The Lisa Series

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The Lisa Series Page 25

by Charles Arnold

  “Silk...he told me I had to.”

  “Why did you listen to Silk?”

  “Because gave me to him. You said I belong to him. You said I must do for him what I do for you.”

  “Which is?”

  “Whatever you say.”

  “Yeah, that’s right. Whatever I say. After the thing with Dooley what happened?”

  “Dooley...I...I hadn’t sucked him yet. Silk wanted me to take both of them, him and Dooley, at the same time.”

  “Did Silk ask you or tell you?”

  “I...I’m not sure. I think he asked me if I would do them both.”

  “What was your answer?”

  “I...I...said ‘yes’.”

  “So, Silk didn’t order you to do it. He asked you if you would, and you said ‘yes’?”

  Lisa bowed her head. “That’s right,” she said, softly.

  “Did Silk fuck your pussy?”

  “No. He likes...he took me...took me from behind.”

  “Your ass, Lisa, your ass. Did you ask him to fuck your ass?”

  “Earlier in the evening I did.”

  “Did you ask him or beg him to fuck it?”

  Again, it was a moment before she could answer, “I begged.”

  “Say it again.”

  “I...I begged him fuck my ass.”

  “But, Lisa, you hate the man. You told us that several times. You also said you hate him to do that to you.”

  “Yes. I do hate him. I hate when he takes me that way.”

  “How often does Silk fuck your ass?”

  “Since you gave me to him, he has...has...fucked my ass every night. He also does it sometimes in the afternoon when he comes home early.”

  “Are you ready for him when he comes home.”

  “Yes. He tells me when he will be back so I can be ready.”

  “What do you do to prepare yourself for old Silk?”

  “I put the KY in.”


  “Unless he tells me different, he wants me to be on the bed.”

  “Go on.”

  “Please, Frank, I don’t want to talk about it. It’s over and...and...”

  “Just a few more questions, Lisa, then you can go. I promise. Now, tell us how you get yourself ready to receive this ugly old man you hate so much.”

  “Before he gets home, I have showered and shaved pussy. I’ve put on my make-up and perfume.”

  “So, you’re all nice and clean and smell good for old Silk. What do you wear?”

  “Usually, a shear pajama top or short nightie.”

  “Do you like putting on your lipstick and making yourself pretty for Silk? Do you think about who he might bring home? Do you imagine what he might make you do? Do you get excited?”

  “No....I mean...sometimes I think about those things...and...and,” she didn’t finish.

  “When Silk gets home, are you on your back in the bed?”

  “No. He likes see my ass when he comes into the bedroom.”

  “Tell us.”

  “I put my head on the mattress and raise my ass.” She paused, “I reach back and spread my cheeks for him.”

  “Does he compliment you, tell you how pretty you are? Does he want to make love to you?”

  “No. He yells at me if I’ve done anything wrong, or even if I haven’t he mutters and swears. He’s usually been drinking all afternoon and is mean. He just...he just grabs me and pushes it in.”

  “Say it.”


  “You know what. Just say it, Lisa.”

  “Silk rapes my...I mean Silk fucks my ass. He just fucks it hard...fucks my ass. It hurts the way he grabs me, the way he shoves it in. He stinks...his skin...his breath.”

  “Say again what you do, and what he does, and tell me how often.”

  “I...I...spend a long time getting ready...making myself pretty for him. He comes home and...and fucks my ass. Sometimes he fucks my ass twice a day, in the afternoon and at night.”

  “You sleep in the same bed?”

  “Yes, we do.”

  “Close to each other and naked?”

  “Yes, very close and we’re naked. Silk wants to feel my body against him.”

  “You ever sleep naked in bed with Billy?”

  Lisa glanced quickly at me then looked away, “No…no, I always wore my pajamas and so did Billy.”

  Frank chuckled, “I bet Silk snores and farts. Right?”

  “Yes, he stinks...he always stinks but at night it’s worse. The bedclothes have never been washed, and he leaves his stinking shoes and socks on the floor and his dirty underwear.” She shook her head in disgust.

  “In the middle of the night he probably wakes you. Then what happens?”

