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The Lisa Series

Page 24

by Charles Arnold

  Silk grabbed her hips and dug his fingernails into her inflamed ass cheeks. She cried out in pain. Ignoring her, he pulled her back against him pumping with short hard strokes.

  Dooley guided her head back to his prick. Saliva ran from the corner of her mouth. “Yeah, that’s the way, babe, hot and wet,” he said. “Frank and old Silk sure taught you how to suck. And you know what to do with your hands don’t you?” Looking up at him, she nodded and inserted another finger into his anus. “Yeah,” he said, “That’s me like me good!” He placed his hands on her head and slowly forced her to take almost the entire length of his cock. She began to gag. Dooley quickly pulled his cock from her mouth, “Take it!” he yelled.

  Lisa leaned forward, her mouth wide, her lips almost touching the swollen head of his prick. Aggggh!” Dooley cried as he spurted gobs of thick jism into her open mouth. Before he was finished, he pulled her head forward. She took him in her mouth again. “Suck me dry, you little white bitch, suck me dry!” he demanded. I watched her swallow as she sucked.

  Silk was wheezing and grunting as he came in her ass. Both men withdrew from her at the same time, their cocks already going limp. Lisa lay face down on the couch and buried her head in her arms. Her body, covered with a sheen of perspiration, began to shake as she sobbed uncontrollably.

  I tried to get up, yanking at the handcuffs, which cut into my wrists, “Goddamn you Silk! Let her go!” I yelled. “You bastards are killing her!”

  Dooley crossed to stand over me. “Shut the fuck up or I’ll cut you,” he said.

  Silk sat on the edge of the couch stroking Lisa’s bruised ass. “Billy says we’re killing you. He wants us to let you go,” he said quietly. “Is that true? Are we killing you? Do you want to go?” Lisa shook her head but continued to weep softly. Silk looked at me, “See, Billy, your pretty wife ain’t hurt. She don’t want to leave. She likes it here. Ain’t that right, Lisa?” He parted her legs slightly and slid his hand between them.

  She pushed back against his hand. “Yes,” she whispered, “I like it here.”

  “Whose woman are you?”

  “Yours. I’m your woman.”

  “Good. Now stop that damn yammering. Go fix yourself up again. Rafti wants your ass and we all want to watch you make his wife cum.”

  Lisa sat up staring at Silk in disbelief, her eyes wide, her hands trembling. “No,” she said, her voice a raspy whisper, “no, I can’t. I won’t. I’m exhausted. They...they...” she glanced at Rafti and Arisha, “they are...are...” she turned back to Silk. “No.” she said.

  Silk’s face reddened and he seemed about to strike her, but got control of himself. He stared at her for a full minute. She stared back at him defiant, unmoving. “Okay, then,” he said. “Get dressed and get the hell out of here.” Lisa hesitated. She looked again at Rafti and Arisha. She shook her head.

  “I will,” she said. “I will get out.” She rose unsteadily and left the room. After a moment, we heard the shower.

  Chapter Six


  Silk and Dooley put on their robes. After turning to watch Lisa leave, Rafti stuffed his fat cock back into his baggy pants. “I’ll pay,” he pleaded, “I’ll pay a lot. Jesus, I want her. I want her ass!”

  “I’d like to whip that ass till it really bleeds,” Arisha said. Both of them were standing looking for an answer from Silk.

  He waved a hand at them, “Sit down. Maybe the night ain’t over yet.” Dooley smiled and opened a folding chair. Rafti and his wife returned to their seats. Silk went into the kitchen. We soon heard him speaking on the phone but couldn’t make out what he was saying. After awhile he came back carrying a speakerphone which he plugged into a wall outlet. Then, he sat down on the couch and, closing his eyes, leaned back. We all waited. No one spoke.

  Twenty minutes went by before Lisa appeared in the doorway. She wore a black, knee length full skirt and a loose button-up white sweater. Her legs were bare. On her feet were the same five inch heels. She carried a plain black wool coat and her purse. She looked over at Silk. “I don’t have any stockings, and you threw away my shoes so I’ll have to go home in these. I haven’t taken any of the other stuff.” Her voice trembled as she spoke. She had reapplied her bright red lipstick and the eye makeup, but she looked very pale and tired.

