between Leavy’s legs and reached up to unbutton his shirt. He shrugged it off. The hump on his back was grotesque. It rose like a bony ridge from between his shoulders. It was milk white, but on it were patches of dark crusted skin and several tufts of wiry black hairs. “Tease him,” Silk said. “He’s your latest lover, ain’t he?” Silk chuckled.

  Lisa bowed her head. “Yes,” she said softly, “he’s my latest lover.” She lifted his stubby legs up and swung them over so that he was lying stretched out on the couch. She propped a pillow behind his head. Then, she stood beside him and slowly pushed her skirt down and stepped out of it. She moved close to his massive head and spread her pussy and began to move her hips.

  Silk looked at me, “ The little bitch still don’t like to say the words.” He turned back to Lisa, “Talk to him,” Silk directed.

  Lisa continued to move her hips. She leaned over slightly and held her breasts out to him. The silver clips reflected the light, and the chain swayed back and forth. The toothless bum grinned up at her. She closed her eyes again. “’s wet...I’m excited. Please, I...I...want you. I want you fuck me again.” Leavy grunted. She opened her eyes forcing herself to look at him. He lay motionless, waiting. Tentatively, she reached out and touched his cheek, “I...I want...I want to feel you inside me.”

  Leavy grabbed her leash and pulled her down on top of him. She took his head between her hands and shutting her eyes again, pressed her lips against the black hole that was his mouth.

  “French him,” Silk commanded, “tongue the dirty old bastard’s gums.” She parted her lips and did as Silk had ordered. After a moment, she lifted up and, pushing aside his long greasy hair, she licked his ear. She kissed his neck. I noticed her hesitate, then she placed her tiny hands on his ugly hump and caressed it. She worked her way down his body and soon was kneeling between his spread legs. There, she stroked his cock and teased its tip with her tongue. She leaned forward and softly kissed his stomach. He moaned with pleasure. As she slid her naked body along his, he put a hand on the chain and pulled it. Lisa winced and caught her breath. He pulled again. The clips bit into her swollen nipples. This time she cried out.

  Quickly she moved up to straddle him. Parting the lips of her pussy, she slowly lowered herself onto his cock. She began to rock back and forth. In the strong li
ght they cast a distorted shadow on the wall. When she felt he was about to cum, she stopped and bent down to kiss him. He once more grabbed her nipples and twisted them until she screamed and drew back. He yanked on the leash drawing her face down to his. She parted her lips to accept his thick tongue. She positioned herself so that his cock rubbed against her clit. Rising up, and undulating her hips, she rode his cock furiously as she dug her fingers into his shoulders.

  Then, she was cumming, crying out, her eyes squeezed shut, her face contorted. Leavy grunted and pushed up as he came with her. She continued to grind herself into him, moving her ass backward and forward, pressing down, her head flung back, until she came a second time.

  “That’s it!” Silk shouted, “the fuckin humpbacked piece of shit made your pretty little wife cum Billy! He made her cum twice! I bet you never did her that good.” He slapped me on the back and laughed. “Did you see her Billy...did you see the look on her face? Did you hear her yelling when she came? Goddamn it, Billy,” Silk was shaking his head and still laughing, “she loved it. Your hot little wife loved fuckin the ugly bastard!”

  Leavy had rolled from under Lisa and was sitting on the floor. Lisa lay face down on the couch and, covering her face with both hands, began to sob. Her body was shaking uncontrollably. I stood and started toward her. Leavy looked frightened and quickly scrambled to gather his clothes. Silk stood behind me and spoke in a quiet, steady voice, “Billy if you touch that wife of yours it’s gonna be a goddamn lot worse for her.”I stopped. “Now go back to your chair.” I did as he ordered. “She gets like this sometimes. She cries. Frank says she’s fighting against her own nature. She’s too fuckin emotional. But she’s learning.” He took several steps forward. “Ain’t that right, little bitch?”

  Lisa was still sobbing and shivering, her breath coming in short gasps. She couldn’t answer. Silk waited, then asked again, “You’re learning, ain’t you Lisa? You’re learning to like whatever me or Frank tell you to’re learning that you want to do it, and do it without all this fuckin blubbering...ain’t that right?” Lisa had pulled her legs up and lay on the couch in a fetal position. She continued to hide her face. The sobs began to subside. “Answer, Goddamn it!” Silk shouted.


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