  It was several moments before Lisa answered. “He tells me to make love to kiss him...tease him...suck his...his...cock until he’s hard. Then...then while I’m on my back I have to pull my legs back over my head and offer him makes me beg. I have to beg him to fuck my ass again.”

  “After he shoots his load in your ass, than what?”

  It was several moments before Lisa answered, “He...usually makes me clean off his...cock...lick it clean.”

  “Ah, Silk is a lucky man. But let’s get back to tonight. Did Dooley cum in your mouth?”


  “And Silk?”

  “Like he always does, he came in my ass.”

  “Touch yourself and tell me if you’re wet.”

  Lisa sat for a very long time looking down at her hands, which were still folded in her lap. Her skirt covered her knees. Her legs were primly together, the spike heels squarely on the floor. Finally, she looked up and out toward the silent watchers. A shiver seemed to go through her, and she made a small noise deep in her throat. She lowered her head again. Slowly she slid her feet slightly apart. She unclasped her hands and reached down to the hem of her skirt. Her hand disappeared under it.

  “Well,” Frank said, “have you done what I told you to do?”

  “Yes, I did.”


  “I’m wet.”


  “Yes, very wet.”

  “I thought you would be. You know, Lisa, you’ve decided to go back to your little apartment and your comfortable life with Billy. I have to say that your decision is a disappointment to me. Next week some rich and powerful men are flying clear across the ocean. Do you know why?”


  “They’re coming to see you.” She did not respond. “And, little Lisa, these men are bringing a suitcase full of money. They’ve seen most of your tapes. They’re expecting maybe to make a purchase. Know what I mean?” Lisa remained quiet.“If you ain’t here, well, these guys are going to be pissed off, really pissed off at old Frank.” He paused, waiting.

  “I can’t...I can’t do what Silk wants me to do. I don’t want to see these men. I want to go home.”

  Frank sighed. “Then, that’s that. I’ll deal with the rich guys the best way I can. But later don’t you change your mind. Don’t you phone me next week or come crawling back. You’re free to go. Go home with your husband who loves you. First, though, I want you to sit there for a minute or two and think about it. Then, if you’re still determined to leave, just walk over to Billy and ask Dooley for the keys. I’ll hear you.”

  Lisa sat very straight and still, not looking at any of us. Once more she clenched her hands in her lap. She was breathing rapidly. We all waited. Finally, Frank said, “With all this talk, Rafti’s dick has probably gone limp. What do you think, Lisa?”

  She couldn’t speak immediately and when she did her voice was little more than a soft whisper empty of all emotion, “Yes, it probably has.”

  “If you pull up your skirt and open your legs and show him your cunt, maybe he’ll get it up.”

  “Lisa!” I cried, “For God’s sake, Lisa don’t, please don’t!”

  She didn’t look
in my direction. It was as if she hadn’t heard me. Her head still bowed, she slowly pulled her skirt back over her knees and spread her legs.

  Frank’s voice came over the speakerphone, “Can Rafti see your pussy?”

  “Yes, he can see it.”

  “Why don’t you just walk over there and tease him?”

  Lisa didn’t move. She raised her head, staring out at us, her legs still parted. Finally, she took a deep breath, “Yes, honey,” she said.

  “And remember, you’re Silk’s woman. You do exactly what he says.”

  She closed her eyes and bowed her head again. She sat quietly for a moment. I could see her shudder. She opened her eyes and lifted her head. “I know,” she said, “I’m Silk’s woman.” She pushed herself from the couch and, trembling, crossed to stand before Rafti. He looked up at her and grinned. She stared out into the darkness as she unbuttoned her sweater. She bared her small, beautiful breasts for him. Her pink nipples were stiff. Rafti had discovered what Frank and Silk had known from the very start, “Tell me pretty American woman, what do you have for Rafti?”

  She lifted her skirt and, continuing to look out into the dark room behind him, she said, “This.”

  “What is it you’re showing me? Say the words.”

  “I...I’m showing you pussy.”

  “No, say other word. Say if it’s hot and wet.”

  “I’m showing you, which is hot and wet.”

  “For me to fuck?”

  “Yes, for you to fuck.”

  “But I don’t want to fuck your cunt. What else you got for me?”

  “My mouth.”

  “What about it?”

  “You can...fuck my mouth.”

  “I already fucked your mouth. Don’t play games with Rafti. You know what I want.”