  “Okay, then,” Silk leaned forward placing his hands on his bony knees, “Take Billy with you. Dooley has the key for the handcuffs.”

  Lisa was holding on to the doorframe for support. “I’m sorry, but I just couldn’t do what you wanted. You finally asked for too much.” She glanced at Rafti and Arisha. “I couldn’t...I just couldn’t...”

  “Right,” Silk said, “I got your meaning.” He stood up. “Only one thing more before you leave. I think you ought to say goodbye to the main man, the one who started all this.”

  “No,” Lisa began to protest, “no I don’t...”

  Silk crossed the room to take her by the arm. “I got Frank on the speaker phone.” He forced her to the couch. “Now, you just sit the fuck down and relax. Frank wants to say a couple of things, then you can go.”

  Lisa was shaking and holding back the tears. Silk continued to grip her arm until he felt she wouldn’t bolt for the door. He then came back out of the circle of light and unfolded a chair beside Dooley. The five of us formed a small audience watching Lisa try desperately to get her emotions under control. Suddenly Frank’s voice boomed out of the speaker, “Well, Lisa!” She jumped and looked toward the entryway. I thought she might get up and run. Frank spoke again, “Silk tells me you’ve decided to leave us?” It was a question.

  “You don’t need a phone,” Silk instructed. “Speak up and Frank will hear you.”

  Lisa bit her lower lip and clenched her hands. “I can’t do what he wants...what Silk wants. I just can’t.” She paused, “Please, Frank, I’m so tired.”

  “Yes, I suppose you are.” Frank’s voice was conciliatory. “Tell me Lisa, do you love your husband?” The question caught her by surprise.

  She looked at me. The tears began to flow. “Yes,” she said, “yes, I do. I’ve never stopped loving him.”

  “How about me,” Frank chided, “do you love me?”

  Lisa answered quickly, “No! I never did. I never could. I don’, not love.”

  “What about Silk?” Frank interrupted. “You in love with old Silk?”

  “No! No!” Lisa cried. “I hate him. Hate him, Frank. I hate him!” Her face was red with anger.

  “Why? Why do you hate poor old Silk so much?”

  Lisa glared at Silk for a moment then looked away. She spoke in a loud, clear voice, “He’s old and ugly. He...he never bathes. He smells. He treats me the cheapest of whores. He humiliates me, always humiliates me in every possible way.” She was speaking rapidly. “He makes me do terrible things. I hate to look at him. I hate when he touches me.” Her voice rose and I could see her small hands tighten into fists. “I can’t tell you how I despise him. I hate him! Hate him!” She was close to hysteria. I tugged at the handcuff. Dooley started to rise, but Silk motioned him back to his seat.

  It was a moment before Frank spoke again, “I remind you, Lisa, that when I gave you to Silk you said you wanted to be his woman.”

  Lisa bowed her head. “Yes,” she said softly, “I...I...know. I can’t explain how it is. I must be crazy...I...I must have been crazy. I’m not now.”

  “You love your husband?”

  “Yes, more than ever.”

  “This next question is for Billy,” Frank said. “Billy, you’ve seen your wife do things that even a degenerate whore wouldn’t do. You couldn’t possibly love her now?”

  “You’re wrong, Frank,” I said. “It doesn’t matter what she’s done. I want her back. I want us to have a life together.”

  “So,” Frank began, “it’s perfectly clear what Lisa ought to do. She should follow her heart. She should leave Silk who she obviously hates and return to the kind of
secure, comfortable life she used to have with the man she loves. She should go home with Billy who truly loves her.”

  Lisa tried a little smile and looked out at me. “Yes, Frank, that’s what I want. That’s what I really want.”

  “Good. That’s what you’ll have. But first, just for old time’s sake, tell me about tonight. Tell me what you did.”

  “Please, Frank, let me leave. I...I...don’t want to talk about...”