  She shook her head and I thought she might refuse. We waited. After a moment she slid her hands up over her body to cup her breasts. Then, looking directly at Rafti, she squeezed the nipples between the thumb and forefinger of each hand. “You want to fuck ass,” she said.

  “And I don’t pay?”

  No, you don’t pay, unless Silk...I mean not unless Mr. Silk wants you to pay.”

  Rafti stood for a moment to push his pants down to his knees. His thick uncircumcised prick was halfway erect. He sat again and spread his fat pasty legs. “Look at my penis,” he said. Lisa looked down at his repulsive cock. He crooked his finger at her. She stepped between his parted knees and leaning over pulled his face to her breasts. He sucked one nipple, then the other. His cock stiffened and brushed against her bare legs. She took his hands in hers and placed them on the backs of her thighs. “Feel me,” she said. I could see the movement of Rafti’s hands under her skirt. As he felt her ass, she winced. When he shoved a blunt finger into her opening, she uttered a small cry.

  “Bite the bitch’s nipples.”Arisha said. “Make her yell.”

  “Give me your tit,” Rafti said. Lisa, leaning closer and bending, offered him her breast. He sucked her nipple into his mouth but didn’t bite it.

  “The KY is on the small table next to the couch,” Silk said.

  Rafti withdrew her nipple from his mouth. His thick lips were wet. “Kiss,” he said.

  “Yes,” she answered and, holding his head between her hands, she gently pressed her open mouth against his.

  He thrust his finger deeper into her causing her to pull away and gasp in pain. Silk chuckled, “You want this fat prick in your ass?”

  Turning toward him, but looking out over all of us she said, “Yes, Mr. Silk.”


  “Now, I want it now.”

  Rafti’s hand continued to move back and forth under her skirt. “Tell him what you want,” Silk ordered.

  Lisa looked down at Rafti’s ugly grinning face, “I...I...want you to fuck my ass.”

  I watched as he moved his moist hands up and down along the backs of her thighs. “Beg for it,” he demanded, “like you begged Silk.”

  She trembled slightly, “Please,” she said, “fuck my ass. Please, I’m begging you to do fuck my ass.”

  “What about me?” Arisha whined.

  Lisa was standing beside the couch, her back toward us. “Turn around,” Silk said, “and tell Arisha what you’re gonna do for her.”

  Rafti withdrew his hand from under her skirt. Lisa faced us. There were tears in her eyes. Her legs were trembling so much now, I thought she might collapse. “I...I’ll...I’ll try to make her cum,” she stammered.

  “How you gonna do that?” Silk asked.

  “I...I’ll lick her.”

  “Lick her what?”

  “Her pussy.”

  “No good. Say it again.”

  “Lick her...her...cunt.”

  Arisha pointed a dirty finger at Lisa, “And you better do more than just try to make me cum, you slut! You gonna do me good. Do me like you like it. You gonna tell me you want to lick my cunt and you gonna say ‘please’.”

  “Take that sweater and skirt off,” Silk ordered. Lisa pushed the sweater from her shoulders and then removed her skirt. The dark red welts crisscrossed her back and ass cheeks. Wearing only her heels, she remained in the circle of light facing us. “Now,” Silk instructed, “stand there like a nice little whore and tell the lady what she wants to hear.”

  She started to speak, but had to stop. She was shaking so bad, she reached back to steady herself against the arm of the couch. “Mrs. Arisha, I...I...will do what you ask.”

  “Go on,” Arisha demanded.

  “I will kiss...I mean, I...I...will lick you...lick your...your cunt.”

  “Ask for it. Ask nice,” Arisha mocked her.

  “Please, Mrs. Arisha, please let me...let me make you cum.”

  Arisha grunted and, kicking off her dirty sandals, lumbered over to the couch and lay down with her back against the arm. “You got some pillows?” She looked out into the darkness where Silk and Dooley were sitting.

  “The other side of the couch,” Silk said.

  Still holding on to steady herself, Lisa brought the pillows to Arisha. She tucked one behind the fat woman’s back. Arisha pulled her full skirt up over her protruding belly and motioned for Lisa to slide the other pillow under her fleshy ass. As Lisa leaned over, Arisha quickly grabbed my wife’s nipples and twisted them viciously. Lisa screamed. The fat woman grinned up at her and continued to twist the swollen nipples. “You should be pierced,” Arisha hissed. “You should have iron nipple rings.”