  “Oh, it’s no longer ‘Frank, honey’?” he interrupted.

  “No. No more of that.” Lisa’s face was set and her voice, firm.

  “Well, Lisa, Dooley will unlock the handcuffs after you tell me about tonight’s little party over there at Silk’s.”

  “It’s on the tape,” Lisa argued. “You can see it on the tape.”

  “But I want to hear you tell it.” Lisa was silent. “Speak up, Lisa, and in five minutes you and your husband can be on your way.”

  Lisa took a deep breath. “Billy arrived around eight o’clock and we talked. Silk wasn’t home yet.”

  “Were you on your stool?”


  “What were you wearing?”

  “A short red skirt and a shear red blouse.”


  “Yes, these black spike heels Silk makes me wear.”

  “Do you like dressing that way to please Silk?”

  “ don’t. It makes me look a cheap whore. I hate it.”

  “Okay...the red blouse and skirt and the ‘fuck-me’ shoes. That’s all?”


  “Aren’t you forgetting something?”

  “The blindfold.”


  “Those...those painful clamps on my breasts...nipple clips,” she said.

  “Legs spread?”

  “Yes...I always have to sit that way.”

  “Are your legs spread now?”

  “No,” she answered defiantly, “they aren’t.”

  “Well then, how about your pussy? Is it wet?”

  She hesitated, glancing over at Silk, then looking down at her hands, “I...I...suppose it is...yes.”

  “What did you tell Billy about your relationship with Silk?”

  “I told him that you had given me to Silk for a few weeks...that I belonged to Silk.”

  “Did you tell your husband that you liked being Silk’s woman?”

  “I don’t remember. Maybe I might have.”

  “Do you like being Silk’s woman? I know you said you hate him but, even if that’s true, do you like giving your body to him? Don’t you like to feel his hands on you? Haven’t you learned to like the taste of his cock and how it feels in your ass?”

  Lisa didn’t answer right away. Finally, she said, “ I don’t like giving my body to him. I wish I had never done any of the things I’ve done. I can’t stand him to touch me.”

  “Very well.” Frank said. “Tell me, when Silk came home what happened?”

  “Like he often did, he brought someone with him. I was wearing the blindfold so I couldn’t see who it was.” Her voice had faded to the point where we almost couldn’t hear it.

  “Speak up!” Frank shouted, causing Lisa to flinch.

  She took a deep breath before beginning again, “Silk made me get on my knees in front of this person. He...he made me...made me suck.”

  “When Silk took off the blindfold?”

  “The man he’d brought home was a...a homeless... ugly, humpbacked, little old man with this big head was awful.” She glared angrily at Silk. “I...I...never....” She couldn’t finish.

  “He came in your mouth?”

  “Yes, I...I...have to take it...take the cum. Then Silk took off the blindfold.”

  “What happened next?”

  “Silk got mad at me because I cried. This man, this deformed disgusting man was filthy and smelled so bad.” She closed her eyes and shook her head. Frank waited. Lisa shook her head. “Then Silk made me tease the dirty old man.”

  “What for?”

  “So he would get hard again.”


  “Silk wanted him me.”

  “He had just cum in your mouth. Did he get hard again?”

  “Yes, after a little while he did.”

  “How? How did you get him hard?””

  “I undressed for him.”


  “Except for my shoes, I was naked.”


  “And I...I kissed him. I had to. Silk made me do it.”

  “His mouth?”

  “Yes and.....”

  “And what?”

  “His chest and his...his cock.”

  “In other words, you made love to this ugly retarded piece of shit? You must have wanted him to fuck you?”

  “No, I didn’t. I wanted him to leave. But...but Silk ordered me”

  “Did the old guy fuck you?”


  “Did you cum?”


  “Was it good? Did fucking him make you cum good?”

  The color rose to Lisa’s cheeks, “I...I...don’t know...maybe.”

  “The truth, Lisa.”

  “Yes, I came good.”

  “How good?”

  “It was good.”

  “Then what happened?”

  “The little man left. Silk sent me down to the deli for beer.”