  “No...please let go!” Lisa pleaded.

  “Say it. Say you want to be pierced,” Arisha demanded. “Say you want to wear nipple rings so that everyone will know you’re a whore.”

  “No!!” Lisa cried.

  Again Arisha twisted Lisa’s nipples and dug her fingernails into them. “Say it!” Arisha shouted. “Say it!”

  “Yes, please. Yes...yes...I want to be pierced.” Arisha twisted the bruised nipples again. Lisa screamed and almost fell forward. She struggled for breath, “I want to wear wear the rings. I want to be pierced and wear the rings.” She whimpered.

  “You heard her, Silk!” Arisha yelled. “Remember what she said.” Arisha released her. Lisa stood next to the couch, the tears streaming down her cheeks. Arisha scowled up at her, “You know what I want,” she said. “I want to use the riding crop on those little titties. I want to mark them with the whip.” Lisa fell to her knees and, covering her face with her hands, began to sob.

  “Enough of that shit!” Silk shouted.

  Frank’s voice came over the speaker phone, “Silk’s right. You made a choice. Now, do what you’re goddamn told to do!”

  Slowly, Lisa got to her feet. Still trembling, she took from a small table the tube of KY and handed it to Rafti. He had removed his pants. His thick cock was hard and the skin over his heavy balls was stretched tight. He reached for Lisa’s hand and squirted some KY into her palm. She rubbed it
on his prick. Then, kneeling on the couch with her head between Arisha’s ponderous legs, she raised her ass. She gasped as Rafti pulled her ass cheeks apart and coated her anal opening with the KY. It seemed impossible to imagine that her tiny pink bud could accommodate the thick, ugly prick he held in his hand.

  Arisha spread her own pussy lips to reveal a dark purple slit that oozed with her juices. “Put your head down here and hold your ass cheeks open for Rafti,” she said. Obediently, Lisa lowered her head. At the same time, she reached back and spread her ass cheeks. Rafti placed the bulbous end of his cock against her anal opening. Lisa made a little sound. Then, as he began to enter her, she screamed. Quickly, Arisha grabbed Lisa’s head and pushed it hard against her gaping cunt. Rafti held Lisa’s ass and steadily eased his prick into her. Lisa’s cries were muffled as Arisha continued to hold her head tightly against her open crotch.

  Slowly, Rafti began to pump his fat prick, sliding in and out of Lisa’s stretched opening. Lisa was crying in pain, but the sounds were muted as Arisha kept her from lifting her head.“Ram her tight ass!” Arisha yelled. “Ram your big prick into her!”

  “Yes! Yes!” Rafti cried. He was sweating and thrusting. In less than a minute, he came. His cock, like a thick white sausage, slid out of Lisa’s ass, and he sat back on his heels.

  “You cum too quick! You cum too quick!” Arisha shouted. She was furious. She grabbed Lisa’s hair and violently yanked it back. Lisa’s mouth and chin were wet with Arisha’s secretions. Arisha glared at her, “You like my cunt? You like how it smells? You like how it tastes?” Lisa shut her eyes and said nothing. Arisha sat up and, once more, dug her fingernails into Lisa’s nipples. Lisa screamed again, her voice on the edge of hysteria. Arisha spit into Lisa’s upturned face. “If you don’t do me like you like it, I gonna cut your fuckin nipples off,” Arisha said, her eyes filled with hatred, her fingernails cutting into Lisa’s breasts.

  “I will,” Lisa gasped. “Please, I will.”

  “You like how my cunt tastes?”

  “Yes, yes!”

  “How it smells?”

  “Yes, oh please, yes!”

  “When I let you go you gonna make love to my cunt. Not just lick it, but make love. And you gonna tell me how much you like it. Yes?”

  “Oh, God, please, yes!”

  Arisha let go of Lisa’s nipples. She lay back again and spread her legs. “Use your hands,” she said. “Open me wide.” Lisa parted the thick matted pubic hairs and spread Arisha’s dark labial lips. “Say it,” Arisha ordered.


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