  “And you were wearing?”

  “The same things, only Silk cut holes in the blouse.”

  “What for?”

  “So my nipples would be bare. And so the deli owners and Dooley would see the nipple clips.”

  “Did you like showing the nipple clips to the deli people?”

  “ was very ashamed. I looked so cheap. I hated it.”

  “What do the deli owners think of you?”

  “They think I’m Silk’s...woman...his...his...whore.”

  “Why do they think that?”

  “Silk told them.”

  “Did you ever tell them you were Silk’s whore?”

  Again, she paused before answering, “Maybe I did. I suppose I did.”

  “Are you Silk’s whore?”

  “Yes...I mean...I was.”

  “Did you show the deli owners anything else besides the nipple clips?”

  “Yes. There’s this plug...this anal plug. It’s like a dildo. Silk made me put it in and said I had to show it to them.”

  “Where was it?”

  “ anal opening.”

  “Do you like having the plug in your ass?”

  “No. It hurts. I hate it.”

  “Do you like Silk’s cock in your ass?”

  “No. Like I said, I hate him. I hate him to do that to me.”

  “But don’t you sometimes ask him to fuck your ass?”

  She looked down and twisted her hands in her lap. “Yes,” she whispered.

  “I didn’t hear you.”

  “Yes..I do. I sometimes ask...I ask him it”

  “What are the names of the deli owners?”

  “Rafti and his wife is Arisha.”

  “Did Rafti fuck you?”

  “No. I...I...sucked him. Silk ordered me.”

  “This Rafti, he cum in your mouth?”


  “Everyone cums in your mouth, right?”

  She turned her head to the side and looked down at the floor. “Yes,” she said softly.

  “You like that? You like when men cum in your mouth?”

  Lisa hesitated. “No,” she looked up, “no, I don’t like it. Just the thought of it makes me feel sick. Until you...until you made me do it, I had never touched a man there with my mouth.” She glanced at me. “Not even Billy.”

  “But in the past few months you’ve become an accomplished cocksucker and you always swallow the cum. Your sweet mouth and those soft lips were ma
de for sucking cock. How many do you think you’ve sucked?”

  Words of praise from Frank were very rare. The color rose to Lisa’s cheeks. “I...I...don’t know how many.” She looked out at me and I could see tears forming in her eyes, “But I wish I had never done it.”

  “Was Rafti’s wife watching you suck her husband’s cock?”

  “Arisha...yes, she was there.”

  “Did that turn her on?”

  Lisa glanced at Arisha, “No, it made her angry.”

  “Then what?”

  “She...she...whipped me.”

  “With what?”

  “I...I...think it was a riding crop. My hands were cuffed and stretched above my head. And...and...Billy...he was strapped against me with two of your belts.”

  “I bet he liked that. Did he cum?”


  “This Arisha, did she whip you good? Leave marks?”


  “I want the truth, Lisa. Were you wet after the whipping?”

  “I...I…don’t know.”

  “I think you do know.”

  “Yes, I was wet.”

  “Are you wet now?”

  “I don’t know. Please Frank...”

  He cut her off, “Find out.”

  “No. I won’t.”

  “Okay. So, after the whipping, I’m sure Silk let you get cleaned up. Then what?”

  “When I came back, Dooley was there.”

  “Were you happy to see him?”

  “No. He frightens me.”

  “What did you do for Dooley?”

  “Silk ordered me suck him.”

  “That pretty little mouth of yours was sure busy tonight. Did you do anything else for old Dooley?” The question confirmed what I’d suspected. The entire evening had been carefully planned. Otherwise, Frank would not have asked if she’d done anything else for Dooley. He was now making Lisa talk about everything she’d done. They all knew that making her describe these things stimulated her.

  “Yes. I did something else for Dooley.”

  “What?” Frank was being patient.

  “Dooley told me...he told me get down on my knees and kiss his feet.”

  “Did you?”

  “I said ‘no’, but then Silk ordered me to do it.”


  “I did.”

  “Why did you do it if it was so humiliating?”